Surrogate Light

by scootalooftw


I floated for an indeterminate amount of time in a sea of light, with white in every direction as far as the eye could see. I wasn’t entirely sure how I had gotten here, nor what I was supposed to do now that I was wherever ‘here’ was. The last thing I remember was confronting Nightmare Moon, discovering the sixth Element, and then using them against her. I remembered lifting off the ground as my world became engulfed in a bright white light, and more magic coursing through my system then I ever remember having, and then… I was here.

I began wandering aimlessly forward, noting that at some point the sea I had been stuck floating in had, at some point, become a platform. I continued on, unsure if I was even traveling in a straight line, and just when I thought I was going to lose my mind I appeared in front of myself. There was no tell-tale flash of light or pop that would accompany a teleport, I had simply closed my eyes to blink and when I opened them a perfect replica of myself was standing directly in front of me. Or, at least, a perfect replica of the body I’d been inhabiting. So lost in thought was I, that I didn’t realize my doppelganger had been speaking until I noticed her lips moving.

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” I said, shaking my head in an attempt to clear the distracting thought.

My copy, in response simply giggled into a hoof before repeating herself.

“I said ‘I’m glad to finally meet you face to face’,” she said. “I was hoping to meet the pony that was… filling in for me before I moved on.”

“Filling… in for you?” I asked dumbly.

Instead of saying anything, my double turned to the side to reveal a large pair of pristine white wings folded gently at her sides. My jaw worked silently for a moment as I put the pieces together.

“So that means that you’re…” I said, trailing off when she nodded sadly at me.

“Twilight Sparkle,” she said. “Well, the original Twilight Sparkle. And you’re… well, you’re Twilight now, too.”

“You’re the original,” I said slowly, pointing a hoof at her before slowly bringing it to my chest, “so… that makes me a fake?”

“Not exactly,” Twilight responded, frowning slightly. “You aren’t a fake, just… just don’t worry about that for now. She’ll explain it all when we get to Her. I don’t have all of the details myself, and I’d hate to misinform you.”

Turning around, she motioned with her head for me to follow and started walking in a seemingly random direction.

“Her?” I asked, trotting to catch up to Twilight. “Who is ‘her’?”

“‘She’ is the pony in charge of all of this,” Twilight answered. “She’s the pony responsible for both of us being here, and the only reason you didn’t completely lose yourself when you came to be in possession of my body.”

“Completely lose myself?” I asked, freezing in place momentarily before trotting to catch up again. “What do you mean by lose myself? I feel completely, one-hundred percent like myself.”

“Of course you feel like yourself,” Twilight said. “If your ‘self’ had changed, and you were acting in a way that your new self would act, would it really feel like you weren’t acting like yourself if you weren't actively monitoring for changes in your personality?”

“Well… I suppose not,” I admitted. “But, if I didn’t know I wasn’t acting like myself, then how did you know I’m not?”

“It’s… complicated,” Twilight said hesitantly. “Like I said, She knows all of the details, so I think it would be better if we allowed her to explain everything.”

I begrudgingly agreed, realizing that Twilight wasn’t going to answer any more of my questions until we got where we were going. We continued our trek in silence, and after a time I found myself observing the mare out of the corner of my eye. The first difference I noticed between the two of us, besides her wings, was our posture. While I slouched slightly, and drug my hooves, she walked tall and proud, holding herself the way a royal would.

I also noticed she walked with a much more confident gate than I was capable of. She moved as naturally on four legs as anyone who was born with them, whereas I, although it felt natural, couldn’t escape the underlying sense of wrongness that came with quadrupedal locomotion. I was so engrossed in inspecting the original, that I nearly tripped and fell on my face when she stopped abruptly.

“Well, here we are,” Twilight said, using her magic to catch me.

Turning my attention forward once more, my jaw dropped when I saw the massive golden gates before us. I strained my neck as my eyes slowly trailed the gates all the way to the top, and I began to wonder how I could miss something so massive from anywhere in this barren landscape.

“How did I miss these?” I asked myself out loud.

“Because they only appear to those who are ready to pass through them,” A serene voice answered from beside me, causing me to jump in surprise.

With a yelp, I turned to face the speaker and froze in shock when I saw her. Before me stood a large white alicorn with a flowing scarlet main. Upon her flanks rested a single feathered quill resting in a black inkwell.

“It is good to finally meet you,” the alicorn said. “I’ll admit I was a bit worried when I saw who the Elements had chosen to wield them in Twilight’s stead, but I am happy to see you didn’t disappoint.”

“The… Elements chose?” I asked, giving Twilight a questioning look. “What do you mean by that, and who are you.”

“Oh, forgive me,” the alicorn mare giggled. “I’m so used to ponies recognizing me on sight, that it had completely slipped my mind that you weren’t of our realm.”

Turning to fully face me, she lightly bowed her head.

“I have gone by many names throughout history,” she said, “but you may call me Faust.”

I turned to ask Twilight who this ‘Faust’ was, and why she was bowing to me, but stopped when I saw that Twilight was more bewildered than I at the actions of the mare.

“I’m so glad I finally got to meet you,” Faust continued, not once raising her head. “It broke my heart when my daughter’s heart fell into darkness, and I couldn’t have been happier to see her returned to normal.”

“Your daughter?” I asked, clueless as to what she was talking about.

“Your daughter…” Twilight parroted before I saw realization spark in her eyes. “You mean Nightmare Moon is your daughter?”

My eyes snapped to Faust at this statement, and I was nearly floored when she nodded her head.

“Yes, she is,” Faust verbally confirmed. “Although, she was born under a much different name. She didn’t start going by that name until she allowed darkness to take root in her heart. She once was, and always will be, my little Luna.”

Lifting her head, she looked me straight in the eyes, and I could see the emotions hidden within them.

“And thanks to you, the world will once again know her as such,” Faust finished. Raising her head, she turned to face the gates. “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

“What are they?” I asked, turning my attention back to the gates.

“The Gates of Elysium,” Twilight answered. “Gateway to the final resting place. I had read about them before, but to see them in pony…”

“They are quite the sight,” Faust admitted with a chuckle. “Even after a millennium of guarding them, I never tire of looking at them.”

“How come I couldn’t see them before?” I asked, looking at the alicorn mare out of the corner of my eye. “I was wandering around in here for what felt like days, but I didn’t see them until they just kind of randomly… showed up.”

“As I stated before, they only appear to those who are ready to pass through them,” Faust giggled, “or those whom I deem worthy of looking upon them.”

“So, what happens if you end up here and you aren’t ready to pass through them?” I asked. “And where even is here?”

“To answer your second question first,” Faust said, turning to face the vast white plain that stretched out before us, “we are currently in the Ethereal plane, or Purgatory, as some call it. When a pony's physical body dies, but they aren’t quite ready to pass on to Elysium, they are left to wander here until they can come to terms with their passing.”

“Then… why am I here?” I asked. “I’m not even sure if I died, or even how. One moment my friends and I were preparing to use the Elements, and the next… I was here.”

“You are here for two reasons,” Faust said. “The first is that you pushed poor Twilight’s body entirely too hard, and the strain of firing the Elements nearly overwhelmed you. Your consciousness was pulled through here to help shield it. The second reason you are here is that Harmony felt you were deserving of an explanation.”

“An explanation?” I asked. “And, who’s Harmony?”

“Harmony is the one responsible for bringing you here,” Faust explained.  “As I stated before, you aren’t native to our realm, and I’m sure it didn’t take you long to figure that out.”

“Honestly, it’s been hard to figure much of anything out,” I admitted. Sitting on my haunches, I brought a forehoof to my head and began rubbing my temple. “Ever since I woke up, it’s like I’ve got two sets of memories fighting for dominance in my head. I think the only reason I’ve stayed sane this long is that finding the Elements of Harmony gave me something to focus on.”

“Sorry,” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Now Twilight, you know it isn’t your fault any more than it’s his,” Faust said, reaching over with a wing to pat her gently on the back. “Harmony wasn’t exactly… gentle when they dumped his consciousness into your body.”

“Wait, so who exactly is this ‘Harmony’, and how did they do this?” I asked, gesturing towards myself. “You already said they were responsible, but you didn’t tell me how.”

“Harmony is exactly what it sounds like,” Faust said. “It is the force that guides and shapes Equus using the Elements to enforce its will.”

“So, the Elements aren’t just magical artifacts?” I asked, causing Faust to shake her head in response.

“The Elements are more than just their physical embodiments,” Faust explained. “Harmony permeates the very being of every living being, helping to guide them down the path of happiness, and the Elements help to harness Its power to deliver its will unto the world.”

Turning to face me once more, the towering white alicorn once again locked eyes with me.

“Twilight, along with the five friends who unlocked the power of the Elements alongside you,” Faust continued. “They weren’t just ponies who just happened to be able to wield the Elements. Not to belittle any other plans Harmony has in store for them, but they were born for the very reason of wielding them.”

“So, then that accident,” I said, trailing off as I glanced at Twilight.

“Indeed,” Faust nodded. “When Twilight died in that crash… well, Harmony panicked a bit. They knew that if they didn’t get a new spirit in her body once Twilight's began to leave it, the body would begin breaking down in ways even they couldn’t fix. In their panic they reached out and latched on to the first compatible soul they could find, pulling it through the void and into her body.”

“And that was me?” I asked, already knowing the answer. “That answers how I got here, but it opens up even more questions.”

“Such as?” Faust asked.

“In the first set of memories I have, my memories, I distinctly remember being a… well, I wasn’t a pony, and I was definitely male,” I stated, “and now… well, ignoring the gender swap for a moment, how am I able to walk? Or even use magic? I’ve been able to use this body like it was my own since I woke up in it.”

“For the same reason you have Twilight’s memories,” Faust responded. “Knowing that not only would they need a new Element of Magic, but one that could function, Harmony implanted all of Twilight’s life experience that came with the body in your mind. Their work, however, was sloppy and rushed, so, unfortunately, her memories came with it as well.”

“So, along with Twilight’s ability to walk and use magic…” I started.

“You also got my memories, correct,” Twilight chimed in.

“That explains the headaches,” I mumbled.

“Indeed it does,” Faust said. “An unfortunate side effect of your brain trying to handle the influx of two life’s worth of memory.”

I sat for a time, quietly thinking over what I'd been told, a frown worked it's way across my face as my eyes slowly drifted down.

“My memories weren't the only thing affected, were they?” I asked, keeping my eyes glued to the ground.

“Your memories weren't the only things that were affected by the swap, no,” Faust said. “But I have a feeling you meant something specific.”

Sighing, I raised my head and looked her directly in the eyes.

“Am… am I still me?” I asked, feeling my eyes begin to burn. “If I have her memories, does that mean I have her personality, too? Am I going to completely forget myself as I slowly become her?”

Faust began chewing on her bottom lip nervously, tossing a quick glance at Twilight,

“Yes and no,” she responded. “You aren't going to completely lose yourself to Twilight’s personality. You may have her memories, but you have your own as well. Your life experiences made you who you were, same as her, and having a few extra experiences to draw on will not devalue your own in any way.”

Pausing, Faust took a moment to contemplate what she was going to say next.

“I would be lying, however, if I were to tell you that the memories didn’t change you at all,” Faust continued. “Already your personality has changed some, even from what it was when you first woke up, but you will never lose who you are.”

“You sound so certain of that,” I said, rubbing at my eyes.

“That’s because I am, for many reasons,” Faust responded. “The shifts in your personality had been caused by the two minds contained within your body being out of sync.”

“Had been?” I asked. “You say that like it’s no longer the case.”

“Because it isn’t,” Faust responded. “Harmony saw to that.”

“What do you mean by that?” I said, lifting my head and turning to look at her.

“The Elements didn’t just banish the darkness from Luna’s heart when you and your friends fired them,” Faust explained. “I  may have unintentionally misled you a bit when I said you were pulled here to protect you. While it is entirely true that wielding the Elements can be very strenuous, that alone would not require your mind to be temporarily split from your body.”

“Then… what would?” I asked. “You said the Elements didn’t just cleanse Luna of her darkness. The other thing they did… it had to do with me didn’t it?”

“Indeed,” Faust said. “With your mind and body being so out of sync, Harmony took the opportunity to… harmonize the two, for lack of a better word. With your psyche already being damaged by the transfer they thought it would be safer to temporarily separate you again, so as to prevent any further harm.”

“But… in order for Harmony to sync my mind and body, wouldn’t my mind need to be in my body?” I asked.

“Let me preface my answer with another question,” Faust said. “How long do you think you’ve been here?”

“Well,” I said, thinking back. “There’s no sun or clocks in here, to help keep track of time. But it certainly felt like hours, if not days.”

“Unfortunately, you’d be wrong on both counts,” Faust giggled. “That was actually a bit of a trick question. You see, this plain actually exists outside of time. What seems like months or years here, could only be seconds on the mortal plain.”

“So, at this second, my body is…” I started.

“Still in the midst of firing the Elements,” Faust finished.

“...How?” I asked after a moment’s silence.

“As I told you, this plain exists outside of time,” Faust answered.

I sat in silence for a moment, going over everything I had learned in my head as I attempted to piece together my next question. Before I had a chance to ask it, however, the environment around me briefly flickered as the Gates of Elysium began fading.

“Oh dear, it appears we are out of time,” Faust said, glancing around.

“Wait, you mean I have to go back?” I asked. “Now?”

“You sound disappointed to go back,” Faust said. “Most ponies would be ecstatic to be told by the Guardian of the Gate that it wasn’t yet their time.”

“I just… I still have so many questions,” I said, looking at the fading gates.

“Questions that will be answered in time,” Faust said. “I have a feeling this won’t be the last time I see you. For now, however, it is time for you to return. Come, Twilight, it’s your time, too. I’ve allowed you to tarry here longer than I should have.”

“Just… one more minute, please,” Twilight said, glancing back and forth between Faust and me. “I just, I want to have a word with him… in private.”

“Of course,” Faust said. “But do try to make it quick, it won’t be long before he has to return.”

Nodding, Twilight motioned for me to follow her then walked a few steps away. Glancing at Faust, I followed when she gave me a nod of approval. Walking a few feet further, Twilight sat and stared out into the infinite white abyss before us, the large white wings on her back shuffling nervously. I took a seat beside her, joining her in gazing into the abyss when she wasn’t forthcoming on what she wanted to talk about.

“What do you think it’s like?” Twilight asked, finally breaking the silence.

“What do I think what’s like?” I asked.

“The afterlife,” Twilight responded, “Elysium, Heaven, whatever you want to call it. What do you think it’s like?”

“I’m sure it’s nice,” I said. “I’m sure it will be everything you dreamed of, and I’m sure you’ll get to see your family again soon enough.”

“My family…” Twilight laughed sadly. “They’re your family now, too. That’s why I called you over here.”

“I figured it wasn’t to talk about Elysium,” I said. Glancing down at my hooves, I noticed they were slowly beginning to fade. “You should get to the point fast, though, because it looks like we’re running out of time.”

“Just… take care of them, please,” Twilight said, turning to me with tears in her eyes. “Especially Spike, he’s like a baby brother to me.”

“Of course I’ll take care of him,” I said, feeling tears come to my own eyes. “You know, as soon as he heard I was awake he refused to leave my side. Made sneaking out of the hospital a real hassle.”

“I’ll bet,” Twilight sniffled. “And Shiny, Mom, Dad… tell them I love them.”

“Of course,” I responded, wiping the moisture from my eyes. “I’ll tell them every day.”

Noticing that my legs were beginning to fade, Twilight pulled me into a hug.

“Don’t be afraid to live your own life,” Twilight said, squeezing me tightly. “I may have had my own hopes and dreams, but it’s your life now.”

“It’s time,” Faust said, having approached us. “His time runs short, and I have one final thing to say to him before he goes.”

In response to her words, the large gates behind her creaked open, a brilliant golden light spilling out from them. Giving me one last look, Twilight smiled before walking towards the gates. She paused in front of the gates and turned to look at me, her mouth open as though she intended to say something. Pausing for a moment, she instead began waving to me as the light slowly engulfed her. Eventually, the light became too bright for me to endure, and I had to lift a foreleg to shield my eyes. The light abruptly stopped, and when I lowered my foreleg it was only Faust and I left standing in the white expanse. The Gates had disappeared, taking Twilight with them.

“Now then,” Faust said, placing a gentle wing on my back, “I have a… request for you, if you wouldn’t mind helping an old mare out.”

Looking down, I noticed my barrel had begun to fade as well as a feeling of warmth and peace spread through my body.

“Of course,” I said, turning to face Faust.

“My daughters, they’ll both be there upon your return,” Faust explained. “My little Lulu, and Cellie… could you tell them that mommy misses them and that she still loves them?”

Smiling, I nodded in response.

“Thank you,” Faust said, bowing her head. “May your life be long and full of happiness, and may you have many stories to tell when we meet again.”

The warm feeling began creeping up my neck, my ethereal body fading as it spread. Looking to Faust, she gave me one last smile before the feeling completely engulfed me, and my eyes drifted closed of their own accord. My perspective suddenly shifted, and instead of standing as I had been, I instead felt as though I was laying in a bed wrapped in covers. I groggily opened my eyes, staring in confusion at the sterile white ceiling above me before lifting my head to look around. Surrounding me were the five friends I had made during our journey to the castle, along with two unicorn stallions and a unicorn mare I instantly recognized as Twilight's parents and brother, all of whom were scattered around the room in various places deep asleep. Getting a sense that someone was watching me, I turned to look at the door and was surprised to see the smiling form of Princess Celestia, along with a smaller blue alicorn beside her.

“Twilight, it is wonderful to see you’re finally awake,” Princess Celestia whispered, doing her best to let the sleeping ponies rest. “We were beginning to fear the worst.”

‘Cellie, Lulu,” I said, suppressing a giggle at the looks of surprise that crossed their faces when I uttered those names. “Your mother asked me to deliver a message.”