//------------------------------// // Chapter 14: The Missing Racer Part 1 // Story: Children of Harmony // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// A Few Weeks Later: Sakura along with the others are helping Aerial Ace training for the Equestria 5000 in a few days. Ace is just finishing the final laps of practice and when he reach the finish line, Sakura stop the time on the stopwatch to see that he beat his old time. Sakura turns to Ace and says, "Wow Ace that's very impressive," "I know. Think I'm ready to win?" Ace replies still exhausted from his flight. "Of course you are you're the fastest racer in Ponyville," Raspberry replies hugging Ace. "I know but I'll having trouble with endurance flying," Ace says with a little doubt. "Don't worry you been practicing for weeks I'm sure you'll be ready," Eden says giving Ace some encouragement. "Won't be easy knowing that Fast Swift is going to be in it," Baked Apple replies. "Fast Swift?" Sakura asks confused. Then Ruby turn to Sakura to answer her question, "He's an athlete who supposed to represent Canterlot in the race. He is very successful and won every race he competed in," "He won in every race he competed in," Sakura says surprisingly. "Yes but with this streak of success he gain a few skeptic and all his winning was a result of cheating and other kinds of methods," Ruby adds with a little worry and discusts. "I wouldn't blame them," Sakura replies. Ace then starts to get a little upset and says, "Yes but I think the rumors are true. He has to be a big cheater." "Well you know the saying innocent till proven guilty," Sakura replies trying to calm Ace down. "She's right you know you can't say that without any proof," Baked Apple agrees with Sakura about having proof. "I know but there is no other explanation why he wins every time he competes," Ace says feeling sorry for acting up. "Just don't worry about the competition and focus on your own personal best," Sakura replies putting her hand on Ace's shoulder. "You're right and you guys are coming right," Ace asks calmly. "I wouldn't miss it," Sakura answers happily. "Me too," Eden says excited. "So where's the race is starting," Ruby asks. "Well tomorrow we need to head to Canterlot the princess is throwing a small party for the racers competing in and she says that family and friends can come. Then the next day the starting line will be at the Canterlot Stadium," Ace explains. "That make sense," Ruby replies with a calm tone. "Come on let's get our thing ready to leave," Sakura says. Then with that everyone end Ace's practice to get things ready to go to Canterlot for the race. Ace is very excited and hope he able to win. Next Night at the Party: Early in the morning everyone in Ace's party head to Canterlot and enjoyed the train ride along with reaching the castle hotel okay. Everyone is very excited but no one is more excited than Ace since he is the one who is competing in the race. "Come on guys let's get some grub," Ace says excited then flies off to the buffet table. Sakura turn to Raspberry and says, "Ace is so excited isn't he." "You can say that again," Raspberry says excitedly then zooms to the table as well. After that every pony make their way to the table to get some dinner after a long trip on the train. Sakura accidentally bump into someone and says, "Oh excuse me I didn't see you." "That's okay you did mean any harm princess," The colt replies. The colt she bump into is a pegasus. He has yellow fur, blue mane and tail, and green eyes. He is also a little muscular. "Oh no I'm not officially one just yet," Sakura says blushing and raising her palms with calm protest. "Really you have an alicorn appearance and you're very beautiful as well. My name is Fast Swift," Fast Swift as he is holding her hand and give her a kiss on the hand. "Oh thank you. My name is Sakura," Sakura replies with a blush. "Hello Fast Swift," Another coat comes to see then. This one is also a pegasus. He has dark gray fur and brown mane and tail. He is also has brown eyes and glasses. Fast Swift see Storm is here for their little meeting .He turns to Storm and says, "Ah Storm what bring you here." "I'm competing that's what going on," Storm answers in an angry tone. "Well that all good and fun is all," Fast Swift replies calmly. Then he goes to Storm and whisperly asks, "You haven't forgot our little deal did you?" "No I haven't," Storm mutters in anger. Sakura hear Fast Swift mention about a deal and asks, "What deal?" "Nothing for your pretty self need to worry," Fast Swift replies so calm. "Okay," Sakura simply replies. Fast Swift laugh in a funny way and says. "Well it nice to meet you Sakura." Then Fast Swift left to get something to eat. "Nice to meet you too," Sakura says a little embarrassed. Sakura decide to talk to Storm. She says, "Hello Storm it's nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too," Storm replies calming himself down. "Are you okay," Sakura ask. "I'm alright," Storm replies sadly hanging his head down with a sad face. "So you're competing as well?" Sakura asks unsure. "Yes," Storm simply answers. "I bet you must be good," Sakura tries to give Storm A complement. The starts to feel sad and says, "Actually I always come in last place when I competed in this race." "Oh but don't worry you might do better this time," Sakura says trying to comfort him. "Yeah hopefully," Storm says a little sad. Then he decided to leave back to his room to think about his little situation. "Poor Storm I wish there's something I can do to help," Sakura thinks to herself. Just then she accidentally bump into someone else while she is deep in thought. She gets surprise and says, "Oh I'm sorry," The pony she bump into is Diamond tiara but after 20 years she is around a young adult age. She is with her friend Silver Spoon and her parents Filthy Rich and Spoil Rich. Oh your name is Diamond Tiara right," "That's right," "So you're friend or family," "Family my cousin is a racer his name is Storm," Diamond Tiara answers with glee. "Storm I just met him," Sakura says remember another pony name storm. "Really," Sliver Spoon says surprisingly happy. "Yes but seem to get upset when is around Fast Swift. He even told Storm about some kind of deal," Sakura answers sadly know how Storm was behaving earlier. "Well my cousin storm lives in Manehattan and he is good really good," Diamond Tiara says with pride. "Then why does do so bad in the Equestria 5000? He said he comes in last every time," Sakura replies with a sad look on her face. Diamond Tiara also saden and says, "That I don't know I'm sorry about not giving you all the details" "That's okay. But hearing all this I wonder if the rumors are true about Fast Swift." Sakura replies trying to put a smile on her face. "Maybe," Silver Spoon says unsure. "Even though he sponsors my family's sports company," Diamond Tiara replies. "Yes. Even I thought his wins are done with unfair methods,"Silver Spoon replies completely sure of this situation "It does sounds like a possibility," Sakura says thinking about it. "Let's change the subject to something else. Are you enjoying yourself in Equestria?" Filthy Rich says. "Yes," Sakura answers. "Plus I heard Celestia is going to teach you about magic as well. So is it trues you're going to be her personal protege," Spoil Rich asks. "I guess you can say that," Sakura replies unsure. "See I told you and it's only a matter of time," Spoil Rich says. "Matter of time for what?" Sakura asks confused. "That you will become an official princess," Filthy Rich answers with pride. "Oh I don't know. I mean sure I have an alicorn's appearance and have powerful magic, but I don't know about becoming a princess," Sakura replies to them feeling a little uncomfortable. "Don't be so modest Sakura I'm sure you'll do fine," Ace says out of nowhere. "Oh hi Ace. How are you doing?" Sakura replies with a smile. "I'm doing fine. Either way your mom;s looking for you and wonder where you are?" Ace replies. "Oh okay," Sakura replies. She then turn to Diamond Tiara and says, "I'm sorry to cut the conversation short but I need to get back to my mother." "That's okay," Diamond Tiara answers. "Yeah we'll just see you tomorrow at the practice track," Silver Spoon replies with a smile. "Okay bye," Sakura replies waving her hand and decide to go back with her mother. After a long night at the party: Every pony in the party are heading back to their rooms and they are staying at the east end along with Storm party and Fast Swift. "Man I'm tired," Baked Apple replies while yawning. "I know I'm tired from all the dancing," Sakura replies feeling drain as well. "I know it's time for every pony to get some sleep. We need to get up early and help Ace practice," Rainbow says in excite. "Yes mom," Ace says. "Good night everyone," Sakura says. "Good night," Everypony says. Then later in the night in an unknown room. "Hey what are you doing?" A mysterious voice says. It was dark and hear the sounds of fabric ripping and glass breaking and stuff are falling down in the room. And the next day everyone in the castle are going to in for a big surprise.