The Revenge of the Bluebloods

by efug25g

Fall of Appleloosa, Decimation of Dodge City

After defending Appleloosa for 6 more days, the Applejack's militia is slowly losing their ground against every wave of Unicornian troops led by Dark-Light. Thunderhooves' tribe isn't doing much better either. As the battles press on, the one buffalo gets taken down after defeating three Unicornian Soldiers in their midst. Right now, there is only 30 Tribal Buffalos left and 69 Appleloosian ponies left to defend the town from the oncoming invaders. Ever since they have lost contact with the other cities defending against Unicornia, most of their supply runs have been dropping down all the way below 5%. The defending militia was starving and their crops were depleting by the hundreds. Desperate, Sheriff Silverstar ordered his deputies to go raid Unicornian Supply Caravans outside of Appleloosa. Unfortunately, most of those raids did not come without a price, for some of the supply caravans were guarded by a squad of 5 Unicornian Elite Guards. Every time they attacked the Unicornian Supply Caravans, Silverstar's Deputies come back badly wounded.

When Applejack went back to her post, she saw Big Mac at the smithy trying to resharpen his wood axe for the next battle. After that, the farm pony mare went around Appleloosa to check on how things are going right now. As she surveyed all over the town, Applejack sees the militia trying to keep themselves awake while on guard duty. At the Sheriff's Office, there were grave tombstones placed all over the front side of the building. They were marked with the names of all the ponies that died defending Appleloosa. It points out that in every battle, the invaders keep sending in more tougher troops to attack the town. Most of the militia that were wounded after their fights were holed up in the Inn, trying to recover, which was easier said than done.

While Applejack stood by her post, Big Mac came up to her side to check up on her.

"Hey Applejack, are you doing okay out here?" The red stallion asked out of concern for his sister.

"Ah don't know, Big Mac." Applejack replied. "Dis is been ah very harsh 6 days defending Appleloosa. Ah mean, we still haven't gotten any reinforcements yet. It'll be a matter of time before they'll overrun us, ah!"

"I know." Big Mac acknowledged. "Ya, know we're not going to give up yet."

"But how are we going to maintain our food supply in Appleloosa?" Applejack asked concerning over the what's left in their Appleloosa Storage Granaries. "We can't keep us with this! We either fallback to Dodge City or die trying."

"We're just going to have stay strong for the rest of the ponies who are still loyal to Equestria." Big Mac suggested.

Meanwhile, at the Unicornian encampments, Dark-Light just received some Elite Guard reinforcements from the city of Manehattan. As soon as they arrived, Dark-Light noticed that they were well-equipped with some enchanted weapons and shields. About 100 Elite Guard ponies are now standing before Dark-Light and the rest of his battalion. Before Dark-Light could say anything, Professor Felhand appeared from the Elite Guard regiment.

"So Felhand, may I ask what are these maggots are really capable of?" Dark-Light asked while giving the Professor a stern glare.

"During the middle of the construction of the Research Prison Facility, I was able to use my magic to power up purple crystals before imbuing them into their halberds and their shields. After that, I ordered some of them to take their newly enchanted weapons for a test drive. As a result, their halberds were able to emit a strong electrical discharge at their enemies. When one of their halberd's magical attack struck the dummies at the target range, they exploded in an instant. As for their shields, they'll automatically unleash an electrical forcefield that will ward off any projectile heading their way, by sensing it's heat signatures."

"That sounds interesting." Dark-Light said to himself, followed by a hideous smirk on his face.

"Crimson Cross reporting for duty, sir!!!" Crimson acknowledged as he made a salute to Dark-Light.

"Crimson, you are to take a company of Unicornian soldiers and attack Dodge City, while me and my men make our move in attacking Appleloosa." Dark-Light spoke giving out orders to Crimson.

"Yes, sir!!!" Crimson replied as he rallied 25 Elite Guards and 450 Unicornian Guards to attack Dodge City.

"Lt. Eagle Eye!!!" Dark-Light spoke as he turned to face the dark-blue unicorn. "Have our Mortar Teams concentrate the fire on that Clock Tower at Appleloosa and then bombard the town next."

"Yes sir!!" Eagle Eye said, acknowledging his orders.

As Eagle Eye approached the Mortar Teams, he raised his spear up high with his magic and point it straight at the Clock Tower in Appleloosa.

Back at Appleloosa Before Applejack could say anymore to Big Mac, an explosion occurred right behind them. The moment she and Big Mac turned around, they see the Appleloosa Clock Tower collapse, destroying several buildings in its path. Upon seeing this immediate destruction, Silverstar ordered some of Appleloosian Rescue Teams to go and help rescue the ponies that were trapped underneath the rubble. For Applejack and Big Mac, however, they heard the sound of the Unicornian War horns coming from the north. As soon as the two earth ponies went to the battlements, another army of Unicornians are declaring a full-scale charge with a score of Elite Guards advancing up front. They were armed with black halberds and are clad in silver and black armor. Some where carrying huge diamond-like shields and armed with gladiator swords. Upon seeing them charge forward, Silverstar carries out new orders to Big Mac and Applejack.

"Hold them off as long as you can guys!!" The Appleloosian Sheriff told the two earth ponies as he made a run for it. "I'll try to get the wounded all the way to Dodge City. And may the power of Queen Faust protect you all."

"Sheriff, wait!!!" Applejack said before she sees Silverstar ran off without another word.

Before Applejack could go after the Sheriff, she sees explosions erupting all over the town. Upon impact, several more of the defenders in Appleloosa were sent flying and plummeting on the ground, crippled and incapacitated. The moment the Elite Guards reached the town's defense lines, they were met by a barrage of fire arrows coming from the balconies of several garrison buildings near the town's entrance. Unfortunately, the Elite Guards with the diamond-like shields formed up front from the rest of the Unicornian Battalion and activated some sort of electrical forcefield that protected them from getting shot at. After they shrugged off the barrage of fire arrows, the Elite Guards drew out their swords and charged at the Appleloosan defenders on all fronts. By the time the militia fought back, they were met with powerful bashes from the Elite Guards' shields and some where cut in two by their halberds, while those that they a couple of meters apart from them were met by a crackling thunderous shock coming out from their black halberds. Most of the buffalos and Appleloosan militants were getting taken down in less than 30 minutes.

As for Applejack and Big Mac, they were almost having a hard time trying to fend off against the Elite Guards of Unicornia. Applejack keeps getting all sorts of nicks and small cuts from their swords before she stabbed them with her sword. One Elite Guard kept slamming Applejack in the face with the shaft of his halberd before she retaliated with a stab in the guard's face. Two more Elite Guards pointed their halberds at Applejack and started shooting out lighting bolts at her from their weapon's tips. As the lighting bolts headed straight for Applejack, she jumped over a nearby fence and ran straight into the Inn. As the two Elite Guards followed the female earth pony from behind and entered the Inn, they were both met by Applejack swinging on a chandelier and slamming both of her hind hooves into their faces, sending both backpedaling into the dirt ground. Before either of them had a chance to get up, Applejack grabbed both of their heads and slammed them into each other, knocking them both out cold.

Even though Applejack was able to take care some of the Elite Guards, Big Mac had it worse. After he smashed one of the Elite Guards on the head with his shovel, Big Mac was met by a halberd slamming into his front right leg and piercing his flesh with its blade, rendering him immobilized. Before the Elite Guard could finish him off, however, Big Mac grabbed him by the stomach, lifted him up, and bend him forcibly, breaking his spine as he screamed in pain. Unfortunately, three more Elite Guards grabbed him from all sides, pulled him down, and restrained him, with their halberds pointing at his face.

"NOOOOO!! BIG MAC!!!" Applejack shrieked as she kicked away one Elite Guard that was struggling with her with their weapons colliding with each other.


Before Applejack could do anything, she sees Big Mac get knocked out by an Elite Guard when he slammed his shield on the back of her brother's head. Without hesitation, Applejack ran up to Hornet, who has a flesh wound on his head.

"APPLEJACK!!!" Hornet shouted in terror. "We can't hold them; the city is lost!!!"

"Tell the other militants to break for cover! We gallop to Dodge City!!!" Applejack said to Hornet.

All over the town square of Appleloosa, the militants were getting overwhelmed after getting attack by the Elite Guard, with the Unicornian Guards finishing them off next. Every militant that attacks either of them was met with a killing blow that ended each and every one of them of their life. After seeing so much of her comrades getting killed left and right, Applejack had no choice but to abandon Appleloosa for good.

"FALL BACK!! FALL BACK TO DODGE CITY!!!!" Applejack shouted as her remaining militants fled with their lives, abandoning everything that they worked hard to defend.

Before Hornet could catch up with Applejack, he was met with a lighting bolt striking the changeling in the back, paralyzing him. As he struggled to get up from the ground, Hornet was stabbed in the back by one of the Elite Guard's halberd, ending his life for good. As for Applejack, because she could not help Big Mac anymore, the female farm pony had no choice but to move on, in order to protect her remaining loved ones from the invaders. To make matters worse, the moment Applejack and her remaining militia reached Dodge City, it was already in flames, much to her horror. Upon seeing all of the citizens of Appleloosa and Dodge City get rounded up by the Unicornian Troops, Applejack finally realized that all hope to save the two towns from the invaders has been lost. Before they knew it, most of the defenders at Dodge City have been overwhelmed and have no choice but to surrender after getting hammered by enemy mortar fire and by oncoming enemy troops.

"OH FAUST!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Applejack shrieked in fright as she ran straight into the decimated city. "APPLE BLOOM!!! GRANNY SMITH!!!!"

Applejack refuses to believe that the rest of her Apple Family was apprehended. However, after fighting her way through Dodge City, she sees Apple Bloom and Granny Smith wrapped around and dragged in chains while getting hauled onto a wagon. Upon seeing them captured immediately, Applejack flew into a vengeful rage in trying to rescue both her sister and her grand mare from the invaders.

"NO NOT MA FAMILY!!!" Applejack roared as she charged forward at the prison escort.

One Prison guard came up to Applejack and attempted to whiplash at her, only to be met with the whip in her mouth. Before the prison guard could react, Applejack yanked the whip away from him and bucked him in the stomach with both of her hooves. The second guard drew out his sword and attempted to take Applejack down. However, Applejack ran forward and did a skid towards the guard, making him fall onto his stomach, and slammed him in the back with both of her hooves. Just when Applejack was about to reach the wagon that is holding Apple Bloom and Granny Smith, she was met with a rear kick to the face by Crimson Cross, sending the farm pony flying a few feet backwards. Before Applejack had any chance of getting up, three Elite Guards came and pinned her to the ground, restraining her immediately. As Applejack started struggling with her captors, Crimson came up to her and threw a punch at her face, nearly knocking her out.

"Silence, you little earth whore. You should be grateful we didn't harmed them yet. Since you'll be working in the crop fields at Canterlot, you'll do as what we tell you and they will not be hurt." Crimson Cross cackled in a sinister tone.

Before Applejack had a chance to say anything, one of the Elite Guards covered her face up with a brown bag and hauled her off to another prison wagon. As Crimson saw Applejack get taken away, Apple Bloom started crying upon seeing her sister get capture immediately.

"Lord Dark-Light, we have secured all of the refugees at Dodge City!!!" Crimson Cross said as he spoke through his ear-bud.

"Excellent!" Dark-Light acknowledged. "Report back to Ponyville for your next assignment."

"Yes, my lord!!!" Crimson Cross replied before he muttered to himself. "Fret not, Applejack. I'm only doing this to save my family first. After that, I'll help you save your family next."

"Crimson, Sir!!" One of the Elite Guards said as he came up to the Earth Pony stallion while dragging Big Mac in chains. "We've got one of the Apple Family Stallions in our custody."

"Excellent. Take him to the concentration camp, along with Apple Bloom and Granny Smith." Crimson ordered the Elite Guard. "We'll be expecting their services there."

"And that's how Applejack and I met a fate that's worse than death." Rarity said in a depressing tone. "When you were gone Twilight, we couldn't stay strong for our sisters or our families. If it hadn't been for your rescue attempts, we probably will never see them again."

"I guess now it makes sense." Twilight said to herself. "Anyway, I wonder what has ever become of my family during the civil war. Also, I do wonder what happened to my little sister Mystic Sparkle. They said that she ran away before the civil war began. Why?"

"Well, even though I helped our parents seek sanctuary at the Crystal Empire during the civil war, we thought for sure that we won't see Mystic Sparkle again." Shinning Armor said in a somber tone. "But now that she came back, she was finally able to tell us what she did during her self-imposed exile."