Love and Pies

by RDDash

7: Supervising New Recruits

"And this is how I met your mother!" Soarin closed the journal and then put it on the shelf. "so what do you think?"

Bleached Sunrise blinked, "Well I suppose it was a bit interesting to know the story of how my parents have met, but for the most part, you would have to admit that I was there!"

"Yeah, that's true, so is there anything else you would like to know?"

"Sure!" Bleached nodded, "I was wondering, did Princess Twilight actually married that guy and I mean that orange one with spiky mane, not that one with green mane because that green mane guy is a complete douchebag, I am not saying that he has some good qualities, he is just extremely cringe-worthy."

Soarin smiled a bit mischievously, "You could say that!..."

"Dad!!! You are kidding right?"

Soarin shrugged off, "Well... to be fair the alternative version of Twilight went with Timber Sprouse! So our version kind of received a fair deal!"

"Ew, I am already kind of creeped out by it. So, um, I would like to hear the rest of the story, please!

Soarin nodded, "I can do that, now let's see The Third Moon of 24th of the year 1010, your mother was already been transferred the command of Wonderbolts. Its early morning and she was about too go and personally inspect the new greenhorns that came that year, when... "

"Greenhorns? That an odd choice of words!"

"Well, you see! Is it a bit tad complicated than that."


"Alright, fine, so let us go back to that moment of time when your mother was sleeping in her brand new office and your father who is me, was about to wake her up!"

"Dad, what about me? I thought you said that you and my mom are switching shifts just to look at me!"

"That's right! While we did that, however just this once Pinkie Pie volunteered to look over you just this one time." While saying that Soarin facehooved himself, his only daughter just now reminded him of the plot hole he almost made.

"Dad, are you okay?"

"I am fine! why are you asking?" Soarin tried to smile in order to show that it was like he said, that everything was fine.

"Well, I did just saw you just now how your eyes had widened and staff, and then you started to hit yourself. Why are you hitting yourself, Daddy?"

"I wasn't, I just remembered the very important detail that's all. Now, do you want to hear the rest of the story or not?"

Bleached eyes widened in fear, she really wanted to hear the story about her mother, even if at times her dad wasn't the best storyteller ever. "Dad, please tell it, I really want to hear it!"

Soarin eyes softened a bit, "So one day..."


Rainbow Dash has been sleeping in her brand new office, after the Congratulations of being promoted to the Captain of Wonderbolds party, which started right here in this exact office. Of course, Pinkie Pie had been involved in the whole ordeal. So now, after the whole night of activity Rainbow Dash had been sleeping, and would have for at least few more hours if she wasn't interrupted by a sound of the opening door.

"Uh, what? too much noise, my head!" Rainbow Dash woke and rubbed her head with her hoof. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the pony who was in front of her. When her eyesight cleared she finally saw that it was Soarin who had been standing and waiting for her.

"I still can't believe that Spitfire decided to make me as Captain, why can't it be you instead?"

"Who knows, maybe she liked your cheerful personality, but this is why they made me your XO!"

"Maybe, so what's up my XO?" Rainbow Dash dropped a mischievous smile

"Well, for starters, all the others have been waiting for you. "Soarin blinked a few times, "we have a lot to do, and by that I mean we have a lot of recruits to supervise. You know the same usual gig that Spitfire used to do when she..."

Rainbow Dash quickly focused her attention on what Soarin was saying "Is that this time of year yet again?"


Rainbow Dash stood up from a chair that she had been sleeping on and then stretched her back. She put her sunglasses on and then turned back towards Soarin."Well, let's go then!" Rainbow and Soarin exited the office and then started flying toward the training grounds, where the new recruits had been waiting, as well as few other Wonderbolt team members.

"Alright let's see what we have here?" Rainbow Dash landed and then trotted right next to the Wonderbolt who had been standing the left of the new recruits.

"Captain, as you can see this are yours, I meant to say, our new recruits!" At the last moment, she managed to correct herself from the slip-up.

Rainbow Dash didn't look fazed, in fact under those sunglasses it was a bit difficult to tell, "Loosen up will you! I am not Spitfire, I am not going to make a hard time just because you made a mistake!"

"You won't?"

"Nope, you already punishing yourself by making a mistake, look at you sweating and everything!"

"I am?"

"Yes!" Rainbow felt slightly getting tired from the conversation. "Indigo Zap was it? Sorry I couldn't recognize you!"

"That's fine, I don't really feel offended. Other ponies tend to mistake me for my older sister Lightning!"

It's been several years since that day when Rainbow and Lightning were trying to get into Wonderbolts Academy. Rainbow Dash passed with flying colors and Lightning Dust did not. Now several years later Lightning's younger sister Indigo managed to do what her sister couldn't.

All that time recruits had been waiting for Captain. At some point, Rainbow Dash nodded to Soarin to start off with something simple and then based on the current curriculum to slowly increase the difficulty of the trials....


"... and then,...." Soarin abruptly stopped himself when he noticed that Bleached was sleeping on the couch. He smiled to himself, and then decide to just let it slide just this one time.

After about ten minutes and forty seconds later Rainbow Dash came back from the work. On one side of it she saw hot her daughter sleeping, and next to her Soarin had been sleeping as well.

"And then they all lived happily ever after, the end!" She quietly said to herself, and then trotted next to Soarin, she lay down next to him. His body felt warm, and that made her feel happy.

"I wonder which story was it that you started to tell, but never finish it because you both fell asleep!" She whispered to herself. Her eyes slowly closed as well, and she fell asleep as well.