//------------------------------// // Bringing the Holiday // Story: Hearth's Warming in Klugetown // by Zenitram Nadroj //------------------------------// The next morning, all the citizens had awakened from their sleep. They then notice a scent that started to seep. They follow the scent to see where it lead, until they saw it came from a scroll on their beds. They unravel it with no hassle and the scroll then reads to meet at the friendship castle. It took almost an hour, but the citizens have arrived. The princess then announces her mission to strive. “Attention, everypony, we're are not going to celebrate Hearth's Warming in the Castle of Friendship this year.”, Twilight says. The citizens were confused, what did the princess mean? Did this have something to do with the hippogriff queen? Sure enough it was, but not what they thought. What they acutally heard a ridiculously clever plot. “Instead, we're going to celebrate Hearth's Warming in Klugetown. You see, yesterday, me and my friends went there to ask why Princess Skystar hasn't responded to Pinkie's invitations.” “When we all went there, they couldn't read them, because Pinkie didn't use waterproof ink.”, Rainbow says. “But that's not all we found out. It turns out that none of them have ever heard of Hearth's Warming nor any other holiday.” “So, I decided, why don't we bring Hearth's Warming to Klugetown?”, Pinkie says. “Everypony, we propose that we should celebrate the first Hearth's Warming in Klugetown.” The citizens were perplexed by the party mare's plan. But they try to cooperate as much as they can. “Yeah, we thought it sounded absurd as well, but she begged us to help them.”, Rarity says. “Well now that we've all gotten the gist of her plan. Let's get going and give the denizens of the town a Hearth's Warming.”, Twilight says. “I mean this is the holiday for getting together. Don't you think other creatures deserve a chance?” Discord brings them to Klugetown with his many trains. But not without giving the passengers severe speed migraines. They all brought decorations, presents and trees. Pinkie hops around, hoping it will be a breeze. "Pinkie, calm down. You've been hopping around since we left.", Cadance says. "Can you blame me? We're about to give all the citizens in this town their very first Hearth's Warming.", Pinkie says. "I pinkie promised them not to let them down. There they are." Pinkie found her friend where she found her last. She then bolted to her faster than fast. They both hugged each other and the others came too. They approached the queen, Tempest, Grupper, Capper, Celaeno and her crew. Novo looks ahead and there she sees are all the citizens with decorations, presents and trees. “Pinkie Pie, what is all this?”, she asks. “These are all the stuff we need to celebrate Hearth's Warming.”, Pinkie replies. “I'm going to make your first Hearth's Warming the best Hearth's Warming ever.” “Gosh, if those things were treasure, all of you would be the kingdom of pirates.”, Celaeno says. “I would've bought all of Klugetown with that kind of treasure.”, Capper says. Tempest approaches the mare with concern. She hopes the idea will have an upturn. “Pinkie Pie, I haven't seen this much cheer for this holiday since I was a filly.”, she says. “Don't worry, Fizzlepop. I'm sure putting everything up will make you remember. Come on, everypony let's get to decorating.” The citizens put up the decorations all over the land. They put boas on the buildings and ornaments on the stands. The vendors take desserts that Pinkie has baked, Grubber even tasted them to make sure they weren't faked. They planted trees in the town and hanged wreathes everywhere. The hippogriff queen could just stand and stare. With no more time for the citizens to spare. All the decorations are finally set up and prepared. “Wow, Pinkie, there sure is a lot of decorating for just one particular day.”, Novo says. “That's nothing. You know what's more popular than decorations?”, she asks. “Singing songs.” “There's lots of singing, too?”, Celaeno asks. “There sure are. And we've brought somepony who can sing one Hearth's Warming song better than any of us.” Approaching the group, glowing brighter than a jade, is the best singer in Equestria, Songbird Serenade. “Hello there.”, she says. “Pinkie personally requested me to perform a song for this holiday.” “Well, let's see if you can impress us.”, Novo says. The mare and her dancers perform the best song, while standing on a stage that was eight feet long. The citizens are enamored by the holiday performance and the way they're performing does make sense. They're happy for the day all cheery and happy. While some of them shed tears, becoming all sappy. The song then ended with a bang and all the citizens applaud. Now they all see why she performs abroad. Pinkie then gives Skystar a gift. The princess then opens up the present so swift. “Is this a cannon?” “Yup. It's my very first party cannon.” “Wow. Pinkie, you actually gave her your first party cannon?”, Shining asks. “Uh huh. It stopped working for some reason. So I decided to give it away.” “Enough of this talk, why don't we get to eating already?”, Capper says. “He's right, Pinks, we haven't eaten since we got here.”, Applejack says. They all gathered in the center square with tables filled with eats. Which consisted of yams, sweet potatoes and candied beets. They also had banana bread, steamed carrots and green beans. And in the center of the table is the most decorative cake ever seen. Grubber kept his eyes on how delectable the cake was. However, Pinkie tells him the cake gets eaten last just because. After the feast has been eaten the cake was eaten last. There wasn't a lot of it for Grubber was eating it fast. The citizens were full and to finish this day, Twilight Sparkle and her friends put on the Hearth's Warming play. "Gee, I had no idea that these ponies were so cultured.", Capper says. "They doing good. But I just can't wait to use my present.", Skystar says. "How do you use this?" "Skystar, wait!", Pinkie shouts. Skystar starts the cannon, but nothing came out. And Pinkie thought that there was nothing to worry about. Suddenly the cannon ended up shooting the mare. It sent her flying into Spike, which made him shoot a firey flare. The fire spread all over the town, it then burned all the buildings causing them to fall down. The rubble then fall on Novo, the group gets to her on the double, however the friends knew that there would be serious trouble. The queen is then pulled out, but she's fit to be tied. She then walks out moving the others aside. She approaches the mare with a disappointed look. Pinkie tries to please her by taking one of Twilight's books. "Pinkie Pie, you promised that you wouldn't let me down.", Novo says. "But look around you. This holiday destroyed this town and almost got me killed." "Novo, I...", Pinkie says before she's cut off. "No. I don't want to hear another word from you. This has been the worst Hearth's Warming we've ever had. Now I want you and everyone else here to leave this place at once." She let the queen down, something she had feared. And because of that, Pinkie was left in tears. "Pinkie, are you...", Twilight says. Twilight tried to console the mare, but she bolted off right past her. Pinkie ran of brokenhearted for her plan was a complete disaster. The other citizens couldn't think of words to come to mind. So they took the queen's advice and left the town behind.