//------------------------------// // That's why??? // Story: You got together because of what???? // by Cpt Creampuff //------------------------------// It was a cold night Rarity, Fluttershy and Sunset had put together a Sleepover at Twilight’s place. Rarity was sitting on a cushion on the floor busy at work painting Fluttershy's nails while Twilight was leaning back between Sunset's legs her head resting upon the fiery-haired girl's breasts. A random Romantic Comedy was playing on the Tv only 3 of the 4 girls actually paying attention as Rarity has already seen it. "OMG tell them the story on why you asked me out it's so romantic" the female lead of the movie spoke up "Ok Ok calm down" the male lead chuckled as the words left his mouth. He then proceeded to weave a tale of adventure and romance. "Speaking of which you two never told us why Sunset asked you out or how." Rarity brought up as she finished the last fingernail of Fluttershy. Immediately Sunset made a face as if she was trying to hold back a laugh. Twilight on the other hand blushed and gave a groan. "Pleeeeease do not tell her" Twilight turned her head up to attempt to plead for Sunset not to tell the story. "Why not?" Sunset followed back failing to keep her laughter in check. "Because she's gonna get mad." Twilight crossed her arms, facing forward with a pout coming across her face. "Darling why would I get mad?" Rarity questioned placing a hand on her own chest "Is it really that bad of a story?" The yellow one finally spoke up. “It’s not bad its just....not what you would expect.” Twilight cringed at the memories of that week. “Now you have to tell us dears,” Rarity said with a squeal pulling Fluttershy in closer “Come here dearie you must pay attention this should help you with your little pink problem” Fluttershy blushes at the mention of a certain pink girls name. “Alright alright, I'll tell you.”Sunset finally says “it all happened the week at Camp Everfree…….” A Few Weeks Ago Sunset and Twilight were currently in their tent getting dressed in their pajamas for the night. Sunset’s luck must be high today as right when she turned around she was blessed with the sight of Twilights bare rear as the purple girl was reaching for her pajama pants. Even with a day of having to deal with Timber and Twilight flirting just seeing that cute rump made the whole day worth it. I swear I will get in between those cheeks by the end of this week, Tartarus I don’t want to lose to Celestia damn Timber I have to rush my operation as Timber will probably make his move sometime tomorrow. I must do this tonight.  Sunset thought to herself as she bit her lip NO! that can’t be how it started YUP! Yeah….The reason Sunset started to have interest in me was my butt Oh, my….. BUT! I actually did like you, your butts just amazing, now let me finish. “So Twilight, What’s your pick guys? Girls? Both? At the same time maybe?” Sunset said as she jumped onto Twilights bed laying on her stomach as the nerdy girl pulled up her pants. “Shut up” She giggled “If you really want to know it doesn’t matter to me” She plopped down on the bed laying her head on Sunsets rear Perfect I got my way in “Oh really…..” Sunset got up and walked towards the lamp in the tent and turned it off. Walking back to Twilight’s bed and using her demonic powers to see in the dark she notices Twilight is now propped up on her elbows trying to adjust in the dark. “Sunset, are we going to sleep?” Twilight suddenly felt someone sit on her lap as her eyes got adjusted to the dark she saw Sunset leaning over her. Firey hair hanging down as Sunsets face got closer and closer until Sunsets mouth was inches from her ear and whispered. “What about me?” as she gently blew into her ear causing the girl below to shudder in delight “Yes….” Twilight was barely able to get the words out as Sunset brought her head back her lips now centimeters away from Twilights. Surprisingly it was Twilight who closed the space. Twilight Always found Sunset attractive but due to lacking any sort of experience in the romance department she never acted upon it. It was now when she realized she'd rather have someone else take control of her. No Not just anyone. I only want Sunset to make me feel like this. The nerdy girl thought to herself. As they lost themselves in the kiss Sunsets hand trailed down the front of Twilights shirt and as she started to make her way under the waistband a hand stopped her. “Wait…...I'm not ready for that” Twilight said “Ok but, you are mine.” She said the last word with a glow to her eyes. Another shiver of delight ran through Twilight as she responded with “Definitely” Followed by her pulling Sunset into another kiss. That's how their night continued until eventually, they went to sleep. The Next Morning “We are dating right?” Twilight said as she rests her head on Sunsets chest the older girl laying on her back. “Congrats detective you solved the case” Sunset responded with a snicker “Barely starting and I’m already fed up” Twilight also giggled Later that evening as Twilight was talking to Timber about who knows what when Sunset walked over “Hey Sparkles the girls wanna get a group photo” Timber turned to look at Sunset a slight annoyance marked on his face “Let's go before Rarity makes us change outfits again” As Twilight waved goodbye to Timber and walked away with Sunset. The golden redhead wrapped an arm around her waist looked back and shot Timber a glare followed by a smirk as she grabbed a handful of Twilight’s rear causing the nerdy girl to jump and blush. Present Day “That's It?” Rarity exclaimed “Where's all the romance and love and wonders” She got up throwing her hands up “You barely even talked to each other and just decided let's get together in under a day!" Rarity exclaimed followed by pseudo fainting onto twilights bed. “Told you she wouldn’t like it,” Twilight said with a bored expression “What'd you expect Rarity I'm older than all of you, I don't have time to deal with beating around the bush for 20 chapters to finally get the girl.” “Chapters?” Fluttershy questioned “I mean weeks,” Sunset responded, honestly surprised the shy girl lasted through the night scene. “Anyways we just let the actions do most of the talking.” “I still can’t believe you were only interested in me because of my butt” Twilight pouted once again. Sunset wrapped her arm around Twilight “Buuuuut I found much more hidden below and what can I say that was better.” She followed with a kiss on the back of Twilight's head “Should we check on Rarity?” The yellow girl said as she got up “Yeah we probably shall I haven't heard her make any noise and think she may actually have fainted this time.