//------------------------------// // Ch. 32 Thick love. // Story: School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! // by Lazydrill //------------------------------// 4th and last week into punishment - Friday. "Look guys! There is our grounded stallion!" Your ears flicked to the group of friends as you landed in the schoolyard. Trotting over to them you felt your saddlebags lightly bump against your sides, but without the burn spots there, you barely noticed them. You entered the circle of friends and greeted them, hoof bumping the stallions and hugging the mares. You took your spot between Lucky and Dust, Dust giving you a jesting jab to your shoulder. "How's it going Static? Relieved your punishment is nearing its end?" Dust said mockingly. Rubbing your shoulder where he hit you, you gave him a grin, "Hay yeah I am. If it was another week I would have gone crazy for real that time!" Dust waved his hoof nonchalantly at you, "Oh hush it couldn't have been that bad." You scrounged up your face in a joking manner, "Shut up. Just wait until you need to spend an entire month in your room with almost nothing to do." "Pfftt, my parents never ground me or Lightning." You rolled your eyes at him and huffed, "Oh, good for you." Turning your attention to the rest of the group, you noticed one pony missing. The pony that had been missing for three days now, "Hey, does anypony know how Sky Edge is? I haven't spoken to him nor seen him in the past few days." Your friends all gave you shrugs or a worrisome shake with their head. While everypony knew his mother was in the hospital and about to give birth, no pony knew in what condition the family was. "I wonder how he is... I wish we got to hear something about him or his mother." Berry Petal said with uneasiness, Lucky draping a wing over her friend to comfort her. Lucky glanced to all in the circle, "C'mon guys! Don't be so down, Edge's family will be fine." She squeezed Berry gently and lifted your and your friends' mood thanks to her positive energy. "HEY!" Everypony looked up in the sky to see a mess of a pegasus diving to you. The pony stopped abruptly in the middle of the group and before any could open their mouth, the pegasus took a deep breath, "HIS NAME IS STAR RIM! He was born yesterday evening!" It took about three seconds for the group to realize and to start cheering for the tired looking Sky Edge in the middle. Lucky and Berry instantly hugged the stallion and congratulated him, cooing and d'awing as they went . You and the others joined soon after, wishing him and his family the best of health as for the little one that just joined the family. Sky Edge had tears in his eyes, tears of happiness. He didn't say much to you, but what he said told you enough, "You were right... the feeling is indescribable..." "Alright class, please sit down!" You and your fellow classmates all took your seats. With you, a grey pegasus with a waving blue mane, blue eyes and Sky Edge sitting in the middle row respectively. Flicking your tail through the opening in the seats you sat down and placed your saddle bag open on the desk. The teacher in front of the class started drawing formulas and trajectories on the board, "Fillies and colts, today, besides the usual schoolwork," the mare turned around and went with her eyes over everypony, a marker in her right hoof with which she was pointing to the class. "I happen to got wind of something special today for all of you in this class." The teacher skipped with glee to the front of her desk. "A pony that you all know, and some of you adore, will be joining you during your lessons today!" All students in class excitedly began to murmur about who the famous pony could be, you turned in your seat to Sky who was speaking with the pony next to you, "Hey Sky! Do you know who it could be? Maybe Captain Spitfire from the Wonderbolts!" you said while leaning across the desks, an excited grin plastered on your muzzle. Sky looked at you, "I don't know Static, but it sure would be awesome if one of the Wonderbolts showed up! Fog thought the same, he thinks it might be Fleetfoot or Soarin!" "What makes him think of that?" you asked as you glanced curiously to the colt next to you. "Well, Fleetfoot and Soarin both went to High Altitude before they became Wonderbolts, its not unheard of that ponies go back to their old school and look about." Fog said as he twisted in his seat to look at you. "My dad has visited his old school a few times back in Hollow Shades for example." You fell back in your chair, "Ah." Giving a light snort, "Heh, doubt my parents ever went back here to look about." Kicking your stool onto two legs you leaned back, "Does your father still think about going back to Hollow Shades, Fog?" Fog sighed, "Yeah..." He glanced saddened at his desk. "We will be moving back to Hollow Shades when I finish school." Sky lay a hoof on Fog's shoulder,"Sorry to hear that mate." Sky gave the pegasus a little shake, "Well, at least you still have a year to hang around with us." Fog chuckled, "Heh, as if the distance is gonna hold me back from coming back and hanging out with you guys." He laid a hoof on Sky's shoulder. "That's my friend." Sky pulled his hoof back, "Fog, we were planning to go on a trip this Winter with our friends, fancy to join us?" He wiggled his eyebrows at the colt. "See it as a last year trip before you leave Cloudsdale." Fog grinned, "That sounds awesome. I'll ask my parents first though, they tend to be a bit... 'restricted' about were I go alone or with friends, especially at night, as you both know." He looked over his shoulder to you. Nodding your head, you knew what Fog meant, "When your dad is part of the night guards, he would know what's best when it comes to that." "Class! Your attention please!" Everypony in the room glanced to your teacher who stood at the door, her wings ruffling in excitement. The class fell silent and the mare opened the door. The next thing you knew, your jaw, together with the rest of the class, dislodged and fell. A friendly and sweet voice sang from the doorway, "Hello everypony, how are you all?" "T-that's..." "...is this a dream?" "Wow." "I-I think I'm gonn-" The teacher firmly tapped her desk to get the class out of their stupor and gazing looks, "Class! That's not the appropriate way to greet Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire!" Realizing what the teacher said, you bowed your head quickly from where you sat, your chair falling onto its four legs again in the process. The class was eery silent, besides a pair of hoof steps that were coming closer to you. You felt a droplet of sweat slide down the fur of your neck as the hoof steps stopped in front of you. "You may drop the courtesy, Static." Raising your head slowly at the kind voice, your eyes widened as you stared directly into the warm pools that were the purple eyes of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. "Pretend I'm just one of your classmates for today." You couldn't help it but feel slightly excited at the presence of the Princess this close to you. "By the sun, The princess of love is right in front of me!" Your eyes glanced over the features of the Princess, her kind smile, gentle eyes, soft pink coat catching your full attention. Instinctively you took a sniff of the air, smelling a strong and pleasant scent that made your hearth thump faster. Your mind grew a tardy bit hazy as your eyes dwelt down to her chest where her golden regalia rested, going further down her legs to her golden hoof-shoes. "Hehe, Static, my eyes are up here." Blood rushed to your ears as you stared wide eyed at the princess who looked amused, "I-I'm s-sorry Princess!" You glanced away, ashamed of your eyeing the princess openly like that, "I shoud not have stared like that..." The princess gave a heartily chuckle, "Don't worry about it, I understand." Your ear flicked at her words and you looked back to her. "As I said, just treat me like another classmate, and call me Cadence." She gave you an honest smile which lifted your mood and send some butterflies lose in your belly. "Thank you. I'll try to keep it in mind Princ- I mean, Cadence." You gave a smile back and the princess nodded to you before addressing the rest of the class. "Fillies and colts, please don't mind me. I'll be joining your class for today, so just see me as a fellow student. And as I mentioned to Static over here," she said to you with a wink that made you blush and avert your gaze. "Call me Cadence. And I'll be happy to answer any of the questions you have after class." Every student's eye was on the Princess as she glanced about the room. Her eyes fixated on a desk where there was a free seat, right next to two fillies that immediately started to giggle and whisper to one another. Cadence spun into their direction and made her way over, showing you her slender frame and pristine looking wings. Your head felt light as the alicorn of love casually made her way to the empty chair, your eyes traveling over her wings with their gorgeous purple primaries. The princess's wings left your view, and in its place appeared her cutie mark. Your pupils grow bigger as they followed every movement her flank made, her colourful pink, yellow and purple tail swishing once before leaving your sight. Following that, again that same scent entered your nostrils, making your vision go slightly hazy and head feel light. "Psst! Static! are you okay?" Sky asked from his spot. Blinking your half closed eyes a few times, you hummed vaguely to his voice, not quite understanding what he said. "Yo Fog, tap Static, he looks as if he's high on salt or something." You slightly felt something on your shoulder, but it went past you as your thoughts were traveling to a much more enjoyable fantasy stirred up by the strong smell that was still swirling around your nostrils. Something stirred between your legs, growing because of the strong odor that didn't fade. You knew it happened, but you could't care less. "Uhm, teacher? Static doesn't seem... well... okay?" The mare in front of the class glanced at you with a raised eyebrow. However, it also got the attention of Cadence. She was about to take her seat when she heard Sky's vague call for help. "Static, are you alright?" the princess asked as she walked back to you. All the ponies in class turned their attention to you as your head swayed a bit and the lightness in your head increased, your wings slowly unfurling from your sides. "What's wrong with Static?" a voice somewhere in class said. The Princess halted next to you and lit up her horn in a soft blue aura. You felt a tickling sensation that quickly faded again. She raised her golden clad hoof and touched your shoulder, making you shudder at her touch and gave a light moan in response. "Oh my... Miss Trivia, do I have permission to take Static to the infirmary for now?" The teacher looked surprised but gave consent soon after, "Uhm, yeah of course Princess." Soon after the teacher gave permission, the world flashed white before your eyes.