//------------------------------// // One Outfit After Another // Story: Trashing Rarity's Outfits // by The Dark Wolf //------------------------------// Rarity woke up to her alarm on a Monday morning. She groaned and got out of bed. She showered, changed into her usual light blue T-shirt and purple skirt, did her hair, had her breakfast and coffee, and walked to school. She was thankful it was a nice sunny day, and that she didn't have to walk through the rain. As she approached Canterlot High through the field, the sprinklers suddenly turned on without warning. Rarity was instantly soaked through, and her hair was now flat. "Just great..." Rarity complained. She was more concerned about her hair than her dress, which would usually dry off by lunch. After drying her hair and trying to comb it, she went to class, and sat through a normal mathematics and English class. At recess, she sat outside with her friends. Her hair had dried but her dress was still damp. "Did you fall into a river or something on your way to school?" said Rainbow Dash. "Cause it's not raining today!" She'd had a lot of experience running to school in the rain, as had the other girls. "No, the sprinklers turned on unexpectedly," said Rarity. "I got this big cake for the dessert competition after school today," said Pinkie Pie, "but this morning when I checked it was gone! I wonder what could've happened to it?" "It may have been a pack of bunnies," said Fluttershy. "Angel led a rebellion against me last night because I couldn't find a cherry to put on his salad. Watch out for the bunnies until I catch him and talk some sense into him." After recess was history class. Today was one of those days where they never did any work, the teacher was just giving a lecture on historical events from about a hundred years ago, including a world war they suspected had been started by the sirens. What Rarity hadn't noticed was a humongous cake hanging directly above her desk, on a plastic plate suspended by four wires. It had a lot of pink frosting, whip cream, and cherries on it. The wires were connected to the ceiling through devices that could attach to any surface. And, holding the remote to control them, peeking in through the classroom door, was Trixie. She thought it would be absolutely hilarious to play this trick on Rarity. Trixie pushed three buttons on her remote. All but one of the wires holding the cake up disconnected, causing the plate to tilt on its side, and sending the cake falling directly on Rarity. SPLAT! Rarity squealed in surprise as she was covered from head to foot in cake frosting, with a cherry on her head. She froze, shocked at the messy state she was in. Frosting dripped off her skirt and onto the floor below. Some of the students started to laugh, while Trixie stood outside and said "The Great and Powerful Trixie prevails!" Principal Celestia stood behind her, looking very annoyed. "Oh, so that's where my cake went," said Pinkie. ... At lunch, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack sat at the cafeteria table. Rainbow Dash was helping Scootaloo with throwing a discus, but said she'd be there soon. "Where's Rarity?" said Fluttershy. "Probably in the showers," said Sunset. "I heard Principal Celestia saying she was giving Trixie detention," said Twilight. Rarity walked into the cafeteria. She had taken a shower, dried and combed her hair, and changed into a light blue tank top and a short pair of skintight purple shorts. She looked just as lovely as she had in her dress. "This is why I always pack one extra outfit, just in case some disaster like that should happen," said Rarity. She walked over to one of the two empty chairs. "No don't!" said Pinkie. Rarity sat down and immediately felt something squish under her. Her eyes went wide, and she stood up and looked at the seat. She had sat on a strawberry pie with a whip cream topping. Her beautiful shorts, which she had just changed into, now had whip cream and strawberry filling on them. "I meant that for Rainbow Dash as a prank," said Pinkie sheepishly. "She always laughs about it." Rainbow Dash returned. "Sorry I took so long. I hope I'm not too... Whoa, what happened?" She said, noticing the state Rarity was in. "Rarity sat in your seat," said Pinkie, holding up the squashed pie she had put there. Rainbow laughed. "That is so hilarious!" Rarity was not amused. "It's not funny! I didn't bring a third outfit." ... Once school was over, Rarity ran home and changed into a pair of purple jeans, not unlike those worn by Aria Blaze, which looked just as lovely on her. She didn't have to change her shirt this time. She decided to go to Applejack's house and ask her to go for a walk with her in the park. This was always nice and relaxing and relieved stress. As Rarity walked by Pinkie Pie's house, she saw Pinkie pulling a large cannon across the sidewalk. "Whatever are you doing?" said Rarity. "I'm taking this cannon to Rainbow Dash's house!" said Pinkie. "We're gonna have a really fun party over there and I'm really excited to see if this new cannon works!" She raised her arms in the air, accidentally triggering the lever. The cannon was facing Rarity at the time, and it blasted a large blob of whip cream at her. Rarity barely had time to realize what was going on before the whip cream landed on her, submerging her completely. "Oops..." said Pinkie. "Well, at least it works! I'm gonna have to refill it now!" Pinkie dragged her cannon to her backyard while Rarity climbed out of the white fluffy mountain that had fallen on her. She was covered from head to toe in whip cream, and she was starting to get very annoyed. ... Rarity approached Applejack's house wearing a beautiful white dress. It was plain rather than puffy, and went down to her feet. Applejack was feeding the pigs when she saw Rarity. "Hoo, Rarity, you look mighty pretty in that dress." "Why thank you," said Rarity, feeling better already. "Would you like to go for a walk at the park with... Aaaah!" Rarity stepped on a skateboard Scootaloo had left when she and Sweetie Belle had come to pick up Apple Bloom and go to the theater to watch a Daring Do movie. She slid towards the pigpen, hit the fence, and fell face first into the mud. Applejack laughed. "Are you all right, Rarity?" Rarity stood up, but, shocked at what had happened, she lost her footing and fell on her butt. Her white dress was covered in mud, and she just sat there, appalled that another of her outfits was ruined today. Well, she would be able to wash it, but that was beside the point. One of the biggest pigs did a belly flop next to her, splashing her with more mud. "Don't worry Rarity, I've got you covered." Applejack hosed Rarity down, though she remained in sitting position. "That's very sweet of you, but I simply must change into something else." Rarity stood up and turned around, but a smaller pig ran in front of her. She tripped over it and fell face first in the mud again. ... Applejack waited outside Rarity's house for her, and before long, she emerged, completely clean and wearing a sparkling purple skintight jumpsuit. "How do I look?" said Rarity, turning around. "You look great, as usual," said Applejack, and she meant it. They enjoyed a nice walk in the park. Rarity was careful around the sections of mud, but she avoided falling into them. She sat on the bench with Applejack and they talked for a while. "I'm so sorry you had to see me get so messy," said Rarity. "At least ah get to see you in that many new outfits," said Applejack. "I thought you weren't into fashion." "Your outfits always look nice on you." "Awww..." They stood up and continued their walk. Soon they passed another muddy spot on the side. "Wait, you're not going to throw me into the mud so I can change into another outfit, are you?" "Not unless you want me to." Suddenly, several rabbits hopped by, circled around Rarity, and sprayed her with ketchup, mustard, vanilla frosting, and chocolate syrup. Angel was at the head of the pack, spraying Rarity with ketchup and mustard at once. "Oh! I beg your... Ugh! Stop this at once!" Once Rarity was covered from head to foot, with not a single clean spot left on her jumpsuit, the rabbits laughed at her. They hadn't sprayed Applejack, they knew it would annoy Rarity more. Fluttershy came running up to them. The rabbits hopped down the path, and Fluttershy continued her pursuit of them. "I can't believe this," said Rarity. Then she slipped on some of the ketchup and mustard on the path and fell backwards into the mud. ... Rarity and Applejack returned to the park after yet another trip back to Rarity's house. Now Rarity was wearing one of her exercise outfits, a pair of short dark blue skintight shorts and a matching midriff tank top. As usual, Applejack thought she looked lovely, and she was flattered. "This time," said Rarity, "we shall finish our walk and not run into any-" Not paying attention to where she was going, she strayed off the path, slipped on a muddy slope, and slid down to a deep puddle of muddy water. "Hang on Rarity," said Applejack, sliding down on her feet. "I'll help you out." "I'm fine," said Rarity as she stood up, every inch of her dirty and soaking wet. She started to walk up the slick slope, but slipped, fell on her face, and slid back into the puddle. "Ah was gonna show you to there," said Applejack, pointing to a nearby slope leading up to the path which was much less steep, and all grass rather than mud. ... Rarity had all her outfits from today in the washing machine, and was sitting on her couch with Applejack. Rarity was wearing a pink pair of pajamas, and Applejack was wearing her usual blue pajamas. "This has been a much better night than the rest of the day," said Rarity, who had gotten over the messy incidents. "That apple pie was simply divine." She leaned her head against Applejack. Once they'd done their usual activities for their sleepover, Rarity got into her bed while Applejack slept in a sleeping bag in the living room. ... Rarity woke up to the sound of her alarm, pulled down her blankets, and sat up, yawning and stretching her arms. Before she could get out of bed, the rabbits jumped up holding bottles of ketchup, mustard, vanilla frosting, chocolate frosting, chocolate syrup, and butterscotch syrup, pointing them at her and grinning mischievously. Angel held another strawberry whip cream pie in his hands. "Oh no... not again..."