//------------------------------// // Chapter 29: The Day You Died // Story: A Long Way to Fall // by Cinders of War //------------------------------// "And here we are, Princess Twilight..." Morning Blade sighed heavily and closed her book for a moment. "I suppose it's the moment you've been waiting for, whether you'd like it or not." "This is it, huh?" Twilight Sparkle looked up at the ceiling lights and squinted. "Well, I'd like to say I've braced myself, but who knows? There's only one way to find out." "Right," Morning replied, pulling at her braid. "Here we go... It's funny, how this still gets to me. I wasn't even there then. Hay, I was still studying." "That's because you know what he went through, Morning. You know what Frigid Night had to go through in his time as an Assassin. You understand him. That's why you have this book, right? You wanted to understand all this." "That's right." Morning looked out the window. There were times she still wished her friends were all here, still alive. But in the end, everything turned out the way they did and there wasn't anything she could do to change the past. She figured what mattered was moving forward. Frigid would want that of her. He had died protecting her and Sunset Shimmer that day and Morning wasn't going to let his sacrifice go to waste by not living her life. Patting her book, Morning Blade flipped back to the page she had last left off and placed a finger on the first word. "Shall we continue?" Timber stood alone in his office, gazing out over the city of Manehattan without seeing it. In his hands were two documents: the medical bill for two of his best men, and a letter that had been found in Steam Shift’s pocket. It was, of course, from his unnamed contact. Timber heard the door open and he turned round. Pressure Point had entered his office, looking unusually serious. The scientist gave the killer a glance before looking back out the window. Pressure Point cleared her throat. “Sir, forensics have examined the scene of the attack, and medics have examined both your men…” Timber raised an eyebrow. “And?” “They found nothing of interest.” The killer shoved a thick file with all the findings into his hands and twirled a knife on her finger. “Whoever did this, they’re good.” "What about you, Pressure Point?" Timber returned to his table and opened the file. "As a killer, I'm sure you know your way around a crime scene." "True," she said, tossing the knife behind her back and catching it skillfully with her other hand. "But this was no ordinary attack. As I've said, they're really good. Maybe even better than Wolfgang." "Someone say my name?" The killer's gray face poked through the door before walking in. "Speak of the wolf, and the wolf shall appear." "Why are you here, Wolfgang?" Timber asked, not too pleased to see the deranged killer. "I don't see what your problem is with me, Timber," Wolfgang joined them at the table and put an arm around Pressure, who quickly brushed it off. "I get the work done. I've already killed plenty of Assassins for you. What more can you ask for?" "Perhaps someone more civilized." Timber returned his focus to the files. Steam Shift and Flywheel had sustained injuries, mainly to their heads and necks, but also all over their bodies. The contact had given them quite the beating. What puzzled the scientist was the scene of the crime. There was no evidence that there was ever a fight, but yet, he had seen the pictures of his men. Something had gone down in that alley. "How odd indeed..." Then Timber remembered the letter and opened it, reading what their contact had to say about the unexpected attack. The more he read it, the lower his brow got. “What? What is it?” Wolfgang smiled wolfishly. “Do tell.” Timber put the letter down and looked at the two killers. “The contact says to get ready. They’re about to officially join us. The next time we meet, whoever they are, will have a prize for us.” “Ooh, I love prizes.” Wolfgang eyed his partner. “What do you suppose it is, Pressure? I hope it’s a new weapon.” “Maybe it’s something we can use,” Pressure smiled. “Well, I like surprises. Let’s just wait and see.” “Or… maybe…” Timber put a finger to his chin. “A trophy. A spoil of war.” He looked into the fiery eyes of the killers. “Or a dead body.” “Everything to your satisfaction here, Windy?” Mirror Match asked, she and Frigid Night sitting across the table from High Noon and his new apprentice, the four Assassins just finishing their breakfast. “Y-yes,” she mumbled. “I’d thought they wouldn’t have showers here. I was mistaken.” Frigid inspected the new novice and spotted something familiar in her. “High Noon, this is perfect. She’s just like you!” Frigid and Mirror laughed as both master and apprentice blushed and turned away at the same time. “I agree with Friggy here,” Mirror curled back with laughter. “Are you sure you’re not related?” “I-I’m pretty sure,” High Noon said as he turned back, his cheeks still red. Windy Sails still didn’t look back and started playing with her ponytail. “W-well, I don’t think so either.” “If that's the case, you two are perfect together,” Mirror continued, watching both of them act awkwardly. It was like putting a mirror in front of High Noon, except that the reflection was female. “Right, well...” High Noon quickly waved off the comments. “Windy has some p-practice to get to, so we better get going.” “See you,” Windy said as she picked up her tray and followed High Noon. “What did I tell you guys?” Dust said as he, Rose and Trueshot walked past. “Just like a mirror, those two.” “Pretty sure they like each other too,” Rose pointed as High Noon took the tray for his apprentice. “But how do you put awkward and awkward together?” Frigid asked, motioning both his hands together. “They’re never going to ask each other out.” “Yeah, well…” Dust spun a finger in the air. “That’s where you guys come in. All it takes is that little push.” “For their case, I think they need a shove.” Trueshot watched High Noon and Windy Sails leave the canteen. “You mean a tackle,” Frigid added another example. “They’re not going anywhere without help.” “Speaking of going places,” Mirror stood up to leave. “Frigid, meet me in the lobby in ten minutes. I’ve got something I want to show you.” “Umm… alright?” Frigid slowly said as Mirror headed out of the area. He turned to the three Assassins with a confused look. “What does she want?” “Said she wanted to show you something,” Trueshot repeated Mirror’s words as he sat down at the table. “Guess you better go find out. Ten minutes.” “Yeah, Frigid,” Dust patted the Veteran-class Assassin on the back. “Don’t take too long to get there. It’s pretty far. Like maybe a four minute walk? You don't want to keep your girl waiting.” “Ha ha,” Frigid pretended to laugh before getting up. “Well, I’ll catch you three later.” Frigid Night didn’t know what else to do, so he headed straight for the lobby to wait for Mirror. He walked back and forth near the entrance while he waited. After four minutes, Mirror showed up, carrying a square box covered in wrapping paper in her hands. “Hey, Friggy,” she greeting him with a smile. “I’ve got a little something for you. Made it myself.” Frigid eyed the box with anticipation and surprise. “What is it?” “If you want to find out…” Mirror suddenly sped out of the entrance. “You’re going to have to catch me first!” Frigid’s smile widened at the challenge and he started off after her, making sure to keep an eye on his girlfriend’s location. She had a good head start, managing to get a few meters ahead of the gray haired Assassin, even with that box in her hands. Mirror kept going, turning every now and then to show Frigid her cheeky smile. Frigid took that as a challenge and ran faster, chasing her through the streets of Trottingham and eventually to a construction site, where a new office building was being made. Beams and poles lay across the expansive square of sand and dirt, while some were already set up. A deep pit lay in the ground, close to the center, probably for a basement level once the building was done. “Come on, Friggy!” he heard Mirror taunt from the front, still running but slowing down. “Looks like you’re getting tired there.” Frigid used his chance to catch up. After he made sure he was close enough, he jumped forward and tackled her, earning a squeak from the orange haired Assassin as she fell to the ground, still clutching on to the box. Before she could hit the sandy floor, Frigid twisted his body and swung Mirror on top of him, bracing himself as he hit the ground, sliding for a few inches before stopping, dust clouds floating past them and dissipating into the air. “Don’t do that, Friggy,” Mirror’s eyes were wide. “You could’ve hurt yourself!” Frigid laughed for a bit before answering her. "But I didn't. I couldn't let you get hurt." "You didn't have to tackle me." "Yeah, but I figured it'd be more fun." Mirror giggled and looked into his blue eyes. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his, closing her eyes and reveling in the moment. Frigid did the same, slowly raising himself into a sitting position without looking, wrapping his arms around his partner. After separating their mouths, Frigid felt her lips slowly moving down his face and eventually settling at his neck. He enjoyed the softness of his girlfriend until he felt something sharp sink into his neck. Not just one, but two objects piercing his skin; they almost felt like teeth. "Mirror...? What...?" Frigid asked and opened his eyes, unsure if he was in a dream or not. At the same time, all the strength in his body drained out like water and he slid onto the ground. Mirror left his neck and stood up, still looking at him, but with different eyes. Cold, predatory eyes. Frigid tried to get up, but his body failed to respond to his commands. He couldn’t move a muscle. "I'm sorry, Friggy," Mirror moved the box to one arm and pulled out her knife with her other hand. "It's nothing personal against you. I don't want to do this, but I have to." Frigid saw her hand past his face and suddenly felt the cold blade sink into his back, just next to his right shoulder. "Aaagh!" he shouted, his voice still functional. The stab was painful, but it wasn't too deep and didn't hurt as much as his heart did. "Mirror... Why?" Mirror pulled the blade out and stowed it back in its sheath in her coat. "I... Cannot tell you, Friggy... Again, I'm sorry." If it weren’t for her burning eyes, Frigid might even have believed her. Next, the female Assassin moved past him and grabbed on to his shirt. She swiftly lifted him off the ground with one hand and carried him. Frigid's mind still tried to wrap itself around the situation. I have to be dreaming. I have to be. Mirror wouldn't do this. He felt her stop and before he knew what was happening, she had thrown him into the pit he had seen earlier. Frigid hit the side of the dirt wall before landing face down on the ground below, cutting him in the side of his face, just under his right eye. Frigid wanted to call out to Mirror to help him. To tell himself to wake up, but somewhere inside, he knew this was really happening. He just wasn't ready to accept any of it yet. "M-Mirror..." "Before I forget," he heard his girlfriend's voice above him. Whatever drug she had injected him with was messing with his ears, and she sounded as though two people were talking at once. "I have that present for you." He saw pieces of wrapping falling down, landing near his face, before a squarish object landed just a few feet in front of him. Frigid forced his head to turn, using every ounce of strength that he had just to look at the present Mirror had for him. It was a square gray box with all kinds of wires attached to it, along with something red in the middle, counting down from one minute. “Mirror, please…” Frigid closed his eyes, trying to change what had happened. “Don’t do this…” “And still you love me!” Mirror remarked from up above. “The world will be a little less tasty with you gone, sweetheart. Take comfort in that.” And then she wasn’t there anymore. Meanwhile, the bomb continued to count down.