//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Suspicions // Story: The Element of Hope // by Shootingstar212 //------------------------------// My gaze is locked on the doorknob that is in front of me. Behind this door is what will decide my fate for the rest of the year. Hell, maybe for my life. I’ve come back to Sugarcube Corner after giving what Twilight said to me some thought. Everypony put so much arduous work into that party; it would just be a waste if I didn’t attend. Before I even knew it, I was already standing outside of the place. The techno music is muffled behind the walls and I can see multicoloured lights flashing through the cracks in the door. I reach my hand and grasp the brass knob. Feeling the cold metal shoots some chills up my spine. What am I scared of exactly? I’ve been assured that showing up again will be alright. I should probably make an excuse on why I flaked out, to begin with… I turn the knob and the locks click open. I slowly push the door open and am assaulted with music. The ponies in the room are practically shouting so they can hear what each other are saying over the music. Lights are violently flashing all over the room; it hurts my eyes a bit. I look around to attempt to find Twilight in this mess of a bakery. I see the familiar violet mare talking with a Pegasus. The bright flashes of the party lights illuminate the body of the Pegasus. It only lasts for a split second, but I know exactly who it is. The cocky stance, the cyan blue, and the eye-catching mane are all the signature of Rainbow Dash. The last thing I want to deal with tonight is another snide comment from her, but I guess that’s the price I must pay for running away from a party of all things… I begin to push my way passed the crowd of pony’s, unintentionally interrupting their dancing or conversations in the process. Everypony I must push pass I try to excuse myself as loud as I can; even though they most likely can’t hear me; I know I can’t hear them. Everypony I bump into, I feel the burning gaze of annoyance digging into my soul. But I press on, almost blocking the other pony’s out of my mind, just so I can get to my destination. I reach out and tap Twilight’s back to get her attention. I feel her back muscles tense up a bit from coming into contact with my fingers; it’s probably an unusual feeling for her. Every time the light flashes on and off, Twilight slowly turns to face me. I am at first greeted with a look of surprise, which slowly turns into one of happiness. No words are exchanged between us. Twilight’s smile says it all, she knows her words of encouragement were able to convince me to come back to the party. The background music fades out slowly before changing into another song. Instead of continuing with the techno genre that was playing before, the music is now some sort of combination of Rap and Dubstep. The styles are clearly clashing with each other, almost like it’s some sort of remix of another song I don’t recognize. There’s one thing I’m certain about, I really dislike this song…. “Hey, Twilight! Can we go somewhere quieter?” I try to yell at Twilight but to no avail. She cocks her head in confusion. “What?” Twilight yells in response. “I said, can we go somewhere quieter?!” I yell even louder in an attempt to overshadow the music. Instead of saying anything in response, Twilight just nods and begins to walk in another direction. I think she wants me to follow her? I begin to follow her, and to my disappointment, Rainbow Dash is also walking with Twilight. I guess there’s no getting out of this, I’m in for a rough night… We go from the corner of the room, past a few ponies, and up a flight of stairs. We’re currently walking down a narrow hallway. I’ve been taking quick glances at Rainbow dash for only about a second while we walk, I’ve noticed her doing the same. The awkward air between us is interrupted by Twilight. “Wow, it’s really loud down there…” Twilight says while rubbing her ear with her hoof. The music can still be heard from even on the second floor, but now it’s more muffled because of the wood flooring. My ears are still ringing from the music that was playing, it’s a complexly unique experience than what I got from my headphones. “DJ Pon3 really isn’t pulling any punches tonight!” Rainbow Dash is practically yelling; maybe because her ears are ringing too loud. The name “DJ Pon3” sounds so familiar… I feel like I’ve seen a cassette with that name on it, while I was shopping once… “Hey! Where’re you going?” The raspy voice of Rainbow Dash catches me off guard. I didn’t notice that I walked passed where the others had stopped; I was too lost in thought. I slowly turn around to face the girls. Rainbow dash’s very, and I mean very, forced smile catches my attention immediately. There’s something that’s a bit off-putting from this situation right now, mostly because Rainbow Dash isn’t treating me like last weeks trash, and is somewhat being respectable. This smile is really sealing the deal that there’s something going on behind the scenes that I don’t know about. “U-uh, it’s nothing… I was just lost in thought…” I reply while trying to avoid eye contact with her. I’m not sure if what’s holding me back from outright asking what the deal is. Maybe it’s out of fear from being lashed out at again? I really have to grow a spine for this sort of shit soon… Twilight uses her magic to open the door we were standing in front of, and to my surprise, it’s a bedroom. It’s way bigger than the one in my house, that’s for sure. This place has enough space to fit probably fifteen Stallions in here. The blanket on the queen-sized bed has a checkerboard pattern of bright teal and a darker shade of teal, with pictures of balloons on the sides and all over the sheets. A sizable couch is sitting in the middle of the room, it has the same colour as the blankets from the bed. Finally, there’s a long table that’s taking up the rest of the space, chairs are lined up on both sides. Each chair is a few inches apart from each other, with four chairs on each side. “Whose room is this?” I ask Twilight. I’m curious about who needs all this space for a bedroom. It’s almost as big as the first floor of the house I’m living in. “This is Pinkie Pie’s room!” Twilight responds rather excitedly. Pinkie Pie’s room? Does that mean she’s here now? My eyes nervously scan the room for fear of being jump scared by Pinkie Pie once again, I still haven’t forgotten about last night. While looking around I see Rainbow Dash lay down on the sofa, crossing her forehooves behind her head and crossing her legs to get comfortable. Twilight clears her throat, “Rainbow Dash, can you please wait here for a moment? I’m going to go get the others.” Rainbow Dash nods her head, not even looking at Twilight, giving her an “Uh-huh” in response. Twilight looks at me before trotting out, “I’ll be back in a second.” The door closes because of Twilight’s magic, leaving me alone with Rainbow Dash. I lean my back against the wall behind me and I place my hands in my pocket. The passing minutes feel like hours, mainly because of the awkward silence that’s between me and Rainbow Dash. Neither of us has said a word, and it looks like Rainbow Dash doesn’t even have a passing interest in saying anything to me. But looks are deceiving as Rainbow Dash speaks up, “So, are you nervous or something?” Rainbow Dash isn’t looking at me when she speaks. Her eyes are still closed for crying out loud. “What do you mean by that?” I ask her back. “You haven’t said anything in minutes, I see your eyes darting around the room, and I’ve seen you take glances at me. To be fair, I’ve looked at you a couple of times, but for a different reason.” Rainbow Dash completely read me like a book, while at the same time admitting to taking some glances at me. “Or maybe your just nervous because this is your first time being alone with a Mare in a bedroom” Rainbow Dash teases. “I want to cut to the chase,” I state. This causes Rainbow Dash’s ear to perk up and open her eyes. “You’re acting differently than when we first met two nights ago. Almost like it never happened. You’re trying to act “buddy-buddy” with me, despite what you said that night. Something about this whole situation seems off, and I want an answer.” Our eyes are locked on each other. My stomach feels like it’s twisting with every second of silence. “I’m going to be honest with you, Travis.” Rainbow Dash addresses me by my name for the first time which catches me off guard, “Twilight and I have been talking to each other more about what happened that night. Mostly, about you.” “You were talking about me?” Rainbow Dash sits up, “Twilight went on and on earlier today about how you’re actually really nice to her, and that I shouldn’t have yelled at you that night. She told me ‘Just get to know him and you’ll see’ Maybe I shouldn’t have taken out my frustrations of having the changelings escape on you. You really did help save our bacon… What I’m trying to say is…I’m sorry for yelling at you and making you upset that night…” Rainbow Dash is physically cringing when she finishes her apology. I’m left standing there dumbfounded. Rainbow Dash just said that… I’ll be taking this with a grain of salt, I don’t really know her too well so I can’t just blindly accept, “Do you… really mean it?” I try asking her. “Let’s get one thing straight though,” Rainbow Dash completely dodges the question and looks me dead in the eye, it feels like one thousand knives are digging into them, “Twilight, Spike, AJ, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, all of them. They all mean the world to me. If something bad happens and I find out that you’re to blame, I suggest you learn how to sleep with one eye open!” Rainbow Dash is dead serious about this, it’s honestly frightening, “You got that?” “Y-Yeah… I got that…” My heart is pounding not from anxiety, but from fear of what this mare will do to me. The door to my left shoots open, which makes me almost jump out of my own skin. Twilight walks in with some unfamiliar faces, but Pinkie Pie hops in. It’s strange seeing Pinkie Pie hopping all the time, and always… happy. “Hey, guys!” Rainbow Dash calls out to her friends. “Howdy, RD. How’ve ya been tonight?” The orange coated mare speaks with a very distanced accent. But, I feel that the most prominent feature about her is the dusty cowpony hat she’s wearing. It looks like it’s made from leather, or maybe it could be a knockoff. I wouldn’t know, I’m not an expert on this sort of thing. The two mares bump their front hooves together. “Twilight, where might our guest of honour may be?” The voice belongs to one of the most beautiful mares I’ve laid my eyes upon. The snow-white coat is complemented with a sharp purple mane. The purple is almost the same shade as the base of Twilight’s mane. The white Unicorns entire mane and tail are curled elegantly. “He’s right there, by the door.” Rainbow Dash uses her hoof to point in my direction. All the mares change their direction to face me. Pinkie Pie jumps up in front of me, “Wow, Travis! Did you like the party I threw for you? Well, of course, you did! You were so surprised that you just ran off!” Pinkie Pie shouted in excitement. “Yeah… That’s why I ran off! You really got me good.” I lied a little as an attempt to not hurt Pinkie Pie’s feelings. “I knew it!” Pinkie Pie hopped away excitedly, feeling proud of her own accomplishment. “Well, girls. This is Travis, he just moved into town not too long ago. Please, make him feel welcomed.” Twilight, presents me to her friends. “Umm… Hi” I wave to the mares slowly. The orange mare walks up slowly to examine me. “Err… Twi? You sure it was this scrawny feller that helped you out a few nights ago?” “Applejack, I told you that he can use magic. It’s truly amazing! Travis, can you please show them?” Twilight asks politely. “Twilight, I still find it a little hard to believe that this creature can perform magic. It doesn’t even have a horn, I couldn’t even sense his magic as well.” The snow-white Unicorn said to Twilight. Meanwhile, The orange earth pony known as Applejack is trying to poke my arm with her hoof. I look at her with a deadpan expression. Applejack’s face turns red from embarrassment. “S-Sorry about that, partner.” She slowly backs up. “I’m serious, Rarity. It’s unbelievable, but I’m sure Travis will show you.” Twilight tries to reassure her friend, “Rainbow Dash saw it too.” “Yeah, it’s pretty cool… I guess. But not nearly as cool as some of my stunts I’ve come up with over the years!” Rainbow Dash strikes a pose on the couch. “You mean like the time you broke your wind while doing a corkscrew?” Pinkie Pie jumps up on the couch with Rainbow Dash. All the mares except Rainbow Dash begin to giggle. Twilight turns to me and nods her head. Is this my queue? I close my eyes and feel deep inside of my core. The energy that is usually dormant is now growing through my body, specifically my hand. I open my eyes and my hand begins to glow teal, just like a regular horn would. My hair is being pushed around a little because of the energy. I take a look at all the mares who had their gazes locked onto my hand, “I take it that you believe her now.” I say with a little bit of cockiness. Their mouths hang open in awe, except for Rainbow Dash and Twilight who has seen this sight before. For the first time, I’m glad to have this power inside of me. It’s gathering me the attention I wanted since I was a little kid. These mares don’t fear me, they’re interested in me. “B-B-But, how did he? What?” Rarity stumbles over her words. “Oh, my Celestia.” Applejack manages to say. “He’s doing the thing! He’s doing the thing!” Pinkie Pie is jumping up and down in excitement. I look over at the one Pegasus who hasn’t said a word since walking in. She’s completely speechless. The Pegasus looks into my eyes with awe. In response, I give her a smile. “So… My name is Travis Goldheart, it’s nice to meet you all!” I try to break the silence, “If any of you have any questions…. Feel free to ask.” Just like that, the mares begin to ask questions all at once. Whether it is where I came from, what I am, or why can I do magic. I know one thing for sure… I’m going to be here for a while…