//------------------------------// // My Hero // Story: Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash: My Hero // by FlutterDashFan18 //------------------------------// Fluttershy is a twelve year old girl living with her parents and her younger brother Zephylr Breeze. She loves animals and has her own pet bunny named Angel Bunny which is pretty ironic since he is the complete opposite of an angel. Fluttershy has always been a very shy girl so she wasn't able to make any friends but she ends up getting bullies instead. This caused her to be a target for bullies to strike at. The kids always said that she was weak and they would always say or do horrible things to her to get her to cry. That was another thing. She was also known for being a huge crybaby and had always had a hard time defending herself against all of her bullies. She has a huge passion for animals which she considers her only friends in the world. They would poke fun at how weak she is, they would steal her lunch money, they would stuff her into a locker. It was an absolute nightmare for her. She wished that she could have a prince charming. Someone who will be her knight in shining armor. Someone who will be her hero that will always be loyal to her and always be by her side no matter what like some of those characters from manga and anime. Not to mention the fairy tales she read when she was a kid with a handsome, charming, kind, courageous, and loyal prince saving a princess in distress from a rampaging beast. Then one day, her parents got great jobs somewhere in a place called "Ponyville". Fluttershy was so overjoyed that she will transfer to a new school where she can make a fresh start yet she was a nervous about making a good first impression hoping that nobody would be able to bully her. Her parents took Fluttershy and Zephyr Breeze to their new schools where they will be transferring to. They pulled up to the school that Fluttershy will be attending starting today. It was a pretty big building so that made Fluttershy even more nervous. "Bye Fluttershy." Her mother told her daughter out as she was waving to her daughter. She and Fluttershy was almost alike only her hair had a darker shade of pink. She had on some "Goodbye mom, Zephyr Breeze." Fluttershy called back. She had long pink hair and greenish, bluish eyes. She was wearing a light yellow dress and yellow flats. She then began walking to find the office so she could get her locker and locker combination along with a map of the school and her class schedule. When she got into the school, she accidentally bumped into someone and fell on the floor. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you please don't hurt me!" Fluttershy began to whimper and panic hoping she would get hurt. "It's cool. Besides, why would I want to hurt you? It was an accident." The girl told Fluttershy. She had short rainbow hair and magenta eyes. She had on a light blue tank top with a cloud and rainbow lightning bolt on it and short blue jean shorts. She also had on red converse. She then offered the timid her her hand so she could help her up. "Here, let me help you up." The girl offered Fluttershy her assistants. Fluttershy looked up at the girl and her eyes began to sparkle. Fluttershy had an illusion with a background of hearts. The rainbow haired girls magenta eyes were sparkling like diamonds kinda and her rainbow colored hair was being blown into the breeze like those attractive guys you would see in those teen boy magazines. "Hello? I kinda lost you for a sec." The rainbow haired was trying to get Fluttershy's attention. Fluttershy shook her head and then took the girls hand and the girl helped her up onto her feet. "Are you okay?" the rainbow haired girl asked making sure that Fluttershy was okay. Fluttershy simply nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." Fluttershy responded. "Your new around here aren't you?" the girl asked. Fluttershy simply nodded her head yes. "Sup. I'm Rainbow Dash. Captain of all the school sports teams. What's your name?" Rainbow Dash introduced herself giving Fluttershy a cocky, toothy grin. Fluttershy giggled and decided to introduce herself as well. "H-h-hello Rainbow Dash. I'm F-F-Futtershy." Fluttershy whispered while looking down at the ground not making eye contact with Rainbow Dash. "What? I can't hear you." Rainbow Dash then cupped one of her ears since she couldn't hear Fluttershy all that well. "It's Fluttershy." Fluttershy whispered again only a little bit more louder this time. "Did you say your name was Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Cute name. I like it." She complimented with a grin. Fluttershy then began to blush. "T-t-thank you. I like yours too." Fluttershy thanked her. "Um, do you know where the office is?" "Yeah. Come on. I'll show ya." Rainbow Dash then took Fluttershy by the hand and ran while dragging the other girl along. Fluttershy then began to flush even more due to the contact of Rainbow Dash's soft, warm hands. When the two got to the office, the principal showed Fluttershy her locker and gave her the locker combination and class period schedule. The listed said that first period was gym, second period was English, third period was math, fourth period was science, fifth period was history, sixth period was home economics, and seventh was art. Rainbow Dash was looking over Fluttershy's shoulder so she could see what classes Fluttershy had. "Cool! We have just about every class together." Rainbow exclaimed. Fluttershy then jumped a bit from being frightened by the sudden shout. She then dropped her backpack making her supplies fall out of it. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry. Here, let me help you pick them up." Rainbow apologized getting down onto her knees to help Fluttershy pick up her stuff off the floor. "Oh it's okay Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy assured getting down on her knees as well to pick up her stuff. While the two girls were picking up the supplies, both of their hands meet onto a notebook. Their hands were touching, then their fingers began to intertwine with each other. The two girls looked up at each other. They both blushed of embarrassment. Rainbow Dash only blushed slightly while Fluttershy's whole face was red as a tomato. They both looked away from each other but Rainbow Dash decided to look back at the girl and giggled. "You can let go of my hand now." Rainbow said giggling while still having tints of pink colored onto her cheeks. "Huh?" Fluttershy then saw that they were holding hands. She brought her hand away and stood up. She put her hands behind her back and blushed even more. "Oh my! I'm sorry." She apologized in a flustered tone. Rainbow then stood up and put her hand behind her head and blushed a little bit more but still not as much as Fluttershy. "Nah it's cool." She replied. She then stopped blushing and put her hand back down. The classroom was filled with chattering children. The desk were formed as a table in groups of six. Talking and laughter was filling the air. The teacher then entered the room and got the class' attention. "Alright everyone take your seats." The teacher said. The students went into their assigned seats and became silent. "Good morning class. Today, we have a new transfer student. Come on in." Fluttershy then walked into the classroom and faced the class. She had a nervous look on her face. She was sweating a bit and quivered in fear. The class was staring in amazement. Rainbow was a little surprised but in a good way. "Would you mind writing your name of the chalk board and tell the class a little bit about yourself?" The teacher asked nicely. Fluttershy nodded and grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote her name on the chalkboard. She was scanning the classroom and then found Rainbow Dash in the classroom. Rainbow Dash gave her a thumbs up wishing her luck. Fluttershy felt a bit more confident knowing that Rainbow Dash was there. She then took a deep breathe and began her introduction to the class. "Hello. My name is Fluttershy. I recently moved here from Cloudsdale. I love animals and it became a passion of mine. It's really nice to meet all of you." Fluttershy said. She then heard a clap. It was coming from Rainbow Dash. Then a girl with poofy pink hair clapped and cheered. "Whoo! Let's be friends!" She shouted. Then a few more students joined in. Then more until the whole class was cheering. "I hope we get to be good friends." A girl with purple hair and blue eyes. "Nice to meet ya." A girl with blonde hair and green eyes said. "Me too." A girl with dark blue hair with a pink and purple streak in it. "You'll be sitting next in the table with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie." The teacher explained as she was pointing at the table where the five girls were sitting. "Okay." She replied. She then walked to the table and sat down at her desk. "Hey again Fluttershy." Rainbow said. "Hello there darling. My name is Rarity." Rarity greeted herself. "Howdy. Name's Applejack." Applejack said tipping her hat. "I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said as she waved at Fluttershy. "I'm Pinkameina Diane Pie but everyone calls me Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie shouted in a bubbly, energetic tone. "Nice to meet you all." Fluttershy responded. "Now then. Let's get on with homeroom. Shall we?" The teacher began homeroom. By the time lunchtime rolled around. Everyone had their tables figured out. They were separated by category. The nerds, the gamers, the Eco team, the rockers, the fasionistas, the otakus, the jocks, the cheerleaders, and the popular group. Fluttershy was still a little shy and not confident that she would make friends even though everyone cheered for her at homeroom. She took her lunch tray and was heading towards an empty lunch table. She then accidentally bumped into a girl with short, spiky while hair and yellow eyes and accidentally spilled her lunch all over her. The whole cafeteria began to laugh at the girl. "Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry." Fluttershy had a look on her face saying that she was terrified. "You should be!" She shouted as she pushed Fluttershy to the ground. She then took her by the collar of her dress and was about to punch her. Fluttershy began forming tears in her eyes and started to cry. Gilda then started punching Fluttershy really hard until Fluttershy got all bruised and bloody. "Yeah that's right! Cry!" She yelled. "Hey! Leave her alone Gilda! It was an accident!" Rainbow scolded running towards the two. "Ha! And just what are you going to do about it?" Gilda asked with an evil grin on her face. "Keep making fun of her and find out." Rainbow Dash threatened Gilda putting a her hand over her fist craking her knuckles. Gilda then threw a punch at Rainbow Dash in the face. Rainbow then punched her back. They then ended up getting into a huge fist fight punching each other bloody. Everyone in the cafeteria ran to the two and got their phones out and record the fight. "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd shouted. They continually shouted fight until a teacher came in and broke up the fight. The teacher then dragged the two to the principal's office. Fluttershy decided to follow. Fluttershy told the principal everything that happened about how Gilda beat her up and Rainbow Dash was defending her. She also explained that Gilda hit Rainbow Dash first. Gilda got suspended for a week while Rainbow Dash got suspended for two days. Fluttershy along with Rainbow and Gilda went to the nurse's office and they all came out bandaged up. "You okay Flutters?" Rainbow asked making sure Fluttershy was okay. "Yeah I'm okay." Fluttershy responded. "Thank you for defending me. I really appreciated it but you didn't have to risk your life and get in trouble for me." "It's no problem Flutters. I would do anything for anyone who has trouble. You have an awesome friend like me to be loyal to you know matter what. Remember, I'll always be here to save you. No matter what the price is or how big or small the problem is." Rainbow Dash said giving her a smile. Fluttershy thought for a moment and she decided she wanted to reward her new friend for her heroic actions. She put her hands behind her back leaned in and kisses Rainbow Dash's cheek. It wasn't a long kiss. It was a quick, one second peck. She then pulled back. "My hero." Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash with a smile hugging the taller girl. Rainbow Dash stood there for a moment stunned trying to process everything that just happened a second ago. She brought her hand onto her cheek and started to blush a bright red all over her face like Fluttershy. Fluttershy then broke the hug and realized what she just done. She admididiatly felt bad and very embarrassed. She backed away a bit. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" Fluttershy apoligized. "Nah. It's cool. I actually kinda liked it." Rainbow reassured her. She then blushed again. Fluttershy was raleaved and she along with Rainbow Dash stopped blushing. "Well, my folks are here. Gotta dash. Ha ha! Get it?" Rainbow said laughing at her own joke. She then ran to and out of the entrance of the school. Fluttetshy was so overjoyed that she finally made her first friend ever. She then had some thoughts of wanting to be more than friends with her but then thought to herself that she shouldn't rush things. When Fluttershy got home, she began writing her new diary entry in her diary of all the things that happened today. She wrote her entry while saying it aloud. Dear Diary, Today I started my first day at my new school. I thought that I wouldn't make any friends and get bullied by the others. I bumped into a girl this morning and we became really good friends. Her name is Rainbow Dash. She was so cool. When lunch time came, a girl named Gilda got angry at me and started punching me in the face for accidentally spilling my lunch at her. Then Rainbow Dash came in like a superhero and defended me. The two got into a huge fight but the teacher had to break it up. I thanked her and I actually kissed her. I was embarrassed but she told me herself she actually liked it. I'm so glad I made a friend. I hope one day, we can be more than friends. She may be a girl but I still coincided her as "Prince Charming" She so cool, athletic, kind, heroic, brave, and loyal. Love, Fluttershy When she finished her entry, she closed her diary and locked it tight in her desk so that nobody but her could be able to get it. She then took out a bunch of blank pieces of paper and some black markers and pencils. She decided that she will draw a comic about her and Rainbow Dash. As she began to draw, she began to have a daydream. In Fluttershy's daydream, everything was anime style. She had big green anime eyes and was dressed in a yellow princess dress and a silver tiara and was about to be attacked by a giant griffon that resembled Gilda. She and the griffin "Oji-sama! Help!" She pleaded. Then suddenly, Rainbow Dash appeared riding a Pegasus that resembled her. She was was also anime style. Her rainbow hair was spiky and she also had a cowlick on the top which was pulled back into a ponytail. She was wearing a blue price outfit with white pants, black boots, and a red cape. She galloped to the griffon and slayed her with her sword killing the beast. Rainbow Dash then picked her up and held her legs and head. Both of their eyes were sparkling and had red lines on their cheeks indicating that they are blushing. "Are you alright, Fluttershy-hime?" Rainbow asked in a charming voice. "I'm okay. Is it alright if you call me Flutter-chan?" Fluttershy asked. "Of course Flutter-chan. Only if you call me Rainbow-chan." Rainbow responded with a charming, calm, soothing, and gentle princely voice. "Yes of course Rainbow-chan." Fluttershy responded. As the two were about to kiss, the dream has stopped. "You made a manga comic strip about a rainbow haired prince rescuing you from a giant bird?" Zephyr Breeze asked. He was taller than her sister but was younger. He had blonde hair tied into a man bun. He also had magenta eyes and was wearing a mint green shirt with blue jeans. "It was a griffin." Fluttershy responded. "And why is the prince refered to as a she?" He asked in confusion. Fluttershy jumped and saw that she drew out her entire fantasy manga style. She then flushed bright red at the question her brother asked. "Uh, you'll understand when your older." She responded with a nervous smile escorting him out of her room and locking the door. She then put her comic away in her desk and went into her bed. "I hope Dashie will consider me as her princess one day." She hoped. She turned off the lights and closed her eyes to get some sleep. "Dashie, your my hero..." She stated in her sleep. Meanwhile, at Rainbow Dash's house. Rainbow was also asleep too and was sleep talking. "Flutters, your my princess...I hope I'll get to be your awesome and cool superhero." She stated. Rainbow Dash wasn't usually up for romance. She was tomboyish and rough but has a soft side. The two then began forming small crushes on each other hoping that the other will return the feelings. After the events of today, Rainbow Dash is now Fluttershy's hero.