The Nightguard - Sunset

by Dark Vessel

Chapter 1 - A Cry in the Dark

Dream Weaver walked down the path connecting his makeshift rune-matrix to New Dawn - his eyes firmly on the road, as he frowned with his ears drooped backwards. The sheer power of that beast... I could feel it. If this prophecy comes true, then I don't think anypony could do much to stop it. Somepony needs to do something, or... he grimaced, sighing and muttering "...We're all dead. Why did the spirit choose to tell me, of all ponies? Why not the princess? It's not like I can do anything alone... And without proof of this message originating from her, i'll be laughed out of any audience." as his head rose to focus on the town.

"No... There has to be something I can do. The spirit chose to speak to me for a reason... And as the spirit of knowledge, she relies on life - she wants me to succeed..." he scowled, looking up to the night's sky and muttering "...I'm good with making spells, but could I possibly do anything to face that monster?"

Within moments, he was back inside the town, grimacing and looking to Amber's house as he passed it with a light undertone of fear, his eyes drawn to a window leading into her living room. Exactly as it appeared in the vision... Just how long do I have to work with, here? he thought, frowning and lowering his gaze again as he approached his own home - not too far down the same street. ...That creature was in her dreams while she slept... It's possible it's with her now? he thought, blinking and pausing as he turned to look to her house - the streets were empty ...If I can see it while it's trying to influence her, and take her as a host, maybe I can fight it? he reasoned, pausing and glancing across the street again before setting his jaw and returning to her house, looking over the rune-array that functioned as her lock. It was complex, but for someone of his experience in runecraft? It was foal's play.

With a deep inhale, the stallion pressed his horn to the rune, closing his eyes tightly and quickly starting to exploit a few glitches in the lock to make it mistakenly think it was her, and unlock. Dream Weaver shivered lightly as he did it, muttering "This feels so wrong, but... It could save us all."

A few moments later, the rune glowed as the door slowly opened, the stallion inhaling and exhaling deeply as he cast a small spell to obscure the sound of his hooves, before gently closing the door and heading for her bedroom. Totally not creepy, totally not creepy... he repeated in his mind, inhaling deeply as he ran through scenarios of her noticing him in his mind. As if 'i'm here to save you from an evil symbiote' is gonna go down well... he rolled his eyes, finally arriving at her door and pushing it open a crack, peering in cautiously.

...She's asleep... But no strange purple cloud-monster in sight... he thought, glancing over the room cautiously before opening the door a little more, leaning his head forwards as he walked in soundlessly, biting his lip. The room was normal enough, as he noted no glowing artifacts, or strange runes immediately visible..., finally turning his attention to the mare herself. Her fur was yellow, with a light-brown mane, her face scrunched up in a cringe grimace and cringe as she trembled, panting softly. Dream Weaver grimaced and looked over her in response, thinking So i'm fighting an invisible foe, who can possess the minds of ponies, but only after tormenting them in their dreams for who knows how long... Great.
This is just getting better and better before he lowered his head, closing the door again and leaving her house, before resetting the lock and returning to his own.

He sighed, yawning lightly as he moved to his own bed, closing his eyes tightly and muttering "Great... Now I get to see if it noticed my intrusion, and will pay me a visit... It's too late for me to do anything now, anyway. I don't have the hours left in the day to strategize about a cure, and the only alternative... Just... No. she won't be the only victim, as well. If there's one..."

He groaned, rolling over and stating "It's hopeless! I'll... Think this over in the morning..." with a sigh, closing eyes and soon falling into a deep, restful sleep.