//------------------------------// // Friendship is Hopeless Prt 1 // Story: Friendship is Hopeless // by DisneymlpZeldalover //------------------------------// Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters. The elder was the queen, ruling her ponies with a iron hoof. The ponies had no choice to refuse her though, for she raised the sun to make day, therefore, kept them alive. The younger of the two was the young and kind princess, a heir to the throne if anything should happen to the other. She was in charge of raising the moon and bringing on the cool night. However, the queen decided that if the ponies ever knew her little sister could also raise the sun, they would most certainly raise them and have the princess dethrone her. So, the queen used her dark powers, coming from relics called the Elements of Disharmony to transform the younger alicorn to resemble a frightening villain. The princess tried to assure her subjects it was alright but they were so scared, they wouldn't respond. The queen then banished the poor alicorn to the moon, so she could never come back and take the throne. The elder remained the sole ruler for generations. Her subjects lost hope for a new ruler, they fell into despair, some even joining her wicked ways… Twilight Sparkle gave a sigh. “The elements of disharmony… I hope the Queen won't catch me reading up on this or...” She shuddered slightly. A few minutes later, Twilight was walking down the streets of Canterlot when she heard familiar hoof steps running up. “There you are, Twilight!” Called a mare. The other turned to the white pony with a pink mane, a yellow pony with a blue mane and another, aqua pony with a white and blue mane. “Twinkleshine! Lemony Heart! Minutee! Good morning!” Twilight laughed. They ran to each other. “Twilight, we're going to Moondancer’s party today!” Lemony Heart chimed in. “We are?!” Twilight squealed, practically jumping with her best friends. The others stopped abruptly and stared at Twilight in confusion. The mare slowly stopped jumping and blushed. “What? I'm excited to meet this Moondancer! Isn't she really popular or something?” The other girls started to laugh so hard, they snorted. Twilight smiled nervously. “D-do I have something in my teeth?” “No!” Twinkleshine giggled, gasping for air. “It's just, you weren't even invited!” Twilight felt her smile break. “Yeah, sorry Twi, and also, we can't really hang out anymore.” Minutee added. Twilight gave out a weak, “What?” “You really think we want to be seen with you at that party? Afterwards, we'll be of some importance, finally!” Lemony Heart snarked. “But we're best friends! We always have been!” Twilight cried, feeling tears come on. “Yeah… This is awkward….” Lemony Heart sighed. Twilight gave a tiny hiccup, feeling her heart break. “Well, fine! I'll just go and study at home, alone!” She growled through tears. The unicorn ran away. “Oh Twilight… We're sorry.” Twinkle Shine whispered. “We had to, Twinkle.” Lemony Heart sighed. “The Queen…” “I know.” Twilight gave a huff in her sadness. She threw off her saddle bag. The unicorn’s ears perked up when they heard a loud thump from it. She took out the book she had been reading. “The elements of disharmony… Where have I heard that?” “Well, well, look who's home.” Said a familiar voice. Twilight turned. A little purple and green dragon clawed himself from the ground. “How did you kno-” “Because you slammed the door right into me when you ran in.” Spike grumbled. Twilight wiped away her tears. “What's wrong with you?” The dragon groaned, knowing she would tell him sooner or later. “My friends… They don't want me to hang out with them anymore.” Spike frowned. “Why would they do that?” Twilight shook her head. “I don't know… Oh! Er, can you get out Predictions and Prophecies? Please?” Spike rolled his eyes. “Can't you get it?” The unicorn looked hurt. “I'll get it!” The thing moaned. The dragon got it easily and gave it to Twilight who nodded in thanks. “Elements, elements…” Twilight whispered, flipping through. “Ah ha! Elements of disharmony!” Spike couldn't help but notice Twilight gave a smirk. “See… Mare in the moon?” “Never heard of that one.” Spike said. “Yeah, me either.” Twilight muttered. She flipped and read, “The Mare in The Moon: Nightmare Moon. She used to be powerful alicorn princess that once betrayed the Queen! She was defeated by the elements of disharmony, and imprisoned in the moon for her unthinkable crimes. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal!” The mare gasped. “Spike! Do you know what this means?!” “I'm guessing you're about to tell me.” “Later. Now, we need to send a letter to the Queen!” Twilight cried. “Right now?” Twilight gave a growl. “Yes. The Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow! It's the thousandth one, mind you!” The dragon picked up a scroll and quill that was nearby and put the quill near the parchment. “Go.” Twilight cleared her throat. “My dear, and beloved Queen Celestia, my studies on the dark magic you told me to read has led me to discover a threat to your excellent title.” “I would expect you to say magnificent.” Spike snorted. “Do you know how to spell magnificent?!” Twilight hissed. Spike shook his head. “Now let me continue,” Twilight coughed. “As before stated, the threat is a powerful villain by the name of Nightmare Moon. You always do the right thing and I know you can stop this, please proceed with caution… your loyal pupil, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike breathed fire on it and the letter disappeared. Twilight smiled. She heard a belch and turned. Spike gripped his stomach and Twilight eventually had to stomp over and snatch the reply away. She didn't read it before hoof, so read it aloud, “My dearest pupil, Twilight Sparkle, I am pleased you continue to study the magic books I sent you, however, I feel no threat from this Nightmare Moon that you so foolishly thought could even stand a chance against me,” Twilight gasped. “Oh no! She's gonna-” “If she was, she'd already be here.” Spike moaned, annoyed. The unicorn continued to read. “Being the kind ruler I am, I'm sending you to a place called Ponyville, to look over preparations and make some new friends.” Twilight gave a sigh in the sky chariot. “I don't need new friends. My old ones were perfect before…” She didn't finish. “I'm wondering how she knew about how you needed new friends.” Spike whispered. Twilight gave a shrug. “You're staying at a library, so… stop being so grumpy and go back to your irritatingly annoying happy self.” The baby dragon groaned. Twilight didn't smile. “I might be in a library but I just need my friends…” They suddenly landed. Twilight leapt down and went past the guards without thanks. Spike raced after her. “Twilight! Wait!” The unicorn paused. He panted and caught up. “Remember we also have to check on the Summer Sun Celebration preparations so don't get too-” He looked up and saw Twilight had trotted up to a pink mare with a straight pink mane. “Hi there!” Twilight laughed nervously, trying to make friends. The other raised her eyebrows. Twilight gave a shy smile. “Sorry, nevermind…” She backed away. The pink pony narrowed her eyes, studying the mare, then raced off. “Well, that was interesting…” Twilight sighed. “Our first stop, Sweet Apple Acres!” Spike said. Twilight looked around at a sadly failing apple orchard. Then she turned at a yell. “What are ya’ doin’ here?!” The two turned to a orange pony with a loose blond mane. Twilight was surprised to see a farm pony like her didn't have a hat or something. “To check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration!” Twilight said quickly. “I'm Applejack and ah’ have no idea what you're talkin’ about.” The pony suddenly bit her lip and looked around nervously. “Um… You should…” Spike whispered. Applejack walked up and looked at Twilight. “What you lookin’ at?” Twilight blushed. “Er, it’s just-” “I don't care.” She made the same odd face. “The Summer Sun Celebration food, you're in charge of it?” Twilight asked. Applejack grunted. “Yep.” The unicorn smiled nervously. “So, um, what now?” “I'm guessing you leave?” The earth pony snarled. “Huh?! But I need to-” “Get out of here, there's nothin’ you need to see.” That lying face said. “Well… Um… Okay…” Twilight whispered, backing away. “These ponies… They aren't very nice, are they?” Twilight whispered. “Guess not.” Spike yawned. He checked the list then gave a groan. “Weather’s next.” “Oh no…” Twilight groaned. The pegasi weren't very agreeable to unicorns or earth ponies. Come to think, unicorns and earth ponies didn't get along either. “Well, they're probably not clearing the sky, whoever they are.” Twilight muttered. “I'd like to think otherwise!” Laughed a voice. Twilight looked up but only saw a cloud. Rain fell from it suddenly and Twilight sat there, sopping wet. “That should teach you!” Twilight still had her mouth open in shock and slowly looked up to see a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane. “I'm Rainbow Dash, unicorn. The best flyer around, so I suggest you keep your snarky little comments in your head!” She laughed. “I-I'm sorry…” Twilight shivered, freezing. “Apology not accepted!” Rainbow growled. Twilight watched Rainbow fly past her. “Where are you going?! You haven't even asked my name!” “Why would I want to ask your name? It's not like we're gonna hang out!” Twilight felt her spirits sink. “Right…” Twilight opened the door to the boutique and gasped. “Where in Equestria is all the decorations?!” “They're all mine! They're staying with me!” Twilight looked up from the trashed floor, covered in useless junk, to see a beautiful white unicorn with a slightly messy, curled purple mane. She had stunning blue eyes but they didn't shine with the least bit of joy. She had a crazed look in her eyes. “You're trying to steal from me!” “Huh?!” Twilight gasped. “You little fool! You can't! The decorations are mine!” She hissed, making the other flinch. Spike seemed to be lost in a trance in her beauty then shook his head and took out his list. “But it says here-” The unicorn suddenly teleported in front of him and snatched the scroll away. “Hey! That's ours!” Twilight growled. “It's mine now!” The pony chuckled. “Rarity, that's your name, right?” Twilight asked. “Why, of course.” “Rarity, we need that list! I'm a messenger from Canterlot-” The unicorn dropped the list. “CANTERLOT?!” Spike saw his chance and snatched the list back. “I've always wanted to go there! This pigsty of a town has such boring things! Canterlot is the complete opposite! We shall be friends, but you take must me to Canterlot and never speak to me.” Rarity snarled. “I don't think that'll work…” Rarity gave a forced smile. “Oh! Okay! How about I give you a makeover, then we'll go?” Rarity skipped off to a different room and Twilight motioned for Spike to follow her out. “Next is music…” Spike said. “It’s the last one.” “Thank goodness!” Twilight laughed. “These ponies, they're-” “Messing up, again, I see!” She heard a growl. Twilight peeked out a bush and saw a yellow pegasus with a pink mane flying near a tree. She was directing a bird choir. “You little things are worthless!” She hissed. The bird fell back a little and she smirked. “T-that's not very nice…” The mare jolted in surprise then whipped around. “And just who are you?” She landed in front of the mare and Twilight gasped as she walked closer. “Um, I’m Twilight Sparkle? W-who are you?” “Who am I?” The pegasus laughed. “Wouldn't you like to know!” She blew a piece of her pink mane out of her face and spotted Spike. “A baby dragon?!” She gasped. “Oh! Wait!” Twilight cried, trying to stop her from flying up to him. “Hm, I think all dragons should be locked up in cages.” The pegasus growled. “I beg to differ.” Spike snapped. Twilight levitated him on her back and started to trot away, but the pegasus was still fighting. “My, my! It speaks! Well, I'm Fluttershy and you don't belong here! Neither of you do!” “I don't care what you think!” Spike growled. Twilight whimpered slightly and started to walk. Several minutes later, with Fluttershy taunting them the whole time, they had finally made it. “Okay! We're here!” Twilight moaned. Fluttershy glanced at the library and smirked. “Oh, this is where you're staying? Some prized pupil you are!” Twilight frowned. “I didn't tell you I was the princess’s pupil…” The mare looked frightened for the first time and for only split second but soon gained back her confidence. “Your dragon told me.” Spike shook his head. “I didn't-” “Don't babies like you need a nap or something?” The pegasus laughed. The dragon growled but Twilight basically shoved Fluttershy away. “We're going now! Bye!” The unicorn sighed softly. “So much for friends…” She looked up at her empty home. A few hours later, Twilight looked out the window and saw the moon gleam at her and the pony remembered the prophecy of the moon. “I need to warn the Queen…” The door suddenly opened. “Twilight? The sun's about to rise, the Queen demands all subjects to watch, come on!” Twilight watched the mayor from where she stood in the crowd. The pony felt someone staring at her. She turned to see the strange pink pony who had backed away from her before. “Oh! Um, hi there… again.” Twilight laughed nervously. The pony glanced at her. “Oh… Are you talking to me?” Twilight nodded. “I just wanted to say we got off in the wrong hoof, I’m Twilight Sparkle.” She smiled. “I'm… Pinkamena, but most call me Pinkie, to annoy me, no doubt. Are you excited?” Pinkie asked. “Very! I'm glad somepony is being kind to me.” Twilight giggled. “I'm not being kind, Twilight.” The pony whispered. “And don't ever laugh at me again.” The unicorn bit her lip. “I-I'm sorry…” There was a voice suddenly booming from the balcony. “Ponies of Ponyville! It is my great… pleasure to announce the start of the Summer Sun Celebration!” The ponies looked at the balcony with fear. The Queen was here… “Don't mess up.” Fluttershy growled to the bird choir. “Now,” The Mayor coughed, “it is time to marvel at the glory of the sun rising! I present our powerful and magnificent Queen, Queen Celestia!” The ponies forced cheering and Rarity pulled back the curtain to reveal the tyrant but she wasn't there. The ponies gasped in surprise. Rarity saw what was going on and frowned. “Where is she?” “Oh no!” Twilight gasped. “There m-must be a delay, or something…” The mayor whispered. “She must've been kidnapped.” Pinkie assumed. “She'd always take a chance to strike fear in us.” There was a sudden boom and the pony gave a growl in annoyance. Suddenly in blue smoke, a dark alicorn appeared. “Nightmare Moon!” Twilight cried in horror. The alicorn didn't seem to want to scare them though. “My ponies? I-It is I… I've returned…” The ponies had no idea what she was talking about. “Where's the Queen? What have you done to her, beast?!” Rainbow growled. The pony seemed hurt. “T-The Queen? I haven't done anything to her! You must believe me! Doesn't anypony know who I am?” “I do!” Twilight cried. “Really?!” “The mare in the moon… Nightmare Moon.” The rest gasped while the alicorn frowned. “W-what?” “You betrayed the Queen! Give her back!” Twilight yelled. “Never!” The alicorn suddenly boomed, tears coming. “You don't know what you're talking about, little pony! You don't know what that monster did to me! Just stay away from me! This night, I won't control it! Because of what she did, it will last forever!” They didn't see her whisper, “I'm sorry, but you did this to yourselves.”