The Desperation Requests

by The Dark Wolf

Trixie's Desperation

After Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Discord, and Thorax saved Equestria from Chrysalis, the four of them started hanging out more often, much like when the Main 6 saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon.

Although Trixie, Discord, and Thorax were good friends with Starlight, Trixie and Discord still haven't been able to get along with each other as well as they did with Thorax. Discord would sometimes mention how most of Trixie's magic tricks weren't actually magic, and Trixie would sometimes call him "klutzy draconequus", as a reference to their adventure.

One day, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie planned to prank Twilight by putting butter on the floor so she would slip. As they walked away to call Twilight, Discord walked in, with Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax behind him.

As Discord stepped into the room, he slipped on the butter and fell down.

"Klutzy draconequus," said Trixie, and she laughed at how funny he look when he fell.

Starlight tried hard not to laugh. "Are you all right, Discord?"

Discord touched the floor, realizing it was covered in butter. Someone put it there as a prank, and he suspected Trixie. She must have done it so she'd have an excuse to call him "klutzy draconequus" again, because she really loved calling him that, and it annoyed him.

"I'm fine. But, there's something important I forgot to do. See you!" He teleported away.


Discord paced around in his house, planning his revenge on Trixie. He decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. And what better way to do so than to do to her the same thing he had done to Twilight several days ago? He started planning everything out.


When Trixie woke up the next morning, she drank her morning coffee, as she always did.

What she didn't know was that Discord had done two things while she was asleep. First, he changed her alarm clock so she'd wake up an hour later than usual. And second, he had added something to her instant coffee: A special herb he found at Zecora's place, which had strong diuretic effects. Any pony who drank anything with that herb would have to pee very badly very soon.

After Trixie finished drinking her coffee, she looked at the clock.

"Oh no! Is it that time already? I'm late!"

She had several activities to do, so she rushed outside without taking her morning pee.

Discord watched from his hiding place, excited to see what would happen. This would be even more fun than when he did it to Twilight.

First, Trixie was putting on a magic show in Ponyville. Right when the show began, the herb was already starting to take effect, and Trixie needed to pee. She held it throughout the entire show, and then when she was done, she raced to the nearest outhouse.

To her dismay, there was an Out of Order sign on it.

She had another magic show in Baltimare soon, and she wasn't sure she'd have time to find another bathroom that was working.

As soon as she ran, Discord snapped his fingers, and the Out of Order sign on the outhouse disappeared.

As Trixie made her way to Baltimare, she could feel her need to pee increase every minute. It was especially hard to hold it when she was pulling her wagon.

Discord followed, keeping out of Trixie's sight.

She arrived at Baltimare a few minutes early. She found a bathroom, but to her dismay there was a big lineup in front of it. She didn't have time to wait, so she ran to the spot where her magic show was taking place.

The ponies vanished as soon as Trixie was out of sight, for they were an illusion created by Discord.

After a very uncomfortable magic show, during which Trixie almost messed up one of her tricks, she returned to the bathroom. There was no line, but as she entered the bathroom, she saw the toilet was clogged and overflowing, so she ran back out.

Next, Trixie needed to pick up some props for her tricks at a shop that was only in the Crystal Empire. She left her wagon in the forest near Baltimare in order to board the train and take it to the Crystal Empire.

As soon as she boarded the train, she darted to the bathroom, but it was out of order as well.

Discord continued to watch Trixie from the windows, not letting her see him, and removing the Out of Order sign whenever Trixie wasn't near the bathroom door.

Trixie sat with her legs crossed, fidgeting for the entire train ride.

Upon arrival, she searched the entire Crystal Empire for a bathroom, but they were all lined up or else had Out of Order tags.

Why doesn't anyone else look as desperate as I am? thought Trixie.

She gave up and bought her props, then got back on board the train back to Baltimare to pick up her wagon. She checked the bathroom again, but it was still out of order. (Or so it seemed) So she fidgeted the entire ride, feeling more desperate by the minute.

It was almost noon, and Trixie and Starlight were having lunch at a restaurant today. So once she got back to her wagon, she ran to Ponyville as fast as she could. She ran to the nearest bathroom, but it was out of order again.

She ran into the restaurant where Starlight was sitting at a table. Trixie sat down next to her, crossing her legs.

After they ordered their food, Starlight noticed Trixie fidgeting, crossing her legs, and very desperate.

"Are you all right?" said Starlight.

"I'm fine," said Trixie, though she really wasn't.

"Well, I'll stay with you the rest of the day just in case you do need help with anything."


Once they finished lunch, Trixie had another magic show to put on in the changeling kingdom. She ran there as fast as she could.

"I've never seen you run this fast," said Starlight.

"I just can't wait until the changelings see my magic show," said Trixie.

She's not even saying "The Great and Powerful Trixie", thought Starlight.

Trixie's desperation made her run faster and faster, so sometimes Starlight had to teleport to keep up.

When they reached the changeling kingdom, Trixie said "There's something I have to do real quick. It won't take long."

She ran to the nearest bathroom, but there wasn't a toilet inside.

The toilet reappeared as soon as the bathroom was out of Trixie's sight.

Trixie did her magic show, but she messed up some of her tricks because of her desperation. She was able to pull a few tricks off while holding it, and was able to hold it the entire show. Enough that the changelings weren't unimpressed.

Next she had to do some work at the rock farm, which was a little farther from the changeling kingdom than Baltimare was from Ponyville.

She ran there as fast as she could, feeling the pressure in her bladder increase by the minute, and Starlight keeping up with her.

As usual, upon arrival she checked the outhouses, but they were all out of order.

So, she harvested the rocks, with great difficulty. She wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it.

Next was dinner at Starlight's village, so she could get to know the ponies there better. Unfortunately, Starlight's village was on the opposite side of Equestria as the rock farm. Leaving her wagon behind, Trixie ran to the nearest train station, in Appleoosa.

"Are you sure you're all right?" said Starlight.

"I told you I'm fine!" said Trixie a little more harshly than she meant, for she really needed to go.

Upon the train, Trixie checked the bathroom, but it was still out of order.

She sat with her legs crossed, fidgeting harder. It was obvious she needed to go, but Starlight didn't say anything this time. She felt bad about snapping at Starlight, but she couldn't help it.

It was a long and very uncomfortable train ride, and she thought she wasn't going to make it, but she did.

Upon arrival, she said "I gotta comb my mane," and ran. She found an outhouse and ran into it. Finally, it was open, and the toilet was there, and it wasn't clogged. She was finally going to get relief!

She was about to turn around to sit on the toilet, when it disappeared.

"Are you KIDDING ME!?"

She fidgeted for the entire dinner with Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Sugar Belle. She could barely focus on anything they said, the pressure in her bladder was too intense.

She held it in the entire dinner, and then she was set to watch one of Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt shows in Canterlot. She told Rainbow Dash she'd see it and Rainbow Dash would be disappointed if she didn't show.

Canterlot wasn't very far from Starlight's village, but Trixie was more desperate than ever. Once again she checked the bathroom, but it was occupied. As soon as Trixie was away, Discord unlocked the door. He was going to re-lock it if he needed to, but Trixie still didn't want Starlight to know how badly she needed to go and might suspect if she tried again.

Once at the Canterlot stadium, Trixie separated from Starlight, saying she was going to get some drinks, but really looking for a bathroom. She found all the stalls full (though three of them were "occupied" by Discord's illusions).

Because she told Starlight she was going for drinks, she knew she'd get suspicious without them, so she stood in line for five minutes to get two cups of soda. She would have only got one for Starlight, but she thought Starlight would suspect if she didn't get one for herself.

She regretted drinking the soda immediately, for it seemed to increase her need to pee even more.

She fidgeted harder with her legs crossed even tighter during Rainbow Dash's show. She barely focused on any of it, focusing instead on her very full bladder. Starlight seemed more focused on the show than Trixie.

After what seemed like hours, the show finally ended, and Trixie and Starlight took the train back to Ponyville. Trixie found the train bathroom empty this time, but the toilet disappeared seconds after she entered.

She suspected she knew who was behind this, but right now she was worried about not having an accident in front of Starlight.

It was sunset when they reached Ponyville. Trixie was about to burst.

"Trixie, I can't keep this up any longer," said Starlight.

"What do you mean?"

"I knew you were holding your pee all along."

Trixie blushed. "How did you know?"

"It was kind of obvious, with you fidgeting, crossing your legs, holding yourself, and suddenly running off every time we reached a new destination."

"I need your help!" Trixie said, tearing up with the effort of holding it in. "I needed to pee all day, but I haven't been able to find a single bathroom I can use! They're all out of order, or have lines, or have vanishing toilets."

"Vanishing toilets? That's weird... I'll help you find one."

Starlight teleported Trixie to every bathroom in Ponyville, starting with the bathrooms in Twilight's castle, but each of them had a line or an out of order sign, except for a few. If regular bathrooms, the stalls would be full. If outhouses, the toilets would be gone.

They reached the last bathroom in Ponyville, an outhouse. It had no line or sign.

Trixie was about to run into it, when Discord walked in with a newspaper and closed the door.

Trixie was even closer to bursting, holding herself and doing the pee dance, feeling waves of pee sloshing inside her.

Starlight knocked on the door. "Don't take too long in there. Trixie really needs to go."

Discord could sense Trixie's desperation, and he deliberately waited until she was literally seconds away from wetting herself. Then he opened the door and walked out.

Trixie ran into the bathroom faster than Rainbow Dash and closed the door shut tight.

"Discord, can you come with me for a second?" said Starlight. She led him a bit away from the outhouse.

"Trixie said every single bathroom she tried was mysteriously out of order, lined up, or had vanishing toilets. I don't know a lot of magic users besides myself who can make things disappear like that."

"Yes, it was me! This was all a revenge prank on Trixie!"

"Revenge for what?"

"For the butter prank she pulled on me."

"Making her wet herself is a little more extreme than slipping on butter," said Starlight.

"First, I didn't make her wet herself. I specifically waited till the last second and then let her use the bathroom. Second, it wasn't so much tripping me as the fact that she did it as an excuse to call me 'klutzy draconequus' again. That's really annoying."

Trixie emerged from the bathroom, feeling immensely relieved, and completely dry. She had never known relief like what she felt about a minute earlier.

"Trixie, did you make Discord slip on butter to call him 'klutzy draconequus' again?"

"I'm thinking about doing it in the future, because I suspect you were behind those vanishing toilets. But, the Great and Powerful Trixie did no such thing!"

"Oh, wait! This morning Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie said they were going to prank Twilight. I think they put the butter on the floor."

"Oh. I thought it was Trixie because she likes to call me 'klutzy draconequus'."

"I do that because you sometimes get really annoying, because you always mention how my magic tricks are only an illusion, and sometimes I get a bit jealous of your magic," said Trixie. "You can make things appear, transform things, and do so much more, while I can only make a teacup with my magic."

"I had no idea."

"Now, apologize to each other," said Starlight.

"I'm sorry for calling you 'klutzy draconequus' all the time," said Trixie.

"And I'm sorry for blaming you for the prank," said Discord. "Oh, and for making you need to pee for the whole day."

And from that point forward, Discord and Trixie got along a bit better.