Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 6: Artemis

Several hours has passed since the ambush at HQ and since then Oblivion had been in a terrible mood. "Damn, damn, damn, damn!"

"Sir please calm down," said a panicked Legion trooper.

"SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP!" roared Oblivion chucking a chair at him.

"Oblivion please, raging isn't going to change anything," said Krysis.

"Easy for you to say, where the hell were you when I needed you the most!?" screamed Oblivion.

"I had business of my own to deal with your majesty," answered Krysis calmly.

"Cut the jokes Krysis!" hissed Oblivion.

"Tell you what I'll make up for my absence with a plan of my own how's that sound?" asked Oblivion.

"I like the make up but not the plan," spat Oblivion.

"Trust me Oblivion I know what I'm doing," chuckled Krysis.

Oblivion wasn't amused by Krysis's little deal but decided that it was better to let him take over, he was completely exhausted and just wanted to rest,"Fine but you better not fail me, I need to go rest,"

"Of course, I pray for your recovery," said Krysis. Oblivion angrily stormed off to his room leaving Krysis alone in his office. Settling down in his boss's chair he pressed down on the mic's button on Oblivion's desk and spoke into it, "Can Wolf O'Donnell, Ridley, and Tempest Shadow report to Oblivion's office, I repeat Wolf O'Donnell, Ridley, and Tempest Shadow to Oblivion's office immediately," After a while the door opened as three figures stepped in. "Glad you could make it,"

"What's the big idea Krysis, calling us down here like this?" asked Ridley.

"And where's Oblivion?" asked Wolf.

"Don't worry about him, just let him have his moment to cool down, especially since he isn't happy that two of our prisoners escaped," answered Krysis. "Listen I need you three to do me a favor, Ridley and Tempest build me a fleet and have them ready by 10:30 tonight, Wolf do the same with Star Wolf, I'm going to need an bulky army in order to hunt those fools down,"

"Roger that," saluted Tempest.

"Good, now go remember by 10:30 tonight," the three saluted Krysis and walked out the door. Krysis sighed as he leaned back in his chair,"Lord Bowser how are you feeling?"

"Triggered," Bowser answered.

"I don't blame you," said Krysis. "I hope you wouldn't mind if I borrowed Kamek for a while,"

"What are you planning?" asked Bowser.

"Oh not much," answered Krysis. "Come Kamek let's go," said Krysis standing up.

"Of course, where to?" asked Kamek.

"You'll see," answered Krysis as he led him out the door.

As the sun began to set on the horizon Kylie stopped the airship for the night. We ate dinner and enjoyed ourselves that evening. But Flurry seemed to be the energetic out of all of us," As the sun finally disappeared over the horizon and everyone began preparations for sleep, Artemis volunteered to be a look out for the time being. Of course many of us asked Artemis not to stress herself out, she insisted. Later that night after everyone fell asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to go check on Artemis. I climbed up on deck to find her sitting on the bow.

"Hey," I called out to her.

Looking back she responded,"Fandom, what are you doing out here at this time?"

"Came to check on you," I answered. "How are you holding up?" I asked.

"Perfectly fine," she answered.

"You should get some rest," I suggested.

"No, I'm fine, I can stay up a little longer," she said.

"You're not planning to stay up ALL night are you?" I asked.

"Fandom please, I know I'm a changeling but I really care about Flurry more than anypony else," she said. "I won't be able to stand seeing her suffer so much,"

"Wow Artemis you really care about Flurry don't you, almost like loyalty," I said.

"Yeah I guess so," said Artemis. U suddenly notice her ears droop.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just that I don't think I'm good enough to be a temporary bearer," she said.

"What are you talking about, for this ENTIRE time you've been with us, I've seen you hanging around Flurry whenever we we're in a conflict with someone more than anyone else, trust me the temporary bearer HAS to be you," I said.

"I hope you can prove me wrong," she said. I scoot over next to her until I'm almost sitting next to her.

"Artemis look at me right now," I say in a serious voice. She looks at me with her deep blue eyes. I reach over and touch her cheek,"I'm not the only one, there are many of us who care about you, so just do me a favor and don't put yourself down like that," I could see Artemis blush as she pulls her eyes away from mine.

"Thanks Fandom," she said.

"You know you don't look bad as a changeling," I say.

"You really think so?" she asks. I nod with a smile. Then she does something that I didn't even expect from her. She leaps into my arms and hugs me. She looks up at me and says that catches me off guard.

"I didn't tell you this before, but the truth is I think I've fallen in love with you,"

"Did you now?" I ask. She nods. Stroking her mane I look at her with a smile. I could feel me heart racing as her face inches closer to mine. I knew what was coming. I close my eyes as I press my lips against hers. I could feel my cheeks grow warm. I slowly and gently pull away from her and look her in the eye. I can see her licking her lips.

"Thanks for the meal cutie," she says.

"Anytime my dear changeling," I say. For the next few minutes I continue to feed Artemis, occasionally I could feel her saliva flow into my mouth. We finally pull away from each other feeling great.

"That was delicious," said Artemis rubbing her stomach.

"Glad you enjoyed that," I say.

"Can I trust you to feed me again later?" she asks.

"Sure thing," I answer.

"Your the best, thanks," she said.

"Like I said, anytime," I say. For a moment we stare at each other smiling, but after a while for some reason we couldn't help but laugh. After a while I stand up. "Alright it's about time I get back to sleep,"

"Alright goodnight sweetie," said Artemis.

"Goodnight see you in the morning," I say. I turn around and walk back down to the deck. Meanwhile Artemis returned to her shift.

"We're ready to leave anytime sir," said Kamek.

"I hate to break it to you Kamek but we're not leaving just yet," said Krysis.

"I see well then please let me know when your ready," said Kamek flying off. Krysis turns to face Bowser Jr. and kneels down to face him.

"Is your siblings here?" asked Krysis.

"Yeah," said Bowser Jr. "Hey guys you can come out now," said Bowser Jr. Suddenly 7 figures similar to Bowser Jr. walked out of the shadows.

"Great and you have the Element?" asked Krysis.

"Right here," said Bowser Jr. holding up a red stone in the shape of a lighting bolt.

"Good you know the drill," said Krysis.

"Ok guys let's go," said Bowser Jr. running off with his siblings running after him.

"Heh just wait Lord Oblivion, I'll do you proud," smirked Krysis.