A Princess of Cuddles

by PixelMoon

It Isn't Cuddling Without a Rarity

A Princess of Cuddles

Written by PixelMoon


Princess Twilight Sparkle levitated the last pillow in its place. Her horn stopped glowing and she wiped the sweat from her brow.

"I can't thank you enough for doing this for charity, Princess Twilight!"

Twilight turned her head to face the pony who had spoken. The pony was a mare with a yellow coat and purple framed glasses perched on her muzzle. She lacked a horn or a pair of wings, indicating she was an earth pony.

The alicorn smiled warmly before trotting to the other mare and placing a hoof around her neck. "It's nothing, Charity Kindheart. Even though it is one of the weirdest ways of raising bits."

Charity flipped her hoof around in a circle. "Oh pfft! Nonsense, princess! This means so much to everypony you're helping, even if it's certainly not the expected way to do so. Especially from a princess." Twilight rose an eyebrow. "But of course, that means nothing! Even if you manage to get at least ten bits from this...Cuddle Drive? Well, if you manage to get ten bits that's still so wonderful!"

Twilight nodded in understanding. "Of course."

Silence filled the room as the princess made minor adjustments to the room's decor. The room had a kind size bed that sunk down as somepony sat or lay in it. Several plush pillows with feather inside lined the wall that the bed was on. On the floor, carpet covered the cold tile underneath.

Twilight trotted to the closet and opened the door. She waved a hoof at Charity to tell her to come over. Once she was next to the closet, the alicorn spoke.

"Since the room is all ready for any guests, would you like to help me get ready?" Twilight asked as she stepped in the closet.

Charity gave a flustered smile. "R-really? Oh of course, princess! I'll be honored!"

Charity followed Twilight into the closet. There was plenty of room inside, and plenty of clothes to fill the space with. She turned her head at Twilight, who stared at a pair of white plush slippers.

Charity grabbed them with a hoof and placed them next to the alicorn's body. "White goes great with your color palate," she stated.

Twilight nodded and placed her hooves into all four slippers. Charity walked around her before nodding and searched for other accessories.

Charity scanned the closet before her eyes lay on a white small crown with a purple gem embedded in it. She picked it up and placed it on Twilight's head. The mare stared at the princess before frowning.

She used a hoof to split Twilight's bangs where her horn was. Taking a step back to admire her work, Charity smiled.

"Hm...It needs something," Charity stated while petting her chin in thought.

Twilight suddenly jumped up, an imaginary lightbulb going off in her head. She quickly ran out of the closet and grabbed a spell book. Quickly rereading a spell, her horn began to glow pink. The same pink surrounded the princess as her spell began to do its work.

When the magic finally disappeared, Princess Twilight reappeared with fluffy fur. She looked like a miniature fluff ball at most. The white crown and slippers both became shimmer polished white and the slippers became more of small horseshoes on Twilight's small frame.

Her wings spread out as she sat on the floor. "Do you like it?"

Charity was at lost of words. She numbly nodded, though her eyes stayed on the princess. "I... I love it."

Twilight smiled with appreciation. "Well then let's get this Cuddle Drive started!" She opened the door to the room; only to find possibly over a hundred ponies waiting impatiently in line for their turn to cuddle a princess.

The princess stared in shock. "Wha? Why are there so many ponies!?"

What made her even more flabbergasted was the first pony in line. She was the only pony who didn't appear the least bit impatient. The mare's sapphire blue irises met the pools of purple beauty.

"May I come in and begun this cuddle session, darling?" the unicorn spoke.


The made in question hummed. "What is it, dear?"

"Why are you here? I mean, I didn't really take you for one who would help charity," Twilight answered. She waved a hoof at Rarity, and the unicorn stepped inside the room.

"Well, maybe I didn't do this just for charity." Rarity poked Twilight's nose with a smile on her face. A faint blush adorned both mare's cheeks.

Charity Kindheart blushed as well and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She scratched the back of her head as she spoke. "Yeah, um...I think this is a great time for me to go and manage all of the ponies. How long do you two think you'll be?"

"Oh not long at all, darling." Rarity flipped her mane of curls as she spoke.

The door shut behind Charity, and with the sound of the click, they were alone. Twilight stared at Rarity while pawing at the ground awkwardly.

Rarity turned to face her best friend. She eyed her outfit the alicorn wore. The mare began to circle around Twilight, making the latter feel even more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Rarity leaped onto the bed in the room rather unladylike. Twilight turned to face her friend, whom waved a hoof as if to invite the princess to come join her.

Twilight's blush deepened. She trotted over to the bed and carefully jumped onto it. She quickly got into a comfortable position. When she had finally was laying on her side with her back facing Rarity, she sighed heavenly.

Much to Twilight's surprise, Rarity yanked the alicorn with her hooves. The former felt hooves of the latter flip herself around.

Now facing the unicorn, Twilight groaned. "Rarity..."

Still not speaking, Rarity flipped herself over so that her back faced the alicorn. She turned her head so she could see Twilight. "Ever heard of spooning, darling? It's one of the most famous cuddling techniques."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Um...I've never cuddled before. I assumed all you do was lay in a bed with someone else."

Rarity's eyes widened. "What?! Pfft! Please, that is nowhere near as amazing as cuddling. Let me show how to cuddle, darling."

Rarity grabbed Twilight's body with her magic. She turned her on her side completely, with the alicorn's body touching her own.

Twilight's wing wrapped around Rarity's body. The latter's hooves lay on top of the alicorn's wings. Lastly, Rarity's head fell into the crook of the princess's neck.

"Now, how does this feel?" Rarity asked as she sighed with comfort.

"Mmm...nice," Twilight murmured as her eyes slowly closed.

"Told you, darling," Rarity spoke softly.

The door creaked opened, and Charity trotted in. She walked to Rarity, who stared at her with a smile.

"Thanks for helping me be first in line, Charity," Rarity thanked. "I positively couldn't have done it without you, dear."

"It was nothing, Rarity. Nothing at all."