//------------------------------// // With Beginnings Come Endings // Story: Vinyl's New Wheels // by OctaScratchRock //------------------------------// When Vinyl got home, Octavia couldn't help but notice how visibly shaken Vinyl was. "Is anything the matter?" asked Octavia. "No, I'm just fine. Just get me some coffee and turn on the TV for me." replied Vinyl. "Well, okay. But only because I can easily tell you aren't fine." said Octavia. Octavia brought in a blanket and some fresh food for Vinyl to munch on as the TV played the nightly comedy acts. Vinyl curled up on the couch, trying to feel better. And after a few days, she did. She eventually went back to racing in her beloved R32, and had come to develop a very close relationship with the car. And yet, she still didn't even know that Octavia was aware of her racing. Fortunately for Vinyl, the Wonderbolts' racing team held up their end of the bargain, regardless how how unexpected it was. After that race, she hasn't heard from them or seen them to this very day. Not to mention, she's still tearing up the tarmac and winning races in her R32 to this day. However, just today, Vinyl recieved a most unexpected letter in the mail. It was from Rainbow Dash. And even more unexpected was the fact that it was a request. That is, a request to form a team with Vinyl and to allow Rainbow in. THE END........?