Children of Harmony

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 8: Baby in Canterlot

In the throne room:

"What!" Twilight screams.

"I know mom, we're just as surprised as you are," Yuki replies.

"This is a problem," Rainbow Dash says.

"I know a baby can't be in the streets of Canterlot on his own," Rarity says dramatically.

"We have to find him, he doesn't know his way around Canterlot!" Twilight says while panicking.

"We will Twilight," Celestia replies trying to calm Twilight down.

"We all need to split up. Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Spike you look around Canterlot in the air." Luna commands.

"Yes your highness," Fluttershy replies.

"Got it," Rainbow Dash replies.

"Yes princess," Spike replies.

"Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Twilight we need you and your kids look for him from the ground," Celestia commands.

"Oh course your highness," Rarity replies.

"Princess, what are you going to do?" Twilight asks worried.

"Luna, Discord, and I will stay here in case he finds his way back," Celestia suggests.

"Come girls we got a baby to be find," Rainbow Dash says.

With that everyone leaves off to find Tsubasa before something bad happens to him.

In the streets of Canterlot:

Tsubasa is happily crawling across town, and when the pony folks sees him they get really freaked out of what they see. Every pony starts to run into their homes, without knowing who he really is except one.

The pony that didn't run scared is Fancy Pants, somehow he can tell that the baby didn't mean any harm.

Tsubasa is curious of seeing Fancy Pants and comes directly towards him.

"Well hello, what a little creature like you doing here?" Fancy Pants asks the baby.

All Tsubasa says is baby talk, and Fancy Pants understands that he can't talk very well yet.

"Well how about you come to the Wonderbolts Derby today with me, after all your mother must be looking for you," Fancy Pants replies.

With that Fancy Pants pick up Tsubasa and make his way to the derby.

In the other side of Canterlot:

Everyone is still searching for the baby and Twilight is more worried about this.

"Any luck," Spike asks his wife Rarity.

"Not at all Spiky," Rarity replies worried.

"Where Rainbow Dash?" Applejack asks.

"Rainbow has to go to the Derby today, she almost forgot about it. But she said she'll look at the stadium just in case," Fluttershy answers.

"Well that will be good, I guess," Pinkie says.

"Oh, where can he be?" Twilight says very worried about her baby.

"Don't worry Twi we'll find him," Applejack replies.

"Thanks AJ," Twilight says.

"But where else can he be?" Twilight asks.

"Maybe we can asks someone," Pinkie suggests.

"Who can we ask?" Fluttershy asks.

"Hello Rarity," A female voice says.

The girls turn to see Jet set and Upper Crust.

"Oh good day Jet Set and Upper Crust," Rarity say.

"So what's bring you here to Canterlot today?" Jet set asks.

"Well we're looking for my friend's baby," Rarity replies.

"A Baby?" Upper Crust asks.

"Yeah my brother looks a lot like us me but he's a baby with white skin and pony ears," Sakura gives the description.

"And who are you three strange creatures?" Jet Set ask suspiciously.

"They happen to be my children and we are looking for my baby," Twilight says a little upset.

"Twilight is that you?" Upper Crust ask.

"Yes it is me and I really need to find my baby boy please," Twilight replies.

Jet Set and Upper Crust can see how worried Twilight is about her baby. At that moment they both start to think it they has seen him in the city.

Jet Set finally says, "You know I did see a being by that description, I believe Fancy Pants has him."

"Fancy Pants!" Rarity says surprisingly.

"Yes, I believe he is taking him to the Wonderbolts derby," Jet Set answers.

"That's where Rainbow is now and Soarin is there too," Applejack interjects.

"Thank you, at least I know he is safe," Twilight replies.

"You're welcome Twilight, it is glad to see you after what happen, of course," Upper Crust replies.

"You have no idea," Twilight replies.

"Well let's go." Applejack replies.

"Bye Jet Set and Upper Crust we'll see you later," Rarity says.

"Good luck," Upper Crust replies.

"Bye" Jet Set says.

With that everyone runs off to the race track to find Tsubasa who is currently with Fancy Pants.

At the race track:

Fancy Pants has Tsubasa and to a good surprise Tsubasa is very well behave.

They made it to the V.I.P box room to see the race.

"Hello every pony," Fancy Pants says.

With that a lot of ponies went up to him and notice Tsubasa on his back.

"Uh Fancy Pants, What's that on your back?" Swan song asks.

"It's a baby of course," Fancy Pants answers.

"But where did it come from?" one of the mare asks.

"I just saw him crawling down the streets on his own and I don't feel right leaving him alone, so I decided to take him with me and to my surprise he been very well behave," Fancy Pants answers.

With that they hear the horn which is the signal that the race is going to start. In the line is Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Soarin, Rainbow Dash and the others. Every pony went over to see the race.

"Well my boy, I know you can't talk yet, but is a very good race and with Rainbow Dash been competing lately. I'm sure this will be an interesting one." Fancy Pants asks.

When Tsubasa sees Rainbow Dash he tries to reach out to her but she is too far away.

Fancy Pants is the first to take notice, "I can see you're pretty interested with Rainbow Dash I see."

The race starts with the blow of the whistle and with a long 5 lap around the track Rainbow Dash wins by a noise with Spitfire and Soarin right behind her.

"Few, that was a close race huh," Rainbow says a little tired.

"You said it," Spitfire replies the same way as Rainbow did.

"Well little one will you like to meet the Wonderbots?" Fancy Pants asks.

Tsubasa smiles at that suggestion and Fancy Pants took that as a yes.

At that time Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts are signing autographs for their fans.

Rainbow is about to leave until she hear someone calling her name.

"Excuse me Ms. Dash," Fancy Pants calls.

Rainbow turns around to see Fancy Pants.

"Hey Fancy Pants here to see the race again," Rainbow says.

"Yes Ms. Dash and I brought a little boy who really like to meet you," Fancy Pants says.

"Really where is he?" Rainbow asks.

Fancy Pants use his magic to bring Tsubasa to the floor so Rainbow Dash can see him. When Rainbow sees him Rainbow becomes really shock.

"Tsubasa!" Rainbow screams.

"You know him?" Fancy Pants asks.

"Yes, we been looking for him. Where did you find him," Rainbow asks freaking out.

"I see him crawling around the streets and I couldn't leave him alone so I decided to take care of him until I can find his parents," Fancy Pants explains.

"Well I'm glad that he is safe. Twilight will be so relieve when she hears the news." Rainbow replies.

At that moment the crowd stops after what Rainbow Dash said, even Fancy Pants the elite and the other Wonderbolts are surprised of what she just said.

"Did you say Twilight?" Fancy Pants asks.

"Yes I did," Rainbow answers.

"But Rainbow, Twilight disappeared almost 20 years ago," Spitfire replies.

"Well Twilight is back in Equestria and this baby is one of her sons," Rainbow replies.

"Her son?" Fleet Foot asks.

"So this little chap name is Tsubasa. Well I got to says that is a very interesting name he has," Fancy Pants replies.

"Yeah his name is very interesting, I'm just glad you kept him safe," Rainbow replies.

"Yes, well I'm glad I can help," Fancy Pants replies.

At that moment the others head towards the race and sees that Rainbow, Fancy Pants and Tsubasa are near the entrance.

"Rainbow!" Twilight screams while running.

Rainbow and the rest of the crowd see Twilight and the other running towards them and Twilight becomes happy when she sees Tsubasa is alright.

"Oh Tsubasa, I'm so glad they you're safe," Twilight replies while giving her baby a big hug.

"Ms. Sparkle it's really is you," Fancy Pants says in a big surprise.

"Yes," Twilight replies.

With that the crowd went up to Twilight and her kids like crazy trying to get an interview.

"Ms. Sparkle where were you the last 20 years?"

"Are those creatures really your children?"

"Is eldest one really an alicorn?"

The questions keep coming like crazy and Twilight and her family are not taking this well, especially Yuki. She is so freaked out by the crowd that her horn begins to glow and just like that Yuki teleported herself and family away.

The crowd becomes shock including her friends that Twilight and her family disappeared. The gang knows that they have to find the now, but the question is where?