Drifting Sunset

by Kamenriderjester

Ch. 3: The Knight vs. The Dragon

A/N: Welcome to the last part of this trilogy. I thank you for taking the time to read this series so far. The Tyrest Accord is mentioned in this chapter is an old law from Cybertron forbidding other culture from possessing Cybertron technology. Just an FYI.


  "Hold his arm higher," Ratchet barked at Windcharger. After bringing Beachcomber in he set to work repairing him. Windcharger had been called in to his magnets to help with the surgery. Drift had been tasked with monitoring vitals. The trio had been in surgery for close to an hour.

"I'm trying," Windcharger replied. "Usually when I move things they stay in motion. Holding something in place is tricky."

"Internal Energon pressure dropped another degree," Drift called out as the instruments showed a distinct change in Beachcomber’s condition. "It just won't stabilize."

"By the pit!" Ratchet cursed. He looked up from his attempts to cauterize the wounds on Beachcomber’s sides and went to Drift’s monitor to confirm. "This is bad. He'll need a transfusion."

    “A transfusion,” Windcharger grunted as he continued to stabilize his comrade's arm. “What are the odds any of us have the same type of internal energon?”

    “Given I've memorized every single one of your medical specifications: Good,” Ratchet replied as he finished closing up one the major leaks. “You and him have the same type of internal energon. You'll have to give a transfusion.”

    “I have to give him my internal energon," Windcharger chuckled dryly. "Can't he at least buy me dinner first?"

    “Hilarious,” Ratchet said, obviously not finding the joke humorous at all. "You'll need to go down some energon rations first.”

    “So I can let his arm down?” Windcharger asked, not wanting to make a move which would result in damaging Beachcomber.

    “Two more microcycles,” Ratchet replied, not looking up from his work.

    “Will you be needing my assistance anymore?” Drift asked as he stood from the monitor station.

    “No,” Ratchet grunted. “That doesn't mean you should go out and get yourself killed.”

    “I have to find her,” Drift protested. He had been able to keep himself composed while helping with the operation. Yet all the sitting had only made his anxiety rise. “You were right you know, when you called me out on Theophany (See Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Annual 2012). My entire life I've been looking for absolution. Trying to find a way to make up for all the wrongs in my past. But, being with Sunset. Someone who has a similar past and had to shoulder the same amount type of sins. Makes me want to try for something else and with her. I need to bring her back no matter what.”

    “I didn't say don't look for her,” Ratchet replied sharply. “I'm saying don't try to fight Scourge head on. Find Sunset and get out of there. We'll have to coordinate a proper attack against him later. If I find you on this slab later because you didn't listen to me, I will let you expire for not following my orders.”

    “I understand,” Drift acknowledged, a feeling of gratitude in his voice. “And thanks.”

   Once Ratchet had finished his work, Windcharger and Drift walked out of the lab. The two made their way to the meeting room near the front entrance. It had become a gathering area for not only the Autobots but their human allies as well. The girls had decorated the area with a few bits of furniture and posters to make it look more friendly. It also housed a few Cybertronian sized chairs for the Autobot to sit.

    "How is he?" Applejack asked as she saw the pair come into the meeting space. It had been over an hour since they had brought Beachcomber back. The girls had never seen a Cybertronian so badly damaged before and both Applejack and Rainbow Dash had to physically hold back Fluttershy who kept trying to rush in to be by his side.

    “He got his arm ripped off,” Windcharger snapped. “How do you think he is?”

    Hearing this Fluttershy burst into tears. Rarity pulled her close and tried to console her.

    “Smooth,” Rainbow commented with a distinct annoyed tone in her voice.

    “Sorry,” Windcharger grimaced with regret for not having more tact. “I'm just a little annoyed. I just held up his arm for a megacycle and now I have give him a transfusion. Not to mention we have a Decepticon warrior on the loose.”

   “One problem at a time,” Applejack chimed in, trying her best to keep the room calm. “First things first, how is Beachcomber? And don't be snide.”

    “He'll be fine,” Drift replied, trying to not to let on how worried he was about Sunset.”What about you girls did you have any luck?”

    “Not really,” Twilight Sparkle piped up as she kept tapping away at her laptop. The device had been upgraded with Cybertronian technology despite the Tyrest Accord. It allowed them to communicate with not only the government contacts but also Autobot City and Cybertron. “Everyone is busy. Optimus is off world at a conference. The rest of the Autobots are on mission or unreachable. We even called Cybertron.”

    “Who picked up?” Windcharger asked.

    “Starscream,” Applejack sighed.

    Drift winced at the answer. The Decepticon turned ruler of Cybertron was adamant about finding the concept of humans and Transformers working together to be an atrocity. “What did he say?”

    Rainbow Dash shrugged. “He said Scourge had died a long time ago, called us “filthy organics,” and hung up.”

    “Then I have no choice,” Drift announced. “I’ll have to go alone.”

    “What do you mean alone? What about you?” Rainbow questioned Windcharger, shooting him an angry glance. “Aren’t you going with him?”

    “No can do,” Windcharger shook his head. “I’m gonna need to donate some of my inner energon if Ratchet has any hope to stabilize his spark core.”

    “What?’ Rainbow gasped. She didn’t understand most of what Wincharger had just said but she knew a Cybertronian’s inner energon was sacred and not something anyone would give away. “That sounds serious.”

    “It is,” Windcharger agreed. “I have to go under for a bit and give Beachcomber some of my fluids to keep him alive. It leaves me out of helping Drift find Sunset.”

    “I didn’t know Beachcomber was your type,” Rainbow chuckled, trying to not show her concern.

    “Funny,” Windcharger replied before extended his fist and bringing it close to where Rainbow was standing. “Give me a bump. For luck.”

    Rainbow Dash smiled up at her partner before fist bumping the giant robot’s fist. "You die and I'll kill you.”

    “Noted,” Windcharger nodded. He turned his attention towards Drift, who had opened the closest weapon closet and was grabbing supplies. Seeing Drift arm himself, Windcharger walked to the closet, grabbed the largest weapon there, and tried to hand it to Drift. “Take the gun.”

     “I don't want the gun,” Drift replied.

    “Take the gun.”

    “I don't want the gun.”

    “Take the gun you're going to need it,” Wincharger insisted.

    “I don't use guns anymore,” Drift stated firmly. Since he had adopted the Autobot badge he had promised himself he would never use a gun again as it reflected too much of his previous life as a Decepticon. “Besides from what Fluttershy said, guns don’t seem to work on Scourge very well.”

    “Fine,” Windcharger spat as he placed the gun back on the shelf and turning back towards Ratchet’s lab. “Go fight to the death against Megatron’s lost phase sixer for all I care. Don’t blame me if you end up dead. Can two of you go with him and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid?”

    “Okie Dokie Loki,” Pinkie Pie chimed in as she grabbed Applejack by the arm and pulled her towards where Drift was standing. Applejack wouldn’t have need to be dragged along but still she wasn’t quick enough to react to Pinkie Pie’s action. “We are ready to go.”

    “Alright,” Drift announced as he made sure he had enough explosive kunais and shurikens. “Let's go.”

    “Where are we going to start our search,” Applejack asked.

    “Send me back to where the ground bridge was opened last time. We’ll start there,” Drift told Twilight before transformed into his alt mode and opening both of his doors for the two young girls to get in. Following directions, Twilight used her computer to open a glowing green portal  at the far end of the room.  Drift shifted into drive, accelerated, and drove through the ground bridge. The trio was back in the woods before they knew it.

    “Where do we start looking?” Applejack inquired as she started to scan the forest.

    “We’ll follow the tracks and work from there,” Drift explained as he made his way through the forest in an effort to find his lost partner.


    As Sunset slowly awoke she realized two things. One, her head was still sore, obviously from the fall which had knocked her out. Two, the large black form of Scourge was clearly visible in the limited light and sitting on the  other side of the room. The sight of the Decepticon warrior caused her to recoil in fear until she realized his eyes were closed. She knew she was momentarily out of immediate danger so she got to her feet and surveyed her situation.

    She was in a cave. From where she was she couldn’t tell which way would led her out. She reached into her pocket to see if her phone could help, only to discover it had broken in the fall. She had left her bag with her magical journal in Beachcomber’s storage compartment. With limited options, Sunset realized she wouldn’t be able to escape anytime soon, she decided to hide and get more information about her kidnapper.

    Hiding behind a rock, Sunset found she had a pen and pad in her her jacket. She pulled it out and started taking notes on Scourge.  The Decepticon destroyer sat with his legs crossed,  with a long club like weapon clutched in his hand. It appeared as if he was deep meditation yet seemed to be muttering to himself. Despite being several feet away, his words resonated through the empty cave in a very clear echo.

    “I have a creature of light. What is she?" Scourge grumbled without opening his optics. "Why is she so important? Why did you send me to this dirt filled pit?”

    Sunset made several notes. Creature of Light. Me? Scourge was Sent by Someone. It was a mystery but it appeared as if the Decepticon was under someone’s orders. She would need the help of the computer with the Cybertron files. To be able to access them she would have to stay alive if she had to properly following up on the leads.

    “What is she?” Scourge continued his conversation with his unknown advisor. “She smells of power!”

    A chill ran down Sunset’s spine as she thought of how Scourge could smell her. She made another note, He can detect my magic. They had never known any other Cybertronian who had been able to detect her or her friends powers. This is probably why he was sent.

    “What should I do with her?” Scourge inquired to the voice only he could hear. “Can I eat her? Really?”

    A feeling of panic ran through Sunset as Scourge mentioned eating her. She decided it was best not to stick around for an answer to the question. She began to scan the area for any exit which was tiny and make it hard for the large Decepticon to follow.

    “Insect,” Scourge called, as he got to his feet. The conversation with the mysterious being was over and he wanted to know where Sunset was. “You reek of energy. Why? I’d like to know the answer before I crush you.”

    Sunset felt as if her heart was going to burst out of her chest. She briefly considered using her powers to temporary overload his circuits. The technique had been effective previously while fighting some Decepticons on a previous mission. Unfortunately, her powers were tactile in nature. She had succeeded only because Drift and the other Autobots were able to distract their opponents long enough for her to get close. There was no way she would be able to sneak up on a being which was able to locate her by smell. She would have to improvise.

    “I can show you,” Sunset replied as she summoned her courage. She stepped out from behind the rock she had used for cover and waved to get Scourge's attention. “But my power requires I touch someone for them to experience it.”

    “Being touched by an insect?” Scourge spat at the vile idea. “Fine. As long as I get the answer to why I was sent to this backwater planet.”

    Sunset slowly made her way over to where Scourge stood. She attempted not to look at him but could feel his cold stare as she walked. Once she was in positioned, she took a deep breath, and placed both of her hands on the Decepticon warrior. Instead of the usual sensation of being surrounded by a white light, Sunset found herself falling into cold darkness. As she struggled to gain footing she found the darkness had a life of its own and was wrapping around her, constraining her movement. As Sunset tried to break free she watched as two giant blood red eyes stared at her through the darkness and stared into her soul. Unable to deal with this mysterious surge of power, Sunset was thrown to the ground, severing the connection between her and Scourge.

    As Sunset tried to get to her feet, she was overwhelmed by the sensation of fear she had just experienced from looking into Scourge’s soul. “What...what was that?”

    “I felt nothing,” Scourge grunted as he looked down at Sunset as she lay on the cavern floor. It was apparent the warrior had very little patience for something he didn’t understand. “No matter. If I can't find our what you are, I will just consume you!”

    Sunset looked up and watched as Scourge raised his club, ready to use it to crush her beneath it. She tried to get to her feet but found her body was still exhausted from the rush of power she had connected with.

    Just as the club was about to fall and crush Sunset, Drift stepped in front and blocked the bulking weapon between his twin sabers. The impact caused him to sink into the floor. Every balance system in his body seem to erupt in pain just trying to keep him on his feet. He didn’t care though as he had managed to save Sunset.

    "What?" Scourge bellowed as he looked at the new arrival. "Who dares?"

    "Me?" Drift replied, doing his best to mask the pain in his voice. His mind was focused on only two thoughts. Fight as hard as he could and make sure not to crush the girls. Every other petty idea was unnecessary for the battle at hand. "I'm her partner."

    With all his strength, Drift pushed the club away and threw Scourge off balance. Jumping into the air, Drift spun for momentum before delivering a roundhouse kick to Scourge's face. Landing on his feet, he slashed across his opponent's chest over and over again before planting a high kick into his chest. Scourge stumbled back, surprised by the Drift’s attacks.

    “Sunset!” Applejack yelled as she ran over to her friend. She and Pinkie Pie helped her to her feet and checked to make sure she was safe. “Are you okay sugarcube? It took us a while to find you but looks like we arrived just in time.”

    “Applejack...Pinkie…,” Sunset murmured as she tried to take in the situation. Her head throbbed but she tried to work through it. “Drift...is he?”

   “Kicking butt and taking names!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she watched Drift continue his assault on Scourge. The Autobot warrior kept attacking with a lightning quick strategy. He knew he couldn’t defeat his opponent but he hoped if he fought hard enough he would be able to create enough of opening to grab the girls and escape. He succeeded in landing another double slash of his sword across Scourge’s chest, before delivering a swift kick to his chest. Just as he was about to connect with another double slash, Scourge blocked with his club and pushed Drift away. He now stood between Scourge and the trio of girls.

    “Impressive,” Scourge chuckled as he brushed at the scratches on the surface of his exterior which Drift had caused. The strength Drift had put behind his strikes was enough to efficerate a sharkticon but against Scourge it was barely affected him. “Unfortunately, it will not be enough to stop me.”

    “Girls! Run!” Drift yelled as he pulled three shurikens from his back and threw them at the Scourge. The projectiles hit the Decepticon in the face who didn’t move, hoping to show how invincible he was. Unaware the weapons were softly beeping. A second later, the shurikens exploded and caused Scourge to stumble back in pain and drop his club. Drift seized the opportunity and went back on the offensive. Using his twin swords, he slashed again and again, desperately trying to get Scourge onto his back. He needed to make absolutely sure he was getting enough of window to escape before breaking off his attack, transforming, and speeding away with the girls in tow.

    "Enough," Scourge roared before back handing Drift and knocking him to the ground. As the smoke cleared around his head, the girls were able to see much more pronounced visual damage on the Decepticon’s face, and a stream of energon running down his mouth. “You will not get the best of me!”

    “Get up Drift!” Applejack shouted as she ran to Drift’s face, leaving the groggy Sunset with Pinkie Pie. “This bronco is more than you can handle. We have to get out of here!”

    “I told you girls to run,” Drift groaned as he tried to get to his feet. As he tried to find where his swords had gone, he noticed Scourge had recovered his club and slowly walking towards him. It was more than apparent the Decepticon was toying with his prey and still didn’t view Drift as a major threat. “I’ll give you the opportunity to escape!”

    “We aren’t leaving without you,” Sunset replied as Pinkie helped her to get closer to Drift. “You are too important to us.”

    “There is no easy way out of this,” Drift commented as he unsheathed his remaining sword. This was a Great Sword, a Cybertronian weapon which was powered by the user’s own spark energy. Drift made it a point only to use it as a last option when it came to combat. “I’m going to to have to go all out on this one.”

    “It’s too dangerous,” Sunset insisted, remembering the side of effects of Drift using the Great Sword. She stopped relying on Pinkie for support and looked up at Drift with determination. “What if I gave you my power too? I could help to give you the power you need to beat him.”

    Drift offered his low open hand, allowing Sunset to climb onto it. The Cybertronian looked down at the teen girl and whispered softly. “You may not survive.”

    “I’ll gladly give it a shot if you are with me,” Sunset smiled up at him. It was a look of joy which would made his spark surge in joy.

    Drift placed Sunset onto his shoulder and prepared to strike. Sunset closed her eyes and activated her empathic power. As the two were connected, Sunset began to channel her magic towards Drift’s spark, which was then syphoned off by the Great Sword. Unlike previous experiences of using the weapon, the blade did not pulse with a blue light. Instead the energy surrounding it was much brighter and a deep shade of red, much like Sunset’s hair.

    “What is this?” Scourge commented as he looked at the weapon. He had faced opponents who wielded Great Sword before and defeat them. Yet he had never seen one summon forth such powerful energy. No longer deciding to toy with his prey, Scourge lifted his club high and charged at the duo. “Burn in the pit!”

    “You first,” Drift commented before slicing the air with his sword. The action sent out a wave of the red energy from their combined power which connected with Scourge’s club, shattered it, and slammed into the Decepticon’s chest. The force propelled Scourge off his feet and into the wall on the opposite side of the cave creating a large indentation on impact.

    “What in tarnation?” Applejack commented as she watched as Scourge fell face first onto the floor. Though she didn’t have as much experience with magic as Sunset, she still had seen enough not to be totally shocked. Unfortunately, this was beyond anything she could have prepared herself for. “You two are incredible.”

    “Thanks,” Drift replied as he fell to his knees, exhausted from the attack. He turned his head to look at Sunset on his shoulder. “Are you okay partner?”

    Sunset was panting and sweating like she had just finished running a marathon. After a few deep breaths she looked a drift and smile. “I’ll be okay.”

    Just as seemed like they all could breath a sigh of relief, Scourge started to move. The Decepticon got to his knees and looked as if he was about to try to stand when he froze. “Raze...is...coming.” With these last words, Scourge fell to the ground and entered stasis lock.

    “Is he?” Pinkie asked softly, her jovial mood momentarily gone as she looked at the unmoving Scourge.

    Drift pulled himself up, walked to where Scourge lay, and began to check him. “He’s in stasis. He won’t bother us the rest of the day.”

    “So what now? Can we get some cake? Maybe even celebrate kicking some dragon breathed bad guy?” Pinkie rambled as she looked at the downed Decepticon. “That's a good idea for a band name. “Dragon Breathed Bad Guy?” What do you think?”

    “Anyways...what do you think he meant by Raze coming. "Applejack inquired as ignored Pinkie and watched Drift pull out a pair of stasis cuffs. He secured them to Scourge to make sure the warrior wasn’t going anymore. “Who is Raze?”

    “Never heard of him before,” Drift replied once he knew Scourge wasn’t going anywhere. “It’s something we’ll have to check with Ratchet when we get back. Speaking of which could you two make your way back to the entrance and see if you can get a hold of him? My comm doesn’t seem to work in this cave.”

    “Sure thing,” Applejack chuckled as she realized there was another reason why Drift wanted to be alone with Sunset. “Come on Pinkie. We need to give these two some time.”

    “Give them time?” Pinkie commented as she followed Applejack out of the cave. “Time is an indefinite continued process of existence where events of the past, present, and future are regarded as a whole. You can’t just GIVE someone time.”

    As the two girls walked outside, Drift looked at his partner and gave a soft smile. “This is it,” he thought. “Now or never.”

    “Something on your mind?” Sunset asked as she realized her partner seemed to be staring at her for a long time.”

    “I've been doing some thinking,” Drift admitted. “I don't think things can go on the way they have been.”

    Sunset paused, scared of where this comment was going. “What are you talking about?”

    “I think things need to change and I have to tell you something that's been on my mind for a while,” Drift continued, feeling his courage being sucked away as he kept talking. “ If I don't then I don't know how I'll ever be able to tell you the truth.”

    “What are you talking about,” Sunset asked as she felt her heart start to beat harder in her chest. By the way he was talking she wondered if Drift was considering leaving the team and making his time on the Lost Light a more permanent deal. “Drift...I know I'm not good with connecting with people sometimes. If I've made you feel like you weren't important anymore I'm sorry. I should have told you so many times before how much you meant to me and how glad I am you are in my life. I just..."

    “Sunset...I love you,” Drift admitted with a firm committed tone.

    “What?” Sunset was stunned.

    “I know, I know, I’m stupid,” Drift rambled. “I mean you're a girl, well a pony from another world. I’m a robot alien, this is never going to work...but I just wanted you to know…”

    Drift’s babbling speech was stopped as he felt Sunset lean over and plant a kiss on his large cheek. She stayed there for a while before finally pulled back. Sunset looked up at Drift with a smile and said, “I love you too.”

    A smile formed on the Autobot warrior’s face as he looked down at his young partner.


    It was hours later as Drift rested in his alt-mode when he got a call from Ratchet. He was sitting at the edge of the mountain which housed the cave he had fought Scourge early. Opening his communication channels, Drift answered, “Hey Doc. How’s the prisoner?”

    “Still in stasis,” Ratchet replied in a joyful tone which made it glad Drift was okay. “You really did a number on him. You took off too fast after I showed up to take him in. How are your injuries.”

    “I’m fine,” Drift insisted with a chuckle. “You have enough patients to deal with. How’s Cliffjumper and Beachcomber?”

    “Cliff is resting after the transfusion,” Ratchet commented, his usual annoyed tone of voice returning. “He asked about you, making sure you were alive but told me not to tell you about it.”

    “Tell him I’m glad he made it to,” Drift smiled. “What about Beach? Did he survive?”

    “Who are you talking to,” Ratchet snapped, a bit insulted Drift would doubt his skills as a surgeon. “He’ll make it. He came out of his stasis lock long enough to ask Fluttershy if she would give him a wash in a bikini.”

    “Did she agree?” Drift inquired, curious how the young girl would react.

    Ratchet shrugged on his end. “Hard to make out from her mumbling and blushing what she said.”

    “I figured as much,” Drift laughed before deciding to turn his attention more serious matters. “Ratchet, about the data you found. I think there is something to it. The girls are more powerful than we know.”

    “I’ll see what I can do about making sure no one else finds out,” Ratchet assured him. “It may not be easy though.”

   “If anyone can do it you can. Drift out,” The Autobot Warrior commented before cutting off his communication channels. He took a moment to appreciate where he was and the beauty in front of him.  “How much longer do you want to stay,”

    “Until the sun goes down,” Sunset replied as she snuggled closer Drift’s avatar. The pair lay on the hood of Drift’s alt-mode, having decided to start their relationship by watching the sun slowly sink behind the horizon. For now, it was the start of beautiful relationship.

The End