//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Pranks and Apologies // Story: Showy Chaos // by HeartfireFirebrand //------------------------------// I woke up in the morning, I looked up to see Sombra smiling at me. I smiled “I have the day off today, I have to apologise to Trixie and I also have to plan some revenge, Rainbow’s pranks need some payback.” Sombra smirked “As long as you don’t take it too far, she is not your enemy. She just likes a little joke.” I smiled of course, just a little joke. I could think of quite a few, little jokes I could play. I said “Maybe a cloud or a bucket of chocolate milk at the door. Ooh a thundercloud, that could work.” Sombra smiled “It’s all good except the thundercloud, we don’t want to hurt her.” I frowned “Good point, oh how about some fireworks outside her home, that should be fun.” Sombra said “Well let’s go then, we have a lot of work to do.” I smiled “How about we do a prank each?” Sombra smiled “Sounds good.” I trotted out of the Boutique, I knew I needed materials. I know a a little dye could do wonders, I don’t know how many time Rainbow has put dye in my shampoo, it’s time for a little bit of a turn around. I grabbed red and green dye, I looked at the clock, oh it’s 9 inn the morning perfect, she is either out working or sleeping at Sweet Apple Acres. I transformed into my remnant form and turned into smoke. It took me the best part of an hour to find her home. I couldn’t fly so going to her home was not a normal thing, I snuck in and grabbed her shampoo I mixed the dye through it. I then flew out the window, I blinked to see Dash arriving home. I arrived back at the Boutique, I smiled to see Sombra on the couch smiling. He smiled “I guessing you did something simple?” I smirked “I put dye in her shampoo.” Sombra smirked “I put a bucket of milk at the top of her door, look like we have planned the perfect co-prank.” I giggled, still I can’t wait to see how she will react to us pranking her. I put the kettle on and thought (Now what am I going to say to Trixie, she will probably scared. Maybe I should take it slow.) I heard a firm knocking, I opened the door to see a light blue pegasus with a mane that was green and red. I smiled as I let poor Rainbow Dash in trying to hold in my laughter. Once we settled in she shouted “Somepony put a bucket of milk at the top of my door, and then somepony had put green and red hair dye in my shampoo. I thought it was Pinkie but she Pinkie promised it wasn’t her.” Sombra and I couldn’t hold it in anymore, we burst out laughing. Rainbow blinked for a few moments before the it dawned on her, she snapped “It was you two, I don’t know how but it was you two.” I smiled “Yes, it was.” Her jaw dropped in shock as she realised what I did. I laughed “Yes, the prim and proper Rarity pranked you, let’s just recently I’ve started to understand why you like it so much.” Rainbow said as the shock wore off “What, why me?’ I smiled “Really, you have pranked me so many times. I think it’s only deserving.” I the sighed “I have a apology to make, I have made some foolish mistakes.” I watched as Rainbow trotted out the door still processing it all, I tossed her a bottle with a smiled “It’s dye remover, I think you’ll find it useful.” She nodded and stumbled away. I sighed “Sombra, I might as well go and see Trixie now. I’ll be back in an hour of two.” I trotted out, I thought all this capability was making me go too far, no it was just a joke and I gave her the fix up liquid. Still the meeting with Trixie. I bumped into something, I looked up to see Discord’s home. I knocked a few times, the door opened a few seconds later. I asked “Can I see Trixie?” He frowned “Fine, but your will not cause her any trouble.” I nodded and entered the room, it was weird. I’m guessing Trixie never entered the entrance room, there was trees growing balls of fire. I then saw a table barking like a dog, I didn’t blink thought I had grown to expect this form the Draconequus what shocked me more was when I entered the next room, it reminded me of a castle. I frowned this was normal, no weird things happening, this is so unlike him. He guided me to her room, there was a Cutie Mark symbol on the door, it was a wand and star, Trixie’s Cutie Mark. I opened the door, Trixie eyes widened in horror at my presence. I sighed “Trixie I came to apologise, what I did was unforgivable.” Trixie didn’t even blink at me, she just stared for several minutes. I asked “Trixie are you okay?” Trixie finally spoke as her eyes returned to normal, she sighed “Sorry, just bad memories, I remembered that moment.” I sighed “I’m sorry about that, I just was so angry. You hurt us a lot back then.” Trixie nodded “Yes, I did I’m sorry Rarity. I never should have bought that damned amulet.” I asked “What happened to you, you are very different from ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie who arrived in Ponyville.” Trixie winced “What caused the change was a mix of having too much free time and starvation, I started to think about my actions and how essentially how my foolishness led up to the point of where I was, starving and alone. I took a real gamble coming here and it went better than expected to be honest.” I blinked “What do you mean?” Trixie said “Well other than you attacking me” I winced slightly, she continued “I am living with Discord and he has been nothing but a gentlecolt, we are even going out to dinner tonight. I must admit I may have put on a little weight.” I smiled slightly as she poked her side with her hoof. I smiled “Glad to know you going well.” Trixie smirked “You are living with tall, dark and handsome aren’t you?” I blushed “How do you he lived with me?” She laughed “Because you just told me.” I groaned causing her too laugh harder, she smiled “I think we should do this regularly.” I smiled “Sure but let me fix you up.” I did read up on some magic and I practised this one a bit. Trixie asked “What are you going to do?” I have practised some healing magic, maybe I help fix your wounds. She grimaced “Be careful, medical magic is like a fine needle it requires finesse.” I sow dresses for a living, this shouldn’t be too hard. 3 hours later, I was sweating profusely. I let go of the magic and collapsed to the ground exhausted, Trixie smiled “I feel much better, thank you now let’s see if I can trot?” She put one hoof down on the floor hesitantly before another and another. I smiled as soon she was happily trotting around the room. I smiled “I’m glad you able to move again.” Trixie said “Thanks, it is going to make tonight so much easier.” I said “Yeah, anyway I better get home and take a nap.” I trotted home, I tried to open the door only to get a sharp pain in my head, I knocked on the door. Sombra opined the door and sighed as he saw me rubbing my horn “You overdid didn’t you, urghh I’ll clean you up and get you to bed.” I blushed as he lifted me in his hooves and took me to the bathroom my blush gre even more as I heard Trixie’s voice echoed in my mind (Still living with tall, dark and handsome aren’t you?) I turned to goop as he massaged my back, I wonder where he learned how to do that.