Children of Harmony

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 26: Save the Tree

Sakura and her friends keep running through the forest, but are having trouble outrunning the out of control vines and plants. As they are running they notice that the sun and moon are up in the sky at the same time. They have know idea what is going on, but they need to find that out and fast.

"We need hurry!" Ace screams.

"We know!" Everyone screams in a panic.

Ace knows that this isn't the time to argue and needs to get out of the forest before the forest grabs hold of them.

Eden eyes widen and says, "Look!"

When everyone hears Eden , they look to see the entrance to the Everfree Forest also known as their exist.

Sakura screams, "The exit!"

But before they can get out, the shadow blocks their only way out and heading towards them. Ace and the other looks scared and surprised to see the shadow creature, but Sakura looks very angry at it.

Ruby asks, "What is that?"

It didn't take long to see that Sakura is looking very angry at the shadow creature and they are wondering why.

Baked apple use his hoof to tap on her leg and says, "Sakura," in order to get her attention, but it doesn't seem to be working.

All Sakura is doing is giving the shadow creature a stare in anger and holding her fist very tight.

"Sakura what's wrong?" Raspberry asks.

Sakura hears Raspberry and calms herself down to see her friends look worried. Her other friends are looking very worried as well.

Sakura decides to tell them what is on her mind right now and know it will be hard for her to says it.

Sakura takes a deep breath to calm herself down and says, "That shadow… is the same one that attacked me and my family when we first came to Equestria."

Everyone gasp when Sakura tells them about this information. Now they know why she is upset about see the shadow creature again.

Just then the shadow launch itself at Sakura, but manage to use her horn to hit it. The creature feels pain for a little bit before recovering again.

Sakura turns to her friends and screams, "Run!"

The others then start to make a run for it while Sakura use some of her magic she learned from Princess Celestia to attack the shadow to make it weak enough to get away.

The Shadow doesn't seem to have enough damage yet, so it regains its strength and goes after and Sakura and her friends.

When Sakura and the others continue running, they can see their parents running toward them.

Twilight is very happy to see her daughter is alright so she runs towards her as much as her legs can carry her.

Twilight happily screams, "Sakura!"

"Mom!" Sakura happily screams.

Twilight and Sakura manage to reach each other and give them a big hug. Twilight is so relieved that her daughter is alright.

Twilight starts to shed tears and says," Oh Sakura. I'm so glad that you're alright.

Sakura release the hug to look at her mother and says, "I'm glad to.

But then Sakura starts to get serious and says, "But right now we need to get the Elements of Harmony right away."

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"Sakura told us that the Tree of Harmony needs the Elements back," Raspberry explains first.

Then Eden says, "And there are scary vines are spreading out of the forest."

Then Ruby says," And It casing scary clouds and causing the sun and moon to be up in the sky at the same time,"

"But worse of the the shadow monster is back. It took over control of the vines and is after us," Sakura finishes the situation to her mother and everyone else.

Everyone stare at the kids with a shock and worried about something very serious. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Twilight now know that the shadow creature has come back and already tried to attack Sakura. Twilight knows it will be dangerous for her daughter, but also know that as long as her friends and love one are with her she has nothing to worry about.

Princess Celestia comes over to Sakura and ask, "Sakura is there something wrong with the Tree of Harmony?"

"The tree has been holding off those plants underground for a long time and now it lost all of its' strength to hold it off and it asked me to bring the elements back to it," Sakura explains.

Princess Celestia understand that the tree couldn't hold the vines off anymore and lost all of its' magic.

Princess Celestia turns to the others and says, "Then we have no time to lose."

"Good because something is coming out of the forest," Pinkie says pointing towards the entrance of the forest.

Everyone gasp to see that the shadow monster is coming back and this time it's not very happy for being

"It's back!" Ace says sounding worried.

Then Raspberry and Pinkie panicky scream, "Let's get out of here!"

That when everyone start to run back to the library as fast as they can. The shadow creature isn't going to give up until it has Sakura in its' possession.

Everyone see the library and glad they are going to get to safety. Until Eden trips on a stump and hurt her foot. Eden sprains her foot and is having trouble getting up. The shadow see Eden and decides to get her instead.

Sakura turns behind her to see that the shadow is going after Eden now.

Sakura worriedly screams, "Eden!"

Then she rushes over to Eden to get her out of here. Sakura knows that Eden is a great girl and doesn't deserve to be captured by a monster. Sakura decides to try using this new magic she been working on. Her horn starts to glow and it causes a pink like wind.

Eden see the shadow monster is staring right at her and she is too paralyzed to move.

The monster is just about to get Eden until Sakura comes in front of her and screams, "Fairy Wind!"

And Sakura creates a strong pink like wind and blows the shadow creature to the tree.

Eden looks amazed and surprisingly says,"Sakura!"

Sakura gets down to Eden's position and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Thank you for saving me," Eden happily answers and glad Sakura made it just in time.

"No problem," Sakura says.

Then with that, Sakura use her hands to carry Eden to the library and hoping Eden's mother can have a check on her to hoof to see if her sprain is not to serious.

When they got to the Library, Sakura and her mother bring the elements to Sakura friends and help them put them on. At the same time Fluttershy is putting a bandage on Eden's hoof. Eden hoof isn't badly injured, but will need to take it easy for a few days.

"Glad we decided to have the elements at the library," Twilight says she puts the elements on the kids.

"You can say that again," Spike replies.

After giving the elements to the children, Sakura and her friends know they need to get back there to give the elements to the tree before something terrible happens.

But there is something that's been bothering Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They see Sakura saved Eden from the shadow monster, but notice she used a magic that they never seen before and want to know about what kind of spell she used.

Princess Celestia comes over to Sakura and asks, "Sakura, what did you do to that shadow?"

"What do you mean?" Sakura asks sounding confused and nervous.

"What my sister means is that you used your magic to create a pink like wind and use it to hit it in order to save Eden," Luna explains.

"I believe you call it fairy wind," Celestia adds.

"What fairy wind!" Twilight says with a shock.

"You heard of it?" Rainbow Dash asks,

"Fairy Wind it supposed to be a move from a t.v show called Pokemon back in Japan. That moves are usually used by fairy type pokemons," Twilight explains.

Everyone starts to stare at Sakura surprised and empressed that Sakura is about to do that kind of magic.

"You mean she somehow used a attack move that is supposed to be make believe into real magic?" Pinkie asks very fast.

"Yes," Sakura replies feeling rather embarrassed.

"That is so amazing!" Raspberry screams with excit

"He's right and you saved me," Eden replies feeling very please.

Sakura is glad to have good friends like Eden and the others.

Sakura comes over to Eden and says, "Of course I did Eden. You're one of my best friends and I will never leave you hanging."

Eden and the others are happy that Sakura has good intentions when it comes for the one she loves. Eden flies to Sakura and gives her a hug for her love and appreciation for saving her hugs her back and is very glad to have these wonderful friends.

After the hug, Sakura walks over to the door and says, "Now are you all ready to head back out?"

Ace and the others head toward to where and Sakura is and say, "Ready!"

Sakura and her friends is about to leave to the outside and to trouble, but before they do Twilight calls, "Sakura."

Sakura turns to her mother and says, "Yes mom."

"Be careful," Twilight says with a sad and worried look on her face.

"And make sure you all stick together," Rarity adds.

"Okay," Sakura and her friends reply.

Outside of the library:

Sakura and her friends are going to go inside the forest and hoping not to run into trouble, but they are wrong.

Ace looks up in the sky behind them and says, "Aw great," sounding very annoyed.

Sakura and the others look to where Ace is looking at and can see why he is so annoyed and upset. The Shadow monster along with the vines is coming towards the friends.

"The shadow monster is back!" Ruby says scardly.

"We need to get to the tree, and fast," Sakura says.

Just then the shadow creature starts flying at them. Sakura and her friend start to make their way back to the tree of harmony with the shadow monster chasing them.

They make they way to the forest and can see that the shadow isn't giving up on the chase.

Sakura screams, "Go! Go!"

Ace and other make their way back to the tree. Sakura and Dragon Ruby decides to hold the shadow off as much as they can.

Sakura use her magic to create a sphere out of an aura on her hand.

Sakura launches it and screams, "Aura Sphere!"

And the aura sphere hit the shadow creature.

Then Ruby breaths fire and blast the shadow creature with it as well.

She then angrily screams,"Take that you brute!"

Sakura is very surprised that Ruby can breath fire and never knew about,

Sakura says in amazement, Wow! I didn't know you can breath fire."

"My dad is a dragon of course," Ruby says with pride.

After that the shadow is down again and Sakura and Ruby make their way to the others, but the shadow flies back up and follow them without uttering a sound.

After they run through the forest, they reach to the entrance of the cave where the tree is at.

"Glad we made it," Baked Apple says sounding relieved.

But before they can enter the cave, Eden notice something up stairs and scaredly screams, "Look!"

The others look to see that the shadow is back, again, and now they are going to be in very big trouble now because the shadow is furious.

"Man that thing doesn't quit," Sakura says it with annoyance and getting very frustrated.

Ace, Baked Apple, Raspberry, and Eden runs to the inner part of the cave. Sakura dn Ruby follows them as well.

Before they follow the others, Sakura turns to Ruby and says, "Ruby we need to put up a magical field to keep that shadow away from us."

"On it, darling," Ruby says agreeing to the plan.

With that Sakura and Ruby combine their magic and create a magical force field blocking the entrance of the cave. The shadow is weak now, but is trying to get inside the cave, but couldn't budge an inch.

"That should keep that shadow monster out," Raspberry says feeling glad that the monster is not threatening them.

"Yeah, but that force field Ruby and I made won't hold it for long," Sakura replies sounding worried.

With that Sakura and the others go see if the tree is holding up, but when they see the tree they are completely shocked.

Some of the vines have covered the tree and it looking very dead.

Eden worriedly says, "I… I think it's dying."

Sakura then make her way towards the tree and says, "Don't worry. I'm sure once we give it back the elements, everything will go back to normal."

Sakura knows this is the right thing. Problem is that Baked Apple and the others are not sure about giving back the elements.

Baked Apple comes back to Sakura and asks, "Sakura, are you sure you want to do this?"

Sakura turns to Baked Apple with a confused look on her face and asks, "What do you mean Baked Apple?"

"For one how are we going to protect Equestria?" Ace asks.

"And how are we're supposed to stop any evil duer from causing trouble," Ruby replies sounding worried.

"Sakura, these elements are a special connection not only to our mothers but also to us. It what help keeps us connected," Baked Apple adds sounding very sad.

Sakura is surprised that her friends say those statement and can see why they think it might not be a good idea to give the elements back.

Sakura goes to her friend and says, "I know these elements are what brought our mothers together and become friends, but they are not the reason why our friendship are connected. It's our friendship, love, and compassion towards each other that makes us strong and our friendship power and it can never, ever, be broken."

Ace and the others realized that Sakura is right and know that this is the only way to save Equestria and the tree of harmony.

"You're right, our friendship is strong," Ruby replies feeling a bit better.

"And that kind of friendship will always last forever," Eden replies happily.

Sakura and her friends nod their heads agreeing to the plan and now it's time for the elements to go back where they originally belongs.

Sakura then looks at the tree and says, "Then let's finish this."

With that Sakura then use her magic to take the elements out of the necklace and tiara and is getting ready to put the elements back on the tree.

But before she could. The shadow use it's magic to control the vines from the inside and tie up Sakura.

"Sakura!" Her friends screams in a panic and worries.

Sakura tries to get herself free from the vines, but they coil her so tight, that it's hard for her to escape "Don't worry, make sure no more vines comes in."

"We'll try," Ace screams.

Ace and the others try to get the vine of Sakura, but they are too strong. Sakura is using her magic to get the elements to the tree before anything can happen.

Sakura then is able to get each of the elements in the branch and finally is able to put the element of magic in the center of the tree.

When Sakura put the elements back in the tree, the tree starts to regain its' magic. The tree starts to glow so bright and so powerful, that the tree of harmony is getting rid of the vine and thorns from all over the Everfree Forest. The magic of the tree is enough to cause the shadow monster so much pain that it was destroyed by the tree's magic.

The vines also faded and Sakura is now free to land with her friends. Sakura use a lot of her magic to help get the elements back on the tree so it left her feeling a little tired.

Sakura friends comes up to her to see if she is alright

Eden asks, "Sakura are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Sakura answers feeling better from being tied up.

Just as the friends are relaxing from their crazy day, The tree of Harmony starts to glow again and catches the group of friends attention.

As the tree glows, it says, "Thank you Sakura and friends."

Everyone, excluding Sakura gasp to the fact that the tree is actually talking to them and wonder if they should talk back or not.

Raspberry turns to Sakura and asks, "Did that tree just talk?"

Sakura simply answers, "Yep. It sure did."

The tree calmly says, "Because of you and your friends courage I regain my strength and help save Equestria."

"You're welcome," Sakura answers with a smile.

"Here a little something for you and your friends," The Tree says.

The tree then starts sending the magical beams of the element through its' branches. The elements starts to glow their colors. The elements are starting to change their shape.

Sakura gasps and says, "The element!"

"They're changing," Eden proclaims.

After the shape changing, the elements change into the form of their cutie marks, but the element of magic remains the same. Then the tree adds a cherry blossom next to the sun and moon. After the transformation, the tree stop glowing and the elements changed it's form and sending a stream of magic to the elements of magic and then to the sun, moon, and cherry blossom. Then the stream of rainbow magic makes its' way to the ground and cause a flower about a size of a bowling ball sprouts out of the ground.

"Wow!" Everyone replies in amazement.

"What is it?" Sakura asks.

When Sakura touches the flower, the flower opens up and reveals a chest with six locks on it.

"A present for you and your friends. I'm also considering it as a birthday present for you. In this chest contains a very powerful magic and a special gift," The tree answers happily.

Sakura and her friends are amazed by it. The tree gives them a special chest with a special magic and surprise inside. All they need to do now is to find out how to get it open.

"Thank you," Sakura and her friends say.

"But how do we open it?" Raspberry asks.

"This chest needs six keys to open it. You already have one and you need five more, but it must remain here where it safe," The tree says.

"Okay," Sakura replies with a smile.

"I hope to see you all again soon," The tree says.

"Me too," Sakura replies with a smile.

"Good bye," Sakura and her friends say and waving the tree goodbye.

After they say their goodbye, Sakura and the others make their way back to Ponyville and to tell them about what happened and the chest they receive from the tree of harmony.

But before they leave back to Ponyville, the tree sadly says, "Be careful Sakura. He will be watching every step you take."

"What does it mean?" Sakura says to herself.

Every pony else has stop after noticing Sakura looking a bit worried and hearing the tree's warning.

"What is it Sakura?" Baked Apple asks with concerns.

"The tree of harmony. It said that someone watching us," Sakura answers sounding very worried and scared.

Sakura and her friends look a little worried and wonder what the tree's warning means. One thing they do know is that they need to figure this out before something else goes wrong.