//------------------------------// // Prologue: Thoughts of a Dragon // Story: A Stressed Spike // by JordanOlson //------------------------------// A young dragon walks around ponyville while holding a list with most of the items already crossed out and wearing a smile on his face, and yet, he couldn't be further from happy. What is this dragon doing? He's doing chores… again, just like every other day. “How come I'm always the one doing all the chores while Twilight is hanging out with her friends?” Spike thinks to himself, somehow managing to keep a small smile on his face. He has been having these thoughts for quite some time but he doesn't ever speak his mind. “I'm basically living the same day over and over again, why?” Spike silently asks himself, not really expecting an answer. As he continues on his “adventure” to procure the valuable groceries while waving at some ponies his depressing thoughts only get worse. “I can't remember a single time where I haven't had to cook, dust, take notes, go out to the market to buy more ink and quills, or reorganize books, simply because these daily chores have to be done and Twilight won't help”. As Spike is purchasing the final items on the list, he notices all the fillies, colts, and foals running around, some with their respective parents such as the Cake twins being pushed around in a stroller. “Did I ever get a childhood?” He questions himself as he continues to stare, almost hypnotized by the sight of the two foals babbling without a care in the world. Spike shakes his head trying to dispel these thoughts so he can complete his “mission” then hopefully take a well deserved nap or at least get to read some of his comics for awhile. This was already his fourth chore today and he has already been working for about six hours, though knowing his luck, he'll have more to do when he gets back home. After trekking through ponyville with an assortment of heavy bags he finally reaches his destination, home. Spike then puts all of the groceries away with a triumphant smirk on his face. “Finally, ‘mission’ accomplished” he states out loud. Spike notices that no pony is home which also means Twilight isn't here to give him another assignment. “Finally some me time” Spike says quietly as he races to his bed with an assortment of comics only to notice a note on his bed. Figuring it's a note to explain Twilight's whereabouts, he picks up the note, yet before reading it, he feels anxious, almost like his body is trying to tell him something. Spike shrugs off this feeling and clears his throat. Spike If you are reading this note then you must've already realized I am not home right now. I am going to be in canterlot with the girls for a few days and while I would have asked you to come with, some pony or in this case, dragon, needs to stay behind and look after the library while I'm gone. Spike almost sneers as he reads this. He can't help but feel conflicted. On one claw, he has the library to himself but on the other claw he is being left alone and is uninvited to whatever it is the girls are doing… again. “She didn't even tell me why she was going to Canterlot in the first place”. While I am gone I need you to take care of Owlicious, dust the library, re-shelf all the books currently laid out, and wash any dishes that are dirty. Spike could understand that some of these chores needed to be done but why were the books off the shelves after he JUST finished putting them away. It seems like whenever he puts books away they all "magically" fly off the shelf almost right afterwards. what was written next was not what he was wanting to do with his time at all. If he had the option, he'd rather save the Crystal Empire again. Fluttershy's animals need to be taken care of as well while we are gone which would mostly involve you feeding the animals. Spike then saw even more for him to do, and while he liked helping this particular pony, he wished he was working with her since it would've made this next job much easier, not to mention, he could work with the pony he lov- was practically best friends with. I would like you to also stop by Rarity's boutique and clean up over there as well. She's been stressed with her work and I'm sure she'd be grateful if you helped her. I know I can count on you my number one assistant ~Sincerely Twilight Spike slowly lowers the note from his face which then shows off a slight eye twitch and an almost crazed look in his eye. This eye twitch had started immediately after he realized he would have to take care of the animals, specifically Angel Bunny, something he was definitely NOT looking forward too. Spike sighs loudly as he realizes the stress isn't over yet and the reason he felt anxious before reading the note was because his body knew this before he did. “I guess if I get started with everything now then I will only have to deal with Fluttershy’s animals while everypony is gone” he mutters angrily to himself. “I wish I was like those foals I saw earlier today, specifically the Cake twins. No worries and responsibilities to keep them busy, just eating and sleeping, I'd even get more attention then I do now.” Spike said to himself with what almost looked like longing plastered on his face. "If that were the case then I could finally get some relaxation, or at least a decent break". Spike chuckled at such a crazy thought, after all, it's not like he can just act like a baby and get some time off from his chores. As Spike left to clean up Rarity’s boutique, he couldn't shake the image of the cake twins in their stroller from his mind...