//------------------------------// // Chapter 19: The Missing Racer Part 6 // Story: Children of Harmony // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// At the Castle early in the morning: Today is the day the Equestrian 5000 is going to starts very soon in the afternoon. Twilight and her friends along with the rest of their family and the princesses are waiting to see if they hear anything from the guards or the others about Sakura. All Twilight can think about is that her daughter might be in terrible danger or something, the others are also wondering about their children and afraid something bad happen to them. Just the Fast Swift comes through the door a complete mess and heavily breathing, like he just got himself in a fight. "Fast Swift what are you doing here?" Rainbow asks curiously. "Well let me explain," Fast Swift says calming himself down. Just then a girl's voice angrily says, "No allow us to tell everypony what you did." They all turn to see Dragon Ruby, Raspberry Pie, and Baked Apple they all can see the angry look in their eyes. "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asks in concern. "Fast Swift is the one who tricked Sakura by sending her that letter so he can get rid of her," Baked Apple says angrily. "What?!" Everyone in the room says with a shock. Fast Swift is starting to get nervous about this and realize they must have found Sakura inside the cage while he was busy, planting more fake evidence. "And he put her in a cage and tied her up and everything," Raspberry replies angrily. "That's not true," Fast Swift angrily says. "It is true," a boy's voice calls out. The voice reveals to be Storm and he's with Gia and some of the other racers. "Storm what are you doing here?" Ruby asks curiously. "Me, Gia,and the others decides to help with this case," Storm explains. "And we can tell you something else that is true," Gia replies. "What's that?" Princess Celestia asks. "Fast Swift been blackmailing us into letting him win," Gia confirms. This makes Fast Swift sweating bullets and worried that his plan begins to unravel. Ruby decides to continues about Fast Swift plan, "And then he decided to get our Ace disqualified by trying to make himself disappear and planted fake evidence." "But Sakura was to close to figure out what Fast Swift real intention so he decided to held her prisoner probably until the race is over," Raspberry Pie adds with an angry look on his face. Fast Swift is really getting upset that every pony is going against his despite all the black main he has given to the racers, "This is preposterous, your highness you don't believe any of this, right." "Just admit it you're just as guilty as framing Aerial Ace as you are trying to hold our friend Sakura hostage," Ruby screams angrily pointed her hoof at Fast Swift like a detective would. Fast Swift realize there is no what out of this and with that fe finally gives in. "Fine, you caught me, I did it," Fast Swift angrily says "But why?" Twilight asks in a shock. "Because he's afraid that Ace will beat in the Equestrian 5000, so he decides to get him disqualified," Ruby explain "But why do that to Sakura? She wasn't your competition," Ruby asks shocked and worried at the same time. "Yeah but I realize that she is close to solving this mystery, I had to do something and I can see that Ace and your kids really care about her," Fast Swift says with a smug on his face. "So you decide to kill two birds with one stone," Rarity says in an angry tone. "To keep Sakura from telling, and blackmail Ace to drop out of the race or letting you win by using Sakura," Applejack says sounding angry and upset. "Dude that is so uncool?" Rainbow says to Fast Swift with an angry look. "Yeah, not only you tried to frame my son, but you hurt one of his friends," Soarin says furiously. Fast Swift get into Soaring Face and says, "I did what I had to do to be the best, sometimes you had to play dirty to be the best," "That's not what being a racer is all about," Twilight says. "She's right, what you did is unbecoming of a racer, which reminds me, where is Ace and Sakura," Cheese Sandwich replies. "They're at the hospital close by," Baked Apple answers. "And Sakura is being look though to see if there wasn't any injuries," Ruby adds. "Do you think we go check on her?" Twilight asks worried about her daughter. "I think we can all go there," Ruby replies. "And we'll make you don't get away," Caramel says glaring at Fast Swift. "And why do you mean by this," Fast Swift asks completely puzzled. Princess Celestia becomes serious at Fast Swift. Then she says, "Well for starters you're the one that is disqualified for the Equestrian 5000." Fast Swift eyes widen and says in a frantic tone, "What? You can't do that, I'm one of the best racers representing Canterlot." "Not anymore, for attempting to frame Aerial Ace, not to mention blackmailing you are out of the race, not to mention you will able be charged for kidnapping Sakura," Luna says angrily. "Oh yeah and I told my cousin Diamond Tiara about what you did and you are fired," Storm adds with an angry face. Fast Swift sigh realizing that his career in the racing world is over, he is now in shame and broken when every pony learned the truth about his. At that time, while the stallion are keeping an eye on Fast Swift. The princesses and the other mares are going to the hospital to check on Sakura. Meanwhile at the Race Track: Aerial Ace decides to go to the race track to talk with the race organizer and explain to him about something important, while Eden is at the hospital waiting on Sakura's progress. To Ace that important something is also involves him having to make a hard decision he ever did. After sometime looking which wasn't long at all, he find Hank a dark gray pegasus, black mane and tail with scarlet red eyes, who is incharge of the race, he is having his lunch and Ace decides to go to him. "Hello," Ace says. "Hey Ace how are you doing?" Hank says happily "Fine, I guess," Ace says in a unsettle tone. Hank notice that Ace isn't that happy and says, "You don't sound alright." Ace sighs and decides to tell him what happen, "Is just some terrible happen to my friend and I need to be there for her." "So, you're going to racing and I sure your friend will be fine and you have a good shot at beating Fast Swift this year," Han says like he didn't seem to care. This made Ace really mad when Han mention his name did seem to this friend is important. He angrily says "Yeah, but my friend was taken hostage by Fast Swift." "Do disrespect sir, but I know the Equestria 5000 is a race to be an honor in, but the truth is those races weren't fair, and because of it Fast Swift will be determine to hurt anyone to win. If he was planning to use my friend to make sure I lose the race? Is that want he think it means to be a racer? then I don't want any part in it," Ace explains in a serious tone. This also make Hank very confused by. Hank then asks, "What are you saying Ace?" "I quit," Ace replies seriously. After putting his participation pin and racing number on the table. Then he decides to leave Hank who now as a surprised look on his face. Ace then turns to Hank seeing his expression then turns forward with a sad look on his face and makes his way back to the hospital to see if Sakura's okay. At the Hospital sometime later in the morning: Princess Celestia, Twilight and the others are at the hospital checking on Sakura. They can see Eden looking very nervous and worried for Sakura. Just then, the Doctor Heart Sting comes through the door to see everyone looking at her with worried eyes. "How is she doctor?" Twilight asks worried. "She's doing fine and just woke up, so it's okay for all of you can see her," The doctor answers calmly. Everyone in the waiting room sighs with relief that Sakura finally wakes up and now they finally can see her. The doctor shows them the room #10 which is Sakura's room. When the doctor opens the door they can see that Sakura is in a hospital rob and can see that here are some bandages in many parts of her body like her wrist, ankles, stomach, elbows and knees. They don't know whether to be relieve or sad about this happening to her. "Hey sugar cube how are you doing?" Baked Apple first asks in relieved. "Fine, thank you," Sakura answers feeling tired still. "Oh darling, we were so worried about you," Rarity says completely worried. "I know," Sakura replies sadly. Then at that moment her mother gives her a hug and starts crying. "Mom what's wrong?" Sakura asks. "I just so worried, and I knew I shouldn't let you go out there alone," Twilight says while crying. "We were all worried," Applejack says with a sad look on her face. "But we're glad Ace and the others were able to find you," Rainbow adds in a frantic tone. Just then Princess Celestia and Princess Luna comes over to Sakura to see if she's okay. They also want to ask Saura something very important. "Sakura are you sure you're alright?" Celestia asks putting her hoof on her shoulder with a sad look on her face. "I'll be okay just 2 weeks in these bandages and the irritations from the ropes will go away," Sakura answers feeling tired. "Sakura we need to know if it's true that Fast Swift did this to you," Luna asks with a firm tone. Sakura hesitates about that question at first, but knows that they have the right to know about what happen. Sakura sighs and decides to tell them what happen, "He did." Then she starts to get very upset and scared of her experience, "He tricked me into coming over there and kicked me in the head and then he tied me, gagged me, shackle my ankle, and used this ring on my horn to disable my magic. He also told me that he was going to keep me that cave until Ace is disqualified and the race is over." Sakura then put her hands on her face and starts to cry. Then her mother gives her a hug hoping to calm her down. "Don't be worried about it Fast Swift is going to be punished after what he did," Luna replies with a serious look on her face. "What do you mean?" Sakura asks questionably. "Well for starters Fast Swift is the one that's going to be disqualified," Rainbow explains. "And then, Storm, Gia, and the other racers also explain to us what Fast Swift been doing," Twilight adds. "Let's not forget he will be arrested and charge for blackmailing and kidnapping," Rarity adds angrily. "So you and Ace wouldn't have to worry anymore," Celestia finishes the conversation. "That's good," Sakura says in relief. Just then Ace comes in the room to check on Sakura with a small smile on his face. He also has a bouquet of red roses and baby breaths. "Hey Sakura you feeling okay," Ace asks happily. "I'm doing alright," Sakura replies. "By the way these are for you," Ace says. The he hand over the bouquet to Sakura. "Thank you," Sakura says with a small smile on her face. "Hey Ace, where we're you?" Raspberry asks really excited. With that Ace explains to them where he is and what happen to the race track and to their surprise they find out that Ace quit participating the race. "You did what?" Applejack says with a shock. "You been looking forward to being in this race for weeks," Ruby replies to that news. "And you been practicing for a while," Eden adds. "I know, but Sakura is more important and I was so worried about her I know that our friendship is more important than a race," Ace explains. Yet he feels glad for what he did, because his friendship with Sakura is more important. Everyone in the room is happy that Ace decides to put friendship over winning. Out of the group Rainbow Dash and Sakura are the most happiest person. Rainbow can see that Ace reminds him of herself about being loyal to his friend. Sakura is glad yet feels bad that Ace gave up being in the race for her. "Oh Ace, that is so sweet," Sakura replies happily and tears are coming out of her eyes. Then gives Ace a kiss on the cheek making him blush a little. At that some of them starts to giggle a little for this little event. "Aw pony feathers," Ace says still feeling embarrassed. Just then, everyone in the room hears a knock on the door and wondering who is there. "Come in," Twilight replies. When the door opens the first pony to walk inside the room is Hank the race organizer. There's Storm, Diamond Tiara and her parents, Silver Spoon, and finally Gia and her mom Gilda. Everyone in the room are wondering why they are here since the race is starting in the afternoon. "Guys what are y'all doing here?" Baked Apple asks. "We came to see how Sakura is doing?" Diamond Tiara says. "And to find Ace," Storm adds. "Me? For what?" Ace asks confusedly. "Well, for starters Diamond Tiara and I owe you an apologize for accusing you like that," Silver Spoon explains. "Yeah it wasn't right to do that. We're so sorry," Diamond Tiara says sadly. "That's okay, everypony can get carried away sometimes," Ace replies with forgiveness. "Yeah, and we're glad Sakura is alright," Storm replies feeling relived. "And I'm here to give you this," Han says. Then he shows Ace a gold medal with a blue ribbon tied on it to make a necklace. Ace is surprised because he can tell what the medal is for and is speechless. "This is the first place medal for the Equestrian 5000? but why?" Ace asks surprised and confused. "Because you deserve it," Hank answers happily. "I can't accept that, I quit the race remember," Ace protests. "We know," Storm replies. "When everypony learned that you quit to take care of Sakura, we all decided that you should be the winner of the Equestrian 5000 this year" Hank explains. Then he put the gold medal on his neck. "And help put an end to Fast Swift's plans," Gia adds happily. "Wow! Thanks," Ace says with glee. "You should be proud of yourself, you should what it really takes to be a good racer," Hank replies happily. "I'm so proud of you," Rainbow says. "Thanks mom, thanks everyone," Ace replies happily. Everyone feels happy that everything ends well for everyone. Just then Celesta gives Sakura a present and it was wrapped in a red paper with pink polka dots and with a blue ribbon on it. "What's that?" Sakura asks curiously. "It a little something for you and your friends," Celestia replies. With that Sakura unwraps the present and it was a blue book and on it has their cutie marks on it, and the marks are in gems that represent the elements of harmony. "It's a journal," Sakura says after opening the wrapping paper. "Wow this looks amazing," Raspberry says in excitement. "Sure is interesting," Baked Apple adds. "And beautiful," Ruby replies in amazement. "It is and I think Ace should be the first one to write," Sakura says then hands over the journal to Ace. "Me? okay," Ace says a little surprised. Just then Ace starts to write about what happen about his time for the race, about what his friends did for him and then he starts to write in about what he learned about this experience, "Practicing for the biggest race is hard and I'm glad that I have friends and family to support it. I learned that a friend is more important than winning a race. If there are times I have to choose between winning and friendship, I'll definitely going to pick my friends. And being there for a friend is what really makes you feeling like a winner." After the entry: Ace is at home, polishing the medal he got from Hank a few days ago. During the few days Sakura and the others have been doing better and Sakura is getting better and stronger. Ace is happy that Sakura is doing a lot better now but what made him even more happy is to have a friend who cares about him. He set his medal on his desk in his room and decides to go be with his friends. Little did he know that his medal made a bright red glow and shine, this glow shows his loyalty to his friends.