Tainted Silver

by Bluecatcinema

New Prospects. Old Wounds

Unnerved by his vision of Scalphunter, Sterling hurried back to the homestead. He arrived just in time for lunch, which he ate slowly and quietly, still haunted by his memories.

"Y'all okay, Sterling?" Big Red asked.

"Huh, what?" Sterling snapped to attention.

"Ya look like ya got sumthin' heavy weighin' on yer mind." Big Red pointed out.

"Did your trip into town not go well?" Globe asked.

"No, it went okay." Sterling said quickly. "I even ran into Shooting Star."

"Did you, now?" Cherry smirked.

"Did you put on the ol' charm?" Huckleberry chuckled.

"Don't get any ideas." Sterling rolled his eyes. "We just talked."

"Anything you say." Eclipse snorted.

"So why are ya lookin' so down?" Big Red asked. "Talkin' tah Shooting usually has the opposite effect on ya."

"Well... we got to talking, and she brought up all the places she's been to in her career." Sterling admitted truthfully. "I'm kind of a traveler myself, so all that talk reminded me of how I'm stuck here for the time being. Not that I mind or anything… but it’s kinda a  bummer, y’know?”

"...Yes, well..." Cherry said awkwardly. "I'm sure you'll be traveling again soon enough."

"That's the plan at least." Sterling shrugged.

"I've never bin one fer the whole 'roamin' around' thing." Big Red admitted, trying to keep the conversation going. "A stallion an't spend his whole life wanderin'. He's gotta have sum place tah call home."

"I used to have a place like that." Sterling admitted. "A place where I belonged. A place I could be me. But that was then, and I don't plan on ever going back."

"Don't you ever miss that place?" Globe asked.

"Nah." Sterling shook his head. As he returned to his food, he thought 'The ponies inside? That's another story...'


Over at the Infinity, Loveless was busy with maintenance on one of the motorized carriages.

"Just need to tighten up the bolts a little, and this one should be good to go..." He muttered to himself.

He was half-way done through overhauling the engine when he heard a commotion nearby...

"Hey, back off, pal!"

"Shut it!"


"What the-" Loveless frowned. "What's going on out there?"

Loveless went to investigate. He followed the increasingly loud noises to the three workshop from his. As he opened the door, he expected to see some sort of experiment gone wrong... only to find Cloak being hoisted up by Lunard Cloudskipper, tools, oil and chemicals spilling everywhere.

"I'm not going to say it again: where are the drugs?!" Lunard snarled.

"I keep tellin' ya, I don't know!" Cloak struggled to free himself, “You buckin’ buzzard!”

“Why you-” Lunard seethed.

"Cloak! Lunard! What is the meaning of this?!" Loveless rushed forward.

"Oh, thank Faust." Cloak whispered, relieved.

"Old stallion." Lunard sneered, as he dropped Cloak on his butt, prompting a small "ow" from the young stallion. "I'm trying to get more of that power drink, but the guys down at the gym told me that they couldn't get any more."

"Okay... then why are you hassling Mr. Hazard over here?" Loveless asked.

"Well, I would hassle that Gridlock guy... but he's dead." Lunard shrugged. "And from what I've heard, this punk was one of his favorite stooges."

“And I tried tellin’ him, I don’t deal with that stuff!” Cloak growled. “But the buckin’ buzzard wouldn’t leave!”

"Watch who you're calling names, mud-wallower." Lunard spat. "Or I'll carry you up so high, there'll be nothing be a puddle on the ground after I drop you. Now, tell me where it is!"

"I keep telling you, I don't know nothing about it!" Cloak insisted.

"You are a flappin' liar-" Lunard began.

"Enough!" Loveless roared, causing both of them to clam up. He turned to Cloak. "Cloak, could you give me and Lunard a moment?"

"Why me?" Cloak frowned. "Why should I be the one to go? I didn't do anything wrong! That feathered freak should-"

"Stop." Loveless said firmly. "This is not up for debate. Please give us a moment… now."

“Grr… whatever.” Cloak scowled, as he stomped out the workshop.

Once Cloak departed. Loveless turned to face Lunard, his face still lit up with anger.

"As for you, Lunard, Cloak was in fact telling the truth." He declared. "He does not control the distribution of the soldier serum."

"Oh? Then why the hell have I not been getting any?" Lunard growled.

"Simple: you were cut off." Loveless said bluntly.

“...What?” Lunard gaped, appalled, “Why?!”

“Well, there are numerous reasons.” Loveless scoffed, “To begin with, you’ve been dosing up on them non-stop ever since you first came here, like a common druggie. You've clearly developed a dependency on them.”

“So? The drug makes you super strong and flapping bolt-proof. What’s the problem?” Lunard scowled.

“The serum was designed by Gridlock and Harlhooves to aid our agents in their missions.” Loveless retorted. “You would know that, if you had been filling your quota.”

"My quota?" Lunard frowned, “What the flap is that?”

“To put it in terms you’ll understand, your missions.” Loveless clarified, a bit annoyed, “According to other agents, you’ve been ignoring nearly all the missions you had been tasked with.”

“Well, those missions were dumb!” Lunard snarled, “Why should I have to waste my Saturday doing something like fightin' turf wars, looking for some old scrolls, or icing some guy I've never even heard?”

“You should because that’s what you were ordered to do.” Loveless scowled.

“Yeah, because I’m going to let myself be bossed around by a bunch of little ponies.” Lunard sneered.

“I figured as much.” Loveless grunted, “Why else would I also hear that you had been getting into fights with them?”

"Can I help it if so many ponies around here are as mouthy as that brat Cloak?" Lunard sneered.

"No, but you can help your reactions." Loveless retorted. "You didn't have to resort to violence."

"They weren't showing me the proper respect." Lunard scowled. "And where I come from, folks like that need a not-so-gentle reminder."

"That is not how things work around here, Lunard." Loveless said sternly.

“Well, I don’t give a flap about how things work around here.” Lunard seethed, “I came here for food, booze, money, and drugs. And right now, I want my drugs..."

"Well, that's too damn bad." Loveless said coldly. "Because this organization is all about give and take. And you have been doing nothing but take. The Forefathers don’t take too kindly to freeloaders."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lunard snarled.

“Let me spell it out for you.” Loveless declared darkly, “If you don’t start pulling your weight and fill your quota, you will be dealt with.”

“Dealt with?” Lunard whispered, “You don’t mean…”

“Killed? Yes.” Loveless nodded, “And considering you hadn’t been filling your quota for the (several months you've been here, you will have a hell of a time to make all of it up.”

“Oh, and what if I say no?” Lunard sneered, “You think a puny half pony like you can take me out?”

“It’s not a matter of can or can’t.” Loveless said simply.

Suddenly, two mechanical arms sprouted out and grabbed Lunard by the neck.

“Gak!” Lunard gasped, as the two arms then pulled his head down to Loveless’s level.

“...It’s a matter of whether you’re willing to test your luck with all of us.” Loveless smirked cooly, “You see, some of us may not be the strongest ponies around, but our strength lies in our numbers. That serum may grant you heightened abilities… but it does jack crap against a shower of reinforced razor-sharp bolts from a crossbow, the swings of several blades… or a few tons of dynamite. It depends how creative we’re feeling at the time. Either way, you will not like the outcome.”

Loveless then let him go, Lunard gasping for breath.

“Gah… you…” Lunard growled through his pants. “...You think you can throw me away, just like that? I helped bust those two yahoos out of prison!”

“With Silas, you did nopony any favors.” Loveless snorted… before fading into a deep frown. “And Sterling… well, he ain’t here anymore.” He then glared at Lunard. “And if you don’t fall into line, you won’t be around either. Think on that next time you find a mission ‘dumb’.”

Loveless departed the workshop. The second he left…

“MOTHER-FLAPPER!” Lunard snarled, swinging his claws at a nearby wall, leaving deep claw marks in the wall.

’Those flappin barn-lovers!’ Lunard seethed internally. ’How the hell am I supposed to make up months worth of stupid flappin’ missions?!’ He curved his doubly cracked beak into a deep scowl. ’Sterling… what the hell did you drag me into?! You’re lucky you’re not here… otherwise, I’d shred ya into pieces!

Lunard sat down, digging his claws into the floor.

’I’m not going to be a thug for hire for the rest of my life.’ Lunard scowled, ’But I can’t have myself be killed by these freaks… what am I gonna do?’

While Lunard mulled over his options, Loveless returned to his maintenance work.

'Oh, Sterling.' He sighed. 'How is it you aren't with us, but fools like Lunard are?'

Back in Dodge Junction...

Sterling was working in the western orchard. Since the harvest had been completed, most of the work for that involved cleaning up, checking the trees for any signs of wear and tear, and planting some seeds for new trees to replace those that was losing their vitality. It was dull work, but Sterling was glad of having something to take his mind off things.

"You're seeing things, Sterling." He told himself. "That's never a good sign..."

"No kidding." Another familiar voice filled the air.

"Oh, no..." Sterling turned around, and saw Tropics leaning against a tree. "Thanks, brain. Like seeing Scalphunter again wasn't bad enough..."

"Still as flippant as ever, eh, Sterling?" Tropics scoffed. "You haven't changed a bit."

"Considering you're a product of my troubled mind, you really should know that isn't true." Sterling scowled.

"Isn't it?" Tropics sneered. "Look at you. Hiding out in some dumb old hick-ville out in the middle of nowhere. Running from your past."

“My past?” Sterling snorted, “Wow, you can’t be further from the the truth. And that, by the way, is just a stupid cliché.”

“Oh, then what you would say you’re running from?” Tropics challenged.

“Well, there’s the law, who want to drag me in and lock me up for the rest of my life. And that’s if they don’t give me the death penalty.” Sterling growled, “And then there’s the Forefathers, who will just skip the due process and buckin’ kill me.”

“Come on, you don’t actually believe that, do you?” Tropics sneered. “We both know that’s not the real reason. Because you are farmore afraid of something else… yourself.”

“Myself? Get real.” Sterling scowled.

“It’s the truth.” Tropics insisted, “You have some pretty bad demons lurking within you, and anytime they rear their ugly heads, you just run away, like you always do.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sterling glared.

“Don’t I?” Tropics smirked darkly, “For how guarded you are, I can see you clear as day. Your drive to excel, your refusal to back down, your need to seek new heights, new places... all of that is just you trying to ignore everything that has gone wrong with your life. Especially that little incident involving your two brothers-”

"Shut up." Sterling cut off fiercely, as he turned away.

“How long do you intend to run, I wonder?” Tropics grinned wickedly. “By ignoring that elephant in the room, you are just creating more and more demons to hide from. Like how you murdered your mentor…”

“No, that’s not how it happened!” Sterling snapped. “Jetstream made me-”

“Or How about how you murdered those poor rebels who were trying to free their country?” Tropics sneered.

“Nalik tricked me!” Sterling snarled.

“And then, there’s me. You’re the reason I’m-” Tropics leaned in.

"SHUT UP!!" Sterling plugged his ears with his hooves and closed his eyes, “LA-LA-LA-LA! I am not listening!”

After several moments, he opened his eyes, and saw, to his relief, that the vision of Tropics had gone.

"What is wrong with me?" He groaned. "Why am I seeing all these old ghosts? Why can't you just leave me alone? Especially you, Tropics. I could never forget what happened between us. You don't need to remind me..."

Years ago...

Sterling needed a moment to process what he had just heard.

"Wait... so you're telling me that the Prince of my home country has got a split personality?" He frowned.

"Don't insult me." Black Thorn hissed. "I am far more than just a twisted product of that fool's weak mind."

"Well then, what are you?" Sterling asked.

“Well, kid, Black Thorn here is a Umbrum.” Scalphunter smirked.

“...And that is?” Sterling asked, still confused.

“Are you serious?” Scalphunter gaped, “You’ve been studying up on dark magic for how long and you don’t know what an Umbrum is?!”

“Oh, sorry, but Umbrums didn’t exactly come up in my research.” Sterling spat, “But seriously, what the hell is an Umbrum?”

“Ugh, I am so tired of having to explain this all the time." Scalphunter groaned.

“Let me save you the time. I am essentially a shadow pony, made completely out of concentrated dark magic. I’m literally dark magic in pony form.” Black Thorn declared, also annoyed.

“...Really?” Sterling raised a brow.

“...Have the standards for Ouroboros gone down since I last checked?” Black Thorn turned to Scalphunter. “This one seems to be a little slow.”

“Sorry, he’s still a little new at this dark magic business.” Scalphunter shrugged.

“Alright, if you are ‘dark magic in pony form’ as you say you are.” Sterling challenged, incensed by Black Thorn’s comment, “Then why are you in Nightshade’s head? Don’t you have a body of your own?”

“To make another long story short, my essence was sealed within this headdress.” Black Thorn indicated the headpiece.

"The royal headdress?" Sterling frowned. "The one that's been in the royal family for generations?"

"Exactly." Black Thorn nodded. "For years, this vessel of my imprisonment was passed down through this fool's family. But one night, some ponies tried to attack Nightshade, and he unintentionally tapped into the power of this headdress, essentially my powers, and my dark magic essence became infused with his Tenebros gene. Ever since then, he and I were one, and I could control his body.” He then grimaced. “Unfortunately, I can only assume control when the fool is sleeping or else overcome by rage."

"That explains the midnight meeting, I guess..." Sterling mused. He then frowned worriedly, "Wait, isn’t there a chance that Nightshade might suddenly wake up?”

“Relax, I've been dosing Nightshade up with sleeping pills for the past several months.” Black Thorn chuckled darkly, “Not even a twenty one cannon salute can wake him up.”

“Well, okay, I guess.” Sterling murmured, “So… how exactly did you join up with the Forefathers?

"Funny story." Scalphunter grinned. "A few years back, one of your Forefather pals- Doc, I think- picked up this burst of dark magic comin' from this city, lookin’ for a piece of that Nightmare Moon pie, so they sent me to investigate. Well, I went lookin' around for that dark magic, and one night, I found this guy poundin' some two-bit crook, right in the palace courtyard."

"The filth had the gall to try and steal from me." Black Thorn declared.

“The sight was odd enough, considering how ‘peace-loving’ the Prince usually was.” Scalphunter mused, “But I soon found out that this guy wasn’t all he appeared to be.”

“Yeah. After I send the little twit on his way, I saw this odd fellow spying on me, like a peeping tom watching a mare in a state of undress…” Black Thorn grimaced, “It was creepy as buck.”

"I just so happened to have a little something that worked like a dark magic detector on me." Scalphunter admitted. "It was a little gem that glowed when dark magic was nearby. I brought it along to help me zero in on that piece of Nightmare Moon pie. Well, when I got a little closer to Black Thorn, it lit up like a buckin' firework! That's when I realized he was no regular pony. Not even a Maelstrom has that much dark magic in 'em."

"That's when he approached me." Black Thorn declared. "He boldly asked me 'what the buck' I was, even stating I was not Nightshade. It was somewhat gratifying to not be referred to by that fool's name for once, and I could tell by the gem in Scalphunter's hoof that he was no ordinary pony either. So I deemed to answer his question."

"Once I found out about the whole 'possession' thing, I had an idea." Scalphunter smirked. "I convinced him to join the Forefathers in return for finding a way to free himself from Nightshade."

"Enough history." Black Thorn declared bluntly. "Scalphunter tells me you are putting together a 'project' of which you believe I would be a valuable asset."

"I wouldn't put it quite like that, but yes." Sterling nodded. "It's called 'Project: Maelstrom'."

"I have little patience for overly-dramatic names." Black Thorn said tiredly. "State your intent."

"Of course." Sterling nodded.

Sterling quickly ran through the particulars of the project.

"And that's pretty much it." Sterling finished.

"So, what do you say?" Scalphunter asked. "You ready to help make a little Black Thorn Junior?"

“Hmm, it’s an interesting proposal.” Black Thorn mused, “I had toyed with the idea of creating a suitable heir, who would be as powerful as me… the only thing I have right now is my other half’s son, Day Light… and he just reeks of weakness. He doesn’t even know he's a Nightcrawler.”

"So, whattaya think, Sterling?" Scalphunter asked. "Is Black Thorn the kind of candidate you've been lookin' for?"

"I'll... definitely consider him as a viable option." Sterling said quietly.

"You'll 'consider' him?" Scalphunter frowned. "Why not bring him into the project right now?"

"Yes, what possible reason could you have for not thinking me worthy of your little project?" Black Thorn scowled.

"I just like to keep my options open." Sterling shrugged. "Make no mistake, though. You are definitely at the top of my list. Power like yours could come in useful for future generations."

"...Well, that's better than nothing, I suppose." Black Thorn growled.

"We probably should be heading back." Sterling declared.

"As must I." Black Thorn agreed. "The sun will be up soon. I will have no choice but to be submerged beneath that fool's mind for another day..."

"Eh, we've all got problems." Scalphunter shrugged, throwing a quick glare at Sterling. "We'll be in touch."

"See that you will." Black Thorn urged.

As they made their way back to the airship, Scalphunter continued to glare at Sterling.

"...What?" Sterling growled.

"You just told Black Thorn 'you're on the list'?" Scalphunter snarled. "Seriously? He's got power, he’s not totally nuts... what more do you want?"

"I'm not denying he's a suitable candidate." Sterling declared. "But I do not want to just pick a guy because he was the first Nightcrawler-er-Umbrum-whatever that was good enough. I want to be sure that I am getting the best pony for this project.”

“But he’s an Umbrum! If you need a powerful dark magic powered pony, he’s your guy!” Scalphunter protested.

“You seem to forget there’s another problem.” Sterling glared, “As of now, Black Thorn is sharing a body with Prince Nightshade, who may not even be aware he’s a Nightcrawler. The fact I hadn’t heard of him till now shows that he can’t really leave Haygypt whenever he feels like it. Not unless he risks exposing us.”

"...Okay, you got a point there." Scalphunter admitted. "That's the whole reason he agreed to work with us, so we could figure out a way for him to be in control all the time."

"Well, until that happens, he won't be the most reliable candidate." Sterling declared. "So we may as well continue our search."

"Fair enough." Scalphunter shrugged. "I've got a fresh batch of Nightcrawlers already in mind for our next casting call..."

"Just as long as they're better than the first batch." Sterling frowned.

"Don't get your tail in a knot, kid." Scalphunter rolled his eyes. "I already told ya: I started with the weakest ones, and now I'll be working my way up the ladder."

"You'd better be..." Sterling growled. "This project's already been delayed enough..."

After taking the airship back to the Infinity, Sterling decided get some lunch from Ignite in the Pit. After ordering some spicy hayburgers, he sat down to eat.

'Mmm, now that's the stuff.' He thought, as he dug into the food. 'At least I can depend on Ignite to serve up the goods...'

Just as Sterling was finishing his meal, Ricochet walked by.

"Hey, Sterling." Ricochet smiled. "How's the project going?"

"It's going okay." Sterling shrugged… before suddenly remembering something, "By the way, I... wanna ask you a favor."

"What kind of favor, bro?" Ricochet asked.

"Well, I met this old friend of mine, over in Cairode." Sterling announced. "His name is Brody Bronze, and, well, I kinda told him about the Forefathers."

"Okay..." Ricochet frowned, “You told somepony about us?”

"Don't worry, he won't tell anypony." Sterling assured him. "In fact, he wants to join up."

"Really?" Ricochet frown soon turned to a smile. "Well, why didn’t you say so? We can always use more recruits."

“Yeah… but that’s the thing I wanted to ask you about.” Sterling nodded, “I know you run the whole recruitment drive with your ‘Party Over Here’ project, and I was hoping that you could let him in…. But at the same time, not let him in.”

"Huh?" Ricochet frowned.

"You know, let him join in a... diminished capacity." Sterling winked.

"...Yeah, still not getting it." Ricochet shrugged, confused.

"...Look, Brody's been my best friend since I was a kid." Sterling admitted. "I'd do anything for him. But the problem is... he's not exactly the tough, warrior type. He's slow, out of shape... I don't think I've ever seen him throw a punch, in fact."

"So not exactly Forefathers material?" Ricochet noted.

"To put it mildly." Sterling nodded, “But he really wants in, but I don’t want him to get himself killed because-”

“Relax, bro, I gotcha.” Ricochet smirked, “You want me to give him the ‘Pro-Visitor’ treatment!”

“...Excuse you?” Sterling frowned.

“Everytime I bring in new recruits, there’s always those ponies who look like they got no business being in this group, whether they be fatties, creepies, or dummies.” Ricochet explained, “But I don’t like crushing ponies’ spirits by excluding them. So, after I ran it by Father, he decided that those who don’t quite make the cut get the ‘Pro-Visitor’ treatment: the ‘don’t call us, we’ll call you’ treatment.”

“...Oh, I get it, you mean ‘provisional’.” Sterling realized, “So, like being a reserve?”

“Huh, always thought that sounded weird.” Ricochet admitted, “But yeah. You want Brody to be a member… but not really.”

“That’s pretty much it.” Sterling nodded, “Brody’s my friend… but I don’t think he’ll make it long in the organization. I don’t know the protocol for stuff like this, but if you could...”

“Consider it done, bro.” Ricochet smirked, “All I need to send Brody a letter sayin’ he’s in, put in a couple of Bits, and it’s a done deal.”

“Just like that?” Sterling asked, “And he won’t have to do any missions?”

“He won’t even have to live up to our usual quota.” Ricochet chuckled, “We suggest that he sends in a report every now and then, but all he gets to do is go about his life, no problem.”

“Well, thanks, pal.” Sterling gave a sigh of relief, “I knew I could count on you."

"Always, bud." Ricochet nodded.

"Yo, Ricochet!" Ignite called. "I got yer deep-fried fritters, all ready to eat!"

"That's my lunch!" Ricochet nodded. "See ya later, Sterling."

"You too." Sterling smiled.

A couple of days later, Scalphunter had delivered another group of Nightcrawlers, one that was slightly smaller than the last.

"Okay, who are you, and what can you do?" Sterling asked a dark grey Pegasus stallion with a pale blue mane, orange eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a mountain.

"I am Ridge." The stallion answered. "And I can do this..."

Ridge's eyes grew wispy, and his entire body turned to stone.

"What do you think?" He smiled.

"Not bad." Scalphunter nodded.

"Yeah." Sterling nodded. "Can you come a little closer?"

Ridge complied, stepping forward. Unfortunately, his stone body rendered him very slow; It took ten seconds for him to reach them.

"Hmmm." Sterling mused. "All that rock slows you down a little, huh?"

"Yeah, maybe." Ridge shrugged. "But it also makes me invincible. Nothing can get through this rocky hide."

"Think about it, kid." Scalphunter urged. "A whole bunch of soldiers with nigh-impenetrable skin..."

"And who are slower than turtles." Sterling finished under his breath. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Ridge. We'll be in touch."

"Thanks." Ridge returned to his normal form.

"Next!" Scalphunter called. "Come on, we don't have all day!"

The next prospective recruit was a pale blue Earth Pony stallion with a dark red mane, green eyes, and a periscope Cutie Mark.

"And you are?" Sterling asked.

"The name's Lookout." The stallion answered. "And I can do this!"

Lookout's neck stretched straight upwards, until his head almost hit the ceiling.

"...Okay..." Sterling mused. "That's your power?"

"Yeah." Lookout nodded proudly. "Like this, I can see things from really far away."

"So basically, you can stretch your neck and look at stuff." Scalphunter scoffed. "That should really come in useful."

"We'll be in touch." Sterling told him.

“What was that?” Lookout asked, “Sorry, I sometimes have trouble hearing from all the way up here!”

“Oh Lauren Faust…” Sterling grunted, as he yelled upwards. “I said we’ll be in touch!”

"I bet you will!" Lookout's neck returned to its normal size. As he departed, he flashed a smug grin at the others, clearly believing he was a shoo-in to be chosen.

"Where do you find these guys, Scalphunter?" Sterling sighed.

"I don't know 'em personally." Scalphunter shrugged. "I just go by the amount of dark magic that's in 'em. Not my fault if all that power goes toward a really dumb ability."

"Next, please." Sterling urged.

A Unicorn mare with a purple coat silvery mane, blue eyes and a Cutie Mark of a roll of wallpaper stepped forward.

"Name, please." Sterling urged.

"I'm Decor." The mare announced.

"And what can you do?" Scalphunter asked.

With a smile, Decor walked over to the wall. As her eyes grew wispy, her placed her hoof upon it... and suddenly, her entire body fused into the wall. A two dimensional version of Decor appeared. To Sterling and Scalphunter's surprise, the image walked across the wall. Once it reached them, Decor emerged.

"So, what do you think?" Decor grinned.

"Very impressive." Sterling nodded. "That could be useful for infiltration and camouflage."

"Or sneaking up on an unsuspecting target." Scalphunter grinned wickedly.

"We'll be in touch." Sterling assured her.

"Thank you." Decor smiled.

After Decor came a few more Nightcrawlers. Some weren't very useful, but one or two more showed the same kind of promise as Decor.

After the 'auditions' were concluded, Sterling and Scalphunter made their way down the corridors of the Infinity.

"I have to admit, those applicants were slightly better than the last batch." Sterling declared. "But there were still precious few viable specimens. We've got to find a Nightcrawler with strength and skill in order to build a new generation of Forefather agents."

"Like I said, there are plenty of other options." Scalphunter assured him. "For instance, I've heard about this really powerful Nightcrawler called 'the Great Gray Wolf'. From what I've heard, he's like a force of nature. Practically unstoppable. If we could bring him in-"

"Stop right there." Sterling frowned. "I've heard of this 'Great Gray Wolf' and his exploits myself."

"So you know what I'm getting at?" Scalphunter smiled.

"Yes, and I'm telling you right now that we are not going to use him." Sterling said firmly.

"What?" Scalphunter frowned. "Why?"

"Because from what I've heard, the guy's a savage." Sterling frowned. "Plus, he seems to have no love for any non-Nightcrawlers, so recruiting him is going to be next to impossible."

"But still possible." Scalphunter urged. "So, why don't we-"

"Not a chance." Sterling said flatly. "He's too unpredictable, and besides, the way he is, he'd probably eat the foal. So let's just drop it, and move on."

"Yeah, yeah." Scalphunter grumbled. "But I do have another possible candidate."

"Oh, really?" Sterling said skeptically. "Who?"

“Well, there has been talk of this very powerful Nightcrawler lately… somepony known as the ‘Dark Messiah’.” Scalphunter revealed.

"Seriously?" Sterling frowned. "What is he, some kind of religious nut?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Scalphunter shrugged. "But it's not like he named himself. He was called that by Nightcrawlers who've witnessed his great deeds."

"What 'great deeds' are these?" Sterling asked.

"Mostly protecting his own kind as well as others from the ones who want to kill 'em." Scalphunter declared. "There all kinds of stories about this shades-wearing Thestral with power over smoke saving Nightcrawlers from their oppressors. One with black wisps..."

"'Power over smoke'?" Sterling asked. "Shades? Black Wisps?"

"That's right." Scalphunter nodded. "Sound familiar?"

"It does, actually." Sterling admitted. "I found a newspaper clipping that mentioned a Thestral with that kind of power protecting some innocent mare."

“Oh, so you are familiar with Deathgaze’s work?” Scalphunter grinned

“Deathgaze? That’s his name?” Sterling gaped, “How do you know it?”

“Let’s just say he and the company I used to work for have some history together.” Scalphunter shrugged, “Ever since then, I’ve been keeping tabs on him. And he’s been a very busy batpony. Since you are looking to make an army of Maelstroms, mayhaps a Maelstrom father could be a better fit over a Umbrum, right?”

“Well, that would be nice.” Sterling mused, “If his powers are to be believed, he would be a perfect candidate. And since he wants to help his own kind, maybe we could use that to convince him to join up… the only question is where are we going to find him?”

"Well, from what I've been able to gather, he was last sighted over by Trottingham." Scalphunter revealed. "If we head out there and track him down, then we can get just the boost this project needs. We'll have to hurry, though. He may not stay in Trottingham long."

"Then let's go for it." Sterling nodded. "Next stop, Trottingham."

"That's the spirit." Scalphunter grinned.

Unbeknownst to either of them, somepony was watching from around a corner.

"Taking a little trip to Trottingham, are we?" A mare smirked as they walked down the corridor. "Maybe you'd like a little company..."

Hours later, Sterling and Scalphunter arrived at the outskirts of Trottingham, having taken a flying carriage to their destination.

"Okay, we're here." Sterling nodded. "Where do we start looking?"

"According to my dark magic detector, there's some serious power somewhere in the forest." Scalphunter announced, holding a metal dowsing rod-like device, its two prongs tipped with dark-purple gems. "Unfortunately, while this thing is more reliable than that old gem I used to have, it isn't very accurate, so we're going to have to take a very close look around."

"No problem." Sterling shrugged. "There can't be too many places to hide around here..."

The two stallions made their way into the forest. For a time, they were both silent. Then...

"Hey, Sterling, can I ask you something?" Scalphunter asked.

"Yeah, what?" Sterling inquired.

“We have been working together for a while, haven’t we?” Scalphunter questioned.

“Only a couple of weeks. Why?” Sterling frowned.

“Well, you see, when the Forefathers hired me on from my old company, I was tasked with a little project of my own to finish. And it just so happens to have something to do with Nightcrawlers.” Scalphunter explained. “Mayhaps you would like to take a look at it after we’re done here?”

“Why me?” Sterling grimaced, “Why not ask Father?”

“Well, the truth is, no pony knows about this project except me. And I'd rather no pony finds out about it and try to, y’know, steal it from under me.” Scalphunter admitted, “Also, you seem like you know a thing or two that might help things along…”

“Let’s see how today goes, and I’ll think about it.” Sterling declared, “Right now, I want to focus on finding Deathgaze. Think you can do the same?”

“Dude, it’s me.” Scalphunter huffed, “Besides, it’s not like somepony else is out here looking for-”

The sound of a snapping twig suddenly filled the air.

"Somepony's here." Sterling froze.

There was a rustling sound from a nearby bush.

"And real close." Scalphunter growled.

"Whoever's out there, show yourself!" Sterling drew his crossbow.

From out of the bush emerged Tropics, followed by three burly Earth Pony agents Sterling didn't recognize by sight.

"Hello, Sterling." Tropics smirked. "Long time, no see."

“Tropics?” Sterling frowned, lowering his crossbow, “What are you doing here?”

"Oh, I was just in the neighborhood, doing a mission." Tropics said flippantly, “What about you?”

"We're on the lookout for a pony we think could help us with my project." Sterling answered.

"I've heard about this little project of yours." Tropics mused. "Very ambitious, I must say."

"Thanks." Sterling replied, unnerved by the odd smile on Tropics's face. "It's going to be a lot of hard work, but I've never backed down from a challenge before."

"As for me, I have a certain... interest in the project myself." Scalphunter added.

"Sounds like you've got everything well in hoof." Tropics nodded.

"Yeah." Sterling nodded. "But a little extra help wouldn't hurt. I heard you have some experience with dark magic?"

"You could say that." Tropics's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Maybe we could work together." Sterling offered. "You help us with this project, right after we help you with... whatever mission has brought you here."

“...Well, that’s going to be a bit difficult.” Tropics sneered.

The three agents stepped forward. One was dark green with a purple mane, brown eyes and a Cutie Mark of a sledge hammer, the other was dark brown with a green mane, purple eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a pile of bricks, and the third was dark purple with green eyes a brown mane, and a Cutie Mark of a battering ram. They all grinned menacingly as they advanced on the two.

“What the… Tropics, what’s going on?” Sterling asked.

“You see, Sterling, my mission here isn't one that was assigned by the Forefathers… but rather a personal one.” Tropics revealed, “My mission… is to finally even the score with you.”

“Score? What score?!” Sterling demanded.

"Don't act like you don't know." Tropics scowled. "I used to have great aspirations when I first joined this organization. When I was younger, my home was terrorized by this gang. They'd somehow managed to get a hold of this relic; a sceptre with dark magic powers. They used it to blast anyone who challenged them."

"That... that's pretty rough." Sterling said awkwardly, not liking the maddened look in her eyes.

"Oh, it gets worse." Tropics growled. "When I was about fourteen, I decided I'd have enough. I tried standing up to them... and got three weeks in the hospital for my troubles. And when I got out, those punks were still tormenting the neighborhood. And even when they were finally taken down, another gang just took their place, and another. Worst of all, I got known as the dumb little mare who tried to take on dark magic, making me a laughing stock... It was a rough life, but that was going to change when I became an agent of the Forefathers.”

“Okay, what is she blabbing on about?” Scalphunter whispered to Sterling.

“I seriously have no clue.” Sterling admitted.

“I had big plans.” Tropics sighed. “I was going to be the one who reintroduced dark magic to the world of warfare. I was going to help the Forefathers become the greatest military power the world has ever known… but all of that was dashed, when I lost that tome.” She then glared darkly at Sterling, “...Because of you and that filthy traitor.”

“Tropics, I know that tome meant a lot to you, but that was years ago-” Sterling started.

“But nothing!” Tropics spat, “I wasted months of my life in that Amarezonian hell-hole, lost so many stallions, just to get that tome. That tome was going to be my ticket to the big leagues with the Forefathers. If I had played my cards right, I would be an Ouroboros now… but then Jetstream had to go and ruin that. Because he had to have a sudden crisis of conscience.”

“I’m sorry Jetstream did that to you… but you did burn down those villages-” Sterling tried to retort.

“And of course, you'd defend him." Tropics scoffed, “That’s what everypony else did. I knew it was him who burnt that tent down. But nopony listened to me. Once again, I became a punchline. No one ever treated me with a ounce of the respect that I rightfully deserved. Recently, that buckin’ drunk Ricochet dumped that hillbilly brat on me to show around.”

“Look, I get that you’re still a little ticked. But what does this have to do with me?” Sterling scowled.

“Simple. While I remained trapped in the bowels of mediocrity, your career skyrocketed. With Jetstream’s death, you became a Ouroboros. The fact that some kid who only been in this organization for only four years became one while I had slaved away for over a decade... that irked me.” Tropics seethed, “But then, as if to one-up yourself, I hear all about your supposed project… a project to create a army of Maelstroms… you stole my dream, my idea!”

“Your idea?!” Sterling gaped, “Um, who’s the one that almost got killed by that psycho Easel?! Because it’s sure as hell wasn’t you!”

"I'd long planned to recruit suitable Nightcrawlers and make my own Maelstroms." Tropics retorted. But because I was just a lowly agent, I couldn't put that idea into motion. I couldn't just ask the Forefathers for the funds, or the resources. All I could do was keep it to myself. ...Then you came along."

"So you're just mad because he got to pull it off first?" Scalphunter snorted. "Petty..."

"Oh, but I'm going to to pull it off better." Tropics smirked. "Unlike you, I'm not going to be picky about which Nightcrawlers to recruit... I even planned on recruiting Easel before you and Loveless killed him."

"Easel?!" Sterling growled. "That madpony? Are you insane?"

"I'd say I'm more... pragmatic." Tropics shrugged. "Sometimes, you've got to take risks to achieve your goals.

"I wouldn't call recruiting a cold-blooded murderer a 'risk'." Sterling shot back.

"Of course you wouldn't." Tropics scoffed. "But I will."

“Tropics… I am sorry if you think that I took your dreams or whatever.” Sterling sighed, before glaring, “But you are making a mistake. Trying to kill me won’t change the past, and it’s sure as hell not going to make you a Ouroboros.”

“True… but I will enjoy it immensely." Tropics drew a knife. "Besides, Jetstream taugh you so well. Who's to say that you won't turn traitor like him one day, too?"

"How dare you?! I would never betray the Forefathers!" Sterling snarled.

"Forgive me if I don't take you at your word." Tropics sneered. "I've always thought it was best to err on the side of caution, anyway... Boys?"

The three stallions let out dark chuckles as they advance closer.

"Are you really going to attack an Ouroboros?" Sterling asked.

"For the amount she's paying us? Definitely." The green stallion chuckled.

"Er, hi." Scalphunter stepped forward. "Not really sure what's goin' on here, but I'm pretty sure I've got nothing to do with it. So what say you let me go, and attend your business with Sterling?"

"Thanks a lot." Sterling scowled.

"No can do, pal." Tropics said coldly. "I can't afford to risk you blabbing to the Forefathers about this, so you're going to have to die too."

"We'll see about that, babe." Scalphunter sneered, drawing a machete.

"I don't want to hurt you, Tropics." Sterling declared. "But I'm not going to just stand here and let you kill me."

"Good." Tropics grinned. "It's not going to be nearly as much fun if you don't fight back." She pointed a hoof. "Get them!"

The three brutes charged. The dark purple stallion attacked Scalphunter, brandishing a sword.

"You call that a knife?" Scalphunter caught the blade with his own. "This is a knife!"

The dark green one made a beeline for Sterling.

"You've chosen the wrong side, mister." Sterling fired his crossbow.

The stallion dodged the bolt, and continued his charge, swinging a hoof at Sterling. Sterling managed to dodge, but the stallion struck him with his other hoof, knocking him against a tree, and causing him to drop his crossbow.

"You're not so tough." The stallion sneered.

"Wanna bet?" Sterling grinned.

Sterling swung his strong hoof at the stallion. The blow caught him on the chin, sending him flying. He was unconscious before he even hit the ground.

"Next?" Sterling smirked.

"You're gonna pay for that!" The dark brown stallion charged.

At the same time, Scalphunter managed to overpower his opponent, sending his blade flying.

"Now I gotcha." He smirked triumphantly.

"I don't think so!" The stallion kicked some dirt into Scalphunter's eyes.

"Arrh!" Scalphunter yelped, “Dirt! Dirtttt!”

The stallion capitalized on Scalphunter's momentary blindness by tackling him, causing him to drop the machete.

"Now you're gonna get it!" Scalphunter spat, as he struggled against his opponent.

Sterling's second opponent was smarter than the last, making to avoid his hoof by staying on the move, kicking him, then leaping out of range.

"What good's all that strength without speed?" The stallion taunted.

As the stallion launched another kick, Sterling managed to grab him, and twisted his hoof.

"Yarrrgh!" The stallion yelped, dropped to the ground.

"You tell me." Sterling knocked him out with a kick.

Before Sterling could savor his victory, He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. Tropics had sneaked in and struck him over the head with a rock.

"Gahh!" Sterling yelped, dropping to the ground.

"Gotcha." Tropics declared.

"You coward..." Sterling groaned, his vision fuzzy.

"I've been waiting too long for this..." Tropics smirked as she raised her knife.

Suddenly, a much larger blade burst out of her body.

"Guhhh..." Tropics gurgled.

Sterling looked up to see Scalphunter behind Tropics, his machete running clean through her. Scalphunter's opponent lay unconscious nearby.

"Nighty-night, sweetheart." Scalphunter sneered. As he removed his blade, she fell to the ground, dead.

"What did you do?!" Sterling yelled, his vision clearing.

"Not much." Scalphunter frowned. "Just saved your lousy life!"

"I told you, no killing!" Sterling yelled.

"So you'd prefer if I'd just stood by and let her end you?!" Scalphunter spat. "You really gotta work on your priorities, kid..."

"You could have just hit her on the back of her head, knocked her out." Sterling growled. "Then we could've taken her back to the Infinity to face judgment. But that's no longer an option now, is it?"

"Well, pardon me for not bein' a mind reader." Scalphunter scowled.

"Let's tie up the others and pick up her body." Sterling declared. "Tropics may have tried to kill me, but she was still one of us."

"Wait, what about the mission?" Scalphunter frowned. "We got a target to hunt down!"

"Even if he were in the area, I think the noise we made would have given him good reason to make himself scarce." Sterling declared. "We'll have to search for him another day."

"Of course." Scalphunter groaned.

After gathering up Tropics's body and her unconscious henchponies, Sterling and Scalphunter began to make their way out of the forest.

"I'm disappointed in you, Scalphunter." Sterling said coldly.

"'Disappointed'... What are you, my mother?" Scalphunter snickered.

"I gave you a few simple rules, and you just broke one." Sterling continued.

"Definitely my mother..." Scalphunter smirked.

"This isn't a joke!" Sterling yelled. "I'm serious! If you step out of line one more time, I will dissolve our partnership. Is that clear?"

"Yeah, clear." Scalphunter nodded. "But it should also be clear that I only broke that rule to save your life."

"I know." Sterling nodded. "That's the only reason I haven't immediately dissolved our partnership."

"Good." Scalphunter nodded. "Will you... Still be willing to take a look at that little something I mentioned?"

"I suppose it couldn't hurt." Sterling shrugged. "Just as long as you for the line from now on."

"Great." Scalphunter smiled.

"Let's just get out of here already." Sterling urged.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Scalphunter nodded.

Behind a nearby tree, a Thestral wearing sunglasses watched them depart.

As Sterling kept walking, he suddenly felt an odd sensation.

"Brr..." He shuddered. On instinct, he turned around. But the Thestral was gone. "I must have been hit harder than I thought..."

Sterling continued onward, blissfully unaware of how close he had been to his intended recruit.

The present...

Within the Coils, Father stood within his own private quarters. He stared at the walls, lost in thought. The room was lit by a single candle, the dancing shadows reflecting Father's mood. He couldn't get his mind off of Sterling, and the ultimatum he'd given him.

’Sterling… why is it that you are hesitating?’ Father thought, ’For a pony who claims he is not a deserter, you are cutting this very close…’

Suddenly, sounds of hoofsteps echoed, coming from behind his throne.

“Oh, my poor troubled friend…” A deep yet refined voice murmured, “You know it pains me to see you like this…”

Father’s head perked up as he turned to his side, as a figure in the shadows walked around, appearing to his left.

“Oh… it’s you.” Father frowned, “What are you doing, out and about?”

“I simply wished to take a stroll.” The voice responded, “It has been a while, you know.”

"I always appreciate a visit from you, my friend." Father nodded.

“What about you?” The figure questioned, “You seemed conflicted… and I have an intuition that it has something to do with a certain somepony.”

“You always could read me like a book, Epoch.” Father sighed, “...One of my sons have abandoned us… Sterling.”

“Sterling, you say?” The one named Epoch mused, “...Somehow, that does not surprised me.”

“I know.” Father brought a hoof to his hooded snout, “...You knew all along after all. You told me long ago that Sterling would waver eventually. But I simply did not want to believe it…”

"It couldn't be helped." Epoch said fairly. "For a time, it seemed as Sterling just may have proven me wrong. Alas, it was not to be." He sighed deeply. "So... what are you going to do about him now?"

"I promised Sterling I would give him a month to see the error of his ways and rejoin us. Or else face eradication." Father declared. "And I always keep my word. However, the deadline is drawing near. I fear Sterling make have taken leave of his senses, and chosen not to accept my offer."

"Perhaps Sterling simply believes his destiny is no longer with this organisation." Epoch pointed out. "Or perhaps he fears being incarcerated once again while in service to you."

“I do not know what to do, Epoch.” Father declared, frustrated, “...This year alone, I have lost over half of my sons in the Coils. Black Thorn is dead. Nalik is dead. Gridlock is dead. Harlhooves’ fate is unknown. And Solomon… I cannot bear to lose any more ponies."

"All due respect to the departed, but those 'sons' you lost were not the best of ponies." Epoch said coldly.

"... I know." Father sighed. "But I still mourn them..."

The one known as Epoch glanced at Father in silence, deep in thought, before speaking…

“Well, if you wish, I could go out and find Sterling.” Epoch declared.

“Epoch, I promised Sterling I would give him a month.” Father repeated, “And as I said, I am a pony of my word. It would not feel right if somepony else tried to force him to come back."

“Do not fret, old friend.” Epoch smiled. “My intention is to simply have a… ‘chat’ with him.”

"You think you can get him to see sense?" Father asked.

“I do not wish to instill false hope.” Epoch admitted, “But I do believe he would make for very interesting conversation.”

"I suppose that will have to do." Father sighed. "Good luck, my friend."

"Thank you." Epoch replied. "Rest assured, I will do my best to convince Sterling to make the right choice."

"That's all I ask." Father nodded.

With that, Epoch vanished into thin air. Afterwards, Father once again lapsed into deep thought.

'Sterling, please... if there is any scrap of reason left in you, you will return.' He thought. 'You do not want to face the consequences of refusing...'