Dragon's Rest

by Megaskullmon

Chapter three: Wanda.

I'm known as Wanda Lewis Omally. I was born in Lansing Michigan It's a lovely state of course. But I was born in 1980. Now I was young I didn't know better most of the time. It's how most kids are. But I wished to be a doctor. But Of course, being a doctor would be a lot of hard work. But it's not going to be easy for me nothing ever is. To learn to be a doctor is hard work and worth it.

Of course, I had to go through the schools first before I could become one. But that would mean growing up. Now I grew up in a heavy Christian home. So yes it was something I wasn't very happy of either. My father and my brothers got very protective of me. My mother was the most laid back out of all of us.

They didn't allow me to do public schools so I had to go to well do many things. So I had to go to a private school and try to learn what I needed. But again I wasn't even allowed to have friends. My father and brothers didn't allow it. It made me very sad of course. But it's normal when your family is like this.

So I had to go to a Christian private school in Grand Rapids. It wasn't my idea of fun. But I did learn what I wished to learn in away. But still, It was hard to learn in a school such as this. Some things went on how God is the best form of healing to most folks. But I can't buy that. I may have gone to church and such as it is. But I can't just buy that.

It's very hard for me to understand that but. I had to learn how to become that in the form of what is to come. It's harder for me but we shall see. But I went through each grade but each grade was hard. In the first grade I had to learn math and math and I didn't get along. It was hard for me to get along with math also my family didn't help me at all. It's what made me feel very awful.

First grade went like this. Teachers gave me work told me that I needed to get my parents to help. But My father told me real Omallies don't ask for help. So I had to secretly get help from my mother. it made it harder for me. My brothers on my father’s side. So they tried everything to make me fail. But I made it through the first grade with the skin of my teeth. Now, what is normal.

My family did this to me. They forced my brothers into my classes so my brothers could keep an eye on me. So they would make sure I would fail since. My father wanted me to take up his business of working at a shop for vases and such. I didn't wish that so. I had to work around the clock even with them trying to sabotage me. It was harder to become what I wished. But what they did. They paid off the teachers to give me the hardest work.

Now I was able to beat second grade. My father was pissed off and tried everything to get me out of the school. Since he wanted me to learn what he wished me to learn. To be just like him, I told him I can't do this.

" But daddy I can't do that like you."

" Oh you will and you can. No daughter of mine will fall into that Pegan stuff. Its why I didn't allow you to get your shots. For no one is better than the lord."

I sighed and went to third grade. But this time the teachers became wise to my father and they gave me private schooling in the school. So its how that the way it's time to go. I didn't wish to be that way either but they needed to teach me what they did. So I was taught the higher stuff and I took to it right away. Because I was challenged.

But again the issue is my father tried everything to ruin things for me. My mother was a nice woman. She just let him do whatever he wanted. So I didn't have a choice in alot of the matter so during the summer I was forced to work at his store. I didn't want to at all. Now I kept trying hard when I got to 4thg grade I had to call my grandparents to get him to lay off.

They got him to lay off for a time of course. But he said when they’re good and dead. I will be under his thumb again. When I got to 4th-grade things started to calm down alot. It got peaceful for me and I started to feel that I can work hard on my schooling. So I started to learn more about how it works. But what came down to it. I didn't have the mind for being a doctor but I didn't want to give up.

I even went to my local church to learn the basics so I could be ahead with the others. But I never understood why in the long run. I enjoyed my schooling But it got to to the point. I would never know what would happen. School got harder for me. when I got to 5th grade. I told them I wanted to be a doctor. So they gave me the hardest work. So I had to ignore friends.

It's just what I didn't want to do but you didn't make very good friends in a private school. It's the sad truth. The truth that no one really will be there for you. Even if you asked for help from them. But that's how it was sad. I got to be there for most but that’s what not what I wanted.

So again I ignored friends and went my way in the matter. So most of the schooling was a blur to me till I got to 8th grade and that’s when I had to work hard. That time my grandparents passed and I was too far in for my father and my brothers to do anything. Around this time I met Tony. A wonderful man that helped me with so much. I was close to 15 and it was 1995 So yes It was impressive how I was in love with someone my age.

We worked together because we both wanted to be doctor's It's was fate. Now my father and brothers didn't like him. But we were in love. At the age of 20, we did something that would have been very bad that ruined my chances to get into the school I wanted.

He got me pregnant and I didn't know how to tell him. But I did.

" Tony....I'm expecting..." Tony again had no words.

Tony balked at those words. It made him feel that he ruined my life. But I assured him that we get married and move on. So I told my mother who wasn't upset at me at all but when My father learned who he was pissed off. But at the time he and my brothers didn't do a thing.

Now thanks to this. Tony had to become a stay at home father and we had Twins. Two nice little boys that I loved. But I lost my dream. Since Tony wished to become a house father. I looked for a job. During the signing up for a Job, I ran into a very old man. Well, old to me named George we both seemed to be signing up for the same thing. We got to know each other.

" I worked for Upjohn till Pfizer took over and fired me. So now a drug tester is going to be forced to become a well Ambulance driver. So now I am stuck here working like this." I liked George for an old man he was very kind to me. He told me a lot about his life. " Well, I even went to Woodstock and lost my way."

I laughed at that. " So a man I am speaking to is a former hippie?" George sighed and gave a nod. " That's so funny really. But I shouldn't talk. I had a child out of wedlock and my brother's and father hate him. They wanted me to marry someone of their choice."


But after a while, we became fast friends. I asked if we both got the job that we worked together. Well, it took us both a while but we both got the job in the early 2000s. It wasn't as easy as most would think. Not as gloriest as some would say either. But we did make friends with a group that owned a coffee shop in Lansing. it was beautiful I may haven't gotten my dream. But one night I was home.

Tony got a very threatening call from my brother's and father. He hanged up the phone looking at me. " They threatened to kill me if they ever see me again. They say I ruined the family’s reputation." He had fear in his eyes'. I knew my brothers and father wouldn't be that silly. But I did try to comfort him.

" They don't understand Tony. I love you with all my heart." A knock came to the door and George walked in.

" HELLO." He called out and the twin's always loved George he always was so kind to them. The twins of course were at school at the moment. But he was here to speak to Tony.

" Ah, there you are Tony. Wait you look upset you two."

Tony sighed. " Yeah hello, George just Wanda's family sent me a death threat. Her mother loves me of course. But her father and brothers. It seems I ruined their reputation for giving Wanda twins out of wedlock."

George chuckled. " I am sure I have many children of my own when I was who I was during the '60s to early ’70s. But of course, back then it was the silly years of America. But of course, I may have gotten my dream to be a drug tester and maker. But that ended after Pfizer. Anyway, Mario and Grettie want the three of us at their coffee shop."

" Hmm well, we do have a baby sister set for the twins to come when they get home from school. So let's go." Tony nodded as well.


The three of us went to the Coffee shop it was wonderful. I loved it all but a month later it all ended for me the peace and love. I found out that my father and brother's wanted to kill my husband badly. It seems that they couldn't be allowed in some church thing because of me. So they took it out on Tony.

The story from a witness I was told. That Tony was getting groceries and thank heaven's my sons weren’t with him. But they confronted Tony and started to punch him and beat him up. People even tried to help Tony since he was a loved member of Lansing. But they were too late. When they got there it was too late.

They stabbed him to the point he was dying they wished to run. But many of the people stopped them by grabbing gun's from a nearby gun shop. The shop owner even gave them the gun's to take care of this. He was there himself aiming a shotgun at them I was told. They wanted to just shoot them and save the judge the time.

Of course, they waited for the cops and that's when George and I showed up. My world died that day seeing my husband laying in his blood. I held him tear are streaming down my face. But he said something to me in a whisper.

" I will always love you, Wanda...You will always be the woman I met at school that always blushed like a schoolgirl when...I gave my charming smile." He did the smile weakly and coughed. It was all I could do not to break down. That is when I heard something hard hit my father’s face.

"I punched you oh because the Lord asked me to." He spat out. Then he helped me up For the rest of the night. We went to the Coffee shop. But after two years I remarried I didn't like this man as much as I loved Tony. But he did know about my father and brothers. He oddly was there at the courthouse when they were tried for murder. They went to prison for life and my life may have been peaceful. What they did took its toll on me.

But the biggest change of my life is when I moved to Battle Creek to be closer to George. On the morning of May 23rd of 2015 midnight. I got a call from George that we were needed. So I didn't wake up with my children or my new husband. But while taking the former marine to the hospital we turned to go past Meijer’s and then everything changed.


I was in the passenger's seat of our Ambulance changed into a mare. I could tell I was a mare because I had a horse snout? But I didn't get a chance to do anything when we crashed into a large lizard-like creature. I didn't see what it was. But George finally was able to stop.

Now, this was interesting to me. The dragon told us that a strange thing happens. She taught us how to walk again and we got to know each other. The four of us seemed to become fast friends. But we had to head back to the hospital and get testing supplies for the drugs. Maybe we will find one of the doctors.

But we stopped there finally and got out. It was still hard to walk but I managed.

" You know..I could get used to this." George said. " I no longer have any of the mental issues I had." I looked to my sides seeing the wings. But I would have to learn how to fly and use them.

" I think for now George it's best to find this testing supplies then come back later to search for any nurses or doctors."

Geroge gave me a nod. " I agree but if we find any Doctor's we could use them. But the thing is everyone knows to go to that place called Dragon's rest. It seems Malla was trying to found a place. But I doubt she would have been able to alone."

I agreed to that but we had a task to do.

I wish I could go into more of what we go through. The trials every problem we can. But all Malla wished is that we record our early lives before the change. Thank you. The recording ends with a click.