Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 11: Versus Galleom

The skies above Flare burn desert was scorching hot as always, and yet Ridley continued flying as if the heat waves didn't exist. He's been searching for three days now and he still hasn't found the renegade airship.

"Ugh how can a single airship fly such far distance in a short amount of time , it's as if it disappeared into thin air," groaned Ridley. "Whatever as long as I get paid then this is be worth my troubles," Ridley said. He flew faster, continuing his search.

The sun shined brightly above Cynthesis Forest and the Pokemon and woodland creatures continued living their daily lives. However they didn't expect three strange anthropomorphic animals in jet fighter uniforms to suddenly show up. Team Star Wolf had finally found the forest leading to the lake that held the legendary beast, Rayquaza. If they could somehow convince Rayquaza to help them, surely Oblivion would have to raise their salary.

"Are sure you know what you're doing Wolf?" asked a Chameleon.

"What are you doubting me Leon?" asked Wolf leading his team through the forest.

"What of course not!" said Leon panicked.

"Heh Leon you really are hilarious when you freak out," snickered a black panther.

"SHUT UP PANTHER!" hissed Leon.

"Will you two idiots stop fighting, look we've found it," said Wolf pointing to an opening.

"Let's check it out," said Panther. The three ran towards the opening and eventually came across a giant lake. The surface was glistening in the sunlight reflecting the faces of the three like a mirror.

"Wow," said Leon.

"This is where he lives?" asked Panther.

"According to Krysis yes," answered Wolf. Suddenly a loud roar echoed throughout the area.

"What was that?" asked Leon. Just then the water from the lake erupted as a giant green dragon burst out. It's glowing yellow eye glared at the three and the yellow rings on it's long slender body glowed brightly. It turned towards the three and roared.

"Is that?" asked Panther.

"Yeah no doubt about it, this is the legendary beast we're looking for, Rayquaza," answered Wolf.

Dusty Canyon, the large valley separating the Changeling Hive and the Dragon Lands. This old piece of land was formerly a resting place of a small town, but since then the town had been abandoned and now was being occupied by Tempest Shadow and her army of Storm Guards. Tempest had set up camp here under Oblivion's commands where she had to find the next element before anyone else. The Squadron she had sent out had left yesterday and hadn't returned yet. Meanwhile Tempest patiently sat and waited in the town, waiting for the 'gift' Oblivion had sent her.

"Grubber is the squadron back yet?" asked Tempest.

"Not yet," answered Grubber.

"Ugh where are they?" asked Tempest.

"I don't know, but your gift should be here soon," answered Grubber.

"And here it is," added a voice. The two turned around to see Ludwig, Wily, and Eggman standing there.

"Took you three long enough," hissed Tempest.

"Sorry testing took a while, but we have it right now," said Ludwig.

"Well where is it?" asked Tempest. Eggman smirked as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly the skies above their camp grew dark as a large aircraft hovered over them carrying a large metallic object.

"Whoa," said Grubber.

"Allow me to introduce you to our newest invention, Galleom the warmonger robot," said Eggman. "With this nobody can stand in your way," laughed Eggman.

"It's beautiful, Grubber let's go, I want to test my new toy," said Tempest.

The sun was high in the sky and the warm sunlight was pouring down onto the Changeling Hive. Meanwhile Thorax, King of the reformed Changelings was preparing for battle. He had received news about a mysterious threat somewhere in Dusty Canyon. He had to make sure his army was prepared to face whatever was getting ready to attack his hive. But from what he heard, this new threat was was working for the God of Destruction, Oblivion. Defeating a minion of Oblivion wasn't going to be easy so he wanted to make sure his hive was ready. Luckily for him, two swordsman had heard about the struggle and agreed to help him. Thorax didn't know who these two were, calling themselves the 'Radiant Hero and the Hero King' or what not. But he was grateful they could help.

"Again I couldn't be much happier to have you here Sir uh sorry what was your names again?" asked Thorax.

"I'm Marth and that's my second hand man Ike," said the swordsman pointing to his comrade.

"Well it's nice to meet you both," said Thorax.

"Thorax the hive is ready," said a Changeling walking up to him.

"Looks like it's time," said Marth.

"If we want to protect your hive, we have to move fast," said Ike. Thorax nodded as he led the two towards the entrance.

The skies above the Dragon Land had grown darker than usual and stayed that way while the dragons prepared to fend off the evil coming towards them. The Dragons, under the command of Princess Ember, wasn't alone. They had two strange figures aiding them. One of them who called them self Lucina and the other Robin.

"I really appreciate your help and all, but I really don't get how you two can help us out," said Ember.

"Just don't question it," said Lucina.

"Alright then," sighed Ember.

"Princess the threat is just outside the Dragon Lands, in Dusty Canyon, it's heading towards us a t full speed," said a dragon.

"Well?" asked Robin.

"Princess the time has come, we must take action, time to strike!" Lucina said.

"Indeed," said Ember flying off with the two following behind.

"Here we are," said Thorax.

"So this is Dusty Canyon," said Marth. "Looks kind of dull,"

"Don't let you're guard down, we have to be extremely cautious," said Ike. Both Marth and Thorax nodded in agreement.

"Thorax is that you?" asked Ember. Thorax, Marth, and Ike turned around to see Ember flying down with Lucina and Robin following behind.

"Ember what are you doing here?" asked Thorax.

"The same goes for you," said Ember.

"I heard that something was threatening the hive so I came to fight it off," answered Thorax.

"The same goes for the Dragon Lands," said Ember. Thorax looked a little surprised, but Marth and Ike and Robin and Lucina looked at each other and nodded.

"So the hero king is supporting the Changelings," said Lucina.

"And you the Dragons?" asked Marth.

"We can't just let them be now can we," said Robin.

"I suppose that's true," said Ike.

"Guys quiet do you hear that?" asked Marth. The six stopped talking to listen. Somewhere in the distant the sound of machines could be heard approaching them. As the sound grew a strange object appeared over the horizon. The object had two large cannons on it's back and a large snout on the front. Large circuits ran on the sides with purple energy flowing through them. The object came to a stop in front of the group and stayed in place.

"What is that?" asked a Changeling. Suddenly the object began to move and shift. It's body began to move in unusual ways eventually until legs popped out and it grew arms. The snout on the front popped out until a face was revealed. The strange object had transformed into a robot revealing Galleom's true form. Galleom glared and roared at the group nearly scaring the Changelings and Dragons.

"What is that?" asked Thorax.

"I don't know but it's obviously not friendly," said Marth drawing his sword. Ike, Lucina, and Robin all drew their swords while Thorax and Ember got into battle stance.

"IDENTITY SCAN BEGIN," said Galleom scanning the six. "UNIDENTIFIED, ALIEN LIFEFORMS," said Galleom.

"Excuse me who are you calling Alien Life form?" asked Ember.

"OBJECTIVE, DESTROY ALIEN LIFEFORMS," said Galleom. It let out a loud metallic roar as it pulled it's arm back and went in for the punch. The group jumped out of the way and went on either sides. Both Marth and Ike struck Galleom's left arm while Lucina and Robin struck the right. Both Ember and Thorax launched and blast of fire and magic into Galleom's face only to make it angry. It bent down and jumped up in the air.

"Get out of the way!" Ike ordered. Both Thorax and Ember moved left and right as Galleom came crashing down. The six and both armies charged and began beating at Galleom. But Galleom was strong enough to completely wipe out both armies only leaving the six standing.

"My hive!" Thorax yelped.

"Oh that's how you want to play it?" hissed Ember charging at Galleom. It let out an angry roar as it raised it's arm ready to attack. But Ember continued to fly at Galleom showing no fear. Just as Galleom brought it's arm down, Ember twirled 360 degrees and landed a fiery kick hard enough to call it the final strike. Galleom let out a metallic screech as it collapsed on the ground.

"Did you do it?" asked Thorax.

"I think so," said Ember breathing heavy. Suddenly Galleom got up and transformed into it's tank form and turned around to escape.

"Hey don't let it escape," said Ike running after it.

"Ike wait!" said Marth running after his comrade. Both Robin and Lucina let out a sigh as they ran after the two.

"Hey wait for us," said Thorax running after them with Ember following behind.