//------------------------------// // The Lightning Empress // Story: The Book Of Friendship // by XombieSlayr //------------------------------// The Lightning Empress is the true rightful ruler of The Storm Kingdom, and the descendant of Sacanas, the valiant Snow Alicorn princess who inspired its citizens and would become the ruler of The Storm Kingdom. Like her family before her, The Lightning Empress is a Stormicorn, a powerful hybrid of the Storm Beasts power over storms and the Snow Alicorn's magic over ice and snow. Stormicorns are very tall, and snow white with patches of soft white fur as well as a typical coat, cloven forehooves and Storm beast-like hind legs with a furry white tail also like a storm beast. They have a long, jagged black horn on their forehead, and spiked up manes, usually crackling with electricity. They also bear no cutie marks, and icy blue eyes.They also have sharper teeth. They are known for being very prideful, clever, intimidating and beautiful.