The Book Of Friendship

by XombieSlayr

More Alicorn Recipes: Cocoa Beetles

(Starlight and Trixie are once again in Twilight's kitchen, as Starlight writes down the title of her next entry)

Starlight's Journal: Cocoa Beetles

Okay so, today we are doing another recipe from the book, this one being a recipe Eclipsa naturally both me and Trixie are terrified, but we'll at least give it a shot.

(Trixie looks a little nervous now, as she writes down the recipe from the book)


- 1 pack of light cocoa candy melts
- 1 pack of dark cocoa candy melts
- 1/2 cup Cocoa krispies
- Strawberry pop rocks (optional)
- Eclipsa's Mark (Required)
- Candy Egg molds

(Trixie scratches her head. "What's an Eclipsa's Mark?" she asks)

(Starlight double checks the recipe and raises an eyebrow. "Uhh...I'm not sure. It has to be an ingredient of some kind, right? Maybe some kind of fruit?" she wonders.)

(" can we make these, then? It says it's required." Trixie says reading off the recipe again.)

(Starlight is unsure, but has an idea. "Maybe the book has something on it?" she ponders)

(They flip through the book, looking for some explanation as to what Eclipsa's Mark could be. However the only thing they find is a small hastily scribbled note on an empty page. It says:

Eclipsa's cutie mark is NOT a cutie mark. It is HER mark. And it has power. Where as Omnipotence created and gifted her own cutie mark to allow her to raise the sun, Eclipsa's Mark is extremely special. There is no other brand like it, and she has always had it. It has no special talent or purpose, other than to channel her magic to a certain focused point.

Branding or even just drawing her mark anywhere will activate its power, which can potentially be very dangerous, as it seems to be just as erratic and chaotic as Eclipsa herself. If not handled properly, the Mark will simply "do what it wants" regardless of science, magic or the laws of whichever universe its in. According to Eclipsa, she made it so her mark can only be put in the world up to eight times. Afterwards, the mark can no longer be drawn or branded anywhere till one of the existing ones is gone.

(The note is signed Zhukov.Below it is a drawing of what Eclipsa's Mark actually is.)

(Starlight and Trixie exchange glances, both seeming unsure of what to do.)

(Starlight breaks the tension. "I's obviously dangerous, right?"

("Yeah, but it's magic. You can handle magic right?" Trixie asks)

("Yeah, but...this is Eclipsa's magic. And shes basically completely insane!")

(Trixie shrugs. "I say we give it a shot. All we have to do is draw this *she gestures to the mark drawn on the note* somewhere on these cocoa beetles...I think.")

(Starlight is still nervous, but nonetheless, they both decide to try it. Worst case scenario, they go get Twilight. Worse then worse case, they go get Celestia and Luna. Any worse then that, they go get Discord.)

First step, Melt the light cocoa melts in a small bowl on a stovetop, stirring between every 30 second long heating.

(Starlight and Trixie melt the cocoa melts, with Starlight continuing to stir every 30 seconds. Trixie reads the next part of the recipe.)

Second step: Once melted, pour it into candy egg molds, filling each about half way. Next add a small amount of cocoa krispies to each mold, then add the Eclipsa Mark into each mold as well. Carefully stir them into the melted chocolate, and top them off with another layer of chocolate.

(Trixie carefully traces the mark drawn on the note on an un-melted chocolate mold in thin white icing. As soon as she does so, a strange presence is felt in the room, that causes Trixie to look quickly behind her. But nopony is there. She does the same thing for the rest of the chocolate molds and both her and Starlight can feel a mysterious power working its way through the area. They both try to ignore it as Starlight reads of the next step.)

Third step, Make sure all of them are evenly coated before smoothing them out with a few solid taps on the table and into the freezer they go!

(Starlight does so, and they wait for the chocolate to harden. The strange presence is no longer felt, but both Starlight and Trixie's horns stir as they feel the same mysterious power grow stronger and stronger. They both think they may have made a mistake.)

Fourth step, Once they are fully hardened, pop them out of the molds and wait.

(Starlight and Trixie take the molds out of the freezer and set them on the counter. At once the mysterious power is gone and they look around for any strange activity. But they see nothing. Then they wait.)

After 30 seconds, Trixie's ear perks up as she hears a soft cracking sound. She looks down to see that the chocolate molds are stirring and twitching. She leans in to get a closer look when all of a sudden they sprout little antennae, legs and glossy wings, and began flying around. Trixie screams and falls of her chair, as Starlight only looks at them in complete amazement. As Trixie covers her head with her hooves, Starlight returns to the recipe and reads the final step.)

Lastly, In about 30 seconds or so, each egg will sprout into little chocolate beetles with legs, antennae and wings. Be sure to catch them before they fly away and trap them in a candy box, which is also inscribed with the Eclipsa Mark. (to keep them from trying to escape.) Next bite into one and enjoy, as it wriggles around in your hoof, still barely alive!

(Starlight laughs, as she is absolutely amazed at the level of magic she had just witnessed. "T-This...this is unbelievable!" she cries. "This is more advanced magic then ANYTHING I've ever read about, let alone actually seen!" She exclaims excitedly, as she tries and fails to catch one of the cocoa beetles. "I don't even think Star Swirl could do something like this!")

(Trixie is less then excited and simply cries out for Starlight to make them go away.)

(Starlight follows the last step, taking a spare candy box and catching all the beetles with her magic inside of it. The Box buzzes and hums as the beetles try to escape. Then Starlight remembers the most important step, as she draws another Eclipsa Mark on the box. Instantly, the box is still and quiet. Starlight is at a loss for words.)

(She glances at the description for the recipe left by Eclipsa in the book, while Trixie gets up off the floor and straightens her hat)

Description: "Regular chocolates always bored me. They're just too....normal. But these are so much better in my opinion. Its always fun to bite off their heads and watch them squirm around, before they finally die. Then you eat the rest of em! Enjoy!"
- Eclipsa