//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Joining the Guild // Story: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Stars // by SonicStreak5344 //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Joining the Guild In another dimension on a another world called Earth home to the Pokémon race it was more peaceful than how Terra was, also it was morning as the sun was rising into the air in a place called the Crystal Continent. At a strange building which had a eagle like Pokémon's face had a opening with a hole with strong reinforced wood to keep Pokémon from falling in was in front of the building. Right beside it were 2 young Pokémon which were a Turtwig and a Charmander. Both of them were boys and they were excited about joining the guild because they were wanting to do this a long time. Then Turtwig said to Charmander with a excited smile, "This is it! This must be the Braviary Guild Charmander!" Then Charmander said to Turtwig, "Yeah! We're finally going to join the guild!" Then Turtwig said with shaking his head, "Yeah I can't wait learn from the legendary explorer Guildmaster Braviary himself! Come on lets go in!" Then Turtwig ran for the entrance with Charmander right behind him. The 2 Pokémon looked inside the entrance of the building which had a wooden made stairs for Pokémon. Then Turtwig said out loud, "Um excuse me. We want to join the guild." Silence came after that as a few seconds past. Finally Charmander broke the silence as he said with wonder, "Hmm where is everyone?" But then the 2 Pokémon heard a voice coming from the bottom floors yelling out loud, "HYPER BEAM!" Then a white flash came from the hole that led to the other 2 floors as both Charmander and Turtwig cried out loud in shock as the flash got brighter. Then a explosion came sending the 2 Pokémon behind the totem pole they were hiding behind before as dust rose into the air. Then out of the hole a trio of 3 Pokémon were sent out of the hole they were Houndoom, Rampardos, and a Shellgon who were a bit banged up a bit as if they were sent out by a attack move. Then the Shellgon along with the other 2 Pokémon turned around to the entrance and said with surprise, "Wow when they said the Guildmaster was strong they weren't kidding! We couldn't stand up to him in a million years! He's just as powerful as that also world famous explorer Guildmaster Wigglytuff!" Then the 3 Pokémon got up to their feet and the Houndoom growled and said, "Grrr that means we'll have to give a cut of our profits!" Then the Rampardos said with unhappiness, "Hey, that's not fair." Then from the hole a Herdier jumped on the sides of the ladder from the bottom floor and said, "Hey why haven't Team RockCrusher gotten moving yet? You know you have a deadline to met!" Then a Bisharp climbed up the ladder with Herdier and said while walking over to Team RockCrusher, "You 3 better get moving to the Guildmaster's orders and he means fast! So you better get going!" Then Houndoom said to Bisharp, "Cool your blades we're just going now. Come on guys. Move out!" Then Rampardos and Shellgon followed their four legged leader as they headed to finish a job. After the team was gone Turtwig and Charmander peeked out from their hiding spot and watched Team RockCrusher leave then the 2 looked at the 2 guild Pokémon who were about to go back down stairs until a voice came that said, "Intruder Alert!" Then the 2 Pokémon stopped and a Diglett came out of the ground said out loud and spun around like a alarm, "Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!" Then Diglett went to the right as Bisharp and Herdier turned around and watched the little Mole Pokémon go through the dirt. Then Herdier said, "Ok now what kinda of Bonehead would pull off a dumb stunt like that?!" Then Diglett found 2 sets of footprints not far away and said out loud, "Footprints are Turtwig and Charmander's! Footprints are Turtwig and Charmander's!" Turtwig and Charmander gulped and hoped they wouldn't get in trouble. Then Turtwig ran away from the hiding spot leaving Charmander behind the totem pole. Charmander sighed and ran away from the 3 Pokémon and chased after Turtwig into the forest. Their nervousness got the best of them and they hoped they could try again. They kept running for a bit until Turtwig tripped over something in the ground and landed with a thud. Charmander saw this and ran over to the twig Pokémon and said, "Turtwig are you ok?!" Turtwig shook his head and replied to Charmander, "Yeah I'm fine I just tripped over something." Then Charmander looked behind Turtwig and gasped in shock and found out what his grass type friend fell over. Laying in the ground face first was a unconscious Piplup and he wasn't moving. Then Charmander and Turtwig ran over and shook the blue penguin and say, "Come on little guy wake up!" The only thing that the 2 got from the Piplup was a moan. Then Charmander said with worry, "Come on wake up!" Then finally the Piplup pushed his face out of the ground with his wings and it gave both Charmander and Turtwig relief as they were glad to see the Piplup was ok. Then Piplup shook his head as he opened his eyes and asked, "Where am I?" Then he turned around to see Turtwig and Charmander looking at him and Charmander said, "Your fine! You weren't moving and it had us worry sick." Then Turtwig said with a smile, "Yeah glad to see your ok." Piplup on the other hand stared at the 2 Pokémon for a few seconds not moving until he let out a loud yelp and jumped into the air with shock, "Aaahhhh! Then when he landed back on the ground he said in shock, "A Turtwig and a Charmander?!" Then Charmander said with relief, "Wow your really are fine." Then Turtwig said with a smile on his mouth, "Yeah glad to see your ok." But Piplup said after he saw them talk with shock and fright, "You both are a talking Charmander and Turtwig! Am I dreaming?!" Then Piplup pulled his right check with his right wing and let go causing pain and yelled, "OW! Well I felt that one." Piplup was rubbing his right check as it pulsed with pain and had his eyes close. Then Charmander said with confusion, "Heh. Your kinda of funny in weird sorta of way." Piplup who opened his eyes saw Charmander talk and his eyes went wide and exclaimed, "Both of you are really talking and your both Pokémon!" Then Turtwig said with concern, "Maybe your not fine. You sure have some strange behavior for a Piplup." Then Piplup said what Turtwig just said earlier, "Piplup?" Then Charmander asked with concern, "Where did you come? We never seen you around here before." Turtwig nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah where you from anyway?" Piplup then said to the 2 Pokémon, "Well I'm from…uh…" Piplup tried to remember where he was from, but everything in his mind was blank. He couldn't remember where he was from or who he was at all. Then he said with putting his left wing up to his beak, "I don't remember where I'm from." Then Charmander said to the penguin Pokémon with a concerned look, "Don't worry Piplup." Piplup looked up at Charmander and said with frustration, "Why do you keep calling me Piplup Charmander?!" Then Turtwig said, "That's what you are." Then Piplup shook his head and said, "I am not!" Then Piplup looked at the 2 Pokémon with a serious look and said, "I'm a human." Then Charmander and Turtwig had confused looks on their faces and said together, "A human?" Then Charmander said to Turtwig with a smile thinking Piplup was just joking, "There's that Piplup humor again." Then Piplup said to the 2 with more annoyance, "I told you 2 I'm not a Piplup!" Then Piplup looked down at a puddle of water and saw his reflection for few seconds Piplup's blood ran cold as he looked at his new reflection. Then he cried out loud in fright, "Ahhhhh!" Then he made a b-line for a nearby pond leaving a completely confused Turtwig and Charmander. When Piplup got to the pond he saw his reflection clearly then a face of terror came onto his face as he put his wings to his face and cried, "Ahhhhh!" After calming down a bit Piplup said to no one in particular as he looked at his reflection, "This can't be happening!" Then he slowly turned to the left as Turtwig and Charmander walked up to him as he said, "I've turned into…" Then he closed his eyes and yelled out loud, "INTO A POKÉMON!" Piplup had let his mouth open after he yelled and then bubble started coming from his mouth as they drifted into the air. Charmander and Turtwig were watching the scene as they saw the bubbles float away. Then Charmander said with amazement, "Amazing that was a perfect Bubble!" Then a idea came into Turtwig's head as a smile came onto his face and exclaimed, "I got it!" Then he looked at Piplup and said, "Piplup how about you join our Exploration Team with us!" Then Piplup said with confusion, "Exploration Team?" Then Charmander said, "They're teams who search dungeons for treasure, hunt down and defeat some bad guys, and rescue many Pokémon too." Then Turtwig said with a smile, "Yeah it's been both our dreams to become explorers and form a team together." Then Piplup said, "No thank you!" That left Charmander and Turtwig with confused looks as Piplup past them heading in the opposite direction as he said, "Something weird has happened to me and got to find out what happened to me!" Then he started walking away from Charmander and Turtwig as they watched the little penguin Pokémon walk away from them. Then Turtwig called out to him, "Yeah, but how?" Piplup came to a complete stop and looked at the ground with a glum look. He didn't where to start looking for answers and who might be able to help him. Then Charmander and Turtwig ran up to him with concern looks and Charmander said, "Look I know this has taken you by surprise Piplup. But we think we might be able to help." Then Turtwig said, "Yeah we can go and ask Guildmaster Braviary about this I'm sure he might know something about this!" Then Piplup looked at his 2 new friends and said, "Really?" A few minutes later Piplup, Charmander, and Turtwig returned to the Braviary Guild as they stood in front of the building. This was both Turtwig and Charmander's second try now with a new friend. Then Piplup asked both Charmander and Turtwig, "So Charmander and Turtwig. Do you think Guildmaster Braviary can help me?" Then Piplup new friends walked forward heading for the entrance and Charmander said, "Probably." Then Piplup had a confused look and said, "Probably?" Then Charmander and Turtwig stopped in their tracks as sweat came down their heads. Then Charmander turned around with a nervous smile and the same went for Turtwig too as the fire Pokémon said, "Well a human waking up as a Pokémon is kinda strange." Then Turtwig said to Piplup as both Charmander and himself went around the hole, "Yeah, but I'm sure one can solve this mystery is Guildmaster Braviary no doubt." Then the 2 Pokémon headed for the ladder while Piplup jumped over the hole. When they were inside the entrance Turtwig said, "Actually we never met the guy." Then Piplup caught up with and said with suspicion, "What did you say?" Then Charmander and Turtwig had nervous looks and smile while closing their eyes. Then Charmander said, "Nothing lets go!" Then Turtwig agreed with Charmander by saying, "Yeah what he said!" But that was about go rock bottom when a fimilar voice from earlier when Charmander and Turtwig were there the first time came from the hole that the 3 Pokémon bypassed and exclaimed, "Intruder Alert!" Then Piplup turned around to see where the voice had came as he turned around the same Diglett from before poped out of the ground behind him. Then Diglett spun his head around like a alarm and yelled, "Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!" Diglett made a unexpected surprising appearance Piplup jumped backwards in fright and collided with Turtwig and Charmander behind him and all three waled as they fell down the hole. Below ground a Loudred heard what Diglett said and yelled out loud, "WHAAAAT?!" Then he took a deep breath and shouted to Diglett, "DID YOU JUST SAY INTRUDERS?!" Loudred's voice echo throughout the guild as the same Herdier ran by on the 2nd floor saying, "We have intruders!" Then a Altaria followed Herdier in pursuit and said in a female voice, "We got intruders! Bisharp are we going to bring them to the Guildmaster?" Then Bisharp followed Altaria and replied to her question and said, "Yes Altaria! We must bring them to the Guildmaster!" Then a Litleo who was following Bisharp then said in a male voice, "Right to the Guildmaster!" Then the 4 Pokémon along with Loudred found Piplup, Charmander, and Turtwig siting on the ground near the ladder they fell down from. They saw the 5 other Pokémon looking at them and Herdier said, "There they are lets get them!" Then Loudred said to Herdier, "Bring then to the Guildmaster!" Then Piplup had a not impressed look on his face and said to Charmander and Turtwig, "Really wasn't expecting this kind of welcome." Charmander and Turtwig just giggle nervously knowing they should of went over the the hole in front of the guild first. Now they know why the hole was there for a reason. You know what they say you can learn. A few minutes later the 3 Pokémon were brought to Guildmaster Braviary's room who was standing on a rug with Bisharp in front of him. Piplup and his friends were behind the Steel/Dark type Pokémon as Braviary said, "Are these 3 the intruders Bisharp?" Then Bisharp nodded and said, "Yes Guildmaster they are Piplup, Turtwig, and Charmander." Then the Braviary said to the 3 three young Pokémon, "Greetings I'm Guildmaster Braviary. So you 3 want to be explorers?" The trio nodded meaning they wanted to become explorers and then Piplup walked up in front of Charmander and Turtwig and said, "I'm sorry if I'm being rude Guildmaster Braviary. But Turtwig and Charmander said you can help with something like explain about this weird stuff." Then Braviary asked with curiosity, "Tell me about this stuff Piplup." Then Piplup nodded and said, "Sure thing." After a few minutes Piplup told Braviary about what happened to him and how he woke up as a Pokémon in the forest. Then the Bravery Pokémon then said, "Hmm. A human becoming a Pokémon is really strange." Then the eagle like Pokémon said, "But it is known to happen on certain circemstanses." All the other Pokémon looked at Braviary with silence as Piplup said with shock, "Guildmaster Braviary are you saying I'm not the only human who is now a Pokémon here?!" Braviary nodded and said to him, "Yes, Piplup your not the only one. The one I'm talking about is Empoleon who was a Piplup just like you before he evolved." Then Charmander then said with shock, "Guildmaster Braviary are you talking about the leader of the legendary exploration team called Team Poképals! The ones who defeated Darkrai and Primal Dialgia!" Braviary nodded and said, "Yes Charmander your quite knowledgeable. You see the Team Poképals Piplup was once a human from a alternate future of our world where time and space have stopped and only darkness exist. Grovyle and Piplup went back to the past to prevent the dark future from happening by collecting the Time Gears which was successful. But since the present was changed Piplup ceased to exist and disappeared from time, but he was revived by the restored legendary Pokémon Dialgia. Later Piplup and his partner Chimchar along with Cresselia defeated Darkrai and the nightmare Pokémon was never heard from after Palkia destroyed the portal that Darkrai used to get away." Then he looked at Piplup with concern, "If Piplup was brought here by a unknown force and he can't remember who was, but he remembers he was once a human. Then it must mean that Piplup was brought here from another world where humans exist to save our world from some new evil force that we don't know about yet." Then Altaria said with worry, "Maybe Darkrai's back in our world!" Then Herdier said with comfort, "I wouldn't worry about that Altaria besides Palkia destroyed the portal that Darkrai used to get away from Team Poképals and caused him to loose his memory completely. We won't have worry about him anymore." Then Braviary said to Herdier, "That's true Herdier. I think Piplup was brought here to fight off a new enemy that none of us heard of before." Then Piplup said to himself with a glum look he has got answers, but now with more questions about who he is, "Man it feels like I'm back to being at square one again." Then Braviary said with realization, "I forgot we need a name for your Exploration Team." Then Piplup said with wonder, "A team name?" Braviary nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, now what would it be." Then Turtwig stood up straight and said with a smile, "Its Typhoon!" Then Piplup and Charmander said together at their grass type friend, "Typhoon?" Then Turtwig said sheepishly, "Yeah! I kinda of thought about it and we wanted a cool team name." Braviary nodded and said with a smile on his beak, "Hmm. You surely chose a cool name alright Turtwig. Presenting the Team Typhoon Pokémon Exploration Team! With that your all registered! Whoooooo!" Then Braviary took off into the air and flew around in a circle as he performed a strong Whirlwind attack as he made a small, but strong tornado in the room. Everyone was hanging onto the ground as a Comfey said out loud, "Not the Guildmaster's Whirlwind attack!" Then Litleo said out loud holding on as well, "We're talking about super strong power!" Bisharp was covering Piplup and his 2 friends from the Guildmaster's Whirlwind attack. Then the wind started to die down as it turned into a gentle breeze as Braviary landed on the ground with a sheepish smile on his beak and said, "Sorry. I guess I got carried away since my mentor was Guildmaster Wigglytuff. You can pick up habits from your friends." Then Braviary said with a more in control smile and said to the newly formed Team Typhoon, "For now on you 3 are officially a Pokémon Exploration Team!" Then smiles came on Piplup, Turtwig and Charmander's faces as they were officially an Exploration Team. Then Charmander jumped up and down saying, "Alright! We're a team now!" Then Braviary said with to the new team, "Since your now a team here's your Treasure Bag and Wonder Map." Then Altaria came over to the 3 and held her wings out to give them a bag and a map as she said to them, "Here you go." Then Charmander picked the bag and map up and said, "Thanks!" Then Braviary said while having 3 explorer badges on his right wings, "And 3 explorer badges too." Then he swung his right wing up sending at Team Typhoon and they caught them just in time. Turtwig and Charmander looked at their new badges with excitement while Piplup looked at his with wonder as he thought about what Braviary told him about Team Poképals' leader. Piplup wondered why he was brought to the Pokémon World in the first place. A few hours later It was nighttime already and everyone in the guild was fast to sleep. In a far east wing of guild members' quarters on the bottom floor was the room that Team Typhoon was given to sleep in and were sleeping on straw beds. Turtwig was in the one near the entrance to the room, Charmander was on the one near the wall, and finally Piplup was on the one the gave him clear view of the night sky. Piplup turned on his back and put his wings below his head and looked at the star filled night sky. While his 2 teammates were sleeping Piplup couldn't sleep as he thought about all the information he got today. It was strange to wake up as a Pokémon, but humans brought to the Pokémon World to save it from destruction or from being concurred by other Pokémon. Piplup wondered what brought him to the Pokémon World in the first place and what was this new evil force that Braviary was talking about. Piplup sighed as he kept thinking about the day. Then he yawned and closed his eyes and fell asleep as he started to dream. But what he was about to see was something he couldn't imagine. In Piplup's mind he heard voices coming from all around the dark space. The little penguin Pokémon walked down the space with nervousness as if something was happening. Then he called out loud, "Hello?" Piplup's voice echoed throughout the void as the voices became silent for a few seconds then a white flash came and blinded him as the light grew brighter. Then when he opened his eyes again he was in a space aged high tech operating room with a table in the center with strange aliens wearing white jumpsuits were examining something on the table which was covered by a white cover. There was the sound of something breathing as Piplup looked at the object on the table. Piplup couldn't see what was under the cover, but he did see a purple with a magenta striped tail at the end of the cover. He thought to himself, 'Is that some kind of Pokémon on that table?' Then one of the beings saw him and walked for him as Piplup backed away with fright. The being's right hand was getting closer to him as Piplup closed his eyes felt the ground disappear below him. Piplup was twisting and turning as he fell through the void waling as the whole world went black. Then 2 strange symbols appeared in the space and were glowing in different colors. One symbol looked like the sun and it was in a sun orange color while the other one looked like it represented the moon in bright blue color. The 2 symbols glowed brightly and made the space lit up in a white light. Then Piplup snapped awake back into reality as he got up into a sitting position and wondered what he saw in his dream. He wondered about the strange aliens, the unknown creature on the lab table that was covered by that white cover, and the 2 strange symbols that strangely represented both the sun and moon. Then he looked at the window said to himself with confusion, "Huh? What was that about?"