Pony Punching Simulator

by LukeTheMercenary

Zephyr Breeze

You wake up lying in a pile of leaves. The freezing wind woke you up from your slumber. Once you rub your eyes, you're face-to-face with a pony. She has a pale purple coat, and a blonde mane. She looks at you, and sighs.

"Aww...I just finished raking these, too." she said, looking down.

You feel bad, so you decide to help her out. It surprisingly took you only a minute to fix the leaf pile.

"Thank you, mister!" she says, smiling.

You smile, knowing you did something nice. However, you then realize what you just did: You raked leaves for Dinky Doo! If that's Dinky...then...you're in Equestria! Your eyes widen, and your smile grows. So many possibilities, so many choices...there's many things you could do.

You look around you, soaking in all the beauty. The bright green of the grass, the silky blue of the sky, the Zephyr sitting on a bench- wait, what?

Nearby, you see Fluttershy...and her brother, Zephyr Breeze sitting on a bench. Your blood turned to a boil. That slob was the kind of person- or pony, that got on your nerves the most. Someone who doesn't dedicate himself at all. Sure, he went to mane therapy school and graduated...but that didn't make up for the fact that he flirted with Rainbow Dash. You quickly made a decision.

"I am going to punch Zephyr in the face," you say out loud.

You did your good deed for the day, now time to do something sinister. You start to approach them, but then realize: I can't just punch him in public! I need to do it in secret. I want to live a normal life here afterwards. You think. You look around, and then you spot Rainbow Dash. An idea pops into your head. You approach her, and begin speaking to her.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash." You say.

"Huh? Who, or what are you? And how do you know my name?" she asked.

"Nevermind that. Listen...do you hate Fluttershy's brother?"

"Hate is a harsh word. I prefer to use, 'really dislike'."

"Well, how would you like me to...do something to him?"

Rainbow grins for a moment. "I'm listening."

"I want you to charm Zephyr into following you behind a building. I'll be there. Then, I'll do the honors of whopping him in the snout."

"Okay! Wait...why do you want to do this?"

"I don't like him. The guy needs to be taught that you can't do something wrong and not receive a penalty for it."

Rainbow looked like she was about to say something, but she stopped and nodded. "Okay. I'm in. See ya there."

Rainbow flies over to Zephyr, and you take your position behind a building. As you wait, a newspaper flies into your face. Out of curiosity, you look at the front page. What you see, is a picture of Starlight Glimmer, and Rarity. They both appear to have face injuries. Rarity only had minor bruising, but Starlight seemed to have a broken nose! How did THAT happen? You wonder to yourself. Suddenly, you hear Rainbow's voice down the alley.

"I want to make a flying performance specially for you," Rainbow said, trying to sound charming. She then flew ahead quickly and out of sight.

Then Zephyr trotted into view. You peeked out from your position behind a box and saw the full view of your target.

"Rainbow? Where'd you go, cutie? Trying to play hard to get, huh?" Zephyr called out.

You smiled and sprinted out from your hiding spot. You charged at Zephyr from behind, and rammed into him. He flew into the wall, in a daze. Before he regained composure, you proceeded to feed him a good ol' fashioned five-finger knuckle sandwich. He fell unconscious on the spot, and some blood even dripped from his nose. You stood up, and admired your work. Before you know it, Rainbow floats down in front of you.

"Wow...that was wrong, but...also kinda satisfying." she said, smiling at you.

"I think so too. Hey, could you do me a favor and...you know...not tell anyone about this?" You ask.

"No problem. When he wakes up, I'll just tell him that someone accidentally tripped on him...and he landed on a rock, or something."


"I know you wanted to do this yourself...but, I think I kinda owe ya for what you did."

"No need."

Ignoring what you said, Rainbow flies up to you and gives you a hug.

"Now do me a favor, and not tell anyone about THAT." she said.

"No problem." you reply, smiling.

With that, Rainbow waits for Zephyr to wake...and you leave...wondering what you will do next, in your new home that is Equestria.