//------------------------------// // Altered Course // Story: One Last Flight // by Prismfire Productions //------------------------------// -San Antonio, Texas- It had been several hours since the Wonderbolts hit the road, and all of them were feeling a bit hungry. It had been Stormfeather’s suggestion they stop for lunch, and Rainbow was all too happy to agree, using it as a chance to enjoy some Tex-Mex before stocking up on supplies. The crew pulled into the parking lot of a nationally known restaurant, enjoying the brief moment they had to stretch their legs before being stuffed back into their mobile containment of metal and gas. “I want there to be a bit of business mixed with this meal,” Rainbow said as the group convened around their vehicles before heading inside. “Spitfire, I am going to have you use my iPad to monitor the Doppler while we eat, I don’t want there to be any unexpected surprises, especially with so much at stake.” “Got it boss.” Spitfire said pulling up the wide range doppler software that Rainbow had installed. It took only several passes of the radar loop for her to notice something, something that deeply troubled her. “Umm, Rainbow I think you might want to see this, take a look at the Gulf.” Rainbow look at the area that Spitfire noticed, and what she saw made her feel ill. Clearly visible was a low pressure area center of circulation, the last few frames showing that it looked like it was intensifying as it made its way northwest. Rainbow then had a very disturbing gut feeling, that what was already a bad situation was about to get ramped up to eleven. “Gulf low coming up, front pushing down…” Rainbow said shaking her head, not quite believing what she was seeing. “This has a very severe set up possible, and by the looks of it, New Orleans will be the first domino to fall. From there, only God knows...” “That’s not good,” Pinkamena said as she took the tablet, using an overlay feature to draw the path of the circulation, and saw it would just miss south of the New Orleans Metropolitan area. “If this actually happens we are looking at another Katrina or Harvey level flooding event in addition to the tornadic activity.” “Whatcha think boss?” Vapor Trail asked while leaning back against the mobile lab. “Skip the meal and we go ahead and get a jump start down the road?” “No,” Rainbow said shaking her head, leading the way toward the front door of the eatery. “This is actually time that we can afford to burn. If we skip the meal, we would pay for it later and will have to stop anyway, and we need to stock up on snacks and essentials for when we stay overnight at hotels.” Pulling out her phone, Rainbow decided this was a good opportunity to call her boss. The list of people she respected and trusted was short, a result of a life filled with constant backstabbing and betrayals, but Director of Operations Luna Dreamdancer topped that list. The tall, navy blue haired women was one who commanded respect, and due to her wide range of meteorological awards she certainly earned her position. “Why hello Rainbow,” Luna said when she answered her worker’s call. “Seems you couldn’t just leave work alone could you?” “No ma’m, not when there is millions of lives on the line.” Rainbow said with a smile, but it faltered due to feeling that her boss gave a sigh. “Listen, get on the line with NWS New Orleans, there is a small low level circulation in the Gulf heading their way. Normally I wouldn’t hit the panic button on such a weak low, but due to the front swinging down this is going to get ugly.” Luna’s eyes widened, fingers speed typing as she pulled up the radar, confirming Rainbow’s report. “I see what you mean, and I will push through an Invest request to NOAA’s Hurricane Hunter squad. Twilight explained to me what your plan is, and I have to tell you that I do not agree with you diving into this head first.” “Mrs. Dreamdancer I know that you are not happy at me about this.” Rainbow abruptly said, making Luna’s breathing be the only thing that was on the other end of the line. ”However, I am going to try and deploy one of the Specials into one of the tornadoes, and we both know I give us that best opportunity.” “You’re right,” Luna conceded as she started working on the Invest request form. “But I expect you or Twilight to remain in constant communication with me every few hours, got it?” “Crystal clear.” Rainbow said as the group sat down at their table. “Now if you excuse me, we’re all about to eat lunch so I got to run. Before I go, have you given any thought to the Wonderbolt transfer we came up with?” Luna sighed, knowing that arguing with Rainbow was a very bad idea, the hotshot being the only one who matched her own level of stubbornness. “You’ll have an answer by the end of the week, have to check and see if we have the necessary funding to allow it.” “Thanks boss, I will call back with an update at 8pm unless we are tracking a supercell. Rainbow out.” Rainbow then hung up, the rest of crew at the table leaning towards her. “Well, my boss said that she is going to look into the funding for you guys, we just have to wait and see. For now, I think we should enjoy this meal, because this is just the calm before the storm.” They nodded and ate their meal, letting Twilight give some more background as to how she grew up and how she had got interested in her job. Each of them listened in earnest, occasionally asking a question or two that their newest member was delighted to answer. After paying for the meal and heading to the local Walmart, they split up into groups to get their supplies faster, Rainbow purposely setting Twilight and Pinkamena together as she stayed behind to work on the mobile Doppler. “So…” Twilight said as she and Pinkamena walked down the snack aisle. “How are you handling everything going on?” “It is an adjustment,” Pinkamena said grabbing some salt and vinegar chips, making Twilight’s mouth water. “But I am glad that I made the choice I did. Ever since me and Dashie formed the team, I always did was required for their benefit, if it means working with Dashie again then so be it.” “Pinkamena, I know Rainbow told you I am also a psychologist.” Twilight’s words caused Pinkamena to stop dead in her tracks. “That being said I know that you still love her, just as I do.” “There is a difference between loving someone, and missing someone’s company." Pinkamena’s tone was flatter than normal, showing she really didn’t want to be talking about this topic. “I broke up with her, and we both moved on. Don’t do what I did Twilight, don’t make the same mistake I did, it is something that I regret to this day.” “Denial and bargaining, that shows you are lying to yourself.” Twilight said while trying to choose between Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Pinkamena being the tiebreaker by putting both in with some RC for good measure. “Look, we both love her, and I don’t want that fact to get between us or potentially ruin our friendship.” “You don’t have to worry about that, as far as I’m concerned she’s yours. Yes, it is great to be around her and work with her again, but that is as far as it will go. She deserves better than me, and from what I have seen you definitely fill that roll.” Pinkamena then stopped again, this time finding a less crowded area and leaning back against the wall. “I have been depressed Twilight… and Dashie doesn’t need her heart broken twice.” “I promise you that she won’t,” Twilight said giving Pinkamena a hug, one that the now-sobbing woman gladly returned in earnest. “When we settle down for the night I will give you my phone number, that way you can have a means to reach me even if I am not with you. It will be my personal phone, not the one I use for business, so you won’t have to worry about me missing a call unless I’m with a client.” “Thank you,” Pinkamena said as she dried up her tears, already feeling better about herself. “I guess I just needed to get that off my chest. I feel better already than before we talked.” “That’s good,” Twilight said smiling. “It’s the best part about what I do, I enjoy helping others. Therapy isn’t for everyone, and I have had my fair share of less than satisfied customers, but I have an 89% success rate to back me up.” “Is that so…” Pinkamena said pulling back a bit, looking into Twilight’s eyes but remaining in the hug. “Well, you can add me to that stat, and now it is time I pay you.” Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but was effectively silenced by Pinkamena’s lips meeting her’s, sealing in a deep French kiss. Twilight tried to muffle a protest, but soon she found herself enjoying the special payment, going as far as poking Pinkamena’s tongue with her own. Fireworks went off inside of Twilight’s mind as Pinkamena pulled away, leaving a thin trail of saliva connecting them. “Payment accepted,” Twilight said ignoring the few wolf whistles behind her, also ignoring some people’s looks of disgust, she was a lesbian and damn proud of it. “But you do know the next time Rainbow kisses me she will taste you right?” “That was the idea Twily,” Pinkamena said with a giggle and a boop, a small sway in her hips as they made their way towards the check-out, the cart being hard to push from all the weight. “I can’t wait to see her reaction when she realizes it.” Twilight blushed, not hearing that nickname since her brother called her that when she was little. “It will be extra special for sure, and I think I know of a way to surprise her even more Pinkamena.” “What you got in mind?” Pinkamena was interested what Twilight has in store. Her kiss, which was not meant to be lewd, was amplified by Twilight opening her mouth at the wrong time. “I’m all ears, but you do know that if you had waited to open your mouth I was just going to give you a quick, friendly kiss right?” “Oh…” Twilight’s mental processes derailed, the engine exploding on contact, realizing she had made the situation awkward for herself and now had to face the music. “Well, there is nothing we can do about that now is there? Anyways, we will have to wait until we stop at the hotel for me to show you.” Now it was Pinkamena’s turn to blush, her cheeks turning the same color as her hair as she caught onto Twilight’s meaning. “You sure that Rainbow will be ok with this though? I mean, you two are engaged to be married and I’m the ex that cut her loose, and you can call me Pinkie by the way.” Twilight wisely waited until they were in the parking lot before answering, not wanting to deal with anymore awkwardness. “I think that will work the best Pinkie, I love Rainbow, and you and her still love each other. This way, you two can still have each other and no one’s heart will be broken.” Pinkie gave Twilight a smirk. “You certainly seemed to enjoy that show in there, I know a lot more than that Twily, so mentally prepare for your own plan. Love conquers all right?” “And life finds a way.” Twilight said smiling, just then Rainbow came up to both of them. “You two were in there so long, I was starting to think you bought out the store. Glad my pairing system worked, because you look much happier Pinks, talked to Twilight?” “Yes I did,” Pinkamena giggled, most of her hair having flat curls, but some were sticking up. She didn’t say a word as Rainbow and Twilight kissed, the multicolored-haired girl’s eyes snapped open, cutting over and staring in shock. “Did you manage to fix the Doppler in any way?” “Yes I did,” Rainbow said after breaking her kiss, both her and Twilight loving the mixed tastes in both their mouths. “Went through and lubricated the gears, so it is functioning fine… for now.” “That won’t be the last thing you lubricate today.” Twilight said with hunger in her eyes, making all three women blush and most of the Wonderbolts stare with their jaws dropped. “Now come on, we’re burning daylight.” Rainbow remained frozen in place, caught off guard by the sudden twist in not only events, but also her relationship. Twilight never was one to look at other women, she remained steadfast in believing that Rainbow was the only one for her, but Pinkamena was a known kisser when someone cheered her up. Everything clicked, Rainbow figuring that Twilight had helped Pinkamena, so Pinkamena returned with a kiss. Twilight having her mouth open, probably to object a possible payment, and that lead to Pinkamena accidentally French kissing Twilight. She made a note to ask for full details from Twilight later, but the only thing on her mind, as the sound of Twilight turning on the truck roared behind her, was that she was in for a long day and longer night.