Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 10: Looking for Honesty

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!" Oblivion screamed.

"Oblivion sir please calm yourself raging isn't going to help the situation," said Krysis pouring in a cup of tea.

"Curse you Faba you should have called ages ago!" roared Oblivion.

"My lord please rest assure i'm sure Faba and is team are looking for Necrozma right now," said a space pirate. Oblivion stomped his foot in frustration as he pointed at two robots nearby.

"You grounder and scratch or whatever your names were, fetch me my headset,"

"Uh yes sir!" Grounder and Scratch said in unison saluting. Afraid of getting scolded by Oblivion the two quickly made haste and ran off to get Oblivion's headset. As the two ran off, Cross and his three Agents walked in with several Necro troopers, Waddle dees, Pork troopers, Changelings, and a Chandelure following behind.

"We're back Oblivion!" Cross announced.

"What took you so long ya horse shit!?" Oblivion hissed.

"Geez Oblivion calm down, we were only gone for 2 hours," said Cross holding up his hands.

"I don't give a crap, you better have some good news for me," Oblivion growled.

"Oh wait till you hear this," said Cross smirking. He moved out of the way as Meta Knight stepped forward.

"We managed to track down the next element," said Meta Knight.

"Well don't keep me waiting," said Oblivion impatiently.

"During Ridley and Star Wolf's hunt for the renegades and escaped prisoners, they managed to track the next element in the valley near in between the Changeling hive and dragon lands," said Gladion.

"Where are Ridley and Star Wolf now?" asked Krysis.

"Ridley is still searching for the renegades and prisoners, while Star Wolf is headed towards the lake with the legendary beast you mentioned," said Cross.

"The Legendary Rayquaza?" asked Krysis.

"Yes, meanwhile Tempest is heading towards the next element," said Alain.

"Hmph I should expect her to retrieve that element before those temporary bearers do," snorted Oblivion. Suddenly both Grounder and scratch ran in with the headset in their hands.

"Here you are sir!" said Scratch handing Oblivion his headset. Oblivion snatched the headset and placed it over his ears.

"Oh right before I forget, Krysis how's Ludwig, Wily, and Eggman's invention coming along?" asked Oblivion.

"It's complete and already tested," answered Ludwig's familiar voice as he and two men walked in.

"Good, Cross take their robot and send it towards the valley Gladion mentioned we want to make sure nobody gets in our way this time around," ordered Oblivion.

"Roger that," said Cross saluting Oblivion. He turned around and walked out with Gladion, Alain, Meta Knight, Ludwig, Wily, and Eggman leaving Grounder and Scratch alone in the room with the guards.

"What are you all still doing here, go on scram you have work to do so get to it," Oblivion said.

"Oh uh yes sir," said Grounder and Scratch as they walked out with the guards. Oblivion waved at Krysis telling him to leave. Bowing Krysis without hesitation walked out leaving Oblivion alone in his office.

"How are things looking?" asked Faba to the Aether Employee.

"Still no sign of him sir," answered the Employee.

"Oh just great, we've been hunting Necrozma for the past few days and still no luck," groaned Faba.

"Well he IS one of the legendary Pokemon of Alola," said the Employee.

"Yeah but that's no excuse, what if Oblivion calls us right now?" Just as Faba asked his a familiar ringtone began playing from his device. Panicking he quickly pulled it out and answered the call. "Hello?" asked Faba.

"Faba you finally picked up, what in god's name are you doing?" Oblivion asked. Faba looked at the Employee and waved his hand telling him to keep working.

"Sorry sir it's just that Necrozma isn't making things any easier for us," answered Faba.

"Well you're taking too long hurry up already," said Oblivion.

"Uh yes sir," said Faba. Once the device cut off, Faba wiped the sweat off his brow and let out a sigh of relief. "What, stop looking at me and keep working," he ordered at the employee.

"Well there it is Prism Cavern," said Kylie pointing at the approaching cave. For the past few hours we had been flying in the darkness trying to avoid dragging attention to ourselves, but now as morning approached so did our destination. Kylie parked the airship several yards away from the entrance while Artemis, Flurry, Cadence, Sam, and I walked towards the entrance. Shining had agreed to stay on the airship with Kylie to help with several chores while pulling guard duty.

"This is it huh," said Cadence.

"Yep," Flurry answered.

"Well let's get in there," I said taking a step forward.

"HALT!" a voice suddenly called out. Confused we all began looking around for the voice. "Up here!" we all looked up to see a figure standing on top of the cave entrance. The figure jumped off and landed in front of us. From the looks of it, he was obviously a human, he wore heavy knight's armor with a white cape and held a scepter with a rainbow gem at the tip. "Friend or Foe," he asked pointing the tip at us.

"Friend," Sam answered. The figure slowly lowered his scepter but kept his eye on us as if we were going to attack him.

"Who are you, never seen you around these parts," said the human.

"We're new here, Obsidian sent us," I say. His eyes widened upon hearing that name.

"Oh so you're a friend of Obsidian are you, well sorry about that," he said lowering his scepter all the way.

"It's fine, just a misunderstanding," said Artemis.

"I'm Flurry, and this is my mom Cadence," said Flurry pointing to Cadence. "And these are my friends, Fandom, Artemis, and Samwise or Sam for short," said Flurry pointing to us. We all give our greetings as Flurry finishes our introduction.

"The Name's Spectrum, but most of my friends call me Spec," said the human. "I'm the guardian of Prism Cavern, and the thing behind me is it," said Spec. We all nod in agreement. "So what brings you to Prism Cavern?" asked Spec.

"We want to ask the Great Prism some questions," answered Cadence.

"Is that so?" asked Spec.

"Yes, Obsidian told us what we need in order to get some answers so we don't need an overview," said Artemis.

"Well then good luck hope you can get some answers," said Spec moving out of the way.

"Thank you so much, we won't be long," said Flurry leading our group in. The first thing we noticed when entering is that the walls and ceiling was completely covered with giant gemstones glowing in different colors illuminating the dark cavern so that we could actually see where we were walking.

"It's so beautiful," said Flurry.

"Indeed," replied Sam. We continued to chat as we made our way deeper into the cavern. We eventually reached an open room covered with several glowing crystals like the ones we saw behind us.

"So pretty," said Artemis.

"Look," said Sam pointing forward. We all look towards the direction Sam was pointing and saw a giant white crystal glowing in a rainbow color. "That must be it," said Sam.

"Yeah," I say.

"Alright so who's going to go ask," asked Artemis.

"I'll go," said Flurry volunteering. "After all I'm the one who signed up for this quest in the first place," We all looked at each other and shrugged as Flurry walked up to the Prism. Looking at it she sighed and closed her eyes. "Oh Great Prism I am Flurry Heart of Canterlot, I come to you today to ask some questions, please lend us your wisdom," The Prism glowed brighter than before as if it was responding to Flurry. Smiling Flurry asked,"We are currently looking for the elements of harmony, we managed to find two but we still don't know where the other four are, please tell us where they are," Suddenly as if on cue, a strange voice spoke to her in her head.

"Go to the valley between the nest of insects and the land of reptiles," it answered. Flurry opened her eyes and looked at the Prism in confusion, what did it mean by that? She didn't know but now wasn't the time to think, she still had two questions to ask. Closing her eyes again she asked.

"Which element lies there?"

"The element you search for is one of which only the truth will answer," responded the Prism.

"Who is the temporary bearer of the element?" asked Flurry.

"The temporary bearer you search for is one who will save you from danger in the distant future," responded the Prism. Flurry opened her eyes and stared at the Prism. The answers it gave didn't make sense, but maybe she'll know when the time comes. Cautiously she stepped down and rejoined her friends.

"What did it say?" asked Cadence.

"It said the next element is located in the valley between the nest of insects and land of reptiles, the element we're looking for is only answered by the truth, and the temporary bearer will save me in the distant future," answered Flurry.

"And what is any of that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"I don't know, but the Prism won't speak after I asked the last question," answered Flurry.

"I guess we'll know when the time comes," said Sam.

"I hope so," said Artemis.

"Well enough chit chat let's go, Shining and Kylie are waiting for us," I say. We all nod in agreement and walk back the way we came from.

"So did you learn anything?" asked Spec.

"Afraid not, the way the Prism talks is very confusing," said Flurry.

"Well no worries, the Prism always talks in confusing ways," said Spec.

"Alright enough chit chat for now, we gotta go guys," I say.

"Thanks for everything Spec," said Artemis waving at him.

"No problem, come visit me again anytime, any friend of Obsidian is always welcome here," he said waving. we all say our goodbyes as we made our way back to the airship. We're gonna have a lot of explaining to do to Kylie and Shining Armor.