//------------------------------// // Chapter 10-The Tour Goes On // Story: The Greatest Showmare // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// The next morning, the performers wake up with the sun. They then go and sit outside and watch the sunrise as they eat breakfast. As they enjoy their breakfast, Twinkle can't help but think about how much her sister has missed ever since she passed away. "Are you okay?" says Flitter as she comes over and sits beside Twinkle. "Yeah, just not yet over my sister's death, especially right now," responds Twinkle. "She would've loved doing something like this." "Well, remember, she'll always be proud of you," responds Flitter with a smile. "Yeah, I guess so, thanks, Flitter," responds Twinkle. The two then share a hug. They then go and finish up their breakfast and go and help each other get into costume for that day's show. As they do, Flitter gives Twinkle some cheering up and advice. "Sometimes it can be tough. Sometimes it can be hard. Sometimes we miss those we love. Sometimes they've passed on, or sometimes they just live far away. Whatever the case, know they're proud of you. They're proud of you, they'll always be. They're proud of everything you do and who you've become. Know they're proud, remember they're proud of you. They'll always be proud of you. Look how far you've come. Look at where you are now. This is what your sister would have wanted for you. She would've wanted you to live your dreams, live your life, not dwell on the past times but always remember the good times, the memories you shared. She would've wanted you to move on. You need to move on. It's time to move on. Look at where you are now. Look at where you are now. Sometimes they've passed on, or sometimes they just live far away. Whatever the case, know they're proud of you. They're proud of you, they'll always be. They're proud of everything you do and who you've become. Yes, indeed, they're proud of who you've become, they're proud of who we've become! They're proud of who we've become. They'll always be proud of who we've become." Twinkle then joins in. "She'll always be proud of who I've become. I'm sure she's proud of who I've become." A few minutes later, Philly walks into the two mares' changing tents. "Ten minutes till show time!" says Philly excitedly. "Okay, thanks!" the two holler back. "We'll be out in three!" "Great!" hollers Philly back. She then goes and lets the rest of the performers know that they have ten minutes until show time. Ten minutes later, Philly introduces the performers to the crowd and then they come out in droves. They then begin their acts and too much applause from the fans. As they perform, a smile spreads across Twinkle's face. "You'd be so proud of me, big sis," she whispers to herself as she begins shooting off the fireworks from her hooves, "you'd be oh so proud." Meanwhile, right above her head, Flitter shrinks down to the size of a breezy and flies around dazzling the crowd with her loop de loops and twirls. As she does so, the crowd's cheers get louder and louder. Two hours later, the first performance draws to a close and the performers go and take a break for lunch. "That was fun," says Twinkle with a smile. "Thanks for the advice earlier, Flitz." "You're welcome," responds Flitter with a smile. "I'm glad my advice helped you." The two then finish up lunch and go and enjoy some time around town for a little bit. Around a half hour later, the two return back to the main tent in time for the next show. A few minutes later, the second show kicks off and once again, Twinkle enjoys every single minute of it. She actually ends up laughing and giggling and smiling even more in the midst of the second performance. Philly and Baley can't help but smile as they watch Twinkle perform. "I'm glad she's enjoying herself," sighs Philly to Baley, "after all, when she first joined the circus she had just lost her big sister." "Wow!" gasps Baley at hearing this. "I had no idea. Well, it's clear to see she considers this place as home and you guys as family." "Yeah," responds Philly, "and that's an amazing thing. It really and truly is." Two hours later, the show comes to an end and the performers take a thirty break before doing the last performance of the night. After the final show comes to a close, Twinkle and Flitter retreat to their tent and there, the two talk for a while before finally dozing off and falling asleep. As she sleeps, Twinkle dreams about all the memories she shared with her sister and for the first time in a long time, she actually smiles while she does it. So many times before she'd frown whenever she dreamt about these memories, but thanks to Flitter, not anymore. Now, she can sleep peacefully and to her, that's the greatest feeling in the world. Meanwhile, over in the central tent next to the main tent, Philly shares some time with Charles while the children sleep. "This is nice," sighs Philly as she lays her head on his shoulder. "Just you and me together." "Sure is," responds Charles with a smile. The two then grab each other and begin to kiss. After a while, the two stop and turn in for the night themselves in a tent adjacent to their children. While Charles falls fast asleep, Philly can't help but stay awake and think about the tour and how much longer they have to go. "Here we are, on the road together. Yet, somehow, we're still far apart. You may support my dreams and exploits, but who am I kidding, do you still love me like you used to? Do you still enjoy this life of ours like you used to? Here we are, continuing to drift far apart. Here we are, how can we become close again? How can we become closer than we ever were before? Here I am, looking at you so peacefully. Feeling that we're still growing apart. How can we grow close again? How can we grow close again? I just want to grow close to you again! I just want to grow close to you again! Here we are, on the road together. If only this could make our relationship get better. You play the part of fully devoted stallion to me, but are you really? Do you really still support my crazy dream? Will we just continue to drift apart, to drift apart, drift apart, apart? Sometimes I wish we could go back to the start. That way we'd possibly be more happy. We wouldn't be going from town to town in a wild parade. We'd still have a family, an easy life worth living, one without crowds, applause, and fame. But here we are, part of the fantastic world that is the circus. I don't want to change this ever, they're also family. They're also family. But which is more important to me, them or you, them or you? Here we are, on the road together. Yet, somehow, we're still far apart. You may support my dreams and exploits, but who am I kidding, do you still love me like you used to do? Do you still love me--like you used to do?" She then sits down on her bed and then after a few more hours, falls fast asleep, still thinking about how much the tour could possibly tear her and Charles apart at any given moment in time. She can only hope that their bond will strengthen and not weaken like she oh so fears.