Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 7: Loyalty

Last night was crazy. But it's a good thing nobody saw me kissing Artemis. But we still have feelings for each other. But I don't think we should tell our friends, at least not now.

"Rise and shine everyone today is a new day!" Kylie announced. Everyone looked almost dead as they came up to the deck of the airship. Luckily for me, I woke up early and was hanging out with Artemis that morning.

"Well you're up early," yawned Flurry.

"Yeah I'm surprised I didn't wake you," I said.

"I guess your THAT quiet," said Mario.

"Oh and I see you're hanging out with Artemis," said Shining.

"Did you get any rest last night?" asked Cadence.

"Yeah me and Fandom switched roles eventually," answered Artemis.

"Well that's good," said Benny.

"Well should we head out?" asked Kylie.

"Yes," said Flurry. Suddenly a kid's voice spoke up to us.

"Hold it right there!" Confused we all look around to find the voice's origins.

"Who said that?" asked Gus.

"Up here!" the voice called out. We all look up just as another airship hovers down to our level. We notice a figure standing on the deck of airship that closely resembled Bowser. Except this version of Bowser was smaller and was wearing a mask around his neck. "We found you," said the kid.

"Bowser Jr!" Mario called out.

"Who?" asked Cadence.

"Bowser Jr. is the son of Bowser and the heir to the Koopa throne, but of course he has six brothers and a sister," answered Luigi.

"And here we are!" said a male voice. We all look over to see 7 more figures appear next to Bowser Jr.

"The Koopalings!" said Mario.

"I'm guessing these guys are also Bowser's kids," I say.

"You got that right," said Jr.

"I'm Larry," said the Koopaling with the light blue Mohawk.

"I'm Roy," said the Koopaling with Pink glasses.

"I'm Lemmy," said the Koopaling with the big yellow ball.

"I'm Wendy," said the Koopaling with the pink bow.

"I'm Iggy," said the Koopaling with the big green stalk on his head.

"I'm Morton Jr.," said the Koopaling with the brown star on his eye.

"And I'm Ludwig Von," said the Koopaling with blue hair.

"Mario we're here to avenge our dad!" announced Bowser Jr.

"Look Jr. we don't have time to deal with you, we're kinda busy," said Mario.

"Oh we know, you're looking for this aren'tcha?" asked Bowser Jr. holding up a red stone in the shape of a lighting bolt.

Cadence gasped after taking one look at the stone,"The Element of Loyalty!"

"One of the Elements?" asked Luigi.

"Yes, to think that Bowser had it all along," said Flurry.

"Heh you want it, come and get it," said Bowser Jr stuffing away the element. "Koopalings attack!" All 7 jumped onto our airship and charged. All of us got into battle stance as the 7 lunged at us.

"Let's go Luigi," said Mario.

"Okie dokie!" said Luigi. As Larry ran at us, Mario jumped up and stomped on his head causing him to retreat into his shell and started spinning around a couple of times. After the third spin he pops out and hissed,"That hurt you oaf!"

"I didn't say it was going to be easy," said Mario. The rest of us continued to pound and bash at the other Koopalings while Bowser Jr. watched from his airship.

"Ah this is taking way too long, let's try turning up the heat, fire the cannons!" Bowser Jr. ordered. Just as he ordered, several Koopas appeared and let the cannons loose on us.

"Damn it, this is too much!" Flurry screamed.

"Someone stop Bowser Jr.!" Bloo said.

"I got this!" said Artemis leaping towards Jr's airship.

"Be careful!" I called out.

"Hey get off my Airship!" hissed Bowser Jr.

"After you start attacking my friends? Not gonna happen," said Artemis.

"Fine you wanna be like that, get her Koopa troops!" Jr. ordered. Within moments Artemis was fighting off Koopas left and right.

"Back off!" she screamed as she kicked a Koopa shell into four others.

"Damn it we're getting slaughtered!" yelped Jr. Once the airship was cleared of Koopas Artemis turned her attention towards Jr. "Ugh these useless Koopas, fine I'll pound you myself then," said Jr. He charged at Artemis who jumped up and hit him on the head causing him to retreat into his shell and spin towards her. After three spins, Jr. popped out and started spitting fire balls. Artemis had to jump up and fly around in order to avoid his attacks.

"Sweet Celestia you're persistent," said Artemis.

"I won't hand over the element!" hissed Bowser Jr. The two continued to battle while we managed to finish off the last of the Koopalings. Eventually Artemis managed to beat Jr. With the last hit the element flew out of Jr's scarf and landed near Artemis.

"Got it!" Artemis announced holding up the element. Everyone on our airship cheered as Artemis boarded. The Koopalings all quickly fled back to their airship to check on their brother. Jr. jumped up and hissed.

"You may have gotten the element but you won't be so lucky next time," He snapped his fingers and his airship flew off.

"You did it!" I said.

"I know," said Artemis laughing.

"Well done Artemis, you got the element," said Cadence. Artemis nodded as she wiped a tear from her eye. Suddenly the element began to glow as a hologram of Rainbow Dash appeared before the group.

"For so long I have slept, and now I have awakened," said the hologram. It looked down at Artemis and smiled,"And you Artemis I must congratulate you on your accomplishment,"

"Thanks," said Artemis blushing.

"You're Rainbow Dash's conscience aren't you?" asked Flurry walking up to the hologram.

"Indeed I am," answered the hologram. "And so with my presence known, I shall announce the temporary bearer of Loyalty," said the hologram. Everyone began to gather around to hear the name of the chosen individual. The hologram closed it's eyes and slowly approached Artemis. Everyone including Artemis's eyes widened. "Artemis congratulations on becoming the temporary bearer of Loyalty, I can trust you with her element's care can I not?" said the hologram.

"Yes you can," answered Artemis. "I am honored,"

"Indeed you should be," said the hologram. Everyone clapped their hands/hoofs for Artemis as they surrounded her.

"That's two elements down four to go," said Flurry.

"Indeed," said the hologram. "But don't let this accomplishment get to you, there is still a bigger threat out there,"

"Yeah we know Oblivion and Cross," said Shining.

"Not quite, as you know Dark Mastter Core is close to it's awakening, and it's thanks to the evil acts of Oblivion and Cross," "You mustn't rest, for Dark Mastter Core is close to ready,"

"What do you mean?" asked Koopie.

"The Dark Mastter Core's seal is almost undone, it's tomb is located deep within Genesys Tower, however the seal on Genesys Tower is no longer strong enough to hold the evil in, Princess Flurry Heart if you wish to protect your loved ones, you must find the remaining four and keep Oblivion and Cross from entering Genesys Tower,"

"Got it," said Flurry.

"That is all I can say for now," said the hologram.

"Wait, I have one question," said Artemis.

"What is it?" asked the hologram.

"Where is Genesys Tower?" asked Artemis.

"That is something I cannot answer, but maybe you'll figure out on your own," answered the hologram.

"Oh ok," said Artemis disappointed.

"Very well then I entrust this element to you Artemis, please be careful and good luck," said the hologram.

"We will thank you," said Artemis. With that the hologram disappeared in a flash leaving us with the element.

"Well that's that, I guess we're off to find the third element," said Flurry.

"You guys yes, us no," said Yoshi.

"What why not?" asked Flurry.

"I'm afraid we have our own business to deal with but i'm sure we'll meet again someday," said Mario.

"Oh well in that case I guess it can't be helped," said Artemis.

"Don't worry though I'll be with you all the way, I am your pilot after all," said Kylie.

"I guess that's good enough," I say.

"We'll be traveling with you too," said Cadence.

"Great," said Flurry.

"Well see you guys," said Mario. We all waved goodbye as he and Luigi jumped off followed by Yoshi, Benny, Koopie, Gus, Bloo, Pikachu, and Link.

"Alright Kylie let's go," said Flurry.

"Yep," said Kylie as she started the airship. This was great, we found our second element, Artemis became the temporary bearer, and Flurry's parents are gonna be traveling with us. Although it's a bummer we had to say goodbye to Mario and all his friends it's still great. But this journey is far from over, with the other four elements we have to search for and Dark Mastter Core, our adventure will only be getting harder for us. Who knows what the future has in store for us.