//------------------------------// // The only chapter // Story: Dragons like it hot // by Akataja //------------------------------// Dragons like it hot! Very hot! Darn it, they are taking baths in liquid lava and live on volcanoes! So why should a dragon fly through a snowstorm, shivering in cold and rubbing her scales with her claws to warm a little up? Because her best friend is more pony than dragon and she should hate him right now and right here! On the other hand, he was like the cute little brother she wished for and he could not know how troublesome flying is. In their last conversation, Spike spoke only about this pony celebration, Hearth's Warming. “Yeah, to hell with warming, I should be sleeping in my nice coy volcano right now,” she grumbled to herself. Yes, grumbling helped sometimes. But she was curious. Spike was a smart dragon and she wanted to see why he made such a big fuzz about this celebration. When it became too cold she had to land because her wings hurt too much and the cold wind blew stronger and stronger. She had no fear, but she knew this would be a hard trip and it would take too long. She was looking for a shelter to wait for this darn storm to pass and she found it: a cave where there was already a burning fire inside. “Oh! Hi Ember!” said a bear that was in the cave. Ember was taken aback. This was Ember’s first time to meet a speaking bear, no wonder the Dragon Lady was surprised. “How are you doing, please come inside, I just made a fire,” said the bear. “Eh.... okay? Do we know each other?” Ember just wanted to get closer to this warm fire. The time for questions would be later. “Oh! I am sorry, I totally forgot,” said the hairy creature. A magical flame around the bear changed the wild furry beast back to a changeling, Thorax. “It is easier for me to travel through this weather in this form.” “Woah! I knew this bear was familiar!” thought Ember. She did not know much about friendship, but it was good to see a friend. “So, you are going to Ponyville too? For Hearth’s Warming?” asked Thorax. Ember took a seat in front of the fire to warm her claws “Yes... but only for Spike, Dragons don't go out during snow and cold.” “I totally understand that my folk is used to dig deep into the earth and sleep during this time of the year.” Thorax looked with a smile at Ember. He only met her once before, attacked her in his bear form and finally learned some important things about leadership and friendship thanks to her. She was a special female and to be honest he had thought a lot about her. He reflected on many things since he had turned his back on Chrysalis but Ember was one of the few things that made him feel good when he thought about it. “Also... it is a holiday about love and loving each other, right? Maybe this could really help my folk.” “This whole love and friendship thing is somehow new to me too. Dragons usual don't need such things. We rule each other through overpowering and also the most of us live alone. Also when it comes to mating we just take what we want and hope the other one is weaker... and a year later there is a new egg.” Ember told him like it was nothing special. Thorax blushed a little. “Yes... I... understand. Changelings just live together and when we need more population the queen calls for some random males... but that does not take a year.” “But you have no queen anymore.” “Yes,” the changeling looked in another direction, rubbing his beck. “We are working on that. Maybe we can find another solution for this, using love or friendship to regulate these things, like ponies do,” he looked slowly back, “have you ever thought about such things?” “Why should I? The dragon way is always the best way!” Ember nearly laughed, but just to the outside. The truth was she thought often about it. Choosing a male depending on other things than his strength? Or spending more time with him than what’s absolutely needed? That was nothing like what her father showed her and there were many things done better than what the way her dad did. “Also I have no other choice, I only have one friend and that is Spike and I could never... I mean... he is still a baby dragon and like a brother to me.” Thorax had no idea why he had to speak the following words but he did “I don't think he is your only friend, at least when you are asking me.” Now both of them blushed and it became all silent in the cave, only the sound of the burning wood was audible. “I mean I see you as a friend and... I didn't want to say that you and me and... I... I should shut my mouth now.” This was awkward and embarrassing. Normally dragons just fought and then followed the call of nature, so maybe this was the first time a dragon was speaking about relationships and such, maybe except Spike, but he was more pony than dragon and did not count. “No, it is fine. You are right, we are friends and I like you... even when you are the most female-like male I’ve ever met.” “Eh... thank you?” “No! No! I didn't want to be rude! Maybe you are not like a dragon, but you are brave enough to protect your friends, unless when it goes against crazy Changeling Queens or even against me! You are no dragon, but I really think that is not bad.” That meant a lot to Thorax, coming from embers mouth. “So... the storm becomes stronger. I am afraid we will miss this Hearth’s Warming. We will be stuck in this cave until tomorrow,” said Ember. “Oh no! I promised Spike I would make it!” Thorax sighed, “I feel bad about this.” He let his head sink and sigh and it seemed like his bright colorful chitin became a bit darker. Was he really that sensitive? “Do not worry Thorax, Spike is a good guy and will understand.” Ember tried to smile for him, somehow it felt good helping him and being important for someone without using claws, fangs or flames. Ember had to embrace herself, as the storm blew stronger and it got even colder in there. Thorax saw her shivering and changed back to bear, without any word he walked over to her and sat behind her, to cover her from the wind. Also, his fur was very comfy and soft and normally Ember wouldn’t have liked it, but normally Ember would not leave her homeland in such weather. She leaned back and he gulped when he noticed her feelings. They were very endearing. Changelings feed on love and they could feel it along with other emotions and he could feel so much from Ember right now. “Huh... Ember...?” ventured Thorax. Ember turned around slowly and put her claw on his mouth “I am done with talking. Just be silent and let me... feel good.” This was a night Thorax would never forget and neither would Ember. In the end, the storm did not bother them and they were all warm and cozy even when the fire burned out. When the sun rose, Hearth’s Warming was there and in Ponyville ponies were exchanging all sorts of gifts and enjoyed the play to the founding of Equestria. Some young couples were kissing shyly under mistletoe and Twilight and her friends were singing cheerful songs under the huge decorated tree in the middle of town. Everypony was happy, also Spike, but the little dragon was still a bit sad that his two friends Ember and Thorax could not make it. He waited with the ritual Hearth’s Warming breakfast for over two hours, but they didn’t show up. His friends were happily unboxing they presents in the castle and drinking hot cocoa under the tree when they saw that Spike was sighing sadly. They were a bit confused, that Spike was sighing sadly. “Hey, Spike, I am sorry they could not make it.” That was Twilight, she had always been like a mother and a best friend for him, so no wonder she put her warm cozy wing around him and gave him a nice hug. “The Lands of Dragons and the Lands of Changelings are both far away and both folks don't like the cold, I bet they really wanted to come.” “And they will!” shouted Ember. The blue Dragon Lady kicked the door open to make a huge entrance scene. “Nothing will make a dragon break his promise!” “We are sorry for being late,” Thorax walked behind her. Compared to her, he was very silent but still audible “There was a storm and we had to wait.” Spike was super happy to see his friends, he run over to hug both and the ponies followed him soon. Everyone was happy now and that was the best present for Hearth’s Warming, right? around an hour later “Hey, pssst... eh... white pony,” Ember spoke quietly to Rarity after everyone was gathered over the room again. “Where do you female ponies go when you need to be alone... desperately?” “Oh!” Rarity blushed, but just a little, because a light blush looked marvelous on her precious white fur. “Upstairs, down to the left and second door on the right side, darling.” It was Embers first time on a toilet, Dragons didn't need such things, but she already knew how keys worked so she could close the door and do what she had to do. It took quite long. It also hurt, but Ember was a strong Dragon Lady and she went through it without screaming and it the end she really did it. She held it with her two arms. It was still warm from her body temperature and a bit slimy, but she was very proud of it, her first egg. Dragons are no chickens, so fertilizing an egg and laying one was a bit complicated. Usually Ember just went through this time of the year with the pain in her belly, like every female dragon which was strong enough to fight against the upcoming males. But this year was different. She was sitting exhausted on the toilet, holding her egg and stroking it gently. It would take around a year until the baby inside was ready to hatch, so maybe it would hatch around next Hearth Warming? That would be a nice surprise. Ember had to smile and even to giggle “Well, happy Hearth’s Warming, Thorax.”