I'm Having Nightmares

by bronypanda

Can we Stay up?

Can we stay up?

"Sunshine..... No shine.... Whats mine.....I will retake..... Hold your hooves...... And try......to stay awake".


Cadence shot up in her bed, shaking uncontrollably; next to her, her husband woke up almost violently at his wife's distress.

"Nnnnhh, whats wrong Cadence"? Shining Armor whispered to the princess.

Cadence looked unphased at his question as she continually looked into the darkness of their bedroom.
It was raining outside and thunder was crashing.

"Oh........ Oh sorry, its... Nothing, just a bad dream is all. Sorry that i woke you up". She reassured him.

"Its fine" Armor replied warmly, taking Cadence in his arms and cuddling with her in the blankets. "Just go back to bed".

"And try.....to stay awake".

The words echoed in her brain as she slowly fell asleep again.

Morning time. After what seemed like an eternity of night, Cadence finally felt safe being in the presence of her aunt's warm sun. Her husband was already downstairs preparing her breakfast because today was a very special occasion, their 1st anniversary. She quickly got out of bed to greet her special somepony.

Quietly she walked down the hallway and stopped at the stairs were she could see him in the kitchen, unkowing of what she planned to do. In a teasing way, she slowy climbed down the stairs swaying her hips back and forth.

"Good morning my Knight in shining armor". She said seductively, winking as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind.

"Ohh ho ho, whats all this now.... Excited already are we"? He chuckled turning his head to her, sneaking a quick peck on the lips. "Can you believe it? One full year of marrige, I almost feels like we got married a few days ago". he continued.

"I wouldn't have it any otherway with any other pony". Cadence replied proudly.

They gave each other another passionate kiss and started eating breakfast. After their meal they went into town and went over their plans for the day, First on the list was the photo shoot for their couple portrait, after, was the private (not so much) lunch with the Princesses, then their aniverrsary celebration, and finally, Pinkie Pie's party afterwards

"Sunshine...No shine"

There it was again, those words.... It was like a demented version of Cadence and Twilight's hoof shake.

"What's mine I will retake....."

Cadence snapped out of her daydream while Shining Armor talked to her. "I'm sorry, what"? She asked cluelesy.

"I asked, if we should probably get to the castle now for lunch with your Aunt....whats wrong"?He asked with concern.

"Its....Its...nothing, just-

"A bad dream"? Shining Armor interrupted, you've been acting strange lately. Why don't you tell me about this dream". He demanded.

"I...I don't know where to start". She chuckled nervously, "All i can remember is a creepy nursery ryhme and next thing i know, cant sleep".

"hmmm, doesnt seem to traumatising". Teased shining armor, "maybe you can ask your aunt when we get there, I just hope this doesnt affect you too much".

"Me too". She said in her mind.

We continued on until we reached the Castle, Shining suggested that I clear my mind and tell him more about this dream. I didn't dare talk about it. Everytime I thought about it, the more afraid I would get. I hoped if I just ignored it, it would go away......I hate nightmares, ever since i was a filly, even the smallest nightmares where enough to make me cry hard. Now that I have my beloved husband, I know i'm safe, but i can't help but feel......vulnerable when I'm asleep. But what really worries me is that......Something knows I am.

We reached the royal dinning room, and I begged Shining Armor to not mention it to my aunt, the last the thing I wanted was for the Princess to worry about such an unimportant matter when she was so busy. That, and something in the back of my mind threatened me not to say anything. okay....too creepy.

Unfortunately, Shining armor is too caring and was too worried (I love that about him) so he told my Aunt. Nothing she said made it any better for me. the rest of day was hard for me because I was afraid.....afraid to fall asleep. I tried my best to enjoy the rest of the evening, we went to Pinkie Pie's party that she set up for us and I actually enjoyed my self. I danced with Shining Armor and had some cupcakes that Pinkie brought. Thank Celestia Shining Armor was to occupied to mention anything to Twilight. The party started to die down when Twilight and her friends along with my aunts and Shining Armor sat at a table and told stories for awhile. I walked slowly to a balcony and watched as the moon slowly made it's way through the star filled the sky.

After the party, Shining Armor and I said goodnight to everypony and started to walk home. I was getting sleepy.........Oh no anything but that. I tried to prolonge the inevitable by drinking coffee, but exhaustion and Shining Amor got the best of me, I headed of to bed but I didn't sleep....I won't...

"Hold your hooves and try to stay awake........Princess".


Cadence shot up in bed once again, sweating nervosously, and shaking, knocking Shining Armor off the bed....she fell asleep.

"What was....that"? He asked, rubbing his forehead, turning a lamp on.

Candence had looked as if she had just seen a ghost and even had a few tears in hers eyes, as she dashed to the floor, searching for the warmth and love of her husband out of fear.

"Can we....stay up"? She begged innocently.

Shining Armor sighed in exhaustion and comfort, "Of course we can".

Hey Guys, BronyPanda here. Had a MLP related nightmare last night and i wanted to tell you guys what it was about. I'll still be working on Brothers of the Balance which i suggest you should read. If you guys like this, i'll add more stuff in the near future.