//------------------------------// // Storming Ironclad // Story: The Revenge of the Bluebloods // by efug25g //------------------------------// After one month of barricading themselves inside the Palace Courtyard of Canterlot, the remaining defenders in the city were all struggling to stay alive during the impeding siege. Unfortunately, because they lost contact with the rest of the cities in Equestria, most of their supply runs have been closed down and the food storage is running low. With only 46 Royal Guards and 44 Changeling Republican soldiers were left to defend the palace, most of them were either injured or starving from their last fight with the Unicornians. As for Sunset Shimmer, she was bedridden in the Canterlot Palace for 2 weeks due to her injuries when fighting against Majesty Blueblood. For Gladius Strife, he placed cross tombstones in the memorial garden to honor every pony and creature that died defending Canterlot, such as Private Shell, Sgt. Torson, Private Decker, Corporal Xias, and Lt. Firebug. Inside the Canterlot Palace, Celestia and Luna were both praying for their victory over holding what's left of their fort, despite suffering from so many losses after Princess Twilight passed away. When they learned that Fancy Pants was captured by the enemy, Lady Fleur de Lis couldn't stop crying, fearing for the safety of her beloved husband. After Sunset recovered, she finds herself walking around the defensive perimeters around the Canterlot Palace. Upon seeing the rest of the defenders in such an terrible situation, Sunset is getting a very bad feeling that they will not be able to hold off the invaders any more. As she made her way to the Memorial Gardens, Sunset was praying right in front of Twilight's coffin for a miracle. "Princess Twilight, if only you're still here with us, I could definitely use your strength right now," Sunset muttered to herself as she looked up to the sky while clamping both of her hooves together. "I can only wish that the Mane 5 were here to save us all. Because, if they ever attack us again in the condition we're in right now, we won't be able to win this war. They'll start laughing at us and scorning at us for our failures as soon as they take over Canterlot entirely." While Sunset was praying in front of Twilight's coffin, Princess Luna came up from behind her and comforted the depressed unicorn in her hooves. "Princess Luna, what are going to do??" Sunset whimpered out of fear. "I'm starting to think that we have already lost this war before it even started." "I don't know for sure. But if we take out their so-called ruler of Unicornia, maybe the rest of her men will stand down and leave Equestria for good," Princess Luna suggested. "Though, you already know that it's easier said than done. I mean, whatever they taught Majesty Blueblood, I'm not so sure how we're going to compete with it." "You mean we can't....." Sunset asked before her speech was interrupted by the night princess. "We may have more experience in Royalty and with wielding power than any other alicorn in Equestria. And that we lived for over more than a thousand years," Princess Luna said to Sunset Shimmer. "However, that doesn't mean we're invincible. Even me and my sister faced enemies that are almost just as powerful as we are, or may be way beyond our power. It's just like when Tia faced off Queen Chrysalis and lost because of how much power that fell beast possessed after draining Shinning Armor of his love." "If that's true, then how do you think we're going to reason with Majesty Blueblood??" Sunset asked. "I don't know how to answer a question like that, Sunset Shimmer," Luna responded in a negative tone. "All I know is, that her family won't hesitate in buying, cheating, and threatening others just so that they can get what they want. In fact, I know Amadeus from the very start. Ever since he became the head of the Blueblood Family, he's always treating everything in Equestria as if he were to run a ruthless drug cartel or commanding a merciless mob family; that's the kind of power that he wanted in order to achieve his dreams of unity." "Why didn't you stop him when you had the chance, Princess?" Sunset asked. "I don't know how he does this but every time I take one step forward to hunt Amadeus down, he leaps two steps ahead of me," Luna grunted in frustration. "It's like he can read my every move. Maybe I should've thought twice before letting Twilight Sparkle ascend the throne as our 4th Alicorn Princess." "So what if you didn't?!" Sunset acknowledged. "At first, I thought Twilight Sparkle was an embarrassment to think that Princess Celestia would let her achieve what I could not. However, because Twilight was able to inspire others to stand with her, it turns out that Princess Celestia was right. In order to have true magic, it's only possible because of the friends that I treasured in my heart." "I'm glad that you were able to make amends with my sister earlier," Princess Luna said as she smile at the female orange unicorn. Upon hearing what Princess Luna said to her, Sunset let out a small smile on her face before she and the night alicorn left the memorial gardens to check up on Princess Celestia and the rest of her men at the garrisons. Meanwhile, outside of Canterlot, Majesty Blueblood finally received reinforcements from Dark Scissors and his detachment and from Morning Blade and his men. Upon arriving at Majesty's campsite, Dark Scissors and Morning Blade stood before their alicorn queen and bowed down at her hooves, the moment she showed up. As they both looked up to see Majesty, they told her that the rest of the other cities in Equestria are now under the occupation of the Unicornian Kingdom, much to the evil alicorn's pleasure. "So, are you two ready to finish off the defenders at Canterlot?" Majesty asked sternly at the two officers with an evil smile on her face. "Yes, my lady. Our men will be yours to command!!" Morning Blade acknowledged as he saluted the Alicorn Queen. "We have a battalion of 500 troops awaiting your orders my Queen," Dark Scissors added. "Make the call!!" "Good. Morning Blade, you and you're men press forward and engage the enemy at will," Majesty said while giving out orders to her forces. "Dark Scissors, while they're distracted, you bring in your heavy artillery and waste them all. Remember to inform Morning Blade of this before doing so. Have Lt. Eagle Eye bridge the communication between the two of you and make sure he can give you both covering fire." "Yes, your highness!!" Both the Changeling and the Unicornian Commander spoke, acknowledging Majesty's orders before moving on. Back at Canterlot, one of the Royal guards from one of the Palace Towers spotted another invading Army approach from the south. Upon seeing them advance towards their position, the guard sound the horns, warning the others of the next attack. After hearing the horns, Sunset and Luna ran straight to the battlements to see a detachment of Unicornian soldiers teleport themselves in front of the garrisons before engaging the defenders at will. Without further a due, Sunset took out a spear and skewered one Unicornian soldier up front. "Every pony!! TO THE BATTLEMENTS!!!" Luna shouted in a Royal Canterlot voice as she drew out her moon sword. From one of the palace towers, Princess Celestia unfurled her wings and dived down to unleash a barrage of fireballs at the oncoming invaders below her. Upon impact, the fireballs exploded and had several invaders get caught on fire. While being burned alive, the invaders started screaming in pain before they succumbed to their burns. As for Princess Luna, she charged forward and sliced at every invader with her sword, cutting up their necks and stabbing them in the chest left and right. One enemy changeling jumped right top of Luna, in hoping to pounce on her before finishing the night alicorn off. However, Sunset hurled a spear at the Changeling, impaling him before he had a chance to land on top of Luna. After the Changeling collapsed on the pavement, Sunset ran up to the battlements and drew out her flamberge once more. When one changeling attempted to attack Sunset with his crude sword, he was met with Sunset's flamberge cutting his head off clean from his body. After that, a Unicornian soldier appeared from Sunset's left and attempted to thrust his spear at her chest. However, Sunset teleported herself to her right, avoiding the Unicornian's spear. As soon as she appeared, Sunset stabbed the Unicornian soldier in the mouth with her Flamberge, making him bleed from the back of his head and out of his mouth before dropping dead. When Sunset pulled her sword out of the dead soldier's mouth, she blocked an upper cut slash from a Unicornian's sword with a right shoulder guard and slashed at his legs, making him fall over on his left side. Before the Unicornian soldier had a chance to get up, Sunset stabbed him in the stomach with her sword. The soldier screamed in pain before death claimed him. While continuing casting fireballs at her enemies, Princess Celestia was met with a loud bang that grazed her right check, yelping in pain. As she fled behind one of the towers, Celestia spots one of the Unicornian soldiers shooting out some sort of sniper rifle from a nearby building that's 250 meters away from the palace. Before she knew what was going on, Celestia sees the Unicornian sniper take down 8 more of her Royal Guards at the battlements from a nearby abandoned guard tower. "Heh! Heh! Heh!" The Unicornian sniper cackled. "This is the most happiest day of my life. Those Equestrian Princesses will be sorry that they had ever controlled us for too long!!!" "Lt. Eagle Eye, Dark Scissors is bringing up the big guns in less than two minutes!!" Morning Blade said through Eagle's ear bud. "Roger that!!!" Eagle Eye responded as he switched communication channels to contact with the other Unicornian soldiers on the battlefield. "Unicornians, take cover!!!" Upon hearing this, the surviving Unicornian troops fled into cover behind several wrecked buildings near the Palace Courtyard. Before any pony could see what was going on, a stagecoach came bursting through the city streets and was pulled vigorously by 4 Changeling Insurgents. As soon as the stagecoach stopped, they made a sharp turn to the right, with its side facing the garrisons of the Palace Courtyard. Amongst the confused defenders, Sunset and Luna spotted the stagecoach doors open, revealing Dark Scissors manning a heavy gatling cannon and aimed its crosshairs at them. "GO BACK!! EVERY PONY, GO BACK!!!" Luna screeched as she ordered her men to flee back into the palace. Before the guards could do anything, Dark Scissors opened fire with his gatling cannon from inside the stagecoach. As bullets started to bear down on the defenders, most of the CR soldiers and the Equestrian Royal Guards were shot and killed immediately and went down like a sack of potatoes. As a result, Canterlot's defenders made blood-curdling screams before they were taken down by enemy fire. Luna, Gladius, and Sunset both ducked underneath the sandbags, covering their heads with their hooves as they stood still, avoiding the spray of bullets that their enemies are unleashing. For Celestia, she went back behind the tower to take cover from the gatling fire coming from the enemy stagecoach. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Luna and Celestia shrieked as they see most their men get taken down in an instant. As the enemy Gatling fire continued, the window glass shattered while more guards were getting shot at from the inside of the palace. Just when the firing stopped, three of the Royal Guards fled back into the palace and closed the doors behind them. The moment Sunset pops her head above the sandbags, she spots a group of Unicornian soldiers aiming a fully loaded cannon at the Palace doors. "ENEMY CANNON TEAM!!!" Sunset bellowed in a alarming tone as she, Luna, and Gladius ducked underneath the sandbags again. As soon as one of the enemy soldiers lit up the Cannon's fuse, the gun barrel fired a shot straight at the Palace doors. Upon impact, the doors exploded into a million splinters, sending the three Royal Guards flying straight into the ground badly wounded. After they stopped firing at the garrisons in the Palace Courtyard, Dark Scissors got out of the stagecoach and drew out his cutlass sword before proceeding forward. "Soldiers!! ADVANCE!!!" Dark Scissors shouted as he ordered his men to press forward to the Palace Courtyard. As soon as the Unicornians left their hiding spots, they charged forward as they drew out their weapons once more. "Sunset! Gladius!! Get inside!!!" Luna said ordering the two unicorns into the palace. As the two unicorns and night alicorn fell back, Luna casted a shield barrier to protect themselves from incoming enemy fire. While they went inside the palace, Celestia flew back inside as well and sealed off all windows and exits all around her castle. After witnessing such a massacre amongst her warriors, Celestia could no longer hold them back anymore. The moment Celestia, Gladius, Luna, and Sunset Shimmer reached the throne room, they shut the doors and barricaded it with everything nearby, including tables, chairs, stools, and benches. Outside of the palace, Dark Scissors ordered every wounded Equestrian Soldier to be captured immediately to have them submit to Queen Majesty or be executed on the spot. As for the nobles that were on Celestia's side, they were immediately captured, including Fleur de Lis. As the Unicornians hauled away the Equestrian Loyalist Nobles, Queen Majesty Blueblood arrived, along with Eagle Eye and Morning Blade. Upon her arrival, Majesty ordered her men to secure the Palace Courtyard before meeting the Royal Sisters head on. As Morning Blade and Dark Scissors went out to issue orders to their men, Majesty turned around to face the Palace before shouting out her speech. "CELESTIA!!! LUNA!!! YOU ARE BOTH TRAPPED AND YOU'VE GOT NOWHERE TO RUN!!!" Majesty roared in a very loud tone. "YOU'LL BOTH PAY FOR DEFYING MY FATHER!!!!" Upon hearing Majesty's shouting, Sunset never felt even more terrified at experiencing such rantings from a spoiled, very powerful alicorn who doesn't know how big the consequences are when following the path of a corrupted noble. As she looked out the window from inside the Palace Throne Room, Sunset sees Majesty glaring at her from below as she lit up her horn with her magic. "And you, Sunset Shimmer!! If you think you can save Equestria and Celestia from me, you probably will never live that long to see it happen before your very eyes," Majesty said while taunting the female unicorn. "Come on out and surrender and I'll let you go and forget that you even participated in this siege." "NEVER!!!!" Sunset shouted back at Majesty Blueblood. "Your father isn't what he seems. You're all fools; you and the Unicornians!! Amadeus is lying to all of you!!!" "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS, YOU WHORE!!!!" Majesty shouted in fury. "And besides, you should be ashamed for letting that purple harlot take advantage of you." "You know not what you do!!! If Twilight were to take advantage of us or threaten us, that'll only be because we asked for it!!" Sunset exclaimed. "Don't you bucking get it?? You don't even know the meaning of the word 'threat' because first of all, you haven't even met Princess Twilight!!! Instead, you're just blindly assuming the negativity of one pony that's rest assured not what she seems. You just had to be judging ponies by their appearance without even being peacefully social. AM I REALLY THAT WRONG???!!" After hearing what Sunset just said, it made Majesty feel even more confused on who to believe is a threat to her very existence. Not wanting to say anymore, Majesty turned her back away from Sunset Shimmer, who is still at the Canterlot Palace Window. As she made her way towards the Palace Square, Celestia came up to Sunset Shimmer to comfort her in her hooves before moving on. After 20 minutes have passed inside the Palace Throne rooms, Celestia and Luna prayed one more time before Majesty resumes her attack on the two alicorns. Sunset and Gladius looked outside the window of the Palace, to see a group of Unicornians haul a battering ram up to the entrance of the Palace. The moment the two unicorns warned the Royal Sisters about this, Celestia and Luna both have stopped praying and went up to the doors leading outside of the throne room. "Princess Celestia!!! The Unicornians are about to breach through the Palace doors. What should we do??!!" Sunset Shimmer asked her mother-figure Princess Celestia. "I'm sorry Sunset Shimmer, but I'm afraid that this is where we will part ways," Princess Celestia responded to Sunset. "Part ways?" Sunset Shimmer asked in a horrified tone, with her eyes widened. "You don't mean...." "You still have a long life ahead of you, Sunset Shimmer. For your own safety, your must leave this place at once and don't look back," Princess Celestia ordered Sunset in a royal Canterlot voice. "Gladius Strife, you will look after Sunset Shimmer from now on. That will be the final order I will give you." "But Celestia, I can't move on without your guidance," Sunset Shimmer protested in fearing for her mother's safety. "Sunset, you must live for my sake and go find yourself another mentor," Celestia said in a tearful voice. "Come on, Sunset Shimmer. Let's get out while we still have the chance," Gladius said to Sunset as he used his magic to uncover a secret passage behind the throne. "It's been an honor serving you, Princess Celestia." "NO!!!! I WON'T LEAVE YOU!!!!" Sunset Shimmer wailed very loud as she keeps getting dragged by Gladius' magic before disappearing into the secret passage, with tears coming out of her eyes. "PRINCESS!!!!!" After Sunset disappeared through the passage, along with Gladius Strife, Princess Celestia gets up on her hooves once again. "I'll always be there for you in your heart, Sunset Shimmer," Princess Celestia said with a tearful smile on her face. "Luna, are you ready to finish this fight together?" "Ready when you are Tia!!!" Luna responded to her elder sister. As the royal sisters turned around to meet their doom, they see the palace doors burst wide open in front of them. The next thing they saw was Queen Majesty Blueblood marching into the throne room preparing herself for the final battle between her and the royal sisters of Equestria. "Princess Luna! Princess Celestia! Say your prayers!!!" Majesty hissed at them before she unfurled her wings and charged toward them, unleashing a massive surge of magic coming out of her horn. As Majesty unleashed her magic upon the royal sisters, Celestia used her magic to form a shield barrier while Luna flew up above her and launched her magic at Majesty. As Majesty fired a magic beam at Luna, the night alicorn counteract it with a dark-blue beam of light. The next thing Majesty did was that she unfurled her wings and flew up into the air, with Luna following from behind during their flight pattern. The moment Majesty saw Luna in her sights while in mid-air, she drew out her silver halberd and thrust it straight at Luna in the face. However, at the same time, Luna drew out her moon blade with her magic and used it to block the spear tip of Majesty's halberd mere inches from her face. As Luna shoved Majesty's halberd away, she swiped at the Unicornian Queen with a horizontal slash of her blade only for Majesty to lean her head away from it. Just when Luna did a vertical slash on top of Majesty's head, she reacted with blocking Luna's blade with the shaft of her halberd. In an instant, Majesty moved Luna's sword to the left and attempted to chop Luna's shoulder with the blade of her halberd. Upon seeing the halberd close in on her, Luna made a strong backward flap of her wings as she flew away from Majesty's halberd. Before Luna could react, Majesty hurled her halberd straight at the moon princess, grazing her shoulder with its blade barely touching her skin. As Luna grunted in pain, she aimed her sword at Majesty Blueblood and shot out a lighting bolt at the evil alicorn. Unfortunately, Majesty teleported herself away from Luna's line of fire and knocked her sword away from Luna's grip. Upon losing her sword, Luna backed away from Majesty Blueblood. Before Majesty could come any closer, Luna charged up her horn with her magic and unleashed her most powerful beam at Majesty. In a fast reaction, Majesty charged up her horn and shot out her most powerful magic at Princess Luna. At the same time, both of the alicorn's magic slammed into each other as they attempted to redirect it back to their opponents. After a few minutes of struggling over the magic of both alicorns, Majesty finally broke through Luna's spell and struck her squarely in the chest. Upon impact, an explosion occurred that sent Luna crashing through a nearby stained glass window and plummeted straight into the ground unconscious, much to Princess Celestia's horror and devastation. Enraged after seeing her sister get beaten so easily, Celestia used her horn to summon forth all of her alicorn magic and aimed at Majesty. As soon as Celestia fired her magic, it unleashed a massive beam of sun magic straight at Majesty. However, Majesty was able to counteract it with a huge deflector shield. As a result, the entire palace of Canterlot exploded, destroying the palace roofs in one go. Both Majesty and Celestia unfurled their wings and took to the skies, engaging in an aerial battle, firing their spells at each other while in mid-air. Before Celestia could see what was coming, Majesty used in illusion spell to keep her off guard. The next thing Majesty did was that she flew right behind Princess Celestia, summoned all of her magic and formed into a huge arrowhead, and slammed her straight into a nearby tower. Upon impact, the tower collapsed, taking down Celestia with it. For Majesty, she was still in the air. As soon as the tower fell, Majesty landed on all four hooves in front of Princess Celestia. Upon seeing the sun princess coughing up blood and suffering from internal injuries and bruises, Majesty started gloating at Celestia in a evil cackle. "Princess Celestia, this is the end. Victory is mine!!!" Majesty Blueblood spoke in an intense tone of voice. Before Celestia could say anymore, she was met with several ropes wrapping all over her body and a magic seal on top of her horn by Morning Blade, Dark Scissors, and Eagle Eye. In an instant, the two evil unicorns and the Changeling have all restrained the sun princess as they held onto their ropes, immobilizing Celestia from doing anything else. For the unconscious Princess Luna, they sealed her up inside a prison cage right next to Celestia. "So Celestia, do you find my castle to your liking?" Majesty smirked. "You castle??!!!" Celestia shrieked as she was offended by was Majesty just said. "It's the people's castle now!!!" "Oh really?!" Majesty sneered at the sun Princess before turning towards Tirek. "Tirek, why don't you show her a demonstration of what happens if they defy us from dominating Equestria with our power." "With pleasure, my friend. This is going to be fun!!!" Tirek cackled as he grabbed a nearby Changeling Republican POW with his right hand. "Celestia, I want your sister to remove the Tantabus away from my father!!!" Majesty ordered the sun princess. "Never!!" Celestia said defiantly. "TIREK, DO IT!!!" Majesty said while shouting orders to the centaur. Before Celestia could see what was going on, Tirek opened up his mouth and drained the CR soldier of his magic, turning him into a shriveled up carcass of his former self. After that, the Unicornian guards grabbed and tied up the CR soldier to the ground with him lying on his back. After Tirek took out a battle ax from his sheath, Celestia's eyes widened with horror as she sees the demonic centaur decapitate the CR soldier's right hoof with just one chop of his axe. After they took away the powerless CR soldier, they brought in another POW which happens to be one of the Royal Guards that was wounded while defending the Palace Courtyard. As they took the Royal Guard to the chopping block, he started snarling at the evil Queen. "YOUR CASTLE, MY STINKING FLANK!!!" The Royal Guard hissed as he was forced to lie down on his back before Tirek continues to chop off his hooves. The moment Tirek chopped off both of the guard's hooves with his giant sword, he started screaming in pain as he sees both of his decapitated hooves bleed before the took him away. While the Unicornian soldiers started cheering and cackling at this gruesome torture, Celestia started freaking out in a rage with her eyes narrowing at Queen Majesty. "GODDAMN YOU, YOU MURDERING WHORE!!!!" Princess Celestia shouted lividly. "IS THAT THE QUEEN I AM??!!!" Majesty shouted at the top of her lungs. "You betrayed all that's meant to be queen!!" Celestia snarled while still being restrained by Majesty's men. "YOU BETRAY SIR BLUEBLOOD!!!" "I BETRAY SIR BLUEBLOOD?!" Majesty shouted as she was offended by what Celestia just said to her. "My crown was passed to me by my father and his father before him. I WAS BORN TO BE A QUEEN!! IT IS MY BIRTHRIGHT!!! Given to me by Sir Blueblood. You cry for the common pony and in the same breath, you cursed the crown the protects him!!! YOU DARE TO QUESTION MY REIGN AND THE LINEAGE OF QUEENS WHO HAVE REIGNED BEFORE ME?!!! The great alicorn royalty of Equestria who forged this land from barbarian hordes and made it noble and pure!! WHO GAVE IT ORDER, MEANING, AND EVEN FAITH TO THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF LOYAL SUBJECTS!!! And it is all now questioned BY YOU!!! And we are forced to sign Platinum's precious Peace Treaty, forced by you, A SCHOOL TEACHER!!! I AM THE BLOOD!! I AM SIR BLUEBLOOD'S RIGHT HOOF!!! AND YOU WILL NEVER DICTATE TO ME HOW I AM TO BE A QUEEN!!!" Despite hearing what Majesty just said to her, Celestia is still not convinced that Majesty is meant to be Queen from the start. However, Celestia still could not find a way to prove to Queen Majesty of her wrongdoing. Now that she and Luna are both defeated, Majesty ordered them to be locked up in separate dungeons underneath Canterlot where they'll be forced to see how Majesty will reign supreme over their once peaceful country that transformed itself into a terrible war-torn land filled with death, destruction, and horror. While Celestia was taken away into the dungeons inside her own castle, she may have feared that, just like Twilight Sparkle, her life as a princess will soon go downhill into the path of Tartarus itself. After hearing how the rest of Celestia's story, Spike's face turned pale and rushed straight to the restroom. In an instant, the green dragon started vomiting nasty stuff into the toilet. As for Twilight and the rest of their friends, they almost barfed on the Palace Floor upon hearing what Celestia just told him during her defeat. Rarity ends up fainting as she fell on her back onto the palace floor. "Sweet Faust, Princess!!!" Rarity shrieked in disgust. "That was most disgusting thing I ever heard!! Come to think of it, I never would've guess what that monster Amadeus Blueblood had done to Majesty Blueblood." "Those words that Majesty just said to me have been haunting me for the rest of my life, the moment I was locked away into the dungeons underneath my own Castle," Celestia shuddered in fear. "I wish I could still show Majesty that being a Queen isn't something that should be taken as it were to be a game." "Wait just ah darn minute, y'all!!" Applejack said while having a big question above her head. "Didn't dey say that ya were imprisoned in dat tower at de Crystal Empire back der? If so, when did ya git relocated from Canterlot to the Crystal Empire." "Because I made that decision when they rescued Luna from me!!!" Majesty spoke out loud, surprising the Royal Sisters, Twilight, her family, and her friends. "Princess Celestia, you were actually right. I did betray everything that is meant to be a queen. I just wanted to make my father proud of me. I take back everything that I said 9 years ago, to you and to Sunset Shimmer." Upon seeing Majesty and her son Prince Virgil enter the Palace with a wagon containing 5 crates full of Energy Crystals, they all stared at them in silence and with speechless anxiety. Before anypony could say anything to Majesty Blueblood, Twilight Sparkle steps in from the crowd. "Majesty, so you were saying that you never wanted to admit that your father was just using you because he was the only family you had left back then? After all of that vile ranting you have displayed to my subjects and to my friends?" Twilight asked in a calm tone. "Yes, Twilight," Majesty said finally admitting the rest of her guilt towards the purple alicorn. "I'm also sorry for not understanding you and your friends clearly. I was just too blind to see what father really did to the rest of our family before I came into power. Maybe if I, along with the rest of the Unicornian subjects, value home above power, I'm sure Equestria will become a merrier place." "Well Majesty Blueblood, you still owe us in fixing up everything that you and your men destroyed in the other cities outside of Canterlot," Celestia said in a stern tone. "They'll be expecting more from you than just apologies, you know." "I understand, your highness," Majesty replied to the sun princess before asking the purple alicorn out of concern for her safety. "So Twilight, are you sure you wanted to do some research on our Energy Crystals?" "Yes because I plan to find ways to make those energy crystals less dangerous and more resourceful for harnessing technology in Equestria," Twilight said to Majesty Blueblood. "If it doesn't work, then I'll use more inventions and chemistry to improve our experiments with Trixie's and Dr. Hooves' help." "When Felhand got his hooves on those Energy Crystals, he went mad over it when conducting experiments and testing out new weaponry. You guys should've all seen it," Majesty shivered in fear. "He almost took it out on me at one time." "You mean like that one time where that mad unicorn of a doctor used you like a puppet when he stuffed this one crystal inside your body years earlier?" Pinkie Pie asked out of curiosity, mentioning Felhand. "Yes, that one!!!" Majesty responded to Pinkie. "After they took it out of my body, we dumped it into the volcanoes back at Unicornia so that it will never be used again, along with the other mind-controlling devices that we secured in Felhand's country house." "Well, ah guess dat takes care of dat problem," Applejack muttered to herself. "Twilight, I'm sure you still haven't figured out how Flash Sentry came back from the dead yet," Majesty told Twilight about her col-friend's resurrection. Before Twilight could say anything, Majesty took out Felhand's old documents from her saddle bag with her magic and gave it to the purple alicorn. As Twilight used her magic to hold onto Felhand's old documents, her eyes widened with shock after realizing what Majesty Blueblood was talking about. "During the time we took over Canterlot, Felhand moved in and harvested some of Zecora's medicinal herbs from her hut in the Everfree Forest and did some combinations with several of his Blue Energy Crystals," Majesty explained. "Felhand pointed out to a point from his hypothesis, that the Blue Energy Crystals have the power to revive and regenerate lifeless organisms if combined with a proper medicinal herb. After going over more than 500 tests at his Research Lab in Manehattan, it turns out that the Blue Crystals work well with Activated Charcoal, Yarrow, and Honey to regenerate and seal up old wounds from a corpse and inserting them into a defibrillator to revive their patients instantly. Lastly, Felhand used in serum injection that was filled with mandrake liquid and powdery drugs to restore the patient's memories. After they did all of that on Flash Sentry, he woke up in 24 hours later. After Felhand did those procedures on Flash Sentry, that's when he started using that Pegasus guard as a puppet. The rest of the story you already know." "So that's how Flash came back!!" Twilight muttered to herself in shock. Upon reading what it says on Felhand's documents, Twilight had never felt even more relieved in all her life than learning about how Flash Sentry was resurrected in a specified way. But now that her colt-friend is free from Felhand's control, Twilight can continue to live a happy life with Flash along with their daughter. "Of course, Felhand did used some of his healing magic to speed up his experimentation process," Majesty explained further. "But why would he do that for?" Luna asked Majesty, not getting the whole story. "Because he wanted to create an army of mind-controlled experiments to serve under him," Majesty pouted to herself when answering Luna's question. "I do want to apologize for his intolerable experimentations upon others." "It's alright miss," Flash Sentry said trying to brighten up the former enemy queen of her negative mood. "At first, I thought I was able to see Twilight again in the Elysium. However, it turns out that I'm not in the Elysium anymore and Twilight finally appeared before me back in the land of the living. If Felhand were to be still here, I would beat that scoundrel all over again for treating me like a puppet." "So guys, how were you all able to rescue Princess Luna from Majesty? Not that it matters anymore." Twilight asked her friends. "Well Mom, it all started off after we lost the civil war...." Spike said as he announced his second part of his story years back.