//------------------------------// // Complications // Story: Synthetic but living: Adventures in Cyberspace // by Dark Nightshade //------------------------------// Derpy was floating again, and was surrounded by bright light. The insane levels of pain she had felt had disappeared. Of course, she had just barely managed to transfer herself into the glasses before her body had died, but it had still been sudden and sad. The glowing light around Derpy died down, and she could see through the glass she was now in. She looked around, and saw her body being hugged and sobbed over by Flash. The glasses she was in where still being held by Ultrabyte, who was just standing there, an incredible stunned look on her face. "Hey, I'm in here!" Derpy yelled. No one heard her. "Right, the earpieces." There weren't any near, but Ultrabyte must have realized that she was still holding the glasses, because she lifted them to her face and put them on. Derpy looked at Ultrabyte, and Derpy's eyes temporarily flashed across the screen. Ultrabyte gasped. "She's still alive!" she exclaimed, a smile growing on her face. Flash looked up at her. "She's in the glasses?" he asked. Ultrabyte nodded. Flash jumped up and lunged at the glasses, tearing them off of Ultrabyte's face and putting them on his own. "Can you talk?" Flash asked. Derpy shook her head, but he couldn't see it. "I'll get the earpieces," Raw Data said before sprinting of towards the basement. Derpy started feeling out towards his direction, waiting to find the earpieces so she could transfer into them as well. And suddenly, they were there. Derpy started transferring as soon as she felt it, and as Raw Data handed them to Flash, Derpy started talking. Don't worry, I'm fine, Derpy said. Though that did really hurt. Flash grinned. "She's fine!" he yelled. "Are you sure?" Yes, I'm sure. We will need to make another body, though, so that kind of sucks, Derpy said. But hey, on the bright side, now not only am I relatively safe from that robot, but I can also see more recipes for muffins! The last part she had said jokingly, and Flash snickered. "That is true," he said. "But, we will need to get serious about the robot. What happened to it?" "Well, hopefully, it's thirst for Ultrabyte has been quenched, since it thought that Derpy was Ultrabyte," Raw Data said. "Well, let's check the news," Ultrabyte said. They walked into the living room and Ultrabyte turned the T.V on, and changed the Chanel's till it was on the news. And what news there was. The anchormen were talking about a mysterious murderer, who continued to baffle the police. "Whoever it is clearly has inhuman powers," one said. "It would be a miracle if the police stopped this murderer before he kills anyone else!" The other groaned. "Or anyone important," he said. "The police haven't been able to stop him yet, but hopefully that'll change soon." Ultrabyte turned to T.V off and faced the others. "Well, looks like we have job to do," she said. "Now, Derpy, you've been in it before. Are you willing to do it again, and kill it?" Derpy sighed and started talking. Flash, being the only one who had earpieces on, had to repeat what she was saying. "She said that she is willing to do it this time, although she doesn't want to," Flash said. "Don't worry, Derpy, this thing can't be saved. But I could've saved it, Derpy told Flash. But, if I have to, than I'll destroy its programing. Flash smiled. "Well then, let's find this thing and finish it," Flash said with a grim smile. "Derpy, can you track it?" Raw Data asked. Flash paused as he listened to Derpy talk. "She says she can," Flash said. "And that right now, it's nearing Canterlot High." Flash started up his car, which at this point was incredible damaged and covered in Derpy's drying blood. Derpy fed Flash information about where the robot was every few minutes. It seemed to be going to Canterlot High, which Derpy thought was odd. Flash's car had some serious horsepower, which he was glad to finally use, even if it was in such dire circumstances. As the car made a hard turn, they saw the robot bounding from car to car, breaking glass in its murdering spree, thinking that they were all Ultrabyte. "Derpy, can you get to it from here?" Flash asked. Not yet, Derpy said.Get us closer. As Flash weaved his car around the idling cars, much slower than earlier, they started gaining on the robot, who had started slowing down. Ok, here I go! Derpy exclaimed, and her voice didn't sound again. "She's in it," Flash said. "Good," Raw Data said. "Now we just have to keep the robot busy until she damages it to the point of no return." Meanwhile, Derpy had managed to make it into the robot, who she had named Infinity Crisis. The whirlwind of code from earlier had become more chaotic, letting off stuff that looked like lightning. "Ultrabyte code found!" the same voice said. "You've already killed me!" Derpy said. "I was your first!" The voice paused for a few seconds before responding. "You can project yourself into computers," it said. "You've done that before, to escape from a dying body before." Derpy suddenly got an idea. "Yes, but she is dead!" Derpy said. "I am your conciseness!" "I have no conciseness," the voice said. "All I need is the death of Ultrabyte." Derpy sighed, but then got another idea, this one better than the last one. "Wait, but I know where she is!" Derpy said. "In fact, I'll even give you an image of Ultrabyte!" The voice paused again. "Weighing factors," it said. "Factors weighed. I accept your proposal. Enter my base coding." The code storm seemed to calm down. Derpy floated towards it, and passed through the outermost wall. It was calmer inside, and Derpy grabbed a line of code. The coding started shaking and tried to get away, but Derpy managed to hold on tight. She pictured an image in her head and tried projecting it onto the line of code. It didn't work. She tried again, several more times, until the image in her head finally rewrote the line of code. "This is Ultrabyte," Derpy said. "You'll find her in Canterlot High." "Understood," Infinity Crisis said. "You've served your purpose. Prepare for ejection." "Wait, what?" Derpy asked. Suddenly, she felt a tug, like she was caught in an oceans tide. Filled with alarm, she felt out for Flash's Headgear. As she started getting shot out, she found it, and started aiming herself towards it. After a few moments of weightlessness, she entered the Headgear. I'm back! she exclaimed. Flash jumped. "What happened?" he asked. "The robot hasn't stopped!" Derpy grinned. Oh, I've solved our problem, she said. I've given him a picture of 'Ultrabyte' and told him to look in Canterlot High. "Why?" Flash asked. "Who's picture did you really give it?" Derpy's grin grew wider. I gave it an image of itself, she said.