//------------------------------// // Chapter 25: Sakura's Special Birthday Tree // Story: Children of Harmony // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// The Next Day: Twilight Sparkle along with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna arrives on a chariot. They are happy that today is Sakura's birthday and want to celebrate it. Until they notice that Twilight friends along with their families are looking for something or someone and they are very worried about it. Just then Rainbow comes zooming towards them completely worried. She scaredly screams, "Twilight! Twilight!" "Rainbow what's going on?" Twilight asks with concerns. "It's Sakura!" Rarity says in a panic state. "She's gone!" Pinkie screams at that last part completely freaked out. Twilight, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna's eyes widen with a shock to hear that Sakura has disappeared. Twilight scaredly asks, "Gone! What do you mean gone?" "She disappeared without a trace. Ame and Yuki went to go wake up Sakura and discovered they she disappeared," Fluttershy explain sounding very worried. "It's like she disappeared without a trace," Spike adds worriedly. Twilight then starts to make tears coming out of her eyes, feeling scared and worried that her daughter might have been taken by something or someone. Princess Celestia put her wing on Twilight and says, "Don't worry Twilight, we will find her." Twilight starts to feel calm knowing that Princess Celestia and her friend are going to help her finding her daughter, even their children is helping to find out where Sakura has gone, but she is still worried for her daughter and wonder where she is. At the Crystal like Tree: Sakura is still inside the flower and now she is starting to wake up. When she did, she can tell that she is not in her room anymore. Sakura starts to get worried and nervously says, "What is this? Where am I?" When Sakura is sitting up she can tell that she is in something and seem like a rose from her point of view. She can tell where she is in right now. She surprisingly asks, "Am… am I inside a flower?!" As is if on time, the flow is starting to open light starts to shine on Sakura, she is starting to think that what ever brought her here, it can tell that she is awake. "Looks like it's opening up now," Sakura thinks to herself When the flower fully opens she can see a giant tree that looks like it's entirely made of crystal, she can see that the tree has 5 large branches and a 6 star shaped in the middle. "Wow!" Sakura says in amazement seeing the tree. Just then Sakura remember that the star shaped crystal in the middle of the tree resembles her mother's cutie mark and the crown that Princess Celestia gave to her. Sakura starts to realizes that the tree is magical and might have something to do on to why she is here now. Just then the tree starts to glow and says, "Hello Sakura, it's nice to finally meet you." The glow blinds her for a little bit and decides to cover her face with her arm, but can tell that is the voice that brought her here last night. While shielding her face from the bright light. Sakura says, "You're that voice I heard last night." "Indeed I am," The tree says in a calm tone. Back in Ponyville: Sakura's friends are still looking for her and wonder where she could have gone. Eden looks under the one of the tables and worriedly asks, "Sakura where are you?" Raspberry is looking in trees, bushes and ponds. Raspberry says, "Come out come out wherever you are." Ruby is looking in the marketplace along with Baked Apple and Aerial Ace, but so far no luck. The gang decides to regroup at the park and hopefully to think about on how Sakura disappeared like that. Ruby asks, "Anything?" "Not at all," Ace answers sadly. "We look all over Ponyville," Raspberry says feeling deflated. "Well, she can't just disappear into thin air," Baked Apple replies. Eden is looking very nervous about something and from the looks of it she may have an idea about something. Eden says, "Um… you know, there's one place we haven't look." Ruby and the others turn to Eden realize she may have an idea to where Bianca is. Ruby surprisingly asks, "Really! What is…" Ruby then stops herself to realizes where she is going at. Ruby shockley says, "Oh no, Eden you can't mean…" "The Everfree Forest!" Everyone says together scaredly. The next thing they know, they are at the front of the Everfree Forest and they all look very nervous since they know of the spooky things that happens in the forest. Ace turns to the others and says, "It's the only place we haven't looked." "But this place is so scary," Eden says studderly. Baked Apple turns to his cousin with concerns and says, "I know Eden, but think of Sakura." The Baked Apple turns to the entrance to the forest and says, "Besides, something tells me she is really in there." "I sense it too," Ruby says having the same since Baked Apple has. "Me too," Raspberry says. "Then it's settled. We're going in," Ace announces. With that, the group of friends enter the forest and hopes Sakura is in there. Little do they know, a familiar shadow is making it's way to Ponyville, only this time, the show has been ordered by it's master to claim Sakura as a prize. Back at the tree: Sakura is still with the crystal tree and the tree is talking to her. Sakura is amazed that the tree can talk to her and wonder if she can talk to it back. Sakura surprisingly asks, "Who… who are you?" The tree glows again and says, "I'm the Tree of Harmony." "The Tree of Harmony?" Sakura says feeling questionable. "Yes Sakura. I know a lot about your mother and her friends and… I know about you and your friends," The tree replies. The the tree says, "You and your friend are now connected to me and to the element. I brought you here to keep you safe from the event that is planing on using your magic for an evil purpose." Sakura is starting to get worried and thinks that who ever send that shadow might try to come after her again or her mother. Sakura sadly asks, "Is there anything you can tell me about this enemy?" "All I can tell he is an old enemy of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I also can tell that he has been sending his shadow to watch on how your power and magic has grown," The tree answers. "But what can we do?" Sakura asks. Just then, black vines with light blue thrones stats to pop out of the ground like weeds and it starting to cover the tree. "What is this?" Sakura asks with a shock. Then Sakura can tell that the tree is starting to get week. All Sakura knows is that the tree is losing it's magic and looks like it's starting to die. Sakura realize that she needs to act fast, but doesn't know what to do. Meanwhile at the Golden Oak Library: After searching around Ponyville Twilight and the others gathered at the library to see what else they can do in order to find Sakura before something bad happens. Everyone in the group decides to take a break and think of another plan on how to find Sakura. Just as Pinkie is looking up in the sky. She see something that surprises her and knows it might be bad news. Pinkie screams, "Hey look!" Everyone looks up in the sky and see a shadowy creature. Everyone is surprised because they never seen a creature like that before, but Twilight is shocked with horror because she recognized the creature that tried to capture her. "It's that shadow creature," Twilight screams with horrors. Everyone gasp and realized that shadow creature is the same one that Princess Celestia wrote in her letter and inform them that it's after Twilight and her family. The shadow creature then flies through Ponyville and telling the direction it's heading Applejack and Rainbow Dash knows exactly where the shadow monster is going, "And it seems to be heading towards the Everfree Forest," Rainbow Dash informs the others. "Maybe Sakura's in there," Applejack suggests. The ponies in the group thinks about Applejack's suggestion and believe that Sakura might be in there and there is no other place where she is. "We should follow it," Spike suggests. "Then let's go," Rainbow Dash says then flies off to follow the shadow. The others start to follow her into the forest. Twilight is showing sight of worries in her face not just Sakura being in the forest, but it's a possibility that the Shadow monster is aware of it as well. In the Everfree Forest: Aerial Ace and the others are in the forest looking for Sakura and knows that the forest is dark day and night. So Ruby use her horn to create a light and use her fire breath to make a torch for Baked Apple to hold with a thick stick. Ace groans with annoyance and says, "Geez we been walking in this place for quite a while." "I know, but I feel like we're getting close," Baked Apple with determination on his face to find his friend. As they are walking through the forest. Raspbrry see something that really catches his eyes. Raspberry use his hoof to point to something and says, "Look! There's the old castle." Everyone looks to where Raspberry is point at and can see the Castle of the Two Sister asl known as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's old castle before they lived in Canterlot. "He's right. We at Princess Celestia and Luna's old castle," Ruby replis. "But where should we look now?" Eden asks worried for Sakura. As the others start to think on where to go next, They hear crashing noises and turn to see Raspbrry falling down the stairs leading to a cave under the castle. After falling down the stairs, Raspberry gets up and says, "How about down here?" Everyone looks at each other with confused look on their faces. They then realized that there is a possibility that Sakura might be in there. Ruby, Eden, and Baked Apple decides to walk downstairs to see if Raspberry is okay and to see if Sakura is in there. Then Ace says, "You gotta be kidding me." After that he follow the others down stairs to see if Sakura is really down there and hope she is okay. At the tree: Sakura is shocked in horror to see the tree is starting to get weak and strong black vine are coming out from the ground. From the looks of it, Sakura can tell that the vines are draining the tree and the vines are making it weak and sick. "What wrong?" Sakura asks hoping the tree can answer her. The tree glows a little and use its last strength to give Sakura a message. The trees says, "My magic is fading. I been going on with out the elements for a long time, but I need them to be returned." Sakura knows what is needed to be done, so she decides to head back home to get the elements of harmony from her home and her friends. Before she leaves, she turns to the tree with determination and says, "I'll bring the back." Sakura then starts to make her way to Ponyville and hopefully she can get there before the tree die. Just then, Sakura comes across her friends who are at the bottom of the stairs. Her friends happily scream, "Sakura!" Skaura is shocked to see her friends are here in the Everfree Forest and wonder how they even know she is here. Sakura surprisingly asks, "Guys! What are you doing here?" "Rescuing you silly," Raspberry answers cheerfully. Ace flies to her and asks, "What were you doing anyway?" "The Tree of Harmony brought me here, and it needs help," Sakura answers with worries. Sakura starts to get confused and wonder exactly is Sakura talking about. They know that Sakura isn't the type to make stuff like this up. "The Tree of what now?" Baked Apple says with confusion. "Is where the princesses got the elements and it needs them back," Sakura explains. Her friends are still confused of Sakura statement and think it might be true, but then everyone looks at the cave to see the vines coming out of the cave and heading to Sakura and her friends. "What is this?" Eden asks with fear. "Whatever it is, run!" Ruby screams and make a run for it. Then Sakura and the others run away with her and are certain that these vine are after them. Just then the Shadow creature see Sakura and her friends running through the forest with the vines after them. The shadow creature decides to use the vines to it's advantage, so it absorbs itself inside the vines to take control of it and use it to go after Sakura.