//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Agents of The Necro Zynx // Story: Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria // by FandomPlays1234 //------------------------------// Several hours had passed since the attack in the forest and Sam's sudden encounter and Flurry still felt uncomfortable having our new guest on board. Sam had thoroughly explained to the her that he was no threat and just a creature called a Pokemon that appeared from the 'Ultra Wormhole' as he called it. But even after that attempt to prove his innocence Flurry still didn't trusted 'Samwise the Shiny Talking Silvally' as he called himself. I actually felt bad for that guy. "So who's going to ask him?" asked Flurry. "You know I feel bad asking him to get off even after he saved our lives," whispered Artemis. "Well we can't just trust him, we don't even know where came from," said Flurry. "I agree with Artemis on this one, maybe we should just wait to see how things turn out," I suggested. We all turn to look towards Sam who was standing on the bow of the airship. "I really don't like where this is going," whispered Flurry. "Now, now sweetie I think we should wait just like Fandom said," suggested Cadence. "Ugh fine," groaned Flurry. "Let's go see what he's up to," said Artemis turning towards me. I nod and walk up to the bow with Artemis. "Hey Sam," I call out. "Yeah I know, you want to kick me off," sighed Sam. "Uh what no we don't," I lied nervously. "You don't think I can hear you talking behind my back?" Sam asked in a serious tone. "Lying isn't ok, you need to be honest," Just as he said that, a strong chill ran up my spine making me shiver. Geez who was this guy, I mean I get the fact that he could hear us whispering, but the fact that he told me to be honest only made things a lot more creepier than it already should've been. He turned to face us and said in a serious tone,"I understand you're trying to make me feel good about myself and I appreciate that, but lying just to make me feel good isn't going to make me feel any better," He got up and ordered,"Stop this airship!" I guess Kylie was freaked out as I was cause she immediately stopped the airship. He jumped off the bow and off the side "Sam wait!" I called out to him But before I could stop him, he was already on the ground and started walking. I threw the rope ladder and climbed down attempting to follow him. "Wait for me Fandom!" Artemis called out following me. We eventually caught up to Sam who seemed to notice us but ignored us and kept walking. "Look I know you don't want me to leave, but I'm not willing to argue with your pony friend," said Sam. We were about to make an excuse to convince Sam to stay, but Sam suddenly stopped short. "What is it?" Artemis asked. Suddenly the familiar voice of Cross alerted us,"Well, well what do we have here?"We look up to see Cross approaching us with three figures by his side. Two human and a single creature with short arms and feet. One human was wearing a black hoodie and red fanny pack. His blonde hair along with his green eyes completely popped out compared to his dark clothes. The second human wore a black jacket and what looked to be a blue scarf. He had black hair and black eyes with black gloves and a small black ring around his wrist. The third figure was small with purple feet, a grey mask, blue cape, and yellow eyes. He had a scabbard on his left side indicating he was a swordsman. "Cross!" Artemis yelped. Sam got into battle stance as we took a step back. "Long time no see eh," Cross smirked. "Cut the jokes pal," I hissed. "Oh please do you really think you can stand a chance against us, let alone me?" laughed Cross. "We'll take you on anytime, by the way who's us?" Artemis asked. "Oh I suppose you haven't met The Necro Zynx Agents," said Cross. "The what?" asked Sam. "Allow me to introduce, Gladion to my left, Alain to my right, and Meta Knight the short swordsman," smirked Cross. "We had one more with us, but he's busy today," said Gladion. "His name is Obsidian and he's technically our leader, but we don't see him often," added Alain. "But that won't matter, what I'm here for the elements," said Cross pointing at Artemis and me. The three began to approach us from every side leaving us trapped. "Shit," I cursed. Suddenly Sam stomped his left talon into the ground and jumped up. "Air Slash!" he yelled. He then started chucking large blades of air down causing dust and dirt to fly up and everywhere, blinding Cross and the three agents. "This way you two," he whispered to Artemis and me. Neither of us needed to be told twice, we ran after Sam leaving no trace of our presence. "Damn it!" Cross screamed once the dust cleared. "They've escaped?" asked Meta Knight. "Indeed, find them and bring them to me," Cross ordered. Sam, Artemis, and I continued to run back to the airship where we could hide. Eventually we run into Flurry and her parents halfway. "There you are, you two took off so you scared us half to death," said Flurry stopping us in front of a cave entrance. "Look Flurry now isn't the time," I said clenching my teeth. "What do you mean?" asked Cadence confused. Suddenly the sound of footsteps began to increase behind us. "Shoot they've already caught up with us," I said. "Who?" asked Shining Armor. "Cross," I answered. "Wait from the Necro Zynx?" asked Flurry. Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by a voice calling out to us from inside the cave. "Psst hey you," We all turn to see a figure dressed in all black standing there. "This way follow me," he said walking into the cave. Sam took a step forward before Flurry grabbed him. "Are you crazy?" she hissed. "Unless you have a better plan, we're just gonna get caught out here," Sam answered running into the cave. "Hey wait!" I said running after him with Artemis by my side. Meanwhile Flurry stomped her hoof in frustration. As she and her parents followed us in. It takes us a while, but we finally find ourselves in the heart of the cave where a small campfire was made and several large tarps were laid out to act as sheets. We all sat around the fire waiting for the figure to return. As the six of us sat in silence we waited. Eventually the figure returned with three large trouts and several sticks. He stabbed the stick all the way through and placed it above the fire to let the fish cook. "So you new to these parts, never seen any of you around here before," said the figure. "Yes well, we're currently on a quest and...." said Artemis before getting interrupted. "I know," the figure said. "What asked Flurry. "I suppose you're looking for your next element?" asked the figure. All of us stared at him in shock. "How did you know?" asked Cadence. "Please Princess of Love I know everything that's going on right now, I'm informed too you know," answered the figure. "Well then do you think you can help us?" asked Shining. "Do you really want to ask me?" countered the figure. 'What do you mean?" asked Sam. The figure pulled out something and held it up for us to see. Upon closer inspection we were shocked at what we were seeing. "That's the Necro Zynx logo!" gasped Cadence. "Of course it is," said the figure. He looked up to us with a serious look and said,"I am Obsidian, one of Necro Zynx's trusty Agents," We all shoot up and get into battle stance. Artemis quickly draws her quiver and I prepare for a magic attack. "Relax I'm not going to hurt you," said Obsidian. "But you work for Cross?" growled Artemis. "Hmph, how typical do you just assume any who works for Oblivion and Cross is an enemy?" asked Obsidian. "Well yeah who wouldn't?" asked Cadence. "Geez you're just like the others, jumping straight to conclusions without even giving me a chance to explain myself," mumbled Obsidian. "Fine you gonna kill me, just do it," he said leaning back. "Well you gonna do it?" he asked. Artemis winced as she slowly lowered her quiver. "Yeah that's what I thought. said Obsidian sitting up. "As quickly as you can," sighed Flurry. "Truth is I'm neither friend nor foe," said Obsidian. "The hell is that supposed to mean?" asked Sam. "It means I'm not you're friend but I'm not you're enemy either," answered Obsidian. "I'm just, I guess you could say I'm someone who works for the enemy," "So you ARE a threat to us," I suggested. "No, I'm working for the enemy but I have no intent on hurting anyone," Obsidian answered. "So you're rebelling against your masters?" asked Shining. "Guess you could say that," answered. Obsidian. "So how do we know we can trust you?" asked Cadence. "Geez you all ask so many questions," groaned Obsidian. "To explain myself, You may see me again in the future, but if I'm hanging around Oblivion or even Cross I may act like a jerk, but when I'm alone with you guys like right now I'm not really interested in hurting you," "Capiche?" he asked. We all slightly nod our heads. "Alright good," he said checking the fish. "By the way dinner is ready, don't worry it's on the house," Me Sam and Shining all took the three trout and gave Obsidian the eye. "What I couldn't find enough so you'll have to share amongst yourselves or do you just not like fish to begin with?" "Nothing, just making sure you didn't poison it," said Sam. "Like I could do that," Obsidian snorted. Silently Artemis and I shared our fish, while Shining and Cadence shared theirs. However Flurry didn't seem hot on sharing hers with Sam. Once we were finished Obsidian asked,"So you're looking for the next element right?" "Yeah we've found loyalty and magic so far," answered Flurry. "Then I suppose I should let you know that neither the Necro Zynx nor The Sinister Legion has found the other four elements," said Obsidian. "Wait so they're still missing?" asked Artemis. "Indeed, I suggest that if you want to find your next element, you better start your search now," answered Obsidian. "How? We don't even know where to look," said Shining. Obsidian smirked,"Alright I'll help you this time around," He waved his hand as if he was telling us to come closer. Cautiously we all inch closer to hear what he has to say. "Alright now listen closely, if you go east from here, you'll find another cavern like this one, that's Prism Cavern, before you enter you'll be stopped by someone, tell them that Obsidian sent you and he should let you through," "Wait who is this someone?" asked Sam. "He's an old friend of mine and acts as the guardian of Prism Cavern," answered Obsidian. "Anyway when you enter the cave, keep going in until you reach the heart, there you'll find a massive Prism crystal sprouting from the ground shining in a rainbow color, that's The Great Prism," "The Great Prism?" asked Cadence. "You'll see when you get there, anyway ask the Great Prism three questions you may have and it'll answer, however it'll only answer those with a good heart so be careful who you send cause you can only send one person at a time to ask questions," said Obsidian. "You said east like east from where we are?" asked Flurry. Obsidian nodded. "It's best you go when the enemy is not active," said Obsidian. "Great I think we got it, thanks Obsidian," I said getting up. "Anytime, now go hurry before the rest gets here," said Obsidian. "The rest?" asked Artemis. "Like I said, I'm an Agent of Necro Zynx so everyone in the organization knows I'm in here," answered Obsidian. "But no worries I'll cover for you while you're gone," We each give our thanks to Obsidian as we leave the cave. By the time we get out it was already getting late. We decided to move as quickly and quietly as possible as we made for our next destination. Prism Cavern.