//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 - Changes // Story: Twilight Daylight // by thedarktome //------------------------------// After learning that Twilight could be in either The Badlands, The Everfree, Hayseed Swamps, San Palomino, Galloping Gorge, The Frozen North, or The Crystal Mountains, Celestia decided to launch two full companies of Royal Guards to search the big places while her, Luna, and the other Elements searched the places that they knew of the most. Like the Everfree and the Galloping Gorge. Of course it'd be better if they could search every place on their own, so they could get her to bring back the crown and apologize to her. But time was of the essence and they needed all the help they could get. So the Royal Guard would be sent to the large areas while the group would head to the small areas, like they were doing now. It was the next day, early in the morning. Evident of the sun having not even breached the horizon in the distance, a peaceful atmosphere that was also mixed with anticipation, fear, and anxiety for the Equestrians as they flew by chariot over the Everfree Forest, making their way quietly towards the Old Castle. No one spoke, afraid that if she was there it would spook Twilight enough to run away. Again. But they would be very disappointed in what they find...or what they didn't since Twilight was over four hundred miles away from that very location. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed that felt similar to a pillow in the Castle of Psera, which was actually known as the Castle of the Gods. Very fitting because of its size, length, and width. That building was big. After the success of yesterday, and Twilight's lunch, everyone decided to take off for the rest of the day and continue onto the next, which Twilight preferred, seeing as all the ponies were a little tired from pushing the heavy clouds, even though they didn't have to do anything else. Now? It was all on her magic. They moved everything to the next city, Fenix, very early the next morning so they could reach at least two more. Cop would be last. So it came with no surprise that Twilight rose at three. In the morning. She flapped her wings, flipping the covers off of her as she climbed out of the soft bed and walked towards the window excitedly. She grinned, spotting the large amount of stars and the large moon in the sky, having all come from Luna. But just thinking about those alicorns, supposed friends, family members, and irrelevant ponies that had lied to her for four years, she became really angry. At all of them. Except two. Sunset Shimmer and Flurry Heart, her niece. Her wonderful niece that held nothing but innocence. Back in Equestria, whenever she would hold the little alicorn she felt nothing but pride. Of course it wasn't her child, but she treated her like she was. Sometimes Twilight wondered what it would actually be like to have her own foal. Yeah, she raised Spike, but he wasn't...hers. Her own flesh and blood. Maybe sometime in the future it'll happen, but right now she had a job to do. Tearing her gaze away from the window, she walked towards the bathroom, going inside to clean herself and get ready. After thirteen minutes of learning the controls and bathing, she walked out refreshed and looking better than ever...in her eyes. Nothing actually changed that she could see, totally missing her usually small wings which have gotten a little longer by two inches. Before, they were only at her rib cage. Now they were at her flank. They weren't nearly as long as a Pseratep's which goes way past their flank and tail. But, somehow, it was getting there. After brushing her mane, she grabbed her saddlebag which contained her map and her crown, and opened her bedroom door to see Dark Silver and Worn Weather stationed outside. "Good morning," she greeted, catching their attention as she walked out in giddy happiness, placing the crown on her head. They were obviously very tired, based off of their slumped positions against the wall by her doorway and droopy eyes. "More like 'good night'," Worn Weather yawned, rubbing his eyes. "How are you so chippy? It's three in the morning. Are the Equestrians early foals or something?" "No, I would usually get up at this time to do research." The two soldiers smirked at each other. Then glanced back at Twilight. Worn Weather whispered, "So you're an egghead?" "Worn Weather!" Dark Silver scolded, turning to face him. "We do not call Lady Twilight an egghead......we will call her a nimrod like everyone else, am I clear?" "Yes, sir!" He yelled, standing at attention in front of his superior. "Now call her a nimrod!" "You're a nimrod, Lady Twilight!" Silence. Nothing but silence after that bit. After a few more seconds of crickets chirping through her mind, Twilight slowly shook her head and muttered awkwardly, "Umm......thanks?" "Good morning, Lady Twilight!" She glanced down the hallway at the king, giddy as ever. He was trotting towards her with a grin on his face, along with two more guards. He stopped in front of her and looked her over." You look nice." "Good morning, Madun," she replied, bowing to him. "And thank you very much." Madun raised his hoof and waved it, stopping her. "Don't bow, Lady Twilight. I'm your friend, not your boss." "Well....alright." She rose back up before smelling the air around her. "Is that.....cologne? Are you wearing cologne?" "What? That's preposterous!" He denied, looking around and avoiding her questionable gaze. "Madun, you're clearly—" "Let's go get some breakfast!" He interrupted turning around and going back the way he came. "Follow me!" Twilight watched him walk away before following along after him, Dark Silver and Worn Weather doing the same. "Are there any preferences for your breakfast?" He asked over his shoulder. "Not really," she replied, catching up to walk beside him. "As long as it's healthy and I can eat it, I'll eat it. Now what's with the cologne?" "What? I can't smell great?" He said in mock innocence. The group walked towards the railing and jumped over, gliding down and coming to a landing on the first floor below. "You know, you're getting faster." Twilight flapped her wings and looked at the king confusedly. "I'm sorry?" He as well as the rest of the team smiled in her direction. "You've gotten noticeably faster. Before when we did that, you were trailing behind by five seconds. This time, you landed five seconds before us." "Really?" He nodded with the others, agreeing that Twilight did get a little more faster. She grinned wide in glee. "That's good! Then we can reach more cities today and plan more things!" "Excellent!" Madun led the group down a hallway on the right where there were two golden doors at the end, guarded by two soldiers on either side. Upon reaching them, they parted and opened the entrance, allowing the group inside the....very long and large dining hall. "This.....is where you eat?" Twilight asked in amazement. She looked up at the giant golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. "It's so....BIG!" The king laughed while the eight guards took positions at the doors, allowing the two to feast. "Yes, this is where the castle staff eat, but it's main purpose is for the king, queen, and their families. My family comes over every now and then. My EXTENDED family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, sister, you know." "You have a sister?" "Yes." He grabbed one of the chairs and held it out for her, allowing her to sit down before he took a seat next to her. "But she is not of full Royalty, but Royalty nonetheless. She chose to do her own thing and leave it. The way a king and queen is chosen here is commonly by the length of their wings and their intelligence. My wings are the longest in Psera. Another way a queen is chosen is by obviously......." He held a hoof out to Twilight. Inviting her to finish the sentence. She chuckled and asked, "Marriage?" Madun nodded and repeated, "Marriage. It would not matter the length of her wings or her intelligence, although the Pserateps prefer the latter in big amounts because she will have to rule alongside the king. Make harsh decisions." "What about your parents?" He looked up in confusion, his mouth full of food. "What do you mean?" He asked after swallowing. "Is royalty not passed down from the royal line?" "Of course it is! But that is for the current king and queen to decide, and it factors in with wings and intelligence sometimes as well. The parents will choose who will become King or Queen from their children. But it has to be one or the other, siblings cannot rule together. It becomes weird. One must be a king or a queen when they are chosen, and they must be smart. If they do not have a good intelligence level that has been set, then the public will choose." "Ohhhhhhhh," Twilight hummed. Then bit into the food that was laid out in front of her. She gasped and took another bite. "What is this, it's amazing!" "I'm glad you like it," The king chuckled. "It's called 'Chortle'. It has processed nutrients in it that give it the feel of being chewy, or meaty. It is really healthy. So much so that my people have said it makes you healthy overnight." "So this is taxed then?" "Yes. It is very popular." Twilight continued eating the delicious potato-like food in silence for awhile before the king continued. "You're probably wondering how a Pseratep's wings get long." Twilight stopped eating at that and looked up, nodding. "Well, believe it or not, a Pserateps's wings get to that size by the love of their people. So if you are extremely admired, your wings become as long as mine, touching the floor. If you are not so admired, they stay the same like the size of your wings when you first arrived here. Although, now that I look at it, your wings have gotten larger this whole time we were talking." Twilight swallowed the last piece of her Chortle and raised an eyebrow before glancing at her sides. Her eyes slowly widened, just now realizing the size of her wings that were currently going past her tail. "And I bet that's just from Merōl!" Dark Silver yelled from the door. "Keep that up, and you may hit Shining Sword in the face when he decides to show up today!" The others laughed right when the Pseratep in question walked in, staring daggers at the ponies making fun of him. He thrust his light green wing out and caught the laughing Pseratep in the mouth. "You mean like that?" He asked down to his laughing partner. Twilight wasn't listening, too busy staring at her wing. She slowly lifted it out and stared at it, measuring it with her eyes to be about as big as Celestia's. "At this rate, I'm positive by the day's end, it will probably be at my length," Madun said, standing up from his seat and wiping his mouth. "But enough chit chat, we have much to do this morning, it's four o'clock!" Twilight gasped and dropped her wing, remembering that she had to go take care of some more cities. "Oh my Faust, you're right! We gotta go!" She stood up and darted toward the room doors, running right past the guards before sliding to a stop on the marble. She turned around and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. "Ummmm.....where's the entrance?" The group walked out of the huge castle and made their way down the steps, avoiding Twilight's newly formed wings that she was clearly freaking out over. At the moment, she was flapping them around, trying to look at the both of them at once. "Where did they even come from?" She asked aloud. "Your sides," Dark Silver replied stoically, stopping on the steps with everyone else. "Why are they there?" "Because we love you. Just like his highness said, a Pseratep's wings come from the admiration given to them from other Pserateps. That and...they came with you." "But I'm not a Pseratep, I'm an Alicorn. And I thought you guys didn't have any magic. This—" She lifted up her wing, nearly hitting Silver Sword in the face and proving Dark Silver's point. "Is magic. It's when something unnatural happens, but is natural to me." "Well, either way, you get some brand new wings and the Pserateps love you," King Madun finalized from behind her. "Now, Dark Silver? Where are we headed?" The black pony pointed towards the city of Merōl. "We're flying over Merōl and tilting, heading towards Fenix which is one hundred miles away from there. We'll be arriving there by four.......twenty seven." "Then let's go. Twilight, try not to go too fast." Twilight looked from Madun then back up at the moon lit mountain miles away. "Let me get the hang of this first," she offered. She lifted her wings again and flapped them. Taking off tens of feet into the air. "WHOA! Okay! I was NOT expecting that!" She yelled. She flapped them again by instinct. And ended up going higher than the castle before finally gaining her balance and flying straight up. Then looped and flew back down the castle walls, flapping her wings lightly and coming to a hover in front of the group. "Well? Let's go!" The soldiers took off, flying towards the mountains with Twilight and Madun right behind them. It didn't take too long to get there like last time when Twilight had her smaller wings and they had to go at a slower speed. This time, they were going at a more appropriate one, clearing the city and mountain range in two minutes. "You're getting really good at this," Madun said from underneath her. "You managed to get control of your wings within a minute, impressive." Twilight shrugged and replied like it were no big deal, "It's far easier than when I first got wings. I had a hard time staying in the air and I couldn't exactly....fly straight." "How many times did you eat dirt?" One of the soldiers asked pulling back above and smiling down at her. "Seventeen." "Wow, nimrod, you were that bad?" Dark Silver asked. Everyone chuckled, except Madun who grimaced at her nickname. "Heh heh....yeah," she laughed along with them. "I've obviously gotten better, but slight changes can become a problem temporarily." "Well, don't worry about it," Madun appeased as they flew over Merōl. "And as for Pserateps giving you admiration, it only seems like it's THREE or FOUR cities, not only Marōl. Word must've spread really quickly. But since you haven't actually given all the cities nature yet, this is a small amount. So your wings will get longer. And you will be faster. Just like me." "So what? I'll be the fastest mare here?" Twilight joked. She looked behind her, seeing Merōl disappear among the dark environment. "Maybe. I'm tossing the coins in that bucket. I'm fast, but I wasn't loved by everyone. So my wings aren't as big as they could be. But you? Everyone is going to love you because you have brought magic and the riches of Psera back. So the results of that will show by your wings at the party." "Party?" "Duh!" Dark Silver said from above her. "You are restoring a whole continent, of course we're going to celebrate! King Madun! Permission to strike Nimrod upside the head, sir!" "Denied, and STOP CALLING HER THAT! I'm sorry, Twilight. But yes, there will be a party. You have created history and the entirety of Psera will want to meet the one who let them see the sun again. Breath fresh air, get back to working, the foals playing and attending school happily, as well as allowing us to understand that magic actually exists, which you've demonstrated time and time again. So there will be a party where you are the guest of honor." Twilight looked up and blushed. She wasn't exactly expecting to receive that much attention. But now that she thought about it, rebuilding an entire continent is a really big deal. Very big. "Well....alright, I'll attend the party," she relented. Madun became ecstatic. "Great! Maybe you can tell us more about this 'Equestria' you go on and on about. If you want to that is. I heard from Dark Silver about your unfortunate findings after four years. I am very sorry that they deceived you." "Yeah, well it's their loss," she replied aggressively. "The only reason I would return for a short amount of time would be for my niece and that's it.....as well as my books which I left. I won't go for those unless it's really necessary. I feel they are looking for me as we speak." She reached up and took the Element of Magic from off her head, holding it in front of her. "I took this crown from them, which in reality isn't just a crown." "Oh? What is it then?" Madun asked cautiously. "It's is their most powerful weapon. The Element of Magic." She placed it back on her head before turning to the king smiling. "This combined with five more gems can get rid of a being as evil as everypony in Tartarus combined. And I have taken it. I'm not too sure if they'll be getting it back. I know for a fact Princess Celestia, my teacher, is mad about it. But she, along with everyone else, shouldn't have deceived me. Made me think I was a Princess for four years and used my magic for their own personal gain. That will NOT be happening again unless Equestria is in a complete ruin and only I can help. If there is another pony who can do it, then they'll have to go first before I jump in. My magic is stronger....and is apparently getting stronger if my calculations are correct." "Well....." The king muttered, trying to get that image out of his head. "We believe you are fit to not only be a Princess...but to be a Queen. You have shown leadership, compassion, integrity, and stamina in a matter of three days. That is very impressive." "Seriously," Silver sword agreed from the front. "Leaders who lie to their people, let alone their STUDENTS, are not fit to be a leader. You do not keep secrets away from your people, even if it dangerous. Instead you tell them and offer solutions to the problem." "And you, Twilight, have done just that when you first arrived," King Madun said, lowering down as a few tall structures in the distance revealed themselves. "By walking off a boat and putting grass on a town all by dragging your face in the dirt." Twilight giggled and lowered her height, preparing to land with the rest of the crew. "It's been a hundred miles already? That was quick!" "Yep, record time," Dark Silver answered. The city in front of them was.......all land. There were skyscrapers, small buildings, and a lot, A LOT, of farms. "It seems we were going faster than normal. Here's the plan. The soldiers have already evacuated the city since twelve this morning and have put them in another area away from here. There is a really tall skyscraper at the very end of the city, overlooking everything from it. It's actually the office building for every farm here. There's over fifty farms, which means over fifty floors. I know, that's a lot, but we have over three hundred thousand Pserateps living in THIS city alone, so there's a lot of farms. You can see it over there." He pointed down the street at a building far away, but was still clearly indicated by the light at the very top. It was the tallest building there and stuck out like a sore thumb, giving the impression that it was very important. And according to the ponies there, it was. "That....is a tall building," Twilight muttered. Even though it was still dark, she could tell the height of it by the lights lining the sides and at the very top, that looked like a star in the night sky. "And you want me to do it from up there?" "Well you can see all of Fenix up there. I'm sure you can do it from the ground as well, but this is your best bet to get it all in one shot." "Then let's do it." She flapped her wings and shot off towards the top of it, the group right behind her. Twilight was right, that was a really tall building. And wide too. It was like Princess Cadance's castle, but it had electricity going through it rather than magic and was reserved for business instead of royalty. She landed on the edge and turned around, gasping at the view. Although it was dark, she could plainly see the lights down below, pointing out of everything and providing insight. There was so much....land and buildings. It went on for miles. But it shouldn't be a problem. "Can you do it?" King Madun asked. He landed beside her and brushed her face with a feather. Twilight smelled his wing and found the cologne he was wearing relaxing, pasting a dopey smile on her face. Y-yeah," she stuttered, getting out of her daze. "I can do it. Are you asking me to impress you again?" The king got a smirk on his face before shrugging. "That wasn't a no, so I'll take it as a yes. Let me scan the area first." Twilight took her stance, and lifted her head to do her radar, sending the pulse as a visible violet wave in the darkness that looked like a bunch of stars in a circle that was getting wider as it went out. They all waited for three minutes before it returned back to her horn, giving her the dimensions of the city. "Alright, that's a really big area. Hold on to something, this may shake the land a little. Just enough to cause a noticeable vibration." The Pserateps all sat down while she took her stance and closed her eyes, focusing on her magic. If her theory was correct, then she should have far more magic in her than before since the Pserateps were apparently sending her magic that was causing her wings to grow. And that was the case. It was like she was a source of magic that could never run out, it was so much. In a matter of thirty seconds, she had reached into that ocean trench and scooped out a castle full of magic, ready to release it. She charged her horn, forcing a shine as bright as a fire until she felt that sensation, causing her to look over the edge and swing her horn from left to right. Twilight was correct when she said that it would cause a slight vibration. The ground had shook at the release, forcing the Pserateps behind her and the rest of the city to put their wings out for balance. Miles and miles away, you could seen the violet wave that swept all over the city, not missing a single spot as it reached the inner city and then the countrysides that held the massive amount of farms. The Pserateps that accompanied her walked forward and looked at the ground in front of them, smiling at the grass and nature that was popping up faster than before, almost instantly. Then once again applauded. "Twilight......you are amazing," King Madun whispered, facing her with a smile on his face. Twilight looked at him and blushed, although he couldn't tell that her cheeks were cherry red in the dark. "T-Thanks." "You're very welcome." They both turned to see the violet had dimmed but was still going across the whole landscape, more than likely stopping miles away from the city. "Shall we move on?" Twilight nodded before pulling out her map that she had in her saddlebag, looking towards the next location. "Next stop...Lavender, west from our current position." She rolled it back up and stuffed it back in her bags before taking off towards the city, the others right behind her. The Pserateps below all ran back to their homes, cheering, although it was still morning, that they could get their farms back and up to running again. As well as sending Twilight more magic and love. "She's not here!" Celestia confirmed loudly as they all walked back to the chariot. "I don't think she ever came here." The group was currently searching Ghastly Gorge in the daytime, eleven in the morning. After having absolutely no success from scowering through the caves, Fluttershy asking the animals, Rainbow's fast flying, and Sunset Shimmer's spell to see if there was life taught to her by Celestia, they decided to move on. "So now we're going to...." Sunset asked, taking a seat next to her former teacher. "That was it for us," Luna sighed. "So she's either in the Crystal Empire, The Crystal Mountains, or the Frozen North. And we sent our guards to investigate those areas." "We will send a letter to Zebrica, The Dragon Lands, and the Griffons to keep a lookout for a Lavender Alicorn, as she poses a threat to us all," Celestia said dominantly. "Yeah, I've been thinking about that," the fire maned unicorn pondered before the chariots took off again. "You keep saying Twilight is a threat, but how? I mean I haven't actually seen her going around bucking ponies just to buck them. Or hitting people with her hands whenever she's on earth." "Right now, she is very upset," Her teacher clarified, turning to her. "And holds a weapon of massive power that could trigger the other elements to activate. That element is a major problem to the Equestrians in the wrong hands, as I'm sure you already know." Sunset made an "oh" with her mouth, remembering how she had turned into a she-demon at Canterlot High years ago. "Yeah.....yeah, don't remind me." "It's okay. You're a better pony now. But either way, Twilight has an Equestrian weapon that could be misused for destruction which I'm pretty sure she wants to do." *** "So that crown on your head is a weapon?" Madun asked in fear. "Yes," Twilight responded to the king flying over her. She flipped over and faced him, gliding with her wings. "You're not going to do anything with it are you?" "Of course not! I'm just keeping it to prove to them that they needed me and that they are now defenseless. This weapon was their go-to if an enemy wanted to strike Equestria." "So without it..." "They are done, yes. Eventually I'll return it, but for now, it's mine. I hope you're okay with that." "I'm fine with it, Lady Twilight. What better way than to discipline a child who lied to their mother than to take away their toys?" "My thoughts exactly."