A New Leaf

by epicdonus1123 BOT

Expectations and Realities

Chapter 3

Daring was swooping through the jungle as fast as a cheetah after a gazelle. Ahuizotl started sending lots of different big cats. For some reason, he always had that little white kitty that gave Daring an opportunity to escape. She grabbed the vine that was next to her, and swung over the white cat. Ahuizotl screamed after the clever Pegasus.

"Curse you Daring Doo!" He fell on his knees and was bauling. Daring wasn't even stealing anything, she was just giving him something back. She turned around, and gave him the tip of her hat.

"Adios, Ahuizotl." She ran off into the everlasting sunset.

The End

"Wow! That's a good way to end a book, right Spike?" I announced while Spike was taking his average, everyday nap. "Oh yeah, sorry." I whispered as I tip-toed out the door. I stood outside blankly for about thirty seconds, not knowing what I was going to do. "That's right, I need to find Voleur!" The thought of him overwhelmed my head as I was trotting towards Sugarcube Corner. I'm guessing that he'd be there, considering how much he loved Pinkie's delectable deserts. I noticed that Rainbow was flying overhead, probably to impress somepony. She is definitely up to something, so might as well ask her what it is. "Hey Rainbow! Whatcha doing?"

"Hey Twilight, nothing much."

"Mind coming down here?"

"Sure, not at all." She eerily spoke that last three words. Not at all, what would she be keeping from me? She awkwardly glided down, in which her wings were bending.

"Rainbow? Are you ok-"

"YES! I AM OKAY! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT!?" She was in full panic/rage mode. Her wings kept flinging up, her cheeks kept blushing, and she kept sweating over and over.

"Rainbow? Why are you so nervous?"

"Wh...what do you me..mean? I'm...ugh...not NERVOUS!" she screamed the last word at me, and shoved me. The fall actually hurt, but nothing I couldn't handle. She wasn't nervous, Rainbow Dash was anxious and desperate. She quickly snapped back into reality, and noticed that I was on the ground, giving her the evil eye. "Oh my gosh....oh my gosh....oh my gosh....oh my gosh....oh my gosh! Twilight, are you ok!?"

"I'm fine now, but what happened back there?"

"What do you mean?" She said that with such innocence, that I knew that she was traumatized before. She stood there looking at me like I was the joker in the deck of friendship, even though Pinkie took that already.

"Rainbow, did you see something shocking?"

"What do you mean?" for the second time in a row, she asked that simple question. What do you mean? This girl needs to control her emotions and thoughts.

"Earlier, you shoved me out of visual frustration and anxiety. Do you remember?"

"No. I don't remember, nor would I, that I'd shove you." Interesting, she doesn't remember anything. "But, something in my gut is hurting. Does that mean anything?"

"Not sure. Not sure if it is love or-"

"Love? Ha! Like I'd be in love at this age."

"...or just natural pain. Let me finish Dash."

"Yeah, sorry."

"Apology accepted. Well I got to go and find Voleur. Bye Rainbow."

"Bye Twilight." I hugged her and we both left. It was a strange hug, like something between us was happening. Wait a minute, she better not be in love with me! If she is, I don't blame her. Lyra felt this way for Bon-Bon before admitting it to her directly. Anyways, I need to go and find my love, before he falls for Rarity. Seemingly, I never noticed that she felt different for him. She was flirting with him, but she settled down a bit while she was doing it. She didn't go full on charm, only partial. Did they meet before? Do they already know each other? I mustn't babble about that right now, for my thief is about to be stolen from me. It's so strange, I am of newly found royalty, while he is of newly found robbery. I am a princess, while he is a "peasant". Is love always this tangled? I must get him any way that I can, because determination is stronger than procrastination. Not that I think about it, that would be a good letter to the princess! I am now heading off to find him, I should've started earlier if it wasn't for my constant babbling. The hike there, I noticed Fluttershy in Roseluck's shop, while directly across was Rainbow at Lily's shop. What were they doing and searching for? I love how everypony in this town are so nice to each other, unlike some towns. (fake cough while quietly saying Fillydelphia) At Sugarcube corner, Pinkie wasn't baking any cupcakes or other sweets whatsoever.

"Hey Pinkie? Why aren't making or anything."

"Oh hi Twilight!" Oh no, what have I done!? "I didn't notice you! You look nicer than yesterday! Actually, have you ever noticed that today is tomorrow!? I mean, because today is YESTERDAY'S tomorrow! Isn't that just so neat? So In reality, you look as nice as you will look tomorrow and yesterday!"

"Um...thanks?" How was I going to respond to a question that was irrelevant to what I came there for?

"So Twilight, whatcha here for? Cake? Cupcakes? The fanfic Cupcakes?" What was the last thing she said?



"Anyways, I'm here for Voleur. Have you seen him?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Okay where is he? Is he in the kitchen?"

"Let people continue, silly! I was trying to say 'Yes ma'am, but he left half and hour ago.'"

"Oh, sorry Pinkie. I'll see you later!"

"Okay! Goodbye lovebird!" L...lov....lovebird? She knows!? "I'm just kidding! I sorry you freeze like an iceberg!" Darn it Pinkie, she isn't supposed to scare her friends like that, considering that it was the truth! I ran out of Sugarcube Corner in a blink of the eye. Outside didn't seem so different from what I remembered. While I was trotting, I bumped into the most tender, sweet, adorable, and embarrassing scenes that will scar my brain forever, well not forever. I walked into Rainbow and Fluttershy kissing in a back corner of Derpy's muffin shop. Yes, Derpy has a muffin shop when there is already a bakery in town. I stood there and watched the two, until Fluttershy noticed. It was embarrassing for me, because I didn't stop them. What could I do, ruin their little seven minutes of heaven?

"Tw...Twili...Twilight! What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked nervously. I kept staring at Fluttershy, then Rainbow, then Fluttershy...over and over. They kept looking at each other, like they just commited a crime.

"Twilight. I'm sorry." quietly apologized Fluttershy.

"Apology? Why apologize, when you can realize?"

"What?" they both asked in unison. It was impressive that shy and prideful Pegasi could be such compatible partners.

"You see, your girls' friendship brought you two together. In retrospect, finding each other is an impressive step in friendship. A step that many ponies often miss, ponies like you Rainbow Dash."

"You aren't mad?" less shamefully pondered Rainbow.

"Of course I'm not. I have to go and find Voleur, see you later you two."

"Bye Twilight!" they both said, once again, in unison. I turned around to see Rainbow take off into the air. Aw darn, I did ruin their seven minutes of heaven. I ruined it so much, that during flight, I saw real tears from Rainbow's eyes. Apparently, a good rest really changes a person. I cocked my head enough to see Fluttershy, disappointingly, trot towards the direction of her house. I really feel bad for them, I really do. I hope fate will rear its ugly head and bring them together again. I now got to worry about: Voleur, Rainbow, and Fluttershy. Voleur! I totally forgot to go and get him. My adventures for romance have gotten a bit out off control, haven't they? I just need to get Voleur, which happens to be across the street.

"Voleur!" I screamed that so loud, probably the ponies from Canterlot can hear me. He turned around to look at, he apparently didn't have any struggle. He could stand, which was a good thing.

"Hey Twilight! Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing much! What are you doing?"

"Oh nothing. I am just glad to see you." Aww, he is glad to see me here.

"Thanks. Anyways, how was your day?" By this time, I was breathless from excitement and temptation. In my head, I am going to run over to him and kiss him full on the lips. Painstakingly in reality, I would be judged on so many levels.

"My day was adequate, how about yours?"

"Pretty good, not to bad." I guess I'll strike up a conversation with him. This will be the next rule in changing.

"That's good to hear."

"Good job!"


"The next rule, have conversations with people. If you can talk to people in a nice way and talk to them about average things, you can easily earn attention and respect."

"Oh thanks. That wasn't that hard."

"Why should it? It just means get to know people."

"I don't know." I laugh in a probably annoying way, considering he only chuckled.

"So Voleur, got any plans?"

"Yeah, why?" What plans could he possibly have at this time of day?

"Oh no reason." I lied under pressure. " What are your plans then?"

"I am going to the club, that Vinyl is DJ-ing. Did you hear about it?"

"Yeah, but why is it so special?" I ask with suspicion.

"No reason...well, because it sounds fun."

"Okay. I guess that sounds reasonable."

"Yeah it's tomor row at eight. I hope that you will be there."

"Give me some time to think about it." I said with discombobulation in my gut. He trotted off towards some place, that I'm guessing is his new house. I, for one hand, think it's amazing that he has somewhere to live. I got to go to my house and finish my book on atoms. No reason...well, because it sounds fun kept dancing around my head all throughout my hike home. I hope that's is the only reason he's going. I got to my library/house and was welcomed by Spike.

"Hey Twilight. Where were you?"

"Nowhere, just getting things done."

"Okay, but I cleaned the house while you were gone."

"HOO!" Owlowiscious spoke as he flew into the room.

"Oh yeah, Owlowiscious helped." I laughed in despite that Owlowscious can only hoot one word. I thanked Spike and Owlowiscious for their consideration and help. I went upstairs and jumped in bed. Sounds fun always seemed to bother me. It's like he isn't telling me something. I eventually tired myself out, and fell asleep. The whole night, I kept having nightmares about Voleur. Anything could happen to him or me before and after that club, anything. I just need to face the future as it comes, not try to predict every move. The next morning, I awoke to a crash outside the library. It just might be Derpy or Rainbow crashing into a building as always. I didn't bother to look outside, because it was obvious from what made the noise. Spike, who also woke from the crash with Owlowicsious, ran towards me with a scared expression.

"Spike, are you okay?"

"I came up here to ask if you were."

"Well I'm fine, thank you." He looked at Owlowicsious and smiled a bothersome grin, as if I wasn't aware of it. He kept staring blankly at him. Then there was a knock on the front door;

"Who can that be?" Spike asked as he ran downstairs. He opened the door to see Rarity, then he dropped.

"Nice entrance Spike, didn't even say hi. Anyways, Twilight, I need you darling."


"We need to talk dear." I shrugged my shoulders and thought what could the worst thing that she could want to know be? When I stepped outside, Rarity closed the doors.

"So Rarity, what did you want?"

"I need to know, how come when I was getting to know Voleur, you pushed me back?" That sunk deep into my heart, all the way to the core.

"Obviously because he has only been there for two hours. He didn't need you charm back then."

"Oh really? Then what would happen if I were to go over to him and complement Voleur, dear?"

"Nothing." Yeah I wish nothing would be happening. If she were to go and steal him, I would literally knock her out of her clean out of her dress. She was looking awfully pleased and ran off, dear Celestia, what have I done? I don't need to worry, because Voleur is to clueless to realize what would be happening. I returned to my house, and started to finish my report on atoms. So far, I have on the report,


Atoms are small, building blocks of life. Without them, solids, liquids, and gases wouldn't exist. Ponies are solids and if we weren't built tough by atoms, we wouldn't even live. They are reason why solids, liquids, and gases have their shapes. Water is an example of something that can change distinctly between the three with ease. At-

It was a pretty good report, for one that isn't even finished. I know mediocre isn't in my dictionary, but it is in for someponies. My wandering head forced me to think about Rainbow and Fluttershy. What will they do, now that I know? Will they stay, or separate? I hope that they will, ruining a relationship would look bad on my report to the Princess. Nonetheless, I must continue this report, so that I will be done, obviously. I just wish that I could redo that moment, that single moment. I wish that I never noticed them, or stood there so quietly. Spike then dizzily came up to me.

"Hey Twilight, what happened?"

"You passed out."

"I did! What did she say!?"

"She said that it was a rude introduction, or something like that." I kept writing my report, not once acknowledging Spike that I was trying to listen.

"Oh." He then ran to his bed, and hid under his blanket. My determination for schoolwork and the Princess has its ups and downs. Then we heard a knock on the door, and Owlowiscious flew to the door. He opened it and came through was Voleur.

"Hey Voleur! Why are you here?"

"I need to tell you something, and I want your opinion on it."

"Okay, what is it."

"Remember when I told you that I'd be going to the club for fun?" It was getting awfully strange. He better not say what I think he is about to say.

"Yeah. What about it?" I nervously asked.

"I lied. The real reason I wanted to go.....is because I have a crush on Vinyl Scratch." He had to hit the bull, on the head, with a nail.