Time Bubbles

by Janicethelight

Chapter 8: Shaking Things Up

Velmenni Walked past the puppet flipping an invisible pancake. She turned the water on. Like the snow, water droplets danced around them. Velmenni lifted a tea kettle with her magic, before commanding the water droplets into it before setting the kettle on the stove. “Tea, Miss Doo?”
“Just Ditzy is fine, and sure.”
Velmenni rummaged through her pantry. “I don’t have much left,” she sighed, taking out a small sack. A small bit of dried leaves floated out effortlessly before dividing in two, each half floating into a ball that sat in two tea cups.
“I hope I’m not inconveniencing you.”
“Think nothing of it. I knew it wouldn’t last forever. So, how did you even end up here?”
“Well, um, I have a friend with a ship-“
“A ship?!” Velmenni straightened in excitement, “is this friend still waiting for you?”
“No. The ship...it left.”
“So, this friend dumped you here, and left...” the grey unicorn slumped.
“That doesn’t seem like him though...I haven’t known him long, but he doesn’t seem like the kind of pony that would just leave a fr-a companion like that. So, I have to believe he will come back soon. I’ve just got to hope he’ll find me soon.”
“I hope so as well.  It would be nice to be out of this stark place.  I’ve done what I could with what I had, but...I do miss other ponies…”
“Yeah, where is everypony else?”
“Everypo-you don’t know where your so call friend left you...do you Ditzy?”
“Left?  No, the doctor wouldn’t leave any pony like that.  I’m sure there’s a reason why the Tardis flew away.”  Derpy stood her ground. Velmenni was almost giving a sympathetic smile.  Derpy took a breath, “but no, I don’t know where I am...would you please tell me?”
“By dear mare, we are in a prison!”  Derpy’s eyes doubled in size at the shock.  A prison?! “But- but there are only two buildings.  The first one just had your...Puppets, I guess? And this one had more and-“
“And me.  Yes dear. This is a prison made to hold only me.”
“But why?”  Derpy tilted her head, “you seem like a nice pony.  Why would any pony trap you in here?”
Velmenni smiled into her tea cup and opened her mouth just before the pot whistled.  Steam danced and swirled by an unknown force. Velmenni stood up, pouring both herself and Derpy a glass.  “I had friends once. We were stuck together like honey. But, my friends...well, as we grew older, they started to become more afraid of the robots I have created.”
“The puppets, as you call them.  At first, when I made robotic birds that could help plant seeds and robotic dogs to guard ponys’ homes, my friends loved my talent, but once I started making ponies, they became more...apprehensive.  Our technology doesn’t have the ability to make good robots. Equestria has become too reliant on magic. If there ever came a foe that could steal the magic from everypony...I fear it would destroy our civilization.”  Derpy took a sip of the tea, shaking a bit from the bitter taste. She reluctantly drank a bit more, not wanting to be rude. “It’s the same now? Isn’t it? I’m certain ponies are still using their magic for every little thing.  Well, I started to get an idea. I thought, maybe I could find a way to show them that science can be just as helpful as magic. I used my magic to make these!” Velmenni held up a metal hoof, “it took forever to find the right kind of metals, but they no longer feel cold, or hot. Plus, if a pony ever ended up in an accident, these could give them a chance to walk and run again!”
Derpy has a question on the back of her mind, “but...isn’t that...isn’t the metal over your hooves?”
Velmenni gave Derpy a serious look, “no, Derpy.  They are my hooves.”
“Then...what hap-“
“The sacrifice was necessary in the name of science.”  Derpy had took another drink, and quickly choked it down.  She was stunned silent. “Think of it. Robotic wings that can fly faster than any Pegasus!  These legs could be built with accessories to help earth ponies with the soil! Unicorns horns with amplifiers!  The possibilities are endless!”
“I though get you didn’t like magic…”
“I don’t like magic being used for every little thing.”  Velmenni corrected. Derpy felt a yawn, covering her mouth with her hoof, “Then I thought of ways to make Equestria more efficient!”
“Like what?”
“Like your eyes for instance.”  Derpy flinched a bit, “I imagine that they have caused you nothing but trouble.  Imagine seeing better than ever! Imagine trying all your dreams again. I can make that happen.”
Derpy fought back another yawn before looking up at Velmenni with her good eye, “it won’t work though.  They already tried…”
“Oh, but they tried with magic.  I will use science. With the help of my robotics know how, you will be cured of that infliction.  I can prove it to you.” Velmenni lowered her head, raising her hoof at the same time. Derpy heard a cracking noise, and Velmenni lifted her head back.  Where right eye used to be was a black oval. The oval narrowed and widened. Derpy’s heart pounded at the sight, standing up. The world spun around her. “I know it takes a bit of getting used to, but soon you will see better than any other pony.”
Derpy backed away, “Why do I feel-?”
“A little drowsy?  You must forgive me, Ditzy.  I may have added a tiny bit of sleeping potion to your tea.  But you are my first subject I’ve had since they trapped me in this prison.  Every day I have had the same food, the same tea, and no pony to talk to. I have walls full of checks trying to count how long I’ve been here alone, with only my robots to talk to!  And now, now I have you! You will be by greatest masterpiece!”
Derpy flew, trying to shake off the tiredness.  Her eyes dropped as she yawned, running face first into the doorway.  The sudden pain jolted her awake, but stopped her in her tracks. Velmenni quickly closed the gap.  Derpy shook her head, racing out of the house and slamming the door. She took a deep breath to calm her heart.  The doorknob glowed with magic. Derpy backed away, but she knew there wasn’t many places she could run to. She gulped, fear overtaking every other scene.  Suddenly, the ground shook beneath her feet. She felt herself floating by a mysterious force. She flew out of her own control over the houses. To her amazement, she saw nothing but pink and two gigantic blue eyes peering into the world.  Her heart caught in her throat. G-giant!
It felt like a long day for the Doctor.  He had followed Pinkie and Crankie the entire day.  All he could gather was that Pinkie was extremely stubborn when it came to making friends with everyone.  The poor donkey could not catch a break from the curly haired hyper pony. But he had made it to his home.
“Whatcha doin, Cranky?”
“What does it look like kid?”  The donkey droned.
“It looks like your having a yard sale!” She grinned, before disappearing, and reappearing inside a tuba with a snow globe, “I’ll give you two bits for this!”  She proclaimed before vigorously shaking the snow globe. To the doctor’s amazement, he could see the two buildings that the Tardis stopped by. And, as Pinkie starred into it, he thought he saw something bigger than a snowflake floating in it….something pony shaped.  No...that-that’s impossible!  How did? I mean, hear I am thinking of impossibilities when I am in a world of multicolored horses with unicorns who can use magic and a pink pony that goes against the laws of physics!  He thought.  Pinkie balanced the snow globe on her nose, and The Doctor’s heart sank.  If...If Derpy was in the snow globe then what would happen if the snow globe broke?  Would she stay that size? Would the building grow if she did? How was she breathing in there?!  As Pinkie walked into Crankie’s house, the Doctor realized what he had to do. When Crankie left, He slowly slid his way to the window, peering over to see what was happening.  Pinkie was looking at some sort of scrapbook. She walked back, knocking a floorboard loose. An ornament flew, ricocheting around the room, and knocking a lantern off which fell onto the scrapbook, burning it as Crankie came back.  He was understandably upset, and, Pinkie finally left. Crankie was alone again. The Doctor didn’t want to steal from a pony who lost everything. He walked over, knocking on the door.
“Sorry, not Pinkie...Just a pony wanting to welcome you to town, but don’t worry, I don’t have nearly the...Exuberance of Pinkie.”  Whooves smiled. “They call me Doctor Whooves. I uh...I was new not too long ago.”
“Doctor?  You? You live here?”
The donkey gave a relieved sigh and the smallest hint of a smile crossed his face, “it has been a long time, but you look like you haven’t aged a day.  I am glad to see you. I wanted to thank you for the gala ticket.”
“If you hadn’t given it to me, I would have never met her, but.”  His face filled with despair, “I never found her, and now I have nothing to remember her by.”
Whooves nodded, thinking to figure out how to get a gala ticket (whatever that was) for later, but now he had something more important to do. “Crankie, I know this may seem a little odd, but I need the snow globe on your mantle.”
“That old nick knack?  Why?”
“My companion, Derpy is in danger and I think that the snow globe is key to finding her.”
“Derpy is in trouble?  Why didn’t you say so?!”  Crankie walked over, handing the globe to the Doctor, “I lost my chance at love.  I will not stand for you to loose yours!”
“Wha-lo-bu-“. The Doctor blinked before Crankie shooed him away, needed some more time to grieve over the loss.  Whooves held the snow globe another minute before going back into the Tardis. He gripped his sonic using his teeth, which seemed oddly comfortable as a pony, a light buzzing, “ah, clever.  A small pocket universe just big enough to fit in. What was needed...whoever made this went through a lot of trouble, but why?” He put his face down to it, “Why would someone in this land make a snow globe with no water, magic the snow to flow like there is water, and put so much detail into this world...unless-no.  Can’t be. But, I don’t really know what they do to citizens who break the law, but if I’m right, I need to get to Derpy now!” He pushes dials, levers, stopping at the few Derpy had broken earlier, “I won’t loose her. I refuse to!”
The Tardis whirred back to life.  Traveling back to the stark landscape.
Derpy felt the world go off balance, holding on to the lamp post for dear life while the world tilted one way and then the other.
Finally, the tilting stopped.  She sighed, noting the the sky had changed to a grey color with some muted greens here and there.  She took a breath, glad to have the ground level again when she realized that the ground was the least of her worries.  Velmenni had come out, charging her horn with magic. Derpy flew away, dodging spell after spell. “Velmenni, please, you don’t have to do this!”

“Oh, but I do.  I will make you better!  If you fear changing for the betterment of pony kind, then I can take away your fear...and sadness, anger...any emotion.  Actually, I could take them all out! Then you can think logically! Thinking together. You can be my prototype, Ditzy. Just. Hold. Still!”
Derpy dodged, But the blast ricocheted off the barrier, hitting Derpy on the back.  Derpy froze mid air before falling to the ground. She looked up at Velmenni who smiled at her.  “You will thank me when we are finished!”

Velmenni dragged Derpy up the steps of her home to her workshop.  Derpy struggles to free herself from the spell to no avail. Frozen, she watched Velmenni take out a dozen instruments including a saw.  A chill flew down Derpy’s spine. Im going to die...well, I had a good life right?  No, there’s still so much to do...so many muffins I have to eat!  And the doctor. I don’t want him to blame himself...Doctor where are you?. The unmistakable sound filled the room.  Velmenni jumped back at the site of a blue box in her workshop.  The Doctor stepped out, His eyes flaming with anger, “I will not allow any harm to come to my companion!”  He nearly growled. His eyes betrayed his soul. Derpy could see that he had lost a lot of ponies over time.  She felt herself able to move, the shock of the moment causing Velmenni to loose concentration on her spell. Derpy trotted over to the Doctor, hugging him.
“I’m okay, Doctor.  Really!”
Whooves shook a bit.  Rage, sorrow, determination, fought for dominance in his heart.  Derpy’s reassurance helped determination win out.

“I only wanted to help fix her affliction.”  Velmenni defended, “with eyes like that-“

“What?  What’s wrong with her eyes?  I think they are rather beautiful!”  Whooves barked back.

“But it would be so much more efficient if-“

“Efficient.  Please, I’ve seen people like you everywhere I go...trying to get a little more until there’s nothing left but a-“.  He stopped, noting one of the robots in her workshop pacing, “a robotic husk...no no no no no. This is how it starts.  Look at you! Just look at you! You’ve replaced parts of yourself already! Soon you won’t even be human anymore!”

“Uh, Doctor...what’s a human?”  Derpy asked.

Doctor sighed, “a pony.  You will be a machine and all you will want to do is make everybody-everypony just. Like. You!”

“Please, Velmenni!”  Derpy sighed, “I know you have been alone too long.  You’ve gone a bit kookie the loneliness...we can find you some help!  We can find a place where you can make helpful robo-whatsits and then-we’ll, then we can have them help other ponies.  Isn’t that better than forcing other ponies to change?” Derpy held a hoof out, smiling at Velmenni. Velmenni held her own hoof out slowly, before knocking Derpy’s hoof away, “never!”

“Then we have no choice but to let you continue to stay here.” The Doctor sighed, pulling Derpy into the Tardis before flying off.

“Doctor...are we really going to leave Velmenni there alone forever?”
“No, Derpy.  I will send her some fresh food and drink and letters to help her reconnect with someone.  It’s possible you were right. If she were alone a long time there, then she isn’t in the best state of mind.  We’ll help her out once we help her see that her plan goes too far. Thank you, by the way!”

“For what?”

“I would have never considered the unicorn’s reasons for possibly going cyberman on us (Derpy mouthed cyberman in confusion).  You reminded me that she is still huma- a pony. Not bad, my companion.”

“That reminds me...I don’t want to be your companion...”. Derpy’s words ripped the Doctor’s hearts into pieces, but before he had a chance to say anything, she continued, “I want to be your friend instead.”

“What does that mean?”

“A companion just travels with you right?  Well, a friend is who you talk with. A friend is a pony you trust with everything.  I can tell you need somepony to talk to, so please...trust in me, and be my friend!”