//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 Letters from the Princess // Story: Children of Harmony // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// In Ponyville: It's starting to get very bright that no pony can sleep through it. In the Golden Oak Library there is some pony working there, but it isn't a pony at all, it's a dragon named Spike. Ever since Twilight was gone the other had been taking care of him and when got older he was put in charge of the library. On that morning Spike is cleaning the library, but Spike wasn't a small dragon anymore. He's about the size of a teenager and has wings on his back. He was finishing cleaning, until a familiar dejection in his mouth and burp out a letter he could tell that the letter is from Princess Celestia. When he opened the letter, he becomes really surprised and his eyes widened. "Twilight is back and has children, come to Canterlot at once." With that Spike rushes out the library to tell the others about the letter from Princess Celestia. The first place he goes to is Rarity boutique. Even though Spike and Rarity are married, Spike stills need to work at the Library and his children sleeps in the boutique. He repeatedly knocked the door until she answers the door. "Good morning Spike, what brings you here this morning?" Rarity asks. Then Spike says, "Read this." Rarity decides to read the letter and has the same reaction as Spike did, "I'll get some supplies from the shop, and you go get Applejack and the others." At that moment while Rarity get supplies, Spike went to go get the others. He then decides to go get Pinkie Pie from Sugar Cube Corner. When he got to the bakery, the shop wasn't even open yet. Spike got to Pinkie Pie's window and knocks a couple of times until she answers. When she answers he still sees that her hair is straight. The reason is that ever since Twilight left she tries her best to do her job at the bakery, and throw parties with a smile but it was still hard for her. "Morning Spike. What are you doing here? The bakery isn't open yet." Pinkie Pie asks with a yawn. Spike decides to show Pinkie Pie the letter and when she reads it half of her mane went back to normal and she has a big reaction, "Twilight's back and has kids in Canterlot. Why didn't you tell me sooner? Who knows how many birthdays I missed?" Pinkie pie yells. Then Spike says, "Pinkie Pie calm down." Pinkie Pie understands and decides to get some supplies of her own including her party cannon. Spike decides to head to Sweet Apple Acres to get Applejack. When he found her, she usually found apple bucking the apple trees so the apples can fall into the basket. Applejack saw Spike and says, "Well howdy Spike, what' cha you're doing here this early?" Spike decides to show Applejack the letter and is surprised as the others. "Land' sakes Twilight is back, and she and her children are in danger." With that Applejack went with to go meet with the others while Spike went to Fluttershy's cottage, she's always up early feeding her animals at this time. "Good morning Spike, what's brings you here this early." Spike comes to Fluttershy and also shows her the letter and Fluttershy is surprised when she read it. She comes with Spike to meet every pony at Town Hall. Then finally spike and Fluttershy go to Rainbow Dash's cloud house. She's usually not a morning pony. When they got there and show her the letter, she got really surprised and rush to Town hall with them. "I guess you got the message?" Rainbow Dash asks first. "Of course we did Rainbow Dash. After all these years we finally are able to know what happened to her." Rarity says. "I agree Rarity, but according to the letter something happened to Twilight and her children that got them put under Princess Celestia's care." Applejack adds. "I hope Twilight is alright?" Fluttershy asks very worried about her friend. Then Pinkie Pie says, "Hey, aren't you forgetting Twilight's kids already. I got so much catching up to do." "Pinkie. I don't think a party is really needed at this time," Spike says with an annoyance. "I agree. I'm curious about her children though. I'm surprised of the fact that Twilight has children, Shining Armor and Cadence started having children around 8 years ago." Rarity adds. "Don't forget, we got some children too, and what Princess Celestia describes Twilight's first daughter is about the same age as our first kids." says Applejack "And some of our children are around the same age as the twins and the baby." Fluttershy replies. Then Pinkie Pie just thought of something, "I just got a good idea; maybe when Twilight and her children are better we can bring them to Ponyville to introduce them to our children. Also we can take them to the Crystal fair too." The others think it will be a good idea, that way all of their children can be acquainted with each other. Then when the Crystal fair come around, they can meet their relative too. "When do you think we can meet them?" Rainbow Dash asks. "Look like we're going to find out." Spike says. They see two chariots and are on their way to Canterlot to meet their old friend that they missed very much and get to meet Twilight kids. Meanwhile in the Crystal Empire Shining Armor and Cadence woke up a little early and they're looking at the Empire, and there are two other ponies come beside them. One of them is about Yuki's and Ame's age. Her name is Rose Crystal. She has the same color fur as Cadence but has Shining Armor hair color and style, she has wings and a horn, and her cutie mark is a pink rose crystal shape like a rose. The other one Princess Cadence is holding is a baby colt almost Tsubasa's age. He has a light purple skin like Twilight, sky blue mane and tail, green eyes, and a unicorn horn. His name is Blue Quartz. Shining Armor is sighing at the Empire, Cadence know the reason why, the reason is because it almost the anniversary of Twilight was sent to the other world. He managed to be strong for the empire and his family. But Cadence knows the only way for him to fully recover it that if Twilight every came back to Equestria. At the time every pony in the empire are getting ready for the Crystal fair next week. This will be the best Crystal fair they had in the past 20 years. At that moment, a crystal mail pony named Mercury arrive at the palace along with the Canterlot chariot and Pegasus guards its must be very argent. Princess Cadence decides to go to the courtyard to see what going on. "Good morning Mercury, you're early today," says Princess Cadence. "Good morning to you too princess, I have a letter from Princess Celestia," Mercury replies. The mail pony hands the letter over to Cadence. She wonders why her aunt sends a letter this early in the morning and with a chariot too. After thanking the mail pony, she decides to read the letter. When she read the letter she was very shocked to read it and rushed over to where Shining Armor and the kids are. "Whoa! Cadence where's the fire?" Shining Armor asks. "Read this!" Cadence said as she hands the letter to Shining Armor. When he read the letter he was shocked as much as Cadence was. "My sister has children, and princess Celestia wants us at Canterlot at once." With that Shining Armor and Cadence grabs their children and went on the chariot that will lead them to Canterlot to see Twilight and her children. Back At Canterlot Night Light and Twilight Velvet woke up and are still very sleepy from their work. After they woke up, they both hear a knock on the door. When they open the door they are surprised to see the guards so early in the morning. The guards had explains to them about Twilight Sparkles' return and she and her children were at the castle getting some rest from their little incident last night. When they hear the news they wanted to see their daughter. So the guards take them to the castle as well.