The Book Of Friendship

by XombieSlayr

Eclipsa Day Part I: It Begins

It was nearly midnight as a dark figure stalked through the sleepy halls of the royal castle. It moved like a shadow through the archways, and past the patrolling guards, as it crept into the bed chambers of Queen Omnipotence, who was sleeping soundly in her bed. She did not stir nor make any sound but calm, gentle breathing as her vibrant golden enshrouded rainbow mane flowed over the bedside along with her tail from beneath the silk covers. Her golden crown and hoof plates lay neatly on her nightstand. Even asleep, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

The figure payed no mind as it moved through her room, climbed on top of the sleeping princess and whispered softly in her ear.

"Omni? Hey, Omni. Omni!"

"What?" the princess answered, sounding very tired and annoyed. She did not open her eyes, but furrowed her brow as she tried to remain asleep.

"Guess what day it is?" Eclipsa sang.

"Ugh....Thursday?" the sleepy princess answered.

"No! Well....yeah. But what else?"

"The second meeting of the Aurora Council?" the princess asked.


The princess sighed, eager to just get back to sleep. "Just tell me, already."

Eclipsa grinned from ear to ear as she announced loudly. "It's Eclipsa Day, silly!"

These words echoed in Omnipotence's brain even as her eyes shot open, as she was now completely awake. And scared. Visions of past Eclipsa Days, flashed through her panicked mind like war flashbacks.

Rampaging buffalo.

Children and families fleeing in the streets.

The moon exploding, as the wail of an electric guitar pierced the eardrums of your very soul.


These visions did not cease till Eclipsa poked her sister in the ear to get her attention back. "Huh!" Omnipotence said, startled as she realized once more where she was. Eclipsa had been talking to her the whole time, without her realizing.

"Were you listening?"

"What? I mean, of course dear sister, whatever gave you the idea I wasn't?"

Eclipsa narrowed her eyes slightly as she smiled. "The thousand yard stare off into the distance."

"Ah. What's say we talk more about this in the morning?" Omnipotence said, trying her best to remain calm and composed.

"But it is technically morning, Omni!"

"Not for everypony else, dear sister."

Eclipsa thought for a moment before she shrugged. "Fine. We can talk about it at breakfast.' she sighed as she climbed off her sisters bed and headed to the door. "Get some sleep, Omni!" she called back. "We got a big day tomorrow!"

As her sister left her room, Omnipotence laid back down and stared up at the ceiling as sweat began to bead on her brow.

"Eclipsa Day.' she said. "Gods help us."

The Next Morning

The castle, which was normally very quiet and humble in the mornings, was now alive with hundreds of staff and guards making all the necessary preparations for Eclipsa Day to begin. Many had decided to stay home after spontaneously catching some flu or another. Others had to literally be dragged out of their beds by other staff. Emergency services were on standby, and would continue to be on standby the rest of the day. ALL dragons even remotely close to the kingdom, were evacuated several hours prior, to Black Skull Island and citizens were encouraged to seek therapy and medical help before the Opening festival had begun.

All the while, Omnipotence and Eclipsa sat in the dining room with their breakfast being served to them, watching the chaos unfold before their eyes. Eclipsa smiled and seemed humored by it, while her sister thought that maybe she too could fake being sick to get away from this insanity. Sadly, this was not the case.



"Are you alright? You've had that look on your face, since last night."

Omnipotence smiled a fake smile. "Don't be silly, dear sister!" she awkwardly stated. "I'm perfectly fine. Just....excited for....Eclipsa Day."

Eclipsa smiled brightly at this. "Great! Then let's go over what we have scheduled for this year!"


Eclipsa unfurled a long scroll with her magic, and read from it proudly as her sister looked on in bewilderment. "First, we need to gather everyone for my big speech, before the festival begins! Then, we need to double check that the fireball launchers are preset to fire at approximately 60 seconds after the laser is fired. And then-

"Sister, do you think I can talk to you about, well....this?"

Eclipsa looked confused. "What do you mean, Omi?"

Omnipotence sighed, hoping to herself she could get reason through her sister's impenetrable barrier of childlike delight and recklessness. "Maybe, we just take things easy this year. We can still have the festival, and the celebrations and everything. But..."

Omnipotence struggled to get the last few words out as Eclipsa looked at her with big puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe we don't have to go over the top this time?" Omnipotence said this almost like an apology.

Eclipsa looked offended. "Dear sister! Of course, we have to go over the top, that's what Eclipsa Day is all about! To give ponies something they remember for the rest of their lives! A day that everyone can look back at fondly and remember all the fun they had in my name! You would deny our subjects, such an amazing gift as this?" she questioned, with a stern look.

Omnipotence knew she had lost the battle here. But the war had yet to begin. Perhaps if she kept an eye on things, Eclipsa Day could end up being as fun as her sister wished without half the kingdom being committed to therapy afterwards.

The princess sighed. "So.....lasers, then?"

Eclipsa squealed with delight as she leapt from her seat and hugged her sister, who graciously hugged her back. Although she smiled, she was prepared for the worst.

She would later find out, she wasn't prepared enough.