Sonata Can't Read

by sonicfan05

Sonata Cheats

After their trip to Sugarcube corner for shakes, Sonata said goodbye to her friends and went home with the book Sunset gave her. When she got home, she told her sisters about all the teachings the Rainbooms had done to help her and now she is going to give Sunset’s book a shot to learn how to read. Adagio smiled somewhat and nodded in approval while Aria just looked indifferently. After they all had dinner, the two elder Sirens retreated to their own rooms for the night, while Sonata still sat at the kitchen table with the book, papers and pencils out to get ready for her “homework”.

Sonata only sat there, staring at the book for what it seems like hours. She felt like that book was mocking her, trying to get her to open it with that hypnotic cover. In the past, Sonata and her sisters managed to hypnotize the students to fight each other with their magic and nearly take over the school without any fear or efforts. And yet, here she was now, trembling uneasily all just staring at a book!

Sonata gulped nervously. “O-okay Sonata,” she mumbled to herself. “You can do this! Sunset and the others believed that you can do this! Just start on the first page, and then work your way through it. Easy-peasy!”

With a long sigh, Sonata opened the book.

It was early the next morning from within the Dazzling kitchen. Sonata was still at the same spot where she was from last night, except she wasn’t actually reading her book. Instead, she was in a deep sleep, while her face was buried into her book. Her snores were as loud as a chainsaw and her drool was leaking from the corner of her mouth. Her peaceful slumber was interrupted when the alarm from her phone went off, waking her up intently.

“HUH? Wha-wha-WHAT?”

She looked around franticly with wide eyes before she calmed down when she realized where she was. She sighed as she turned off the alarm and wiped her drool off from her mouth. She then looked down at her book, her spirits were crushed when she noticed that she was still on the first page of her book. To make matters worse, she never wrote any of her answers on her activity sheets either. She realized that she must of fallen asleep just minutes after she started “reading,” probably due to boredom.

She groaned loudly out of frustration on herself for not bringing herself to do something simple as working on an activity sheet from a book. She promised her friends that she’ll give it a try, and she failed miserably. She did not want to disappoint her friends, especially Sunset after everything they’ve done for her. And on top of that, she will never get have a whole month’s worth of free tacos from Trixie.

Sonata checked her phone again. She was only about an hour away before she had to go to school. She needed to get those answers filled out before meeting the girls for lunch. But how will she do that when she had no idea of what to fill in in such a short amount of time? Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard some footsteps coming into the kitchen. Sonata looked up to see her sister Adagio in her oversized indigo t-shirt, purple shorts and barefooted as she made her way to the coffee maker.

“Morning Sonata, how’s that book thing coming along?” She mumbled as she started to fill up her coffee into her mug.

“Oh… um… not too great,” Sonata replied slowly.

“Oh? Why’s that?”

As Adagio was adding the creamer for her coffee, Sonata came up with a brilliant idea of how to get herself out of her mess. She knew that Adagio is the smartest of the sisters and can be very difficult to convince her, but if Sonata could offer something that may benefit her, then the rest is smooth sailing.

Sonata put on her fake somber expression as believable as possible and then she sighed dramatically. “I’ve spent all night writing these practice sheets, but then I… accidentally spilled my milk all over them, ruining all of my work in the process!”

Sonata mentally winced for laying her performance a little too think, but thankfully, Adagio seemed to have bought it as Adagio rolled her eyes at her.

“Well I’m sorry to hear that Sonata, but you should’ve been more careful," said Adagio with her matter of fact tone. "It looks like you’ll have to start all over.”

“But that’s the thing!” Sonata exclaimed. “My hand is all cramped up after all the writing I’ve done and I can’t just start all over!”

To demonstrate, Sonata picked up her right wrist with her left hand as she pretended to act all sore from her right wrist. Adagio stared at Sonata with her blank expression while cocking her one eyebrow.

“Well what are you suggesting for me to do?” she asked bluntly.

Sonata gave Adagio her sheepish smile as she was twiddling her thumbs. “Well… maybe you could… help me… by redoing the work for me?”

Adagio eyes narrowed. “You can’t be serious! Do you really expect me to redo ALL the work for you! That is your problem not mine!”

“Oh please help me out Dagi!?” Sonata begged. “I’ll do anything you tell me to do! I’ll do all the cooking, I’ll clean the bathroom… anything!

Adagio huffed while she pinched the bridge of her nose. “First of all, you always do all the cooking! And second, Aria was already assigned to do bathroom cleaning for a month!

“Okay bad example!” Sonata replied before she held her hands in her begging pose. “There’s got to be something I can do! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!

Adagio’s expression remained stone-faced even after Sonata gave her the puppy eyes. She slowly took a sip of her coffee and let out her quiet sigh. She gently placed the mug down and then looked at Sonata directly in the eyes.

“Alright… I’ll redo all of your work for you,” she said before giving Sonata her stern look. “But… in exchange, you will have to purchase all of my new clothes I wanted—”

“Done!” Sonata agreed with her huge smile.

“…for two months,” Adagio finished.

Sonata winced. She knew her sister had a bad spending habit, especially when it comes to clothes. No doubt that this will burn a huge hole in Sonata’s wallet for a while, but if that’s the only way to get her worksheets done without her friends knowing, then she has no other options.

“…done,” Sonata sighed.

Adagio then formed into her trademark smirk on her face. “Excellent! Now where is that book!”

It was now lunchtime at the School cafeteria. The Rainbooms and Sonata were all sitting together at their usual seats at their tables. Sonata presented all of “her work” she did last night to Sunset and the others to show. Sunset looked them all over with a smile on her face, not founding a single error at all on any of the answers Sonata had written. She looked up at Sonata with her huge grin.

“Wow Sonata, you actually finished the whole notebook in one night and you never made a mistake! I’m impressed!” Sunset praised.

Sonata tilted her head up proudly. “Well what can I say? Once I started on the first assignment, I just kept going!” she lied. “By the time I realized it, it was already morning!”

“Oh I know what you mean!” Twilight interjected. “One time, I decided to rant out the entire encyclopedia about astronomy from our school library!”

Rainbow raised her eyebrow. “And… what’s so special about that encyclopedia compared to all the other encyclopedias you’ve read before?”

“This encyclopedia was supposed to be so detailed, it has over three-thousand, five-hundred pages! It would normally take months to read the entire thing! But I actually managed to read the whole thing for the entire weekend non stop!” Twilight sighed fondly. “Best weekend of my life!”

“…you know if there’s ever a contest of who’s the biggest egghead of the entire plant, you will definitely be the winner!” Rainbow deadpanned.

“Ah quit teasing my girlfriend Rainbow Dash,” Sunset scolded playfully before facing Sonata again. “Anyway, I’m just so happy that you did it, but I never expected that you finished it so quickly!”

“I’m happy that I did it too!” said Sonata with a fake regretful expression on her face. “But it’s a shame that I finished it so quickly before I actually gotten into it!”

“You know it’s funny that you say that!” Sunset perked up. “I figured you probably wanted to do some more of that stuff, so that’s why I got you this!”

Sunset dug into her bookbag beside her for a moment before she took out another blue book, much to Sonata’s shock.

“Ta-da! Volume Two!” Sunset announced cheerfully. “Now you can practice some more with another one of the series. Isn’t that great!”

Sonata managed to keep herself composed, despite that her left eye was twitching rapidly. “Y-yeah… that’s… wonderful… you shouldn’t have!”

“Oh I insist,” Sunset said cheerfully, oblivious to Sonata’s expression. “This one should be longer than the first one, but maybe you should do a little section at a time instead of completely finish it all night.”

“R…right,” Sonata stated slowly.

Fluttershy, who noticed Sonata’s state, gave Sonata her concerned expression. “Um… are you okay Sonata?”

“Yeah, you looked like you are about to barf right after you ate a bad cupcake!” Pinkie added.

“Oh... y-yeah!” Sonata answered calmly while her eye was still twitching. “I’m fine! For realsies!”

“You sure Sugarcube?” Applejack pressed skeptically. “You don’t look fine!”

“Were you still bothered from all the teasing you get from other students Darling?” Rarity asked with sympathy. “I know a perfect spa place for you to go that will surely help you.”

“N-no it’s okay guys! Really… I’m fine!

Suddenly, the school bell rang and Sonata quickly gathered up all of her belongings including her new book from Sunset.



Before Sunset could finish her reply, Sonata rushed out of the cafeteria with almost the same speed as Rainbow Dash whenever Rainbow used her necklace.


Sunset faced her friends with her confused and concerned expression. “What was that all about?”

The girls shrugged in response.

It was late in the evening as Aria was hanging in her room playing her video game. While she never talked about herself with others much, but Aria is well known as a very intense intense gamer from school. She collected almost every single systems she have throughout her decade: Wintendo, Super Wintendo, Wintendo 64, Wintendo Gamebox, XSphere, XSphere 360, Playnations One Two Three and Four, the list goes on. Aria was so focused on her game; she never noticed her bedroom door opened and then her visitor walked up right behind her.

“HEY ARI!” Sonata screamed very loud.

Aria yelped in surprise, causing her to lose her life from her video game and got a “Game Over” as a result. With an enraging growl, Aria spun around towards Sonata with an angry look.

“Sonata! How many times did I tell you to stop sneaking up on me?” Aria exclaimed angrily. “And how many times have I told you to stay out of my room?”

“Last I checked, it’s two-hundred and sixty three for the sneaking and one-hundred and fifty two for the room one,” Sonata answered before she clasped her hands together. “But that’s not important! I need your help!”

“Whatever it is, the answer is no!” Aria responded bluntly.

“But you don’t know what I was going to ask you!” Sonata complained.

Aria crossed her arms. “Was it something to do with me helping you do all the reading activity sheets for you from that book Shimmer gave you?”

“Um… yes?”

“Then no!”








“Sonata!” Aria spat with her warning tone.

“Oh please Ari, I only need you to fill in the answers of the activity sheets and then I’ll leave you alone!” Sonata begged.

Aria huffed in annoyance. “Look Sonata, I may be a grump, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid! You’re doing this just so you don’t have to do the work that you’re supposed to. It may work on Adagio, but it won’t on me!”

Sonata inwardly cursed. She knew she couldn’t get Adagio to do the activity sheets for her again after the first time (and not wanting to put her wallet further into its grave), so she was hoping she could convince Aria to do the same. But unlike Adagio, Aria was far more difficult to convince, even if it’s a good deal on Aria’s end. When she realized that their conversation wasn’t going anywhere, Sonata decided to pull off her secret weapon.

“Well… if you do this,” Sonata trailed off with her sly grin. “I’ll give you this!~”

Sonata slowly dug her hand in her skirt pocket and took out what appeared to be a golden cartridge. Aria’s annoyed glare was quickly chanced to her shocked expression when she spotted the title on the golden cartridge that said: ‘Wintendo World Championships: 1990’. Aria snatched the game cartridge out of Sonata’s hands and examined it very closely to see if it was real. Once she realized that it is legit, Aria stared at Sonata with wide eyes.

“W-where did you get that!?” Aria exclaimed. “How did you get this!? This game is very rare to find! Heck, this game is worth a fortune online!”

Sonata chuckled with her coy grin. “I had my ways…”

One-Hour Ago at CHS

After her lunch with her friends, Sonata ran around the school to look for this particular student to help her in case if her upcoming talk with Aria went south. After she located this student and explained her case, the student agreed and told her to meet her at the abandoned section of the school’s hallway after school. Shortly after the last school bell rang, Sonata spent some time waiting for this person from within the darkest section of the hallway (literally). She was wearing a trench coat, a huge trench hat on her head and dark sunglasses to conceal her identity.

After about ten minutes of waiting, she spotted a short shadowy figure, walking towards her. Once this figure was close to her and stood under the only working light bulb from the ceiling, Sonata took a good look at this person. Judging by this person’s facial features, this student was a young male and he was shorter then Sonata. This boy also wore a trench coat, but unlike Sonata, this person wore a propeller beanie instead of a trench hat and some of his orange bangs were hanging out from his hat. The boy looked around a bit to make sure that they were alone before he took out the golden game cartridge from his coat pocket.

“Okay listen,” the boy said quietly. “I don’t normally sell any of my games to anyone, let alone this one! But, since you’ve helped me with your advice on asking Sweetie Belle out on a date from last week, I’ll make this an exception and sell this to you at a cheep price.”

Sonata nearly squealed in excitement. “Thanks so much pal! You're a lifesaver! So how much do I owe you?”

“I’ll sell this to you for… two hundred dollars,” the boy replied.

Sonata frowned. “Two hundred dollars is too much! I’ll give you a hundred and fifty!”

The boy huffed. “Listen Missy! Do you have [i/]any idea how much this game cost now? You should be lucky that I’m offering you the cheapest price I can give you, so you can either take my offer or leave it!”

“Three hundred and fifty dollars!” Sonata offered.

The boy blinked with his confused expression. “…um… okay?”

“HA! Still got it!” Sonata cheered as she fist pump.

“So what do you say Ari?” said Sonata as she wrapped her arm around Aria’s shoulder and gave her sister her puppy-eye expression. “Will you help me?”

Still with her annoyed expression, Aria looked at the game that Sonata gave her and then back at Sonata’s puppy eyes. Normally, Aria was immune to Sonata’s begging and pleading eyes and never gave in unless if Aria was pushed to her very limit. However, the only weakness that could ever persuade Aria Blaze were video games, especially games that are very rare. She inwardly swore to herself that she let Sonata get to her so easily.

“Alright fine! I will help you with this just this one time!” Aria huffed.

Sonata squeed and then gave Aria her bear hug that was so strong, she could have easily snapped her in half. “You’re the best Ari!”

Aria growled as she was trying to get herself free from Sonata’s grip. “Just get the stupid book!”