//------------------------------// // Just another sunny day in Oahu // Story: Attack on Pony Harbor // by Sweetie_Belle_Derelle //------------------------------// December 7th, 1941 UES (United Equestrian Ship) West Mareginia (BB-48) Pony Harbor, Oahu, Haywaii 0700 hours ____________________________________________________________________________________ “This is the life”, said Second Class Petty Officer Muzzle Flash as he relaxed in the warm sun that the princess bestowed onto the harbor. Muzzle Flash was an above-average sized stallion, but he needed to be for his special talent. His coat was a shiny Brass color, while his mane was dark, smokey grey. His cutie mark also reflected his name even further, it was a 5"/51 caliber Naval Cannon, the main weapon for the Mareginia. His special talent was firing it, of course. It was his toy to play with (when he was allowed), and he loved it. He had joined the Navy to see the world, and indeed he had. The Mareginia had just got back from the Pacific, around The Japonyse mainland. Although tensions were tight between the countries, he still admired them. He had always admired their beautiful culture, their general respect for others, and their value of life in general. A loud rumbling snapped him out of his stupor. “DRAGON!” he yelled, before falling out of his chair, and landing on his face in a way most would find hilarious. He stood up, brushed himself off, and looked down at his stomach, realizing it was in fact the thing making the noise, not a dragon. “Man, I’m hungry.” he thought to himself. “I’ve been having a craving for pie lately, and with how cheap the Navy is, I doubt they have any in the galley” he also thought. He decided to get a liberty pass to go to the mainland to see if there were any bakeries there. Little did he know, that simple craving for pie would save his life. ______________________________________________________________________________ Somewhere in the Pacific December 7th, 1941, Unkown time Japonyse aircraft carrier Akagi ____________________________________________________________________________ There was a soft knock on the door. “Enter” Came the voice from inside the room. The sailor that entered rendered a salute to the figure in the room, he dropped it when his superior officer returned it. ???: State your business ???: “Admiral Yamaoato, our planes are refueled and rearmed, and are ready to depart, we are awaiting your command, sir.” Yamaoato: “Alright, gather the stallions outside, I would like to say a few words to them before we launch the planes” ???: “It will be done, sir.” 15 minutes later, on the deck Just as Yamaoato had ordered, all the Naval aviators on the ship were grouped together on deck, holding their Dress and Cover. “Gentleponies, today, you will embark on a great journey!” He Began. “This mission you are executing will not only guarantee our Victory in Manechuria and beyond, Increase our mighty Japonyse industrial might, But it will also show the Equestrians that we are a force to be reckoned with!” He continued. Now go forward and fight! Fight for your families! Fight for your homeland! Fight for your Emperor! Fight without fail! Fight with vigor in your hearts, and make your country proud!” Exclaimed Yamaoato. There were no words spoken in response, only thunderous applause and hooves being shook in the air. “Shōri! (Victory!)” Yamaoato exclaimed “Shōri!” The Naval Aviators responded He stood watching as those brave Japonyse naval aviators would carried out their mission of such great importance. ______________________________________________________________________________ December 7th, 1941 Pony Harbor, Oahu, Haywaii 0730 hours Muzzle Flash was taking a stroll down mane street, the most active part of the base, taking in the sights, while in search of a bakery to soothe his pie craving. “This place looks interesting” He said. He was looking at a building that was identical to the ones around it in size and shape, but that’s where the similarities ended. The building was bright neon pink for one, and it had a sign on the front of a big piece of pie that read “Sugarcube Corner.” Taking the obvious hint that it was a bakery by the sign on the front, he walked in. He was greeted by an obnoxiously pink mare with an almost equally pink mane (so poofy I might add, that it resembled cotton candy) bouncing in front of him. ???: “Hi’ya sailor! I’m Pinkie pie! what’s your name? I’ve never seen you here before! *GASP* If I’ve never seen you before, than that means you don’t know anyone here, because I know everyone here! And I don’t know you! That might mean your lonely! *GASP* I know! Want to be friends?! Oh by the way, welcome to sugarcube corner, can I get you anything? Wait? Did I already say that? oh, who cares? So what will it be sailor?” Muzzle Flash just stood there, bewildered at the pink mare, thinking that she was lucky she had those gasps, otherwise she would have most likely passed out from the lack of oxygen. Flash: “Uhh, hello? I was wondering if I could get a slice of Coconut Cream pie please?” Pinkie: “No problem sailor! Since you’re new here, this one’s on the house!” And soon enough, she returned with probably the most delicious looking piece of pie he ever laid eyes on. As he was scarfing the pie down like he hadn’t eaten in days, the pink mare returned to him, pulled up a chair beside him, obviously wanting conversation. Pinkie: “So, what’s your name there mister?” Flash: “Hello, name’f Mufflle Flaf” He said with his mouth full. He swallowed and then repeated his name. Pinkie: Hello Muzzle Flash! My names Pinkie Pie and I own and run this establishment! Flash: Really? All by yourself? How do you keep up with everything? Pinkie: Well, several people wonder how I can do so much by myself, this random unicorn came in a while back, what was her name? Twilight Farkle? Tried to find out as well, she ran some tests on me, and finally, she diagnosed me with this weird sounding disorder, called ADHD, but I think it’s just the sugar that makes me work so super-duper hard! Flash: Wow, that must be something, working off of a sugar high 24/7. Pinkie: Oh it’s not just the sugar silly! I also drink coffee too! Flash: I’m guessing it isn’t decaf? Pinkie: Well DUH! How could decaffeinated coffee keep me running this place all by myself at my super-duper speed and efficiency? Flash: Well, I- Muzzle Flash didn’t get to finish his sentence, as a loud explosion rocked the ground they both stood on. The intercom system screeched some feedback that would make anypony wince, before somepony’s voice came on, and said: “AIR RAID ON PONY HARBOR! AIR RAID ON PONY HARBOR! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL! ALL PONIES OF THE EQUESTRIAN ARMED FORCES REPORT TO YOUR BATTLESTATIONS AT ONCE!” By that time, Flash was already out the door, scrambling to get to the Mareginia. There was training on these situations. He knew that shit like this only happened in case somepony attacked. And he came to the conclusion that shit had in fact got real. Pony Harbor, Oahu, Haywaii, was under attack.