//------------------------------// // Beyond Griffonstone // Story: Tales of the Battle Foals // by Sirdubya //------------------------------// It took a moment or so for them to navigate through the stone huts and angered griffons that Bullseye glared into submission, but she and Crazylocks managed to find the main road leading in and out of Griffonstone where they met up with Fire Fight, Air Slash, Shadow Shroud, Turf War, Kickback and Greensprout. “There you guys are.” She said. “Hey, Bullseye. Have fun with Crazylocks?” Fire Fight asked. Bullseye angrily sighed. “You could say that…” Crazylocks spit the orb out in front of her where it landed at her hooves. “This cookie is a lie.” She complained The other foals eyed the foreign object curiously. “Now what’s that there?” Kickback asked. “As far as I’m concerned, Crazylocks’ new fetch toy.” Bullseye said. The manic mutant was bouncing the orb back and forth between her pigtails while chirping like a squirrel until Fire Fight grabbed it with his magic and pulled it towards him. “Huh….” He examined it, but apart from the fatal arrow wound that obviously destroyed it, he saw no features that really stuck out, other than the fact that it was very obviously mechanical. “Guess who we’re showing this too.” Everypony nodded, knowing that Quantum Tech’s insight was needed. “So, who won?” Bullseye asked. “It was a close match, but ultimately, Valkyrie emerged victorious.” Air Slash said. “Seriously? You lost to a f****** birdbrain?” Bullseye said. “A very capable birdbrain, sister. She did help us after all.” Greensprout said “Rrgh…. Whatever.” Bullseye growled. “Yes, well, I think we should be on our way. I suppose you managed to locate Zebota and Shrapnel, Kickback?” Shadow Shroud asked. Kickback nodded. “Ah did. They went to see Ms. Quantum Tech n’ the others.” “Well then, it looks like we’ll be seeing Spiral’s progress as well.” Shroud said. The foals made their way down the natural stone path towards the rest of their friends. ***** It wasn’t a very long hike downward, so the foals caught up pretty quick. What they weren’t quite expecting to see was the gorgeous display created when the ocean meets the cosmos. “Yo…” Turf War muttered in awe. The streams of water floating through the air containing Spiral’s cosmic power was a sight worthy of a wonder of the world. Zebota spotted them approaching and put his hoof to his mouth, signaling for them to be quiet. Both Tidal Wave and Spiral Galaxy seemed to be pretty relaxed in their meditative states, and their respective parts of the steam on consciousness moved together like synchronized swimmers through the air around them. Tidal Wave never showed any real signs of being unable to grasp his new power, but Spiral looked as though she’d taken a huge step forward despite the fact that she still had her hornband on. Quantum Tech then stepped out of her mech suit and approached the two while still obviously utilizing the analytical function of her glasses. “Ok, Spiral. Time for the next step. I’m going to remove your hornband, alright?” Spiral noticeably twitched upon hearing that, but she managed to keep her eyes closed. “O-Ok…” Quantum then looked over at Tidal Wave. “Ok, Tidal Wave?” Tidal Wave nodded. “Yeah. Just keep it together, ok Spiral?” Spiral took a deep breath. “Go ahead.” She muttered. Very carefully, Quantum Tech focused her magic and slowly removed Spiral’s hornband. All the while, Spiral seemed calm as can be. Being surrounded by so much flowing water must have really helped. However, as Quantum slowly slid it off of her horn, she could detect growing instability in her neuromagical activity, but not enough to warrant stopping her. The cosmic flow within Tidal Wave’s floating streams began flowing faster, and the ground around her started to vibrate, not quite shake though. When Quantum completely removed the hornband, the trembling got worse, and the cosmic energy flowed almost uncontrollably, and yet Spiral seemed to be keeping calm….until they realized she was trying to. She was noticeably squinting as she tried to maintain control over her magic, and much to everypony’s pleasure, she seemed to be doing pretty well all things considered. However, the rumbling got to a point where Quantum’s mech looked like it was about to topple over and the rocks on the walls above the pond would crumble off, so Quantum opted to put the hornband back on, and all was calm once more. “Ok, I think that’s quite enough, you two.” She said. “” Spiral shocked herself back to senses from the sharp pain in her brain. “You okay, Spiral?” Tidal Wave asked. Spiral rubbed her forehead a little before her lighter than usual headache subsided. “Ugh…. Yeah… How’d I do?” “A considerable improvement overall, darling. Well done!” Quantum said. “Come to think of it, it didn’t feel like the universe was forcefully tugging at my mind that time.” Spiral said. “Then your communion with it was healthier this time. It seems you are finally beginning to truly grasp your power, Spiral Galaxy.” Zebota said. He then turned to Tidal Wave. “And you, my friend had me worried when you spoke of your level of command over water, but it seems my initial judgment was correct. The water spirits are greatly fond of you.” Tidal Wave and Spiral got up and walked over to their friends. “I still don’t get why it happened, but I’m glad everything seems ok.” Tidal Wave said. “And I’m even more glad that you’re getting better.” He said to Spiral. “Thanks for your help, dude.” Spiral said as she lightly nuzzled his neck, causing him to blush a little. “So how did your duel go, Air Slash?” “Valkyrie and I were at even odds, but it was she who bested me in the end. It was an honorable bout.” He said. “Aww! Well, sorry we couldn’t root for you! I’m sure it would have helped.” Spiral said. Kickback chuckled. “Funny thing is that might be true. Ms. Valkyrie had a whole herd o’ griffons hootin’ n’ hollerin’ for her.” “Don’t y’all mean ‘flock’?” Turf War asked. Kickback rolled his eyes. “Yes well, great job anyway, Air Slash. Did you remember to ask her about that road to the south?” Quantum asked. “Yeah, we did. She thinks it might lead to an old gem mine that’ll take us to the other side of the mountain range.” Fire Fight said. “A tunnel carved into the mountain…. However I may disapprove of that, I must be thankful that it will no doubt ease our travels.” Zebota said. Shrapnel let out an affirming bark. “Hey. Before we get going, is this yours, Quantum?” Bullseye asked as she presented the brainy filly with the strange orb that she and Crazylocks procured. “Oh?” Quantum Tech examined the odd technology curiously. She immediately noticed that fatal arrow wound and peered inside of it. “Well, it’s not my creation, but…” Her eyes were glued tight to the mechanical relic. “But what?” Fire Fight asked. “This is…..quite peculiar…. My glasses are finding instances of substances they can’t identify, as if they’ve never been discovered, much less recorded! Where did you find this, Bullseye!?” she asked excitedly. “It suddenly popped up while I was chasing Crazylocks around town, and I shot it down ‘cause it made Crazylocks go bats***.” Bullseye explained. Shrapnel saw the orb and started growling at it. “What do you want, twig face?” “He and I witnessed this orb while we were hunting. It came close to us and watched us as though we were intruding on its territory.” Zebota explained. “Well what in tarnation do ya reckon it was doin’ here. Them griffonfolk don’t seem like they’re big on technology, ‘cept that councilor Ms. Valkyrie introduced us to.” Kickback said. “Councilor?” Spiral asked. “Yes. After Air Slash and Valkyrie concluded their play date, a royal advisor for the griffon’s king came and congratulated the two of them. According to our feathered friend, her field lays in science.” Shadow Shroud explained. Quantum’s interest was piqued. “Really? Well then, I’ll have to make a note of meeting her sometime after we establish our little nation. However, we really should be on our way.” “Yeah. Princess Twilight could get here any minute. Better not give them any leeway .” Fire Fight said. They all agreed without contest and started their way towards the southern road. They were about halfway between the city and the point marked on the map that the southern road led to when they heard a powerful resound from above them. When they looked up, who else but Valkyrie was seen descending towards them. She landed beside them with a thud. “Sup, dudes?” “Fancy seeing you again” Fire Fight said. “Growing fond of us, are you?” Shadow Shroud teased. Valkyrie rolled her eyes. “Pfft. I never said that.” She said. “Anyway, Councilor Skadi sent me on a last-minute mission where you guys happened to be headed, so I figured I could tag along if you’re cool with it.” “What sort of mission is it this time?” Greensprout asked. “She couldn’t give a lot of details. Something about weird lights and readings coming from over the mountains that might turn out to be super dangerous.” Valkyrie answered. The foals all gave worried expression upon the ominous explanation. “Yeah, sounds like you might have some messes to clean up in your new home before you settle in.” “Well, we’re gonna need all the help we can get then, huh?” Fire Fight said. Valkyrie brushed her feathers. “And with me at your side, you’ve pretty much got all the help you for.” “Cool! Least we’ll have steady supply o’ eggs to fry up.” Turf War joked. “WHAT THE-!? That’s not even funny, you sick bastard!” Valkyrie scoffed. She then caught Bullseye snickering. “Screw you too, Cyclops!” Earlier in Yodelneigh… Twilight, Spike and Sky Strike once again found themselves in the Yodelneigh Archives high stop the Smokey Mountains. However, the pegasus foals from before seemed to be absent, not that it really mattered since they were here to see one griffon in particular. “Well paint me feathers call me Peacock-So! Look who’s back to visit this old turkey!” Aesir came out from the maze of shelves lining his workplace. “Any luck with the wee ones?” “It came and went in a flash.” Sky Strike muttered. “Hi, Aesir. About the foals….” Twilight explained their wild ordeal trying to apprehend the foals just before they managed to slip through their grasp. “And when we came to, the portal was destroyed, and we don’t know where it even goes!” “Even though we theorized it might go to Griffonstone.” Spike clarified. “Siegfried’s feathers!!” Aesir exclaimed. “The Asgard portals!! They still work!?” “Well….worked. Those foals blew it up just after the jumped through.” Spike said. “What a day n’ age! To think they endured fer so many centuries….” Aesir was flustered, and then a light bulb went off in his head. “That’s gotta be why Tidal Wave asked about Valkyrie! The portals needed both a pony and a griffon to activate. They must o’ been one griffon short.” “And are we correct to assume it goes where we think?” Sky Strike asked. “Not quite, lad. The other side is located in the Asgard Forest where honored griffons are laid to rest.” Aesir explained. “The portal there itself is actually Siegfried’s grave if ya can believe that nonsense.” “Oh, wow!” Twilight said. Spike nudged her shin, signaling for her to stay on track. “Err… I mean, and that’s still near Griffonstone, right?” Aesir nodded. “Right you are, lass. Pretty easy path to the ol’ home nest from there, but it looks like ya won’t be goin’ by portal.” He said. “BECAUSE ONE O’ THOSE BLASTED LI’L TYKES HAD THE NERVE TO BLOW UP A PIECE O’ GRIFFON HISTORY WITHOUT SO MUCH AS AN INKLIN’ TO RESPECT THE-” “Aesir!” Twilight exclaimed. The elderly griffon was thrown off his rant. “Thank you for your help.” Aesir blushed after calming down. “Ehe… Sure thing, lass. Get them back safe, alright?” “Yes sir!” Sky Strike said as they made for the door. As Aesir’s company closed the door behind them, he welcomed the peace and quiet back to his library while lamenting the loss of company. It was then that something crossed his mind. “Feels like I forgot to warn ‘em about somethin’…… Meh. Me mind’s probably as foggy as the sea at first light. IT'S HOW I WRECKED ME FIRST SHIP AFTER ALL. BAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”