//------------------------------// // Danger in Baltimare // Story: Borne on Wings of Steel // by The Party Pony //------------------------------// A soft breeze blew across the deck, bringing in the urban smell of Baltimare. Sunlight splashed down on the seaside city, and the towering buildings seemed to glow. Captain Rainbow Dash finished slipping on her rugged blue jacket, the one she had owned since the War. It was a little dicey trying to work around her injured wing, but years of practice made the action automatic. She wore the jacket as a memorial of sorts, a silent reminder of those bloody battled days. And like her war-time memories, her jacket had been a faithful companion through the last seven years. "I finished securing the ship, cap'n!" exclaimed Pinkie as she tied the last rope to the dock. Rainbow Dash nodded appreciatively, and then turned back to Maud. "I think we'll leave Pinkie and Bloom here to greet the passengers, they're the friendliest out of the four of us. While they do that, we can head into town and get some supplies." "Yes, sir." So Maud and Dash set out into the darkened streets of Baltimare. It was a far cry from the days of its glory. Back during Celestia's reign it had been Equestria's greatest port, buzzing with merchants from all over the world. Unlike its sister Manehattan, it had escaped destruction: it was too far south to be affected by any of Sombra's campaigns to capture Canterlot. But unfortunately, with the upheaval after the War, merchants became few and far between. The city plunged into poverty, and soon it became a lawless urban wastleland, ruled by gangs and syndicates. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the noble Captain Rainbow Dash." A voice dripping with sarcasm echoed from the darkened alley beside them. Without even thinking, Dash yanked her sword from her sheath, and brandished it in the direction of the threat. Maud quietly drew a crossbow from her back. "How about you step towards me and see how tough you are!" challenged Rainbow Dash, twirling the sword with her good wing. "Come now, captain." mocked the mysterious voice. A smooth, velvety voice. "Don't you know that carrying weapons is illegal under Emperor Sombra's Armament Act?" "Sombra is no emperor to me!" spit Dash vehemently. Slowly, a figure emerged from the shadows, the terrifying pony to whom the mysterious voice belonged. Soft orange fur and a fiery orange and yellow mane. The most powerful unicorn in Baltimare, the leader of the entire East Coast Syndicate. Sunset Shimmer. "I think we both know why I'm here." growled the unicorn, blue eyes flashing with malice. Four more unicorns walked forward from the streets around Dash, wearing leather jackets with the Sunset's fiery emblem emblazoned on the back. They didn't look friendly. "Hey, now..." Dash's eyes flew rapidly around the circle of enemies, looking desperately for a way to escape. "You. Owe. Me. Money." snarled Sunset, strutting closer with each word. "I'm not the friendly neighborhood bank, Rainbow Crash." Dash and Maud stood back-to-back, calmly holding their weapons against the advancing unicorns. "I can... I can pay you back, Sunset, I swear! Just give me a chance!" Sunset's glare intensified, fire dancing in her eyes. "I'm done giving you chances." Meanwhile, in a small apartment at the far end of town, a lavender unicorn trotted down the steps. Her mane was in disarray, her coat was matted with sweat, and a deep frown was embedded on her face. With anxious speed, she leapt down the steps and into a small wooden kitchen. "Good morning, Spike." she said, rifling through the cabinet. "Morning, Twi'." A small dragon, about the size of an average pony, was lounging leisurely in a wooden chair by the table. Beside him sat a large black suitcase, filled with all his belongings. On the outside he was cool and confident, but on the inside panic was rising. "No sign of the Shadow Guard, and I've been watching the street all morning. Are you sure they figured us out?" Twilight Sparkle's head snapped around to stare at the dragon. "No, Spike, we're fleeing the country because I want a nice vacation." she replied, completely deadpan. "Hey, no need to get sarcastic about it." In reality, both knew it was only a matter of time before the whole Crystal Guard came knocking on the door. You see, Twilight had been a personal student of Celestia's School before the War (she failed her first entrance exam, but after rigorous studying, passed her second with flying colors). It was at that school, of course, where she hatched Spike, who would become her faithful friend and companion. Things had been going incredibly well until... SEVEN YEARS PREVIOUS - THE SIEGE OF CANTERLOT The charred smell of burning wood filled the air, smoke billowing towards the distant clouds. Above, Crystal Pegasi whirled and zipped through the sky unchallenged, the Royal Air Force driven off the field. Blinding flame filled Twilight's vision, as she tried to shield her eyes with a foreleg. Wheezing and gasping, she stumbled down the steps from the palace, trying to find her way out of the deadly inferno. But through the darkness, she could see three Crystal Warriors charging towards her. Weak from the lack of air, she dropped to her knees and closed her eyes as- There was a blinding flash of light, and the Crystal Ponies went flying backwards down the steps with a clatter. Twilight turned to see Princess Celestia herself, towering like a bastion of defense. Her white coat looked a sickly orange in the rising firelight. "Princess..." Twilight said, her eyes wide, "They... they must have broken through the Fifth Gate. You have to do something!" Celestia's eyes were filled with sadness. Deep, suffocating sadness that Twilight couldn't begin to comprehend. "I have to go now, my little pony." she said quietly, "King Sombra is bringing something with him... he has awoken an ancient enemy of unfathomable power." The Princess's eyes flashed quickly away before locking onto Twilight once again. "I'm sorry, my little pony. I wish I could have mentored you like you deserve. You have great and magical things ahead of you, but... I must go." "But Princess, what should I do?" asked Twilight, her whirling emotions leaving her bewildered. "I am going to a battle I must loose." responded the Princess stoically. "Use the tunnel near the Fountain of Dreams to make your way out through the waterfalls and out of the city. And Twilight..." "Yes?" replied the unicorn. She looked up at her mentor with wide blue eyes. Celestia sighed, gazing upwards at the gathering darkness. Slowly, she drew from her wing an ancient book, bound in leather. The title was in a language Twilight had never seen. Before the unicorn could reply, Celestia began to float towards the sky. "Within that book is the secret to defeating Sombra once and for all. I have no more time to explain, my student. Farewell!" "But Celestia-" Twilight spoke too late. Her mentor was streaking towards the dark clouds like a bolt of lightning, sparks of magic showering in all directions. Twilight could only stand in utter amazement as she saw the darkness of Sombra and the light of Celestia duel for control of the sky, lightning and thunder filling the air. Their battle was fierce and close, like two storm clouds vying for supremacy. But a third being appeared, a silhouette that showed with each burst of light. A strange creature, but apparently enough to turn the tides. Celestia was fighting a slow retreat back towards her castle, attacked from two sides by Sombra and his strange ally. Taking one final look at her beloved teacher, Twilight fled the courtyard and sprinted through the burning streets towards her house. She needed to get Spike and flee the city. If this book could truly change the tides, then she could waste no time in getting it as far from Sombra as possible. PRESENT DAY Twilight looked down at the book which had given her so much trouble. The book that caused Sombra's secret police to hunt them like dogs. The book which could bring down the Iron Crown for good. "Are we ready?" Spike was standing next to the door, interrupting Twilight's thoughts. The unicorn threw the last of her possessions onto a small carpet bag and walked towards the door. "As ready as I'll ever be." she responded shakily. Captain Rainbow Dash and Maud Pie watched warily as the unicorns closed in around them. "Things look pretty grim, sir." remarked the ex-corporal. Sunset growled. "You never deserved to live anyway, Celestian. Emperor Sombra should have slaughtered all of you when he had the chance. What do you think?" she stood, smirking in challenge. Rainbow Dash grinned; a cold, fierce grin that was anything but friendly. "I think we're gonna rise again." Everything happened in a flash. Maud leapt forward, discharging her crossbow into the knee of one of the unicorns, while Rainbow Dash whirled around and struck another with her sword. Without hesitation, the duo galloped down the unblocked alleyway, Sunset and the rest of her goons close behind. "I swear, these guys are so busy with their monologues, they forget that we have actual weapons." commented the Captain, rolling her eyes as she whirled around a corner. They were now on more populated streets, dashing and dodging around the carriages and pedestrians. Most folks didn't even pay attention. In a town like Baltimare, two ponies running for their lives from gangsters wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Not even cohorts of soldiers, who seemed to be practically everywhere, took notice. "I hope Pinkie is ready for a quick take-off!" For Twilight Sparkle and Spike, it was a long, uneventful walk to the city docks. Crystal soldiers were out in force, it seemed every street had a cohort parading through it. Not because of Twilight; she was quite sure if they knew of her existence she wouldn't last ten seconds. No, the soldiers were here because war was on the horizon. Emperor Sombra was seeking to expand his vast realm even further, and consolidated all his legions to march against the Changeling hive. There had already been a few skirmishes to the south. As far as Twilight was concerned, the war was of no importance; save that it distracted Emperor Sombra's forces and made it easier to travel. If Queen Chrysalis conquered Canterlot it would just be exchanging one tyrant for another, and Twilight doubted there would be much difference. In fact, maybe the confusion could help her gain time to decode the secrets of The Book without being forced to flee from Sombra's agents every few weeks. Twilight gazed up at the blazing sun, as if waiting to see the banished Princess peering down from behind it. It glowed with a harsh red light, so different from the golden rays it shed before the War. Twilight absently wondered if the sun itself was somehow affected by Celestia's banishment, and how Emperor Sombra continued to power it in absence of the Princess. But presently, her thoughts were called back to the ground. Or, rather, to the sky. The Baltimare Docks spread out before her, massive systems of ladders and staircases connecting at least a dozen different levels of airship docks. There were rusty freighters, shiny civilian yachts, and huge black battleships. Each of the half-dozen battleships was at least twice the size of any of the other ships, and brandished forty-eight canons. Twilight absently wondered how they would fare against the Changeling swarms. "This way, Twilight." Using a map, Spike slowly guided her towards the ship he had chartered for them, a battered freighter called The Alicorn. Folks said the captain was an ex-sergeant from the Equestrian Royal Air Force, so Twilight didn't have to worry about getting ratted out to the authorities. She climbed upwards through the docks, rickety wooden stairs shaking below her, passing air vessels of all sorts and sizes. Finally, as the city began to feel small below her, she arrived on the proper level. An old freighter was tied to the mooring post; the type you could tell had changed hands a few times. It was almost all wooden, the faded logo of some forgotten shipping company barely visible on the side. The balloon that held the ship in the air was worn and tattered covered in patches and makeshift repairs. Painted on the side in new, large print read: THE ALICORN But what drew Twilight's attention was the flag flying above the stern: the gold and blue banner of Royal Equestria. It was technically treason to fly that. "I don't think they're going to report us to the Crystal Guard." said Spike wryly. Side-by-side, unicorn and dragon walked up the boarding ramp and onto the deck of the ship. A pink pony was there, a mop in here teeth, slowly cleaning the rickety floorboards. Seeing the duo, she dropped the mop and walked forward to meet them. "Hi!" she exclaimed, "welcome to The Alicorn!" Twilight smiled and shook the pink pony's hoof. "Nice to meet you. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my dragon Spike." "Yo." Spike gave a jaunty salute. "Wow!" exclaimed the pony brightly, "It's nice to meet you too! My name is Pinkamena, but my friends call me Pinkie! I'm the pilot. Dashie- er, Rainbow Dash is the captain, but she's out getting supplies with the first mate. If you want I can show you to your roo-" A loud shout interrupted Pinkie, and she galloped to the railing. Her warm smile disappeared, replaced by a look of grim determination. "Apple Bloom!" she shouted, "get the engine running! Dash is coming in hot!" A muffled reply came from under the floorboards, deep within the bowels of the ship. Probably the engine room, thought Twilight. Wait a second- "What do you mean 'coming in hot'?!" yelled the unicorn. "I thought this was supposed to be a freighter!" Pinkie laughed nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "Ah. Right. Maaaaybe that isn't the whooooooooole truth..." Twilight buried her head in her hooves. "Great. Just great." Just then the engine roared to life, vibrating through the entire ship like a jackhammer. "Welp, that's my cue!" exclaimed Pinkie, rushing to the helm. "What?!" yelled Twilight, incredulous, "what in Tartarus is going on here?!" The ship began to rise into the air, held in place only by the ropes that moored it to the dock. Twilight shook her head rapidly, as if wishing to shake away the confusion that was bothering her. Cautiously, she trotted to the railing and looked down at the docks. A blue Pegasus and a grey earth pony were rocketing up the docks towards the ship, a dozen unicorns in leather jackets close behind. With amazing agility, the duo leapt over the railing and into the ship, just in time before it rose too high. The unicorns shouted angrily from the dock, thwarted. "Quick, get us out of here!" barked the blue Pegasus, "Pinkie, full throttle!" "Oh my gosh!" yelled the pilot. Her eyes were wide with shock and fear. "I forgot to untie the ropes before we took off!" The Pegasus muttered profanity under her breath. "Well, those ropes are tied to the bottom of the ship. We sure as Tartarus can't go back onto the dock and untie it." As if to prove the point, a dangerous looking spell was launched from the unicorns below, screaming through the air and narrowly missing the ship. "I... I can help!" There was complete silence as everyone turned to stare at Twilight Sparkle. "Well, I mean, I could try..." she continued uneasily, "it's just a simple thread-based spell to-" "FREAKING DO IT ALREADY!" yelled the Pegasus in frustration. Twilight ran to the railing, and closed her eyes in concentration. She envisioned the knot, and slowly untied it in her mind. She could feel the ship below her begin to rise again, as the crewmates let loose a cheer. Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see Baltimare disappearing below them, and the Pegasus was grinning. She did it! She untied the mooring rope, and the ship was free to leave! "My name is Rainbow Dash," said the blue Pegasus, extending a hoof. "I'm the captain. Sorry I wasn't able to introduce myself when we first met, I was a little busy." Twilight smiled uneasily. "No problem. Just... what is going on exactly? I'm still a little confused..." "Well, I guess you're entitled to an explanation," replied the captain with a sigh, "but first, let's east some breakfast, eh?" There was talking and laughing as the group made their way towards the dinning room. But just as Dash was about to walk inside, Maud grabbed her shoulder. "What is it Maud?" "I... I don't like this, sir." "Don't like what?" Dash grinned widely. "We just escaped Sunset Shimmer without even damaging the ship! I would consider this a pretty good day!" Maud's mouth curved itself into a rare, slight frown. "I don't know, sir. I don't like being on Sunset Shimmer's bad side." Dash rolled her eyes, as if explaining to a child. "Look, Maud. We have a lot of enemies as it is, Sunset Shimmer doesn't really add that much of a threat. We've survived this long." "And with all due respect, sir, I'd like to survive even longer." Dash sighed. "Listen, Maud, the second we get enough cash, we'll pay Sunset back, alright?" Maud nodded hesitantly. "Yes, sir." Dash grinned again, and clapped her first mate on the shoulder. "That's the spirit! Now let's go eat some dinner!" The captain sped inside, while Maud just shook her head. "You can't expect your luck to last forever, captain..."