Familial bonds: part one

by Darling Dearest

An intimate conversation

Rainbow Dash had spent the remainder of her morning trying to gather the courage to talk to Rarity. She had been incredibly hesitant to, as she had never been able to fully restore her stallion like reputation with Rarity after she had been spotted by her in the spa. Talking about her feelings would only go to make her look more feminine, an idea which she greatly detested. Though she knew that Applejack was away on a delivery, and she needed somepony with experience to talk to about being a good sister. She arrived at Rarity’s store and knocked on the door. Rarity opened it wearing an adorable pink dressing gown.

“Greetings Rainbow, Darling! How are you? I don’t suppose you’ve changed your mind on allowing me to design a gown for you for the next Wonderbolts social gathering?”

“Ha, you wish Rarity. But seriously, I’ve got some things I wanna talk about, it’s not like I’ve gone all sappy or anything, I just need to sort somethings out.”

“Well of course Dear, I’m all ears, come on in, though do try to keep your voice down, Sweetie Belle is fast asleep and she’s having the most adorable little dream.”

“Sure thing Rarity.”

The two went to Rarity’s living room away from the business area of her shop, Rarity offered to make Rainbow a cup of tea, but she declined.

“So then Rainbow Dash, what appears to be the issue.”

“You see the thing is Rar’… Look, if any pony asks, I wasn’t here okay. This is kind of embarrassing.”

“Don’t worry yourself dear, I wouldn’t dare tell anypony my friend’s confidential information.”

“Good, so I was coming back from Wonderbolts practice when I saw Scootaloo on top of a hill, ready to ride down it. I’ve seen her do that sort of thing a lot now and I know she can do it just fine. But still, I got really nervous when she went down. I reached out my hoof to grab her, but I was too late, she was already on her way. Celestia! The feeling was horrible, I felt like she was going to die! My Scootaloo would be… Never mind. I don’t know how I’d react if she was really in danger. What’s wrong with me Rarity? I’m usually so laid back, I’d even say I encourage her to do that sort of thing, it’s what she loves. But there, on that hill, somethin’ came over me, she was so small, and I just wanted, so badly, to keep her safe. D’ ya get me?”

Upon hearing this, a large grin entered Rarity’s face.

“Oh Darling, that’s adorable!”

“No, it’s not Rarity! I’m genuinely concerned about why I got so scared over something so small.”

“Oh but it’s just so cute Rainbow, yes who’s the most adorable little filly when she expresses her emotions.” Rarity said in a cutesy voice as she reached out her hoofs and played with Rainbow’s cheeks.”


“I’m sorry deer, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of, you’re just showing that you care for your younger sister’s wellbeing. Honestly, I’d be more worried if you weren’t having these feelings.”


“I’m certain Rainbow Dash. Now, being a sister is hard work, that feeling you had earlier is only the beginning of the worry and anxiety you’ll feel for Scootaloo. She could be doing the most mundane, ordinary thing imaginable, but all you’ll be able to see is the one thousand and one ways she could hurt herself. Ha, I remember an incident when Sweetie Belle was a little younger, she was using that sowing machine over there and… Now I knew she was safe, but that didn’t stop me from quickly picking her up and taking her to the safety of her room, I knew it wasn’t right, but I was just overwhelmed by the fear that she might get hurt.”

“Rarity that was two weeks ago! I remember Scootaloo telling me about it when we were training.”

“What?! She might have gotten a splinter! I will not have my Sweetie Belle be getting needlessly injured! Any who, the point is Rainbow Dash that there will be moments in your relationship with Scootaloo where your own fear will overwhelm you and you WILL become overprotective. You will just need to try and think rationally about what is happening and whether she is actually in danger, what I did to Sweetie Belle was wrong, and I know that now, I need to be able to let her be herself and not constantly treat her as if she were a new born foal. But, there will also be times where she will be in danger, and you will need to step in and show them what and why they were doing wrong. The fact that you’re having these feelings already is great dearie, it shows that you will be able to respond when Scootaloo is in peril. But you will also need to be able to recognise when she is completely fine, so you can leave her as she was. Now I know this sounds very complicated Rainbow, and there will be times where being a good sister is stressful, but it’s all worth it, allow me to show you why.”

Rarity singled for Rainbow to follow her. The two walked through the shop until they reached Sweetie Belle’s bed room, where Rarity gently opened the door to reveal the little white filly sleeping soundly with a stuffed rabbit in her hoofs.

“Isn’t she just the sweetest thing Rainbow?”

“Ok Rar’, I’ll give ya that one, she is kinda cute”

“You see Rainbow, its times of pure bliss like these, where nothing else matters that makes all the stress worth it, but that’s why we get so scared for them, they’re just so tiny and adorable that we can’t see them growing up. I had to face the fact that she wasn’t a baby foal anymore the other day when I was finally able to take some time off work from my shop in Canterlot to come back and see her. I found that she had grown out of all the things she used to love and that she was a much different and more mature pony that who she had been. So, we went out and found new things to do together, that we can enjoy together now that she’s older. I’ll always miss having a baby filly around, but she needs to be able to grow up and I can’t hold her back. So, Rainbow, as sisters it’s our role to find new things that we can do together with our younger siblings as they grow older, because no matter how old they get, they’ll always need us, and we’ll always be there.”

Rainbow was at the verge of tears from hearing Rarity’s words, when Sweetie Belle began to talk in her sleep.

“I…love…you...Rarity. You’re the…best…sister ever.”

The two grown mares both let out a passionate “dawwwwww” at Sweetie Belle’s words. Rainbow Dash made Rarity promise to never tell anypony.

“Enjoy it whilst it lasts Rainbow, they don’t stay such adorable little fillies, use every moment you have with her count. But, when they do grow up, we’ll both be there to see what beautiful young mares they become.”

The two mares looked at each other proudly, both knowing that the love they felt for their younger sisters could never be matched for that which they felt for anypony else.

“Thanks Rarity, I needed that, I need to control my feelings, but still know when to intervene, and enjoy every little moment I have with my little Scootaloo.”

“Correct.” Rarity said as she felt herself getting very emotional.

“I’m gonna go see if I can find Scootaloo, I think I need to talk to her now. You enjoy Sweetie Belle Rarity.”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, thank you for letting me help you.”

The two gave a genuine hug before Rainbow left to find Scootaloo. Rarity spent the rest of the day caring for the sick Sweetie Belle, making sure that she knew she was loved.